The Apocalypse Experiment

By Escapethefatelover

159 1 2


The Apocalypse Experiment

159 1 2
By Escapethefatelover

America, the most gluttonous country in the surviving world. After the 2015 floods only Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona were habitable. Now we struggle to make it from day to day, living on what is left on the arid and mostly infertile land. Slowly, each one of us is going crazy, due to the lack of entertainment. Recently, the president has started broadcasting children's and educational shows, ones deemed appropriate by the government of course. Programs with violence or programs that implicated rebellion are omitted. Most programs cost a lot of money, about 20 silver coins for just one channel. This means only the wealthy or the families of miners can purchase access of them. My family can afford to buy the science channel, but with that purchase we also get a free political channel (news and such). Our television is small, and sometimes hard to see from the wicker couch in the middle of our small living room. I pass them both as I make my way to the door to retrieve my tennis shoes - luxuries I had come by after the death of my father. He had died of lung cancer, gained in the silver mines near our home in Nevada.

On a shelf above where my shoes were kept my mother had left me a half loaf of bread. The bread was nice and fluffy. The whole loaf must have cost her 10 silver coins in the least.

I took the bread, nibbling on it as I walked eastward. The sun was just rising, streaking the pale blue sky with streaks of pink and flecks of orange. The sun smiled as it rose slowly over the horizon. I unzipped my hoodie half-way as the temperature climbed.

Today, recruits were leaving on a two month experiment somewhere in the middle of the desert. Every kid in years 6, 10, and 12 were required to 'volunteer'. The scientific community picked entered students based on skills, knowledge, and an unannounced factor. There was only one rule -live-.

When I get to the white, one story labratoryI am stopped at the door by a big burly man in a red security coat and expensive looking blue jeans.

"Identification?" I was confused for a moment then I realized what he wanted.

"Elliscene Kenipp." I say. He looks at a chart in his hand, then back at me.

"This is you?" He asks and passe sme a picture I.D. card with my name on it. A sandy tan girl looks up at me. He red-brown hair falls in loose curls around her shoulders. Her grayish eyes are sad. All together she looks lost, but she smiles nonetheless.

"Yes." I choke out. I clear my throat and smile at the man. the picture was taken the last day I had been with my dad at the hospital, the next day, he had died.

"Right this way. There will be a screen on the front wall or thatroom, go in, shut the door, and turn off the lights. Your assignment will start then. Good luck miss Kenipp." He leads me through a maze of hallways and into a room, then turns and leaves me to my own doing.

The room is bright when I enter. A single steel chair faces a large screen hung on the wall. A camera is mounted above the blank screen. It follows my movements and I close the door and shut off the light. The screen snaps on as I take a seat.

A graying man appears on the television. He is wearing a white coat and a blue shirt with the laboratories insignia on it. The image only allows me to see his torso and head. His lips are curved into an ominous smile. His eyes are an unhealthy yellow. Wrinkles and creases near his eyes and on his forehead are prominent. This man disturbs me.

"Good morning Variable Kenipp. In ten minutes a gas will be released into your room, making you temporally quadriplegic. Soon after a second gas will knock you out. You will then be transported to the testing base. There will be no contact with those outside the base until the two month experimentation period is over. 15 other variables will be in the base with you, your goal is to find them and survive as a group. You will be granted a 24 hour grace period to find the others until the Infected variables are released. Everything essential to living is scattered around the base. Your colony must find all of these items in order to live. Nothing from the outside is permitted inside the base except the clothes on your back. Survive and your family will be rewarded. Nod if you understand." I nod. 

"We thank you again Variable Kenipp and we wish you the best of luck in your survival on the base." His smile fades and he waves. The screen clicks off and the lights snap on. 

How long were we talking for, I wonder. An older woman brings me a bowl of chicken soup and some milk. I thank her and she leaves. The yellow eyed man musn't have been talking for long if I have time to eat. I place the tray down on my lap and begin to chow down.

I'm about halfway finished when my feet begin to tingle. As my brain registers whats going on I place the tray on the floor so I don't spill it. I sit very still. Slowly, every appendage is tingling and my nerves go numb. Then my eyes get heavy and are closed before I know it.


I also have this story on another account (L0V3LYM3SS)

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