All You Need Is Love(Myles Pa...

By xoxo_evi

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1:Start Of Something New
2:Hi,My Name Is....
3:See You Again
4:Dreams Really Do Come True
6:The Date
7:The Devil Wears Mac
9:New York
10:New York Pt.2
11:Coming Home
12:Guess who's back?
13:The Way
15:LA,LA Pt.2
19: Empty
21:Chill Day
24:Work In Progress
25:Fresh Start
26:Set Up For Disaster
30:The End

28:Best Day Ever.

240 12 5
By xoxo_evi


3 months later.(January)

So Kalin found out that Lycia's baby isn't his two weeks ago,so him and Myles dropped her quicker than a hot potato. He still hasn't spoken to me,he just sends Myles check up on me.

His birthday is in three days. Myles birthday passed already and it was hyphy,just letting y'all know he got some booty. It wasn't from Skyler tho but she let it slide.

Skyler's been taking me shopping and stuff,she also got Myles to paint our nursery. Skyler and I decided we should raise our kids together.

I can't stand being away from Kalin. Now your probably wondering,where's Ronnie? Well I found out that he is best friends with Lycia and you know I can't trust her so, why is he any different from her? He could be working with her and Drew for all I know.

Skyler helped me come up with a plan to get Kalin to visit me. Its going into action in 5,4,3,2,1....

"Hello" Kalin answers the phone.

"Oh my gosh,Kalin you puta. The baby is coming. Hurry up and get here"

He hangs up.

"It worked Skyler,I think he's on his way here" She smiles brightly and Myles shakes his head.

"I hate seeing you guys play jokes on my best friend like that" Myles frowns and Skyler laughs.

"Its all in the name of love babe" She kisses his cheek and he pouts. We hear a knock on the door. Skyler gets up to answer it and Myles runs upstairs. The plan is in motion. I sit on the couch and pretend like I'm having contractions.

"Ahh" I yell and Kalin rushes in the living room with Skyler smirking behind him. I instantly stop.

"Are you okay?" He hugs me and I hold him for a while. Why would I want to let go?

He breaks the hug and gives me a weird look "Aren't you in labor?"

Skyler giggles"No silly. We just tricked you into coming over here because you and that lady over there need to talk" Kalin's confused face turns into an angry frown.

He starts to get up but I stop him "Please Kalin,we really do need to talk" Skyler gives me a thumbs up and waddles upstairs.

He sighs and sits down on the couch "Why would you lie about having our baby?"

"Because you wouldn't have came over if I didn't" I sass him.

"I know I wouldn't have and I wanted to keep it that way" He says sassily. He was always sassier than me.

"Listen Kalin,the breakup was freakin petty as fuck and you need to stop being butt hurt because I saw you kiss India at your moms house and I still didn't break up with you!" I yell and his face looked deep in thought.

"See your not even listen-" he cut me off by his tasty ass lips. Mm mm,yass.

We make out for awhile and suddenly I feel wet. Oh shit.

I break the kiss in panic "Kalin,the baby is here" he laughs.

"Not falling for that again" I feel a cramp and groan in pain.

"I'm so dead ass right now" I scream. His eyes widen.

He carries my fat self out to the car and places me in the passenger seat,buckling my seatbelt.

"I'll be back" he kisses my forehead and runs back inside.

I yell "WHY AM I IN SO MUCH PAIN!?!?" Kalin comes back carrying a overnight bag,Myles,and Skyler follow behind loading up into the car.

I call my parents. My mom answers.

"Ay Mija, coma estas?"

"The baby's here" I say trying to keep my calm.

She shouts to my papi"IT'S TIME. VAMONOS" I hang up.

Kalin drives fast,and Skyler and Myles are contacting people as well.

Kalin's never met my dad,so I'm praying that my dad doesn't kill him.
2 hours in. Time is 7:30 pm.

I'm freaking out right now. I've never been in so much pain in my life. My hand just lost all feeling.

The doctor gives me a sympathetic look "Ok Amber,a few more pushes"

"I DON'T CARE,JUST GET IT OUT OF ME,FUCK" I look at her in fear.

"Calm down,babe" she glares at me and I put my one available hand up defensively.

She squeezes my hand harder just for fun. I bite my lip really hard,because this pain is horrible.
After being in this smelly white room and my hand almost falling off.

Mila Ailine White (pronounced I-Lean) was born January,1,2016 at 10:38 pm

I'm standing up, holding my beautiful daughter in my arms and smile at her squirming in my arms.

I see she has my dimples,and my amazing hair. She looks nothing like Amber.

Amber smiles weely at Mila and I. "She looks like your twin"

I sit next to her hospital bed and grin "I know,we're both amazingly good looking"

She rolls her eyes "Can I hold her again?"

I carefully hand Mila to her "This is the fifth time tonight"

"Well did you pop her out of your vagina? Nah didn't think so" I shrug and take a picture of them together.

"Kalin stop,I look a hot mess right now" Amber complains.

"You look hot,that part you got right" I take a picture of all of us together.

Amber yawns "What are you going to do with those pictures?" I set them as my wallpaper, screensaver and show it to her.

"Awe my baby and I look so sexy" Amber swoons over the pictures of all three of us.

"I know we do,but what about Mila?"

Amber glares at me "I was talking about her"

I place my hand on my chest,hurt by her words "You don't think I'm sexy?" She laughs.

She shakes her head "No,but I think your cute"

I give her the "bish whet?" face "No cute is for guys like Myles,I'm sexy" Myles and Skyler walk in the room.

"I am not cute. Im a man and men aren't cute" Skyler,Amber and I laugh at him.

Skyler pats him on the back as they sit down "Keep on dreaming babe" he pouts.

I hold my newborn niece,Mila,who is squinting at me with her beautiful hazel eyes and I smile. She is so cute and her hair is really curly.

I sit next to Myles,sleeping on the uncomfortable hospital couch. Kalin and Amber are sleeping in the hospital bed together and I smile at how cute they are together.

Kalin needs to hurry up and take her back. Honestly Amber was the Bonnie to his Clyde.

Myles stirs in his sleep. I hold Mila over Myles' face and she drools over him. Wow another girl who drools over Myles.

He gets up "Ew, you let her drool on me?"

I giggle "I didn't know she would"

"Relax Myles,you let Skyler drool on you all the time" Kalin says wide awake and Amber laughs.

I glare at them. I go and give Mila to Amber,not really wanting to put her down.

I can't wait till Myles and I have our baby boy in a week. That's when I'm due. His name is going to be Jacob Blaze Parrish. I just thought of it one day and Myles liked it so that's it.
3 days later.

Cam and I jump on Kalin's bed and he groans, throwing pillows at us.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTFRIEND!" I yell and Cam kisses his cheek. He rubs his face.

"Ew man,not cool" I laugh.

"YOUR 9 NOW!" He sits up in bed and we sit next to him.

He rolls his eyes "I know Cam"

"What do you want to do?" I ask showing his excitement for him,as he is still tired.

"I don't know,just chill" I frown. Chilling is not allowed on your birthday, we gotta turn up.

"Chilling isn't fun" Cam frowns.

"How about a party?" He shakes his head.

"No drinking around the baby" I smack my gums.

"Bruh,Amber gets out of the hospital today,she can celebrate with you and Mila during the day and then at night you can drink legally with us at the club" I explain to him and he smacks the back of my head lightly.

"I can't this is Mila's first night at the house and Amber expects me to be a good dad and be there" Kalin says responsibly. I nod respectfully at his choice.

"Well maybe we can get Tyler, and Jake to come through and we just hang here. Y'know play some video games and drink some beers, then we order pizza and have cake"Cam suggests and Kalin smiles.

"That sounds like a good idea" Kalin gets up and leaves the room. Finally the birthday boy gets up. He comes back 5 minutes later,picks out some clothes and leaves again.

Cam and I go downstairs and fill up some nerf guns with water.

"Okay Cam you take left and I take right" he nods. We hide by the sides of the staircase. I hear Kalin whistling 'Liquor' and I get my gun ready. I give Cam the signal and as soon as Kalin comes downstairs we soak him.

"Really guys?" He shakes his head at us and we laugh.

"Ambers not even home yet and your already wet" He rolls his eyes with his usual sassy attitude and marches back upstairs

I get wheeled out of the hospital by a doctor and Kalin helps me and Mila inside of the car. I place her inside her car seat and make sure she's buckled in. Kalin gets in the drivers seat and before he drives,he kisses my lips.

"I'm glad you both finally get to come home" I smile. Awe he missed us.

"Yeah me too,happy birthday by the way" I tell him.

"You know what would be the best present for my birthday though?" I shake my head.

"No what?" He smirks.

"If you'd be my girlfriend again" I poke his tummy.

"Are you asking me?" I asks. He tickles me a little.

"Amber Maria Rodriguez, will you be my girlfriend again?" He asks hope in his eyes and he bites his lip nervously.☕

"Yes,I will be your girlfriend... Again" we laugh.

"Great. So uh Myles and Cam want to throw a little get together at Myles and I's place" Kalin tells me.

I feel intrigued "Oh really, who is attending this "get together"?" I ask questionably.

"Just Jake,Tyler,Cam,Myles and I" he answers.

"Oh okay,just be at my place by 9:30" I give him curfew so he won't be anywhere else besides the place he told me and he'll be home on time.

"Yes mommy"☕ I am his mami

"Damn right I am" I say cockily.

He pulls up at my house and drops Mila and I off.

"Bye baby,see you tonight" I kiss him good bye and carry Mila in her carry inside the house.

"Honey I'm home!" I call out for Skyler.

She waddles down the stairs "Theres my no longer pregnant best friend" I roll my eyes and try to hug her with Mila under my arm.

"Hi still preggo bestie" She nods,

"I always got the sauce,don't ever forget it" She does some kind of dance and I laugh at her.

"Don't ever do that again" we both laugh. I go up to the baby room and gentle put Mila in her crib. She starts to cry.

"Oh lord,your just like your dad. Always whiney" I laugh at my joke and get my breastfeeding pump.

Time to feed the little one. I'm wayyy up,I feel blessed. All you need is love to make you feel that way.
Authors note:
So I feel like this chapter sucked. But yeah the next one should be better.

Amber brought Mila Ailine White into the world.

Who's ready for Jacob Blaze Parrish?

So Kamber is back.

Kalin's 8th birthday party should be lit.

QOOTD:Fruit or vegetables? Or cake?

I prefer Cake.

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