Blossom & Brick, Book Two

By FanFictionWriter17

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It's been four whole years since the puffs and ruffs have left New Townsville to go there separate ways for c... More

Chapter One, Our New Lives
Chapter Two, A Sweet Poem
Chapter Three, Playing Frisbee
Chapter Four Who Is Emily?
Chapter Six, A Surprise Guest
Chapter Seven, You Lied?
Chapter Eight, A Huge Surprise
Chapter Nine, Another Surprise
Chapter Ten, A decision has been made
Authors note, Im sorry
Chapter Eleven, A New Villain
Chapter Twelve, A Day At The Set
Chapter Thirteen, Losing Hope
Chapter Fourteen, Making A Plan
Chapter Fifteen, let's Take Down Black Star
Chapter Sixteen, Finding miyako
Chapter Seventeen, Can We Track Miyako?

Chapter Five, A Mean Professor

738 16 2
By FanFictionWriter17

Chapter Five, A Mean Professor

~Momoko's P.O.V~

I sighed as I propped my head up with my hand. I looked down at the paper that was sitting on my desk. The paper was filled with tic tac toe drawings from when asuna and I had played earlier. Right now we are all sitting in class listening to a lecture. Asuna is sitting to my right and Anna is sitting right behind me playing with my hair. Judging by the look on every ones faces I can tell we're all bored. Our normal professor, professor duncan had to take some time off since his wife just had a baby so now we have a substitute professor, professor Harold until it is time for Duncan to return. Harold is by far the worst professor I've ever met in my life. He is really snippy and never has a good thing to say about any one. He is also very rude to all of his students. Harold looks like he is in his early thirties. He has dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. Harold usually always wears a suit and tie to work. Harold used to be an actor. He is really well known but for some reason he quit acting and became a professor and started teaching college students. "So can any one tell me about romance?", Harold asked as he looked around the room. "Why are we going over this? Didn't we learn this already?", I whispered. "Yeah we learned this a while ago", asuna whispered. "I had thought we had already covered romance", I whispered. "Maybe the man is running out of material", Anna whispered as she let go of my hair. "Your probably right", I whispered. "Kokomo Akashiya! Do you have some thing you would like to share with the rest of the class?", Harold said sternly. I looked back at Harold and frowned. Seriously! He has been here for a few weeks now and he yells at me all the time. You would think he would learn my name by now. "Excuse me sir first off I'd like to apologize for talking in your class and secondly Kokomo is a town in Indiana. Akashiya is not my last name either. My name is momoko Akatsutsumi", I said. "You know momoko.. Your a very well known actress right?", Harold asked. "Yeah?", I said. "You play the mom vampire lady on that vampire show, right?", Harold asked. "Yes.. Im an actress on midnight blood", I said. "So you think since you've already made a name for your self and already have a great acting job that you don't need to pay attention in my class? ", Harold asked sternly. "What?", I asked. "Do you think your better than the rest of the aspiring actors and actresses in this class just because your in gossip magazines every other week?", Harold asked. "What?! No way?! I'm not better than any one else! I worked hard to get to where I am just like every one else is doing now!", I said sternly. "Well I've seen your acting and you still have a long way to go kid", Harold said. "Don't let him get to you", asuna whispered as she noticed my frustration rising. "Yuuki now is not the time for a pep talk", Harold said sternly. "Sorry sir", asuna said as she slumped back into her chair. "Now lets continue with out any interruptions", Harold said as he turned around and started writing on the chalk board. I looked down the row to where brick and kirito was sitting. They was both silently laughing and pointing at me. "That was embarrassing huh?", Anna whispered. "Yes!", I whispered. "At least he got your name right huh yuuki", Anna whispered as she bumped asuna's shoulder. "Don't call me that! You know I go by my last name", asuna whispered. "Alright", Anna whispered as she smiled. "I can't believe he nagged you about your acting skills", asuna whispered. "I wonder if he does that to every one?", I whispered. "I feel bad for his wife. I bet he would nag her about kissing!", asuna whispered. "Haha! Momoko imagine if you was his wife! He would be like 'what kind of kiss was that?! You call that kissing?! I've seen more real looking kisses on the bachelor, momoko! And that show is fake!'", Anna whispered then changed the tone of her voice to sound like Harold's voice as she pretended to be him. Asuna and I couldn't help but giggle at Anna. "Your probably right", I whispered. "So is that show the bachelor really fake?", asuna asked. " I hear rumors that its all a set up but there are a few lasting couples from that show. So who knows if its fake or not?", Anna whispered. "I'd like to believe its real", I whispered. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly pulled out my phone to see I had a message from brick. "Did you have fun getting yelled at?", brick asked. "No! I was so embarrassed!", I typed and quickly hit send. I looked over at brick just as he smiled and looked down at his phone. After a few seconds I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down to see another message from brick saying,"haha! I could tell, Kokomo". "Seriously! I can't believe he called me that.. He even messed up my last name", I quickly typed and hit send. After a few seconds I had another text from brick saying,"you would think he would know your name by now. He yells at you for some thing stupid every day". "I remember the first time he yelled at me. It was because my text book fell off my desk", I quickly typed then hit send. After a few seconds I got another text from brick saying,"haha I remember that! Your face was so red. I'd never seen you so embarrassed except for that time when we got caught passing notes in our senior year in high school". "Oh geez I forgot about that! That was all butch and kaoru's fault we got caught though", I quickly typed and hit send. I looked back over to brick to see he was texting again. "Brock Jojo, are you texting in my class?", Harold asked sternly. "Oh shit!", I muttered. "Uh it's brick Jojo and yes sir I was", brick said. "Who is so important you have to text during my class?", Harold asked. "Umm my uh brother?", brick lied. "Are you sure it wasn't Kokomo over there?", Harold asked. "Her name is momoko", brick said sternly. "So the love birds was texting each other in my class. Some nerve she has there.. Risking getting into trouble again", Harold said. "Uh I'm sorry sir please don't be mad at her. I texted her first so I take full responsibility", brick said. "So your willing to take full punishment just so your girlfriend won't get into trouble?", Harold asked. "Well she is my fiancé.. I'd do anything for her", brick said as he shrugged. "He isn't lying you know. He really would do anything for her. He even died for her once", kirito said. "kirigaya, did I ask you to speak?", Harold asked. "No sir.. I was just trying to help a friend", kirito said as he frowned. I could tell kirito was mad that Harold called him by his real name. Kirito's real name is kirigaya kazuto but he mixed the first four letters of his first name with the last two letters of his last name to get kirito. "Well kirigaya, it's in your best interest to keep quiet", Harold said. "Yes sir", kirito said as he slumped down in his seat and rested his head on his hand as he frowned. "Are you and Akashiya done interrupting my class?", Harold asked. "Actually no I'm not", brick said as he crossed his arms. Oh no brick just shut up! Your going to get into more trouble! "Oh really?", Harold asked as he crossed his arms. "Yeah. I have a question for you", brick said. "Alright lets here your question", Harold said as he raised an eyebrow. "Why do you get every one else's name right except for mine and Momoko's?", brick asked. "I have a lot of names to remember", Harold said. "See I have a theory", brick said. Oh jeez brick just be quiet! "Alright enlighten me with this theory of yours", Harold said. "I think you call us by the wrong name just because you don't like us", brick said. "Maybe so. I don't like self centered actors like you", Harold said. "Self centered!? I'm not self centered! Every day I go out of my way to help some one! I risk my life to save people!", brick said angrily. "You think so?", Harold asked sternly. "Yeah. It's my job to save people!", brick said. "You may have been a well known hero in Japan but we don't need you here. Sure a lot of people think its great having super heros around but the fact is we was doing just fine before you two came here", Harold said. "You know what--", brick started to say. "Brick! Just let it go before you get into trouble", I said as I looked over at brick. Brick looked over at me and we locked eyes. Bricks frustrated expression quickly changed into a small reassuring smile. "It's a little to late for that Akashiya. Since you both interrupted my class, you two will be assigned to painting the back grounds for the schools next play", Harold said. I scowled at Harold as he looked at me and smirked. "You two are good at painting right? Now Brock just remember this is actually painting and not graffiti. Wasn't that what you did back in Japan? You was a nuisance to that town", Harold said as he smirked at brick. Brick started to open his mouth to say some thing but he slumped his shoulders and frowned instead. Brick looks so upset. I know it because Harold referred to him as still being a trouble maker like he was when he was a young rowdy ruff. I know it really bothers brick when people do that. Brick hates being remembered as a villain. It pains me to see brick sad like that, so unable to keep my mouth shut I speak up. "Excuse me sir, but brick is not the type to spray paint on any public building. He gave that up along time ago. He is a hero now not a villain", I said. "Akashiya, did I give you permission to speak?", Harold asked as he looked at me. "No but I'm not going to sit here and let you belittle brick like that!", I said as I crossed my arms. "Oh really?", Harold asked. "I don't know why you think you need to be an asshole all the time but its getting old. Your rude to every one. Just yesterday day you yelled at that guy over there for sneezing in your class! It's a sneeze! Why would you yell at some one for sneezing?!", I said as I pointed to a guy a few seats away from me. "Yeah!", the guy I pointed to said. "Stay out of this Jacobson!", Harold yelled. "See! That's being rude! No wonder your a professor now. You was to much of an asshole for any one in show business to want to work with you, huh?", I said as I stood up and grabbed my bag and slung it onto my back and I quickly picked up my textbook and papers. I quickly stepped into the isle way and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey wait up!", a voice called. I stopped as soon as I heard his voice. I turned to see brick running towards me. "You left class too?", I said as brick stopped near me. "Jeez! Your a fast walker when your pissed. I had to run to catch up to you", brick said as he huffed. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know you was running after me", I said. "Thank you for what you did in there", brick said. "What? Calling Harold out on his rudeness to his students?", I asked. "No.. For standing up for me", brick said as he grabbed my hand. "I know how upset you get when people refer to you as a bad guy and I didn't want you to feel upset. I know it really hurts you", I said softly. "Well thank you for standing up for me.. I'm sorry I got you In trouble and now we have to paint back grounds", brick said. "It's alright. I probably would of volunteered to help out any way", I said. "That guy makes me so mad. I wish Duncan was back already. He was the coolest professor ever. Well besides professor utonium. He will always be the coolest", brick said. "I miss him.. And ken and peach", I said as I frowned. "I miss them too... Even peach and you know I didn't like that robot dog", brick said. "Aw but peach is sweet", I said. "No he is nice to you! But he nags me!", brick said. "I'm sure peach misses you", I said. "Of course he does! He misses nagging me all the time!", brick said. "Your probably right", I said as I giggled. "I'm glad to see you smiling again", brick said as he smiled at me. "I usually always smile. Harold just puts me in a bad mood", I said. "Well even if you did call out harold on his rudeness I think it was nice of you to stand up for Todd too", brick said. "Oh you mean Jacobson?", I asked. "Yes Todd Jacobson", brick said as he nodded his head. "I felt bad for him. He got yelled at because he sneezed.. That's the dumbest thing ever to get yelled at for", I said. "Harold is a mean person. I think he just likes to treat people badly because it makes him feel better for some reason", brick said. "I don't see how he can enjoy being mean to people.. I can understand getting yelled at for talking in class.. Or texting in class but he tells at us all for stupid reasons when were not doing something we shouldn't be doing", I said. "I swear he might be one lab accident away from becoming a super villain", brick said as he smirked. "Your probably right", I said as I giggled. "So uh since we're cutting class for the day.. Do you wanna go do something before we have to go to work?", brick asked. "Sure, what do you wanna do?", I asked. "I don't know what do you wanna do?", brick said. "I don't know", I said. "I thought you might say that", brick said as he smiled. "I'm sorry", I said as I smiled. "Come one! I have an idea!", brick said as he started walking and pulling me along by my hand. "Whoa! Slow down!", I said as I struggled to keep up with brick since he was walking fast. "No you speed up", brick said in a joking tone. "I can't! I'm shorter than you! My short legs can't keep up with you!", I said as I giggled. "Then maybe you should grow", brick said as he slowed down his pace. "Oh believe me I'd like to be a little bit taller but I take after my mom and she is a little taller than me but not by much", I said. "Don't worry.. I love you just the way you are", brick said as he smiled. "It doesn't bug you that you have to lean down to kiss me?", I asked. "No, does it bug you that you have to stand on your tip toes to kiss me?", brick asked. "No", I said. "Good, because I think it's cute that you have to do that", brick said as he smiled. Suddenly brick stopped walking and I looked up to see that we were standing in front of his motorcycle. Brick let go of my hand and grabbed my helmet and handed it to me. I quickly put it on as brick put his on too. Brick got onto the motorcycle and I quickly got on too. I sat behind brick and wrapped my arms tightly around him. "Don't let go of me", brick said as he started the motorcycle. "So where are we going?", I asked as brick pulled out of the parking space and started driving towards the exit of the parking lot. "It's a nice sunny day so I figured we could go take a walk on the beach", brick said. "A nice sunny day? Oh c'mon brick its California. Almost every day is sunny", I said as I giggled. "All the more reason to take walks on the beach then", brick said. Even though I couldn't see bricks face I knew he was smiling. "Your right. It will be nice to get to walk on the beach holding your hand and looking out over the water", I said. "I'm glad we will finally get to spend quality time together", brick said. "Me too", I said as I smiled. "We can even lay down in the sand and look up at the sky and watch the birds or what ever", brick said. "We have to work today.. Anna will be really mad at use for getting sand in our hair", I said. "Well then we will just leave the beach early and go home and take a shower", brick said. Even though I can't see his face I'm certain that he is smirking. "Your referring to a shower together aren't you?", I asked. "Of course I am", brick said. "Okay", I said as I blushed. "It will be fun.. I promise", brick said. "Oh I'm sure it will be", I said as I laughed. I smiled as i leaned my head onto brick's back and held onto him tighter as he started to drive the motorcycle faster.

Later on that day I sat on the couch with asuna watching TV. The guys went out to pick up some take out food. They left like ten minutes ago so they won't be back for awhile. "Hey", asuna said as she looked at me. "Yeah?", I said. "Do you think midnight blood will get signed on for another season?", asuna asked. "I'm not sure. I hope so. I have so much fun working with you", I said. "I'm kinda nervous", asuna said. "Why?", I asked. "Well after this school year we're going back to Japan. What if we can't travel back and forth? What if our schedules are to crazy?", asuna said. "I'm sure we can figure it out. You can always tell the director you need time off. That's what I plan on doing some time after I move back to Japan. Brick and I want to start a family. I know I can't really keep acting while pregnant unless they decide to add another kid to the show", I said. "You two are going to start trying for a baby as soon as you get back to Japan?", asuna asked. "No! No we want to at least get married first. It won't be until after a year or so we will start trying for a baby", I said. "Oh okay. Smart thinking", asuna said. "I always wanted to start a family young. I know brick does to.. Spending time with Emma has made us both more excited to have kids some day", I said. "Emma really looks up to you guys. Almost as if you we're like her parents", asuna said. "She really like us I guess?", I said. "She told me she got to meet the power puffs the other day", asuna said. "Brick and I was video chatting with them so we let Emma meet them. She really liked them", I said. "She sounded excited about it when she told me", asuna said as Gabriel jumped up on my lap and laid down. "Hello Gabriel", I said as I smiled. "Meow", Gabriel meowed then licked my hand. I giggled as I pulled my hand away. Gabriel looked up at me and gave me a weird look. I smiled as I started to pet him. He closed his eyes and began to purr. "He is such a cute cat", asuna said as she reached over to pet him to. "Yea he is", I said as I smiled. "I'm gonna go do some of my laundry so ill see you later when the guys get back", asuna said as she stood up. "Okay. Ill see you later", I said as asuna walked down the hallway and went into the laundry room. "Well Gabriel? What do you wanna watch?", I asked as I flipped through the channels on TV. Gabriel kept on purring as I petted him. "There is nothing good on", I muttered as I frowned. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Oh that must be the guys? Why are they knocking? Did they forget their key? I quickly stood up and walked over to the door. I slowly opened the door and peeked out. "Momoko! I need to talk to you!", Anna said as she pushed the door open. "Oh I didn't know you was coming over?", I said as I stepped aside and let Anna in.

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