Just Let Me Kiss You (Narry)

Bởi eishytomlinson

49.5K 1K 80

(Excuse the carrot in here. Was my first fanfic) Harry Styles is living the life, with all his friends, his p... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1 - The Dream
Chapter 2 - Pain
Chapter 3 - Confessions
Chapter 4 - Friends or more?
Chapter 5 - Let's keep it a secret
Chapter 6 - He loves me?
Chapter 7 - You should've told me
Chapter 8 - You did what?
Chapter 9 - No Matter What
Chapter 10 - What do I do?
Chapter 11 - How could you?
Chapter 12 - Break, kisses and forgiveness
Chapter 13 - Never Giving Up
Chapter 14 - Memories
Chapter 15 - Rock Me
Chapter 16 - Smile
Chapter 17 - For him
Chapter 18 - Talk to me
Chapter 19 - Perfect
Chapter 20 - A little bit of pain
Chapter 21 - Always And Forever
Chapter 22 - Finally; You're here

Chapter 23 - Crashing down

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Bởi eishytomlinson

Harry's POV

I can finally go home. A week later and I am finally out of this hell hole. I can't believe that nurse said that to Niall. He's already so insecure and she just made him believe what he thought even more. Apparently she was fired. But that bitch deserved it. She kissed me, she touched me..literally. She touched me. I pushed her off of me really forcefully. But she came back again. I was too weak to do anything, so I hit the nurse button and a man came in, pulling her off me. So, I lost it. I had to get out of there. For Niall's sake. But they wouldn't let me. I haven't seen Niall since then though. Which is odd. A week? A whole week? What is going on?

"You ready to go?" I turned around to see Louis. I nodded and grabbed my suitcase.

"Have you seen Niall?" I blurted out. Louis frowned at me, confusion crossing this face.

"What do you mean?" I sighed as we walked down to his car.

"I haven't seen him for a week".

"Huh?" Louis just looked at me blankly.

"He hasn't come to see me Lou. I don't know if he's okay or if something has happened but its not like him. He didn't even leave me once when I was in that coma. Something's wrong Lou".

"I really don't know Harry. How about we drop past his house?" I nodded and got in the passenger side. Something is going on with Niall, and I really need to know what. "You ready for exams?"

"Shit Lou. I completely forgot about that!"

"Well you better get on that. And fast". I gave him an 'it's not my fault' look and he sighed. "I know. I know. You weren't exactly conscious..." We were silent from then. "Oh look, we're here". I looked up to see Niall's car parked in the driveway. I pushed the door open before barely getting my seatbelt on and rushed to the door. I knocked several times and heard small footsteps coming towards me. The door opened and I expected to see a happy smiling Niall, but that's not what I saw. I frowned at Greg and he opened the door wider, allowing me to step inside. I looked at him and saw his bloodshot, red eyes, dried up tears on his cheeks, more developing in his eyes. Why is Greg crying?

"He's upstairs". He said blandly. I nodded and walked slowly up the stairs. I stopped at Niall's door which was open just a little bit.

"Why are you crying mate?" I heard a strange voice.

"I'm sorry dad. I..Amy...she rang last week...she told me...dad why didn't you tell me?" I frowned. Why is he suddenly talking to his dad? What did Amy tell him? Why is he crying?

"I'm so sorry mate. I didn't know how to tell you, and I didn't know if you wanted anything to do with me anymore"

"I do dad. I want to come and see you. But, there is something you don't know.."

"What is it Nialler?"

"Please don't hate me dad.."

"I could never hate you".

"Well, about three months ago...I got a boyfriend.."

"Really? How is things? What's his name?"

"You....you're happy?"

"Of course I'm happy! As long as you're happy then I am happy".

"Things are good. Sort of. I haven't seen him since Amy told me. His name is Harry".

"Why didn't you talk to him? He could help you get through this with me".

"I want you to meet him dad".

"But how? You have exams mate, I live in Ireland, I can't exactly travel..."

"Exams are not important right now. I will go there. Hopefully Harry will too.." I peeked in his room more to see he was on his laptop at his desk, a man on the screen. He was skyping his dad. Just like I suggested. This must be serious though, his dad can't travel, Niall is completely broken, Greg is too, what is going on? I would do anything for Niall. I would miss exams for Niall. I don't give a crap about school anymore. I'll find a job, and Niall and I will find a flat together in London I was hoping, and we will get married and adopt kids. I've already planned it all out for us. Maybe I should just drop out of school now? What's the point anyway?

"Okay mate, I have to go. Ring me when you know you're coming okay?"

"Okay, bye dad". Niall moved from his desk to his bed and curled up into a ball, soft sobs escaping his lips. I softly knocked on his door and he sniffled. Muttering a quiet "yeah". I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed. I put my hand on his leg and he slightly looked up. The second he saw me he was scrambling up and jumped into my arms. I hugged him tightly, rubbing his back as he softly sobbed against my chest. I softly kissed his hair several times as he sobbed.

"Niall, what's going on?"

"I-it is my dad....he.....he....." Niall started to sob again.

"Shhhh" I softly whispered against his hair. I rubbed his back and soon enough his sobs died down and his breathing got heavier. I watched Niall sleeping peacefully, moving his small fringe back from his face.

"Harry?" A small whisper came from the door. I looked up to see a worried Maura. "Can you come downstairs for a moment?" I nodded and carefully untangled myself from Niall, laying him down on his bed. I followed Maura down the stairs into the living room and sat across from her.

"What is going on Maura?" She sighed and looked down.

"Niall's father has been given one month to live". My mouth dropped. One month to live? What? No..it can't...this can't happen. "He has cancer". No. Niall will be broken. He already is. How can this be? Why? Why could this happen? "Harry?" I looked up to Maura. Just when you think everything is perfect, your world just has to find a way of crashing down.

"What should I do?"

"There's nothing you can do Harry".

"Would you...I mean, I think it might be a bad idea, but what if we got married before his dad.." I trailed off.

"Oh...that actually might be a good idea. That way his dad won't miss it.."

"R-really?" I stuttered.


"Um, now another thing, I was kinda eavesdropping on Niall's talking with his dad, and I think I should take him to Ireland, now I know this is sounding like a busy month, but I think it will be good for me to meet his dad before we get married. I need his dad to like me before anything.."

"Yes. I will look online to see when you can fly over". I then realised Louis was waiting for me out the front.

"Shit!" Maura gave me a weird look. "Ah, sorry. I forgot my friend is waiting for me outside. Just ah, ring me when you have the tickets and I'll start packing. My number is in Niall's phone". Maura nodded and I walked out of their front door. I got in the passenger seat.

"It's about time!" Louis whined. I sighed.

"Niall's dad has cancer and has one month to live". Louis stared at me, his mouth a gape.

"Shit Haz".

"Yeah". I sighed. "We're going to fly over to Ireland together and then I am going to propose and we will get married before his dad...you know". Louis nodded. "I need to get his dad to like me first, then I need to think of how I'm going to propose and oh god how am I going to do this!?" I clenched my hands through my hair.

"Calm down Haz. You'll be alright okay?" I nodded. Louis drove back to my house and my phone started ringing. I grabbed my suitcase out of Louis' boot.

"Bye Lou". I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and answered. "Hello?"

"Harry, I've found tickets for tonight at five. Is that okay?"

"Yep that's good. I'll pack a bag and you pack one for Niall. I'll pick him up soon"

"Okay. Thank you so much Harry".

"He's my Niall. I'd do anything". I hung up and looked up to see a cross mum.

"Why are you packing?"


"You are not going anywhere Harold".





"NIALL'S DAD HAS CANCER AND HE IS GOING TO DIE IN A MONTH!" I screamed out, tears dropping down. Mum stood there, her mouth open and tears threatening to spill over her eyes. "I am GOING to Ireland with Niall, and I am GOING to meet his dad and I am GOING to propose to Niall, and we WILL get married before the end of the month". I lugged my suitcase up the stairs as quickly as I could and slammed my door behind me.

I quickly packed a duffle bag and ran down the stairs again.

"Harry". Mum called out, but I just walked out the door, slamming it behind me. How could she not listen to me? Niall's dad is dying. She couldn't stop me from going. The first thing I needed to do was buy a ring. I drove to the only shop I really knew that might have any good rings. I parked in the car park and ran into the shopping centre, straight for the jewellers. I looked over the rings, panicky.

"Can we help you sir?" I looked up to see a older man observing me.

"Ah, yes. I'm looking for a ring.."

"I think you would be looking over that side sir, all of the female rings are sectioned over there". I frowned at him. I hate it when people make assumptions.

"I'm not looking for a female". I snapped, rather harshly. He looked taken back by my tone.

"Is everything okay over here?" A middle aged lady came over looking concerned.

"Ah, I need to get an engagement ring".

"Oh yes, we've got a very fine collection over here". I followed her over to the left more to see many rings. I groaned at the collection. How am I ever going to find one perfect ring out of all of these? "Do you need any help sir?" The lady asked. I slightly nodded. "Well, what does he look like? What is he like?" I sighed.

"He has blonde hair, but brown streaks, because he is naturally a brunette, and he has the cutest laugh, and he is really funny, but very insecure and he has these beautiful ocean blue eyes.." I stopped myself, looking up to the smiling lady. "Sorry, I'm getting carried away.."

"Oh no, it's fine. I've rarely ever seen any customer in here looking for an engagement ring that seemed so...in love". I felt a blush creep to my cheeks and I looked down sheepishly, a small smirk appearing on my lips.

"Ah, I'm kind of in a hurry so.."

"Right right. Sorry". She pulled out a ring and I looked at it closely. It was so perfect. It was silver with a slight blue tint to it, just like his eyes.

"It's perfect". I whispered, more to myself

"How long have you been together?"

"Um three to four months I think".

"Aren't you a bit young and isn't that a bit too fa-"

"His dad has been given one month to live. I want his dad to be there when we get married. I know he will want that so so much and we will eventually get married anyway so age is not a problem". I looked up to her, her eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly open.

"Wow, I just. I wish I could find a guy like you". I blushed again.

"I'm sure you will some day, but I'm not that great". I shrugged. We walked over to the cash register.

"So how are you going to do it?" She asked while she scanned the barcode.

"I have no idea. We're flying over to Ireland in a few hours, and I'm going to meet his dad for the first time, so hopefully his dad will like me and I'll propose after dinner or something. I've barely thought this through". I gave out a frustrated groan and she giggled.

"You'll do fine. That's £300". I grabbed out my card and handed it to her. She handed me the ring. "Good luck". I smiled and nodded, practically running out of the store, to my car. I put the ring in under all my clothes in my bag and got in the car.

I arrived at Niall's house again and got out the car, locking it and walked to the door. It opened before I could knock and Maura was smiling, a weak smile. I stepped in and Maura closed the door behind me. "Ah, here are my keys, just put Niall's bag in the back".

"The tickets are in his bag" I nodded and Maura took my keys, disappearing out the door. I made my way up the stairs, only to find Niall still soundly sleeping but hugging a pillow, tight. I sighed and walked over to him, kneeling down and kissing his forehead. He squirmed a little bit. "Niall". I whispered. His eyes slowly fluttered open. "Come on, I'm taking you somewhere". Niall frowned at me and sat up- running his hands through his hair.

"What? Where?" I stood up, holding my hand out. He took it and I pulled him up.

"Come on". We walked down the stairs, fingers intertwined. Maura handed me back my keys and we walked out to my car.

"Stay safe!" Maura called out as we got in the car. I nodded to her and started driving. I held Niall's hand in mine as I silently drove to the airport. Niall was just looking around, curiously, trying to figure out where I was taking him. The poor lad looked so lost. I squeezed his hand several times to try and distract him, succeeding for only a minute or two then he would be back to wondering. I drove through the airport entrance and Niall's frown deepened. I parked and got out the car, grabbing both our bags, quickly finding the tickets from Niall's. Once I found them, I zipped up his bag again and handed it to him. He took it, still frowning and I took his hand, leading him into the airport. We went through all of the security and soon enough, were close to boarding the plane.

"You-you're t-taking me t-to Ireland?" A small smile was tugging at his lips and I smiled sheepishly. Only, his smile didn't reach his eyes, which made me hurt so much. I hate seeing him like this. So broken. Scared. A small tear dropped down his cheek and worry took over me. I hugged him tightly and pushed my face into his neck.

"Don't cry baby, we don't have to go okay? We can just stay here, I didn't think this would upset you, I'm sorry Niall, I can take you ho-"

"No. I'm not upset. I just can't believe you would do this for me".

"Anything for my Nialler". I pulled away a little and kissed his temple.

"5 o'clock flight to Ireland now boarding". I took Niall's hand in mine and happily handed the guy our tickets. He nodded and I took the tickets back, pulling Niall eagerly into the plane. We sat in our seats and I cuddled Niall as close as I could. We sat silently like that for a while.

"Attention passengers, if you would please take your seats and buckle up, we will be taking off in three minutes". I did as I was told and so did Niall.

"How did you know?" I frowned at him.

"Know what?"

"About dad".

"Oh". I sighed and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb in soothing circles. "Your mum told me".

"Oh". The plane started to take off and I let out a sigh of relief. Finally Niall can soon see his father, sure he may absolutely break down, which will break me, but it will be good for him.

"You are free to take off your belts and walk around". I took my belt off and Niall followed my actions. I saw a small smirk playing on Niall's lips. He leaned over to me, a shiver running down my spine from his hot breath on my neck.

"You know, I've always wondered what it was like to get a blow job in a plane bathroom". My breath hitched in my throat and I started taking shorter, faster breaths. "Meet me in the bathroom in a few minutes, I'm dying to be in your mouth". His words had already gotten my downstairs overly excited. He got up, walking over to the bathroom. I watched to see the one he walked into and sat for a moment. God you'd never think someone as innocent as Niall could be so damn sexual. I got up, trying to cover my growling bulge with my hands and knocked on the door before opening it and getting in quickly. I closed it and Niall jumped on me, our lips forced together. Niall's tongue lightly slid over my lower lip and I slightly parted them, giving him his access. We both smiled into the kiss and I moved my hand down to his front, slipping my hand in and palming him. He let out a quiet moan as I continued. His fingers clenched through my curls but left them as he tried to unbuckle his pants. I stopped him and did it myself, pulling his boxers down with them. I kneeled down, teasingly flicking his tip with my tongue. "Harryyyy". He whined. I laughed and slowly took him in my mouth, sliding him in and out. He clenched my curls tightly as his eyes fluttered closed from pleasure. I continued and he eventually let out a strangled moan as he spilled into my mouth. I swallowed and helped him through his orgasm. I stood up, pulling his lips to mine and kissing him passionately.

"Let's get you dressed, hmm?" I smiled and Niall nodded.


"Hey Harry?"

"Mmm?" I murmured against his hair.

"There's something I haven't told you".

"What's that?"

"Two years ago, Greg and I were having a little fight in the car while my mum was driving home from a day out in London. It was a stupid fight really, something about football. We just kept on disagreeing and shouting at each other. My mum...she...she turned her head back to tell me off because I called Greg a dumb dickhead and she...she ran through a red light". Niall squeezed his eyes shut at the memory. "Greg and I were fine, just a few bumps and bruises. But mum was in a critical condition. She had internal bleeding. I thought I was going to lose her. I could never have lived with myself if anything happened to her, because it was my fault that it happened. I started the argument and I wouldn't let it rest until Greg gave up. But he never did". I hugged Niall tightly.

"Why haven't you told me this before?" He shrugged. I kissed his head. "I love you".

"Ah, that will be £50 sir". I handed the driver the money and stepped out of the car, pulling Niall with me-our bags in my other hand. We stood in front of a small house, double story. I took a deep breath and Niall squeezed my hand.

"He'll love you". He whispered. I nodded slightly as we walked towards the door. Niall knocked and a man answered the door, a weak smile spread across his face as he saw Niall. He looked ill. Very ill. I recognised him from Niall's laptop. He looked at me strangely and I let go of Niall's hand, holding it out in front of him.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Horan. I'm Harry, Harry Styles". I smiled a little, trying to be brave. He took my hand in his, shaking it.

"Call me Bobby. It's nice to meet you too Mr. Styles". He let out a weak laugh. I saw a tear drop from Niall's eye and I wiped it away with my thumb. Bobby pulled Niall into a tight hug. "You've done a great job Nialler. He's a little hunk". I blushed at his words. "Come in and we will have some tea". Niall walked in quickly and I followed, close to Bobby.

"Ah, sir".

"Bobby". He corrected me.

"Sorry, Bobby"

"Yeah?" He raised his left eyebrow at me. That's what Niall does. I smiled sheepishly.

"I was wondering, if..ah.." I looked around to make sure Niall wasn't around. "I wanted to propose to Niall, so we could get married before, I guess you could say, your time comes. I know it would mean so much to Niall that you see him get married and I would do anything humanly possible to make Niall happy, I just wanted your approv-"

"Yes of course! I can already see you will treat my son right". He coughed weekly and Niall came running in.

"Dad? Are you okay?"

"Yeah mate". He smiled weakly and we all walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, hi Harry". I was met by Amy who was sitting right beside Niall. I waved and sat across from Niall.

"How is your mum Niall?" Bobby asked as he put the kettle on.

"She's good dad. Good". I held Niall's hand tightly over the table and squeezed it.

"That's very good. So Harry, have you met Amy?"

"Ah, y-yeah".

"When?" I swallowed the developing lump in my throat.

"Well, ah, Niall took me on a date and well Amy here, she hit on him".

"Amy!" Bobby gasped. I giggled a little.

"Then Niall kissed me and had a little tantrum that she wouldn't believe that I was his boyfriend and well, she recognised him". I shrugged and we all laughed. "Ah, where is the bathroom?" They all looked at me.

"It's just down the hall on your left". I nodded and left the kitchen. I ran over to my bag and pulled the velvet box out, putting it in my pocket. I'm gonna do it. I'm going to propose to my Nialler. I don't know what I'm even going to say. Oh no. I have barely thought this through. And what if he says no? What then? I will be crushed. If he said no now then that could mean that he never wants to get married. Oh god.

"Harry?" Niall appeared in the doorway, frowning at me. I stood up.

"Can you take me to your room Niall?" His frown deepened but he nodded.

"What's wrong Harry?"

"Nah, nothing's wrong". Niall led me up the stairs and into a small bedroom to the right. As I walked in I saw the faded blue, painted walls, a brown wooden double bed, a few wooden shelves with little toy soldiers and planes sitting there neatly, with soccer ball sheets on his bed and soccer duvet. I smiled at his childhood room. Completely forgetting what I was just only a minute ago o worried about. But it soon caught up with me. I let out a deep breath and sat down on his bed. Niall followed, looking as confused as ever. I bed his hands in mine, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Niall, you know how much I love you, don't you?" Niall nodded. "I promise you I will always be by your side when things get rough, I will always be there to get you out of trouble, to catch you if you fall. I promise you I will be by your side through thick and thin. The good time and the bad, I will always be there. I promise to take care of you and never let anybody lay a finger on you"

"Harry, where are you going with this?"

"Niall, I know how much it would mean to you for your dad to be there. I know that's WAT you want most. That he will see your special day". I got off the bed, kneeling down on one knee and pulling the box out of my pocket. I held it out in front of me and Niall's eyes widened, his mouth practically falling to the ground. I opened the box and Niall's eyes grew ever wider if that we're even possible. "I love you from the moon and back Nialler. I promise you to love you forever. I want to spend every minute of every day, for the rest of my life with you". I took a deep breath. "Niall James Horan, will you do me the honour of marrying me?"



So...What do you guys think? Even though you won't comment, thought i'd ask anyway. This is the last chapter and now it's the epilogue. But don't worry. There is still the sequel :)

But omg Niall got his braces off and Harry got a hair cut and I am a fucking Narry girl. It has been a hard week. Anyway. Vote!!!!! Please vote!!

And you could comment you know? I won't bite you.

Thanks for reading :)

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