I'm Stuck in Naruto?! (Naruto...

By Booklovermax

25.2K 863 770

Ayame Akiyama is a very lonely and ignored girl, oh and she's also a narutard! One day when she comes home, s... More

O.C: Ayame Akiyama/Ōtsuki
Prophecy, Powers and Memories.
Meeting crow, duckbutt & foxy
Telling gramps, shopping & kido!

The Naruto World...IS REAL!?

5.9K 162 144
By Booklovermax

Hi guys hope you like it, I made it a long chapter, because this is the first, oh! Imagine the little girl with light blue/white-ish hair, the same colour as the cover photo and the purple eyes from the cover!.


Hi, my name is Ayame Ōtsuki and this is the story of how I got into the naruto world, found out I'm from a powerfull clan that was massacred because of how powerfull they were and that I'm the princess of that clan who's all powerfull, oh and how could I forget I'm also related to the Sage of The Six Paths! O_O I Know right!?...

Ayame's pov:

I was dreaming of fire again, everything was on fire, I was in this sort of village?, and some people were running for their lives and others were fighting against soldiers?....no they looked like ninjas of some sort, everyone looked like they were dressed in ninja wear, they were doing handsings...hmm jutsu's they were using jutsu's, I would have found it awesome if it didn't look so realistic, if people weren't screaming and running for their lives, but not being able to get away from the enemy, their numbers were too great, and even tho the people were very strong and were killing them quickly, because the enemy's numbers were too great they would eventually fall, and I don't know why but I was crying, crying for their pain, their hopelessness, their will to live, I was crying when they fell, when they lost their hope, and it was replaced with fear, but they something caught my attention...a baby's cry?, huh that's new...I always dream the same dream about a village burning and people fighting for their lives, but a baby's cry is new, I looked around and finally found the owner, it was a man and a woman both wearing yukata's and the woman had a baby in her hands about a few months old wrapped in a bundle...they seemed familiar somehow like I knew them, but I dismissed that tought, I was dreaming after all. They were running in my direction and then all of a sudden stopped right in front of me, like they sensed I was there, I furrowed my brows...they couldn't possibly see me I was dreaming and they weren't real, but I was proved wrong when the man and woman both smiled at me and said at the same time "We will meet you again my daughter". I wanted to anwser, to ask them what they were talking about me being their daughter, but I was pulled out of the dream by the annoying alarm clock on my nightstand, the last thing I saw before I fully woke up were their smiling faces. 

I woke up and turned of the alarm, I felt my face and it felt wet...well I was crying, but that's not new- I always used to cry when I dreamt that dream, it always felt so real, but this time I was crying out of happiness?...I don't know why but I felt I knew them, and when they called me their daughter, I was happy, but I shook it off, I must be delusional, I was just looking for paternal love, because in reality my parents didn't care about me in the slightest, and my subconscious was making a kind of parternal image in my dreams, they weren't real...were they?

I looked at the clock- 6:00- I groaned, why did I set the clock so early on a saturday?, but I quickly remenbered why and I bolted out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, I showered, brushed my hair and teeth and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a shirt that says "I love anime", yes ladies and geltleman, I'm an otaku, but I'm mostly a narutard, with the exeption of a few anime's like bleach and kamisama kiss. I wanted to wake up early because I wanted to have a naruto marathon, yes I know the series ended, I already read the ending and I cried...but I descided to re-watch it, because it was that good, and I didn't have to worry about anyone disturbing me because my parents weren't here most of the time,and when they were here they ignored me, I tried to ask them when I was younger how their trip went or something and they didn't even acknowledge my existence, but that wasn't that bad, sometimes it was worse, sometimes they would hit or beat me,and tell me that I was nothing more than lowlife, and that they don't bother with lowlife and they told the maids and butlers to do the same, when one of the maids tried to talk to me and be nice to me, they found out somehow and fired her, and I was crying begging them to please don't, that she was my only friend, they beat me and told me I didn't deserve any friends and that I'm just a bother and to never talk to them again because I was a lowlife and they didn't even want to see, worse talk to a lowlife. The only one who talked to me and didn't treat me like nothing was my brother, altough he barely was home and when he was my parents were there also, so he used to sneak around and talk to me, sometimes he even brought me presents, he was the one who bought me an I-pod, a computer and a phone, because my parents ofcourse didn't even care to buy me those things, he was the one who gave me money to buy myself clothes and other necessities, but to not raise any suspisions to my parents,of how I have all this stuff without working, I got myself a part time job at a bookstore, I love to read and learn new things so I found it fitting, altough I'm fifteen they accepted me anyway when I told them about my situation at home...and because I spend so much time there I already read all the books there in my break or when I'm home alone I go there to read, and because I have a photographic memory I remember everything I read, and I try really hard to be as smart as possible to try and get the attention of my parents, but they didn't even care, even tho I'm smarter than shikamaru! 

I have already been watching naruto for about 4 hours and I'm at the episode where sasuke gets bitten, "YOU DAMN SNAKE" I yelled. If I was there I would have prevented it, but I'm not there sadly so I can't do anything about it. I know orochimaru becomes kind of a good person/snake at the end of the manga, but still I didn't trust him.

I started to get hungry, so I decided to go to the supermarket and buy some stuff to make breakfast with, yes I know I live with maids and butlers and my parents are rich but my parents strictly told the maids and butlers to not cook, clean, or do anything for me, because I had to do them myself, so I always had to cook my own meals, oh but never with the supplies in the fridge, no I was the one who had to buy my own groceries. So I grabbed a bakpak and grabbed all the money I had saved- which was allot, my I-pop, earphones, computer and phone, because if I left them the maids and butlers would take them away from me (on orders from my parents of course...it happened once already, so I learned the hard way not to leave valuable things in my room).When I got to the supermarket I grabbed all I needed, paid and went to the nearest bookstore, which was the one I worked in.

"Ohayō Mikeru-san, do you have any new arrivals?" I asked the nice lady who worked there, and who happened to be the owner of the bookstore.

She smiled"Ohayō Ayame-chan, nice to see you here, but Isn't today your day off?, and no we got no new arrivals, they arrive on monday".

I nodded kind of sad I wouldn't get any books to read today" I was on my way home and I passed by to check if the new arrivals arrived yet, well I better get going, I have to cook breakfast, Sayōnara Mikeru-san".(She lives in japan by the way).

She waved goodbye as I left the store "Sayōnara Ayame-chan".

I was walking home and all of the way home I had this kind of feeling that something was wrong, then I remembered my brother was coming home today, he had been traveling around for a while and finaly today he was coming home again, I was happy but sad at the same time, because that meant my parents would also come and ignore me the whole time. I tought that was why I was feeling off, but deep down something was telling me to hurry home, so I did, I hurried home and when I got there it was dead silent, that feeling began to grow deeper, I opened the door, my hand shaking when I opened it, and what I saw made my blood run cold...Blood...allot of it...bodies...the maids...the butlers...dead. My heart was beating so loud, my ears were ringing, I dropped the groceries and ran into the living room where my parents and brother would usually talk when he came back from his travels, and what I saw when I opened the door to the living room made my heart break, I began crying and sobbing uncontrolably there lying on the ground were my parents and my brother in a pool of blood...dead, I know my parents hated me and didn't care about me, but, they were still my parents and I cared about them, but what really broke my heart in a million pieces was my brother, the only person who loved me and was nice to me in this whole house, I stood there frozen, I felt dead, but that stopped when I heard a voice behind me.

"Look boys, looks like we missed one".

"Yeah, was she hidding the entire time?"

"I don't know, but you know what leader said about leaving witnesses"

I turned around slowly afraid for my life, When I turned around fully I saw two man both were about 6 feet tall, they were both wearing black-robbers for sure, and they both were smirking.

"N-no p-please w-", but it was too late before I finished the sentance, I felt a knife go in my stomach, I dropped on the floor, I screamed in pain, I could hear faint laughter, but my eyes were already closing the last thing I said before I fell into oblivion was" I-I wish I-I c-could g-go t-to t-the n-naruto w-world..."as some sort of joke, but I still hoped that God would pitty me enough to actually send me there.


It was dark and I felt cold "Am I dead" I asked not thinking I would get an anwser, but I did.

"No you aren't dead". When the voice spoke I was suddenly enveloped with light and I felt warm, I opened my eyes and I saw the man and the woman from my dream there, now that I got a better look at them, the man was really handsome he had black hair and purple eyes, and the woman also had black hair with purple eyes, she was also very beautifull.

I looked around I was in a bright place, there was light everywhere, I was floating, the sky was a pink, orange, blue and yellow combined. It was beautiful.

"Who are you, and where am I?" I asked curiously, if I wasn't dead I wanted to know where the hell I was, and why were the people from my dream here.

She smiled at me, a heartwarming smile "Were deep in your subconcious mind my deer, and we are your parents".

My eyes widened, no It couldn't be true, my parents were dead and my brother too, at that I started crying "NO YOUR NOT, MINE ARE DEAD!, I SAW THEM, THEY WERE MURDERED!!"I screaned sobbing.

They frowned, a sad kind of frown, this time the man spoke"We are not lying, the dreams you were having are proof, they weren't exactly dreams tho, they were memories of how our clan was killed, and I am sorry your...parents- he said the word with difficulty- are dead".

Memories?, clan?, now I know why they always felt so real, and now I also know why I never looked like them, they all had black hair, and brown eyes,and I always had brown hair and grey eyes...wait CLAN?!.

"Wait a minute did you say clan?..." I asked bewildered.

They nodded "Yes we are from the Ōtsuki clan, we are from the main branch, you are the princess of that clan, but sadly we were killed, but we managed to save you by sending you to another world" Answered my mom.

Blink...blink again "WHAT?!, SO YOU MEAN LIKE CLAN AS IN CLAN?!, LIKE NINJA'S? AND STUFF LIKE THAT, LIKE THEY DO JUTSU'S?!" I asked screaming while hyperventilating.

"yes..." Anwsered my father, while my mom came to my side and hugged me trying to calm me down, and it did work, I calmed down immediately and hugged her right away "Mom...,I whispered, you don't know how much I wanted a hug from my mother" I said tearing up.

She hugged me tighter and my dad came and hugged me too, and that's when I started crying, she wiped away my tears away.

"We must go now darling it is time you woke up" She stated, there were also tears in her eyes.

My eyes widened "NO!...I don't want you to leave, I just got you guys" I said crying harder.

They looked at me with sad eyes" We must go my daughter...we are already dead...we wasted all of our chakra bringing you to the world your already from... and we just have enough to tell you something really important, so please stop crying and listen up my sweet child" Said my dad, with soft yet demanding voice. 

I nodded...wait...chakra?...no way!, It couldn't be, I can't be from THAT world...I grew up watching that world!, thinking it was fictional, but I was proven wrong my my mothers next words.

"When you wake up, go to the Leaf Village, and tell the hokage you are princess Ayame Ōtsuki, from the Ōtsuki clan, he will help you and anwser any questions you have, just tell him that you are the daughter of Hana Ōtsuki and Akihiko Ōtsuki, tell him we send you to another world to keep you safe, dont lie to him ayame, he is completely trustworthy, If the Hokage can't anwser all your questions, you can ask Hisashi the guardian who lives in the main house, you can awaken him by calling out his name, for he has been in a deep slumber since the day our clan was murdered, and ayame you must know that you are very powerfull, and many people would want that power for themselves, so be careful, Hisashi will tell you all about your powers, we also have a secret library just ask hisashi he will show you, it is filled with allot of powerfull jutsu's of our family and also our family history, and a propecy that shows exactly how powerfull you are, and one last thing ayame...you might look a bit...different then you do right now, got it?".

The information was so much, I didn't know what to say, I just nodded.

"Good -my father said- bye my daughter, do us proud" They were glowing and were slowly fading away. I teared up, but nodded"I will...I miss you...bye...mom...dad". They both smiled and were gone, as soon as they were gone, I woke up and found myself in a forest it looked kind of animated and everything was so tall.

"Ughh...my head hurts" I groaned, but froze as soon a I heard my voice, it sounded like a childs voice, I looked at my hands and gasped, they looked like child hands...my moms words echoed in my head "You might look a bit...different then you do right now". My eyes widened...no...she couldn't have possibly meant that...or...I quickly looked around for a pond, water or something I could see my reflection in, and I found a small pond, I bolted for the pond and gasped at my reflection, I had light blue hair so light it looked almost white and purple eyes, but what shocked me most was that I looked like a 4 or 5 year old...I looked at what I was wearing, and it was a white loose dress. 

I felt someome chakra nearby two someone's btw, and they were pretty strong...no idea how...but I did, I headed in that direction, and I saw KAKASHI AND GUY!!!!....INNER FANGIRL SQUEEL...guess I am in naruto...wait I'm from naruto... IT EXISTS?!...eh...COOL!

"Uhm...can you help me?" I asked all cutesy and innocent like....don't judge...

Their heads snapped my way, confused they didn't sense my chakra perhaps...well I did hide it...no idea how still.

Gai got over his confusion, walked my way, picked me up and started spinning me around "LOOK KAKASHI, WHAT A YOUTHFUL LOOKING GIRL!".

Me and kakashi sweatdropped, I was starting to get dizzy tho.

"Guy put her down your gonna make her puke" Kakashi told guy and thank you God he did, guy put me on the ground...oh sweet, sweet ground.

"You asked for help right?...is something the matter?" Kakashi asked.

I nodded "Y-yeah can you take me to the hokage?" I asked innocently.

He narrowed his eye" Why?"

He doesn't trust me...that made me kind of sad, I mean come on I'm 4...or 5...anyway I'm a little girl!.

"I can't tell you that's classified, my parents told me I can only trust the hokage" I stated.

"Ok...where are your parents?" guy asked.

My eyes watered a bit"dead" I whispered, but they must have heard me because they looked at me with pity...kakashi nodded "Ok, do you want me to cary you or...?"

My mood suddenly got better"CARRY! CARRY!" I squeeled while giggeling (Don't judge...I'm 5 yes I decided I was about five and btw you would have done the same were you in my place, I mean who would turn down being carried by kakashi???) he nodded and picked me up, soon we were wooshing thru the trees.

YES! Konoha here I come!

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