The Beast Inside (Unedited Ve...

By dreamer37

1.9M 47.9K 3.5K

Cherryl Carter is a normal, shy ,reserved girl. Like most of the girls out there She's a nobody and she loves... More

The Beast Inside
Chapter = 1
Chapter = 2
Chapter = 3
Chapter = 4
Chapter = 6
Chapter = 7
Chapter = 8 (part 1)
Chapter = 8 (part - 2)
Chapter = 9
Chapter = 10
Chapter = 11
Chapter = 12
Chapter = 13
Chapter = 14
Chapter = 15
Chapter = 16
Chapter = 17
Chapter = 18
Chapter = 19
Chapter = 20
Chapter = 21 (part -1)
Chapter = 21 (part - 2)
Chapter = 22
Chapter = 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter = 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter = 29
Chapter - 30 (Unedited)
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32 (unedited)

Chapter = 5

75.8K 1.8K 103
By dreamer37

Chapter = 5

Cherryl Carter didn’t sleep a blink last night. That haunting site was forever imprinted in her brain. She tried many times to console herself that maybe it was her mind playing tricks with her in the darkness  or maybe her drink was spiked but her conscious was yelling at her that all she witnessed was as real as her. First it was the image of the blue eyed beast turning into a human which was bothering her but then her brain flashed her image of Damien Richards in his birthday suit. She blushed furiously and felt irritated at her own reaction. She closed her eyes again falling into the darkness.

She yelped in surprise when she heard a shrill sound coming from her bedside table. When she realized it was her alarm clock she slammed the snooze button and sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes. She walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She walked back into her room to get some clothes to wear for college only to stop dead in her track. She stared at her full length mirror in horror, ready to let out an ear piercing scream. She blinked several times when she realized that the mirror was reflecting her own image only and to say that she was looking like a zombie would be an understatement. Her mascara and eye-liner was running down her cheeks and smudged around her eyes. She was still wearing clothes form  the last night and her hair was standing out in all directions. She was sure that she looked like some evil witch out of a Disney movie. Well it wasn't like she cared. She smiled a little and shook her head.

She went through her morning routine and walked downstairs to have some breakfast. But as soon as she realized that in a few minutes she'll be on her way to her college, dread filled up all her body cells. For the first time in her life she wanted to just skip her college and spend the whole day or maybe her whole life in the comfort of her room. She wasn't like that , she wasn't some innocent damsel in distress. She wasn't a fighter either but yeah she had a bit of a courageous side to her. And she definitely wasn't the one to just give up. She held her head high, straighten her shoulders and took a deep breath, with that she was ready to face the day. She grabbed an apple and walked out of the door to her car. she drove to her college with just one thought running through her mind 'she can do this.'

She parked her car and walked to the main gate of her college. A chill ran up her spine when she felt the same intense gaze boring into her back, the one she felt yesterday night. Her gut feeling was telling her to just run inside without looking back but  something inside her was almost forcing her to turn around and look into those mesmerizing blue eyes again. The feeling was so intense that her whole body begin to shake a little. Her palms were sweating  like hell. She clutched the strap of her side bag tightly and bit down her tongue but still was unable to move her feet. It was as if something or someone was holding her firmly at her place. And then within a blink of an eye the feeling was gone. She was huffing and sweating as if she had ran a marathon. She sighed deeply and almost ran inside the college. She felt relieved as soon as she reached inside the building. Shaking her head to get rid of all the other thoughts, she started making her way towards her first lecture. She was a bit early so corridors were nearly deserted.

She sighed in content when she spotted her class door and started walking towards it eagerly. She was merely four or five steps away from the door when she heard someone whistling. A bit startled she turned around and saw none other than Damien Richards standing there leaning against the wall. His eyes were closed and he had this small smile playing across his lips like he knew some secret that nobody else does. The word 'secret' brought back the dreadful memories of the previous night and instantly she felt like she couldn't breathe. She was now scared out of her mind. She wanted nothing more than to just run out of there and go some place far away from him, maybe leave this state or even this country. She was even ready to leave this planet or enter some other realm if she could get away from the guy standing in front of her. He had this calm expression on his face and wasn't even whistling anymore but his lips were turned up into a knowing smirk with his eyes closed.

She just wanted to stay calm and just block him out but her brain kept flashing her images of the beast she saw him transform into. Her hands were trembling now and then it happened. He transformed into his beast right in front of her. She couldn't believe her eyes. She blinked several times and then in no time he was a human again and was standing there completely naked. She gasped in surprise and closed her eyes tightly. When she opened them again after a few seconds everything was just the way it was. He was still standing there just like before. She realized immediately that her mind was playing tricks with her. She cursed under her breath and shook her head.

She realized that she was just being stupid. He doesn't even see her last night so there is no way that he could ever figure it out that she knows about his secret. She looked at him again only to realize that his head was turned in her direction and he was about to open his eyes. She gulped down her nervousness and made a dash towards her class door. Only when her hand touched the door knob did she release the breath she was holding. She sighed heavily and was about to walk inside when a hand landed on her shoulder. She yelped in surprise, ready to slap the daylights out of that person. Before she could have done anything like that her conscious sent her the most horrific message' What if it's Damien Richards?'

She ignored the thought and turned around slowly and cautiously. She sighed in relief when her eyes landed on some unknown guy standing there smiling down at her. She peeked behind him and felt calm when she found Damien Richards was nowhere in her sight.

She looked at the smiling guy in front of her and just stood there staring at him blankly.

'Hey babes, my name is Michael and you can call me Mike.' He said beaming down at her expecting her to say something. But she just stood there staring at him. She was in no mood to have any conversations right now and moreover the guy standing in front of her was oozing out playboy waves so there is no way  in the hell or back that she would go all friendly with him. She just wanted to dwell inside the comfort of her class.

When he realized that she wasn't going to say anything. He dropped his smirk and casually carried on,     'Come on, please just tell me your name and shake a hand with me. I promise I would leave you alone.' He mouthed the words 'it's a bet' after that.

'Cherryl Carter.' She said in a monotone. She shook his hand firmly just for a few milliseconds before letting it go.

'Thank you so much. You helped me earn 150 dollars. Your lunch is on me.' He said with a huge smirk and walked away before Cherryl could have uttered a word of protest.

She groaned inwardly and finally walked inside her class. She slumped down in her seat and covered her face with her hands. She has been invisible for the last one year then why fate was messing with her now. This was too much to handle for her just in a one day. She sighed and blocked out all her personal problems when her teacher walked into the class. She opened her notebook and drowned herself all the way into her first subject.

She felt a lot calmer after her class was over. Blocking out has always helped her to deal with all her problems. And now that her mind was at ease she was looking forward to the rest of her day.

Her first four classes went by fine and then came the lunch time. She felt lost not knowing that whether she should go to a deserted library where nobody would be able to hear her screams or go to the crowded lunchroom and hide among all the people. And surprisingly today she gladly walked inside the lunch room. She looked around to spot familiar beaming faces of Nicky or Rose but they were absent.

'Maybe they are late.' She thought and went to grab some food.

She picked a plate and walked to join the line, only four people were ahead her. She sighed and started deciding what she's going to get. Fries were her favorite so she will get those or maybe a slice of pizza and a coke. She sighed again and noticed that only three people were left. Suddenly she felt a presence behind her but she didn't bother turning around. She blocked the person standing behind her totally and looked ahead noticing only two people left. She felt the person behind her move close to her almost invading her personal space. She started tapping her foot lightly feeling irritated by the unwanted close proximity. She clenched her teeth and noticed that only one person was left then it was her turn and she will be out of this awkward situation. But then she felt a hard chest press into her back without leaving any space between them. She instantly tensed up when she felt a hot breath on her neck making goose bumps rise all over her skin. She was too shocked to do anything. A person was literally breathing down on her neck. Then his nose touched her skin making her shiver. She wanted to just run from there and never come back. The person in front of her left and she immediately walked further putting some distance between them. She shakily added some fries to her plate, threw some money on the counter and literally ran to an empty table in the far corner of the cafeteria. Only when she was seated properly did she dare look towards the counter only to see none other than Damien Richards walking back to his table with a huge smirk plastered on his face.

She was scared out of her mind now.

Her conscious was telling her that he knew very well that she was aware of his darkest secret but she was sure that he didn't even see her last night so there was no way in the hell that he would have known.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realized when someone occupied the seat in front of her.

'Hey there.' Michael said waving his hand in front of her face. She got out of her daze and stared at him in confusion.

'What?! I told you your lunch was on me didn't I.' He asked looking at her with a thousand watt smile. Right then Rose and Nicky passed her table winking at her with huge knowing smirks plastered on their faces. They walked and sat leaving three tables between them. She stared at them incredulously.

'Hello there! Cherryl I am talking to you.' He said and grabbed her chin making her look his way.

She shook his hands off and sat back in her chair. She started nibbling on her fries totally ignoring the guy sitting in front of her. She was furious at Rose and Nicky for leaving her alone to deal with this guy who was so full of himself and has an ego as big as the Eifel Tower. And she was more pissed off about the fact that he just touched her face.

'Are you just going to eat those fries only? Here have this coke please.' He said offering her a diet coke she grabbed it hesitatingly so that he would just stop bickering about how she should eat more food to stay healthy and fit.

She almost jumped in a joy when the bell rang signally the end of the lunch. She got up from her seat and was about to walk out of there when Michael grabbed her hand. She turned around and stared at him felling more irritated than ever. She was allergic to all types of physical contacts.

She glared at his beaming face but he didn't let go off her hand. Cafeteria was almost empty now. She was ready to gave him some piece of her mind when a fist banged on the table right behind her making her yelp in surprise.

She turned her face to see Damien Richards standing there looking furious out of his mind. His burning glare was direct to her hand which was in Michael's hold.

'Let go off her!' He growled angrily making her cower in fear. Michael immediately let go off her hand and dashed out of the cafeteria leaving her alone with her nightmare. She was about to just run out of there when the most unimaginable thing happened.

Damien Richards hugged her from behind tightly and buried his head in her neck taking in her scent. She stiffened at the contact but didn't say anything. She was too shocked and scared to utter a word.

'Don't ever let any other guy touch you.' He warned her and took a deep breath, feeling a lot calmer than before. He let her go and walked out of the cafeteria leaving her standing there frozen in shock.

'What just happened? Maybe her brain was playing tricks with her again. Maybe Damien Richards was some psycho who ran out of some asylum as what he did and said was beyond craziness. He needs some serious medical help.' With all these thoughts running through her brain she walked to her next class.

After her college was over she decided to go to the library to do some extra work to take her mind off a certain 'beast' with blue piercing eyes. She was too stunned with all the events happened today. It was too much drama to handle for her. She had no idea what to do. And she even heard in one of her classes that Damien Richards's former girlfriend, Nichole shifted to some other country. Maybe it's getting to his brain that explains his way more than awkward behavior.

Was she aware about his dark side? If she was Cherryl wouldn't blame her for running away. 'Lucky girl.' She thought but then she felt angry at her for leaving Damien and making him go psycho on her.

She was too lost in her work and in her thoughts that she didn't even realize the time. When she walked out of the college to her car, sun was already setting adding a pinkish shade to the sky. She stared at the sky for a few minutes wondering what's wrong with all the boys today or maybe she's wearing some guy attracting perfume. She was about to get in her car when she felt a presence behind her.

 'Not again!' She thought and groaned internally.

As soon as she turned around to face the person, a shirtless Damien Richards locked her in his arms again. He didn't even give her a chance to say anything when he again buried his head in her hair inhaling her scent. She was too stunned to do anything. She wanted to push him off her but she didn't want to make him angry.' What if he turned into that beast and ripped her to shreds?' She thought and felt dread coiling up in the depths of her stomach.

She was never been hugged by any guy of her age let alone a shirtless guy. She heard him sigh and his hold on her became even tighter. She wanted nothing more than to scream bloody murder and ran far away from him but instead of doing that she just stood there like a statue waiting to get free out of his evil clutches.

Damien sighed in content and held her tightly, his beast never wanting to let her go, molding her body into his.

'Just let me take in your enough scent to help us get through the night.' He said and inhaled deeply. He kissed her lightly where her shoulder met her neck and felt her shiver a bit.

It wasn't like he fell in love with her or something no doubt that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen with mesmerizing grey eyes and silky soft black hair. Her lips pink and soft like rose petals. She fitted perfectly in his arms. He just wanted to have her for his beast as she was the only person in this whole entire world that could calm him. He would leave her alone after the full moon but till then she would have to deal with him whether she like it or not.  He was not an emotional person. All his emotions faded away a long time ago.

He was amazed when he found out that nobody out of his friends knew her or her name. It was like she doesn't even exist. He doesn't have any idea how she has managed to hide herself form him for so long.

After his beast was satisfied he finally let her go.

'Goodnight beauty. See you tomorrow.' He said staring deep into her eyes.

 He walked to the forest and looked behind to see her still standing there in shock. He chuckled and started walking again. After he was deep enough into the forest he let his beast take over and ran to the place he called his home. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come so that he could see the beautiful face of the girl made for his beast.

A big sorry for delay… and I was unable to do the proper editing so sorry for that to…

Anyways... enjoy the chapter and have fun…

>Lots of love and kisses<


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