Paradise Lost (Louis Tomlinso...

By iloveonedirection159

128 2 1

"What if I could give you the gift of immortality? All you have to do is be mine." Those two sentences, eigh... More

Paradise Lost (Louis Tomlinson FanFic)

Chapter 1

51 2 1
By iloveonedirection159

“I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.”

― Banksy

Chapter 1

I never should have met him; he should have never noticed me. So why did he? Honestly I have no clue. I wasn't his type literally; he was a faerie, and I was a human. 

Everyone said we were a match made in heaven, but it was a match made deep in hell. I never wanted to be arranged to be married, let alone with the devil. A woman in the 17th century who didn’t want to be married? Ha, unheard of. At least my first sixteen years without him were the best of my life…..

April 19th, 1718.

“Brooklyn be a dear and take your sister on a stroll by the lake would you? Father is working on your arrangement, and Amanda keeps getting in the way.” My mother flashed me a guilty, pleading look as I nodded.

“Amanda why don’t we pick some flowers on the way, okay?” I asked and bent down to pick my little sister up careful not to step on either of our long, green silk dresses.

“Okay!” She smiled widely and her perfect wavy golden hair fell perfectly on her shoulders. Light brown eyes looked up happily at me, as I made my way down to the lake, humming a simple melody.

I put her down and carefully watched her as she picked all sorts of flowers. Amanda was only six, and well I was turning sixteen in three weeks. As I watched her I noticed a single black rose grew alone, not a single flower dared to cross its path. It almost seemed to be glowing, and I found myself getting drawn closer and closer to it. “Don’t go near the lake Amanda, I’ll be right back.” I warned as my voice started to trail off.

Almost as soon as I said that, I walked straight to the flower. I kneeled down to pick it up, my dress spilling out onto the grass surrounding the flower. I carefully tried to get the rose without damaging it, or cutting myself on a thorn. A sharp stinging sensation, burned in my ring finger as I watched five drops of blood fall, then heard a scream.

“AMANDA!” I screamed, forgetting about the flower and ran through the fields of flowers, desperate to find my little sister.

My heart raced as I saw her backed up against a tree, as a pure white wolf snarled in her face. I couldn’t watch this happen, and I refused to let it happen. Unaware of bright blue eyes watching from afar I did what any sane person in this situation would do. I picked up a large rock and threw it at his head; thankful for my archery lesson’s it hit the wolf right in the center of its head. A howl filled with pain and anger escaped its mouth before it diverted its attention to me. “Run.” I mouthed to my sister and she took off running back to our estate, as the wolf ran towards me.

I didn’t scream or panic; instead I grabbed a jagged edged stone tightly in my hand. The beast ran at me, and knocked me down onto the ground. It snarled in my face as white saliva, dripped onto my face as sharp white canines tried to bite my neck. Before it had the chance, I stabbed the wolf in the stomach with the stone. It winced and fell off of me, neither yet dead nor alive at the same time. I looked down at my hands to find not a single drop of blood covered my hands, the stone, and the fading wolf. “What are you?” I questioned as it completely faded away.

“You weren’t real?!” I frantically thought to myself.

I ran a hand through my long wavy chestnut hair.  I kneeled down on the ground, leaning over a small stream fed off from the main lake. My reflection is what scared me more than the wolf. I was a disaster. Twigs and leaves were embedded in my hair, dirt was stuck underneath my nails, my dress was ripped and now my left leg could be seen visibly. Not only was my hair, nails and dress ruined, my face had somehow changed. My normally dark hazel eyes, were now visibly brighter, my cheekbones were more define, and I wasn’t this innocent looking anymore. I was fierce, and not in a good way. No longer was I my parents sweet and pure firstborn daughter, I can’t really explain what happened. Something inside of me was unlocked and I have no idea if it was for better or for worse. Before I knew it, there was a strong hand on my back. A sweet enchanting voice filled my ears, “I can make this appearance go away, and put back the sweet innocent mask of Brooklyn McKnight.”

I turned around to see the most handsome and beautiful man I have ever seen. His body was toned and I had the feeling that he had at least some defiant muscles under his white dress shirt. The face on this stranger seemed absolutely perfect; high defined cheekbones, blue eyes that looked like they would ensnare you and brown hair that fell perfectly across his face. No one could be this perfect, and well he was way too unearthly beautiful for anyone to resist. I looked up at him and he cupped my chin in his hands and spoke up, “What if I could give you the gift of immortality? All you have to do is be mine.”

Those two short sentences, eighteen words and sixty-two letters, were the death of me.


End of chapter 1! What did you guys think? 

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