My Hazzy 2

By nannea

50.5K 2.6K 944

Sequel for My Hazzy. More

My Hazzy 2
To you, who may comment
Part 2: Hear the wedding bells
Part 3: Good parent, bad parent
Part 4: We just stay the same
Part 5: Are you Horan, too
Part 6: Presents and old memories
Part 7: Shut up, Greg
Part 8: Harry's mine this year

Part 1: Tears of joy

4.5K 305 111
By nannea

"I'm a butcher from Mullingar, not an artist."

"Did you hear what I just said? A butcher – yes a butcher, do you expect me to know the difference between mint green and pastel green?"

"Look, lady, I don't know anything about blue colours either."

"Yes, alright, have a lovely day too," his tone has gone to sarcastic now, ending the phone call with a huff.

"Maura! Maura! The wedding helper called again about some napkins," Bobby Horan uses a louder tone.

"What did she say?" Maura yells from the living room.

"Asked something about the colours and asked you to contact her."

"Why didn't you tell her what colour we wanted?"

"I tried! Wouldn't listen to me, that old cunt, and started talking about mint green. I don't know what that is."

"Bobby," his soon-to-be-wife steps to the kitchen, chuckling as she presses a kiss on his cheek.

"What?" Bobby raises his eyebrows.

"Nothing," Maura smiles shortly, thinking it's better to keep quiet than make a simple comment; men.

Ever since Bobby and Maura decided to get married, roughly around two months ago, the wedding planning has been somewhat disastrous.

There has been all sorts of problems, including finding a church and a good after party place but those are both booked, thankfully. It was Bobby's job to find a church and an after party place for them which he did, after struggling with it for a while.

Another task of Bobby's is to plan the menu for the wedding. Even though they've hired a woman to help them with everything, they've still stumbled upon problems. Especially Bobby.

He is rubbish at planning a wedding, it has turned out. He found the after party place without any trouble but now, planning the menu seems to be a catastrophe.

So far, Bobby has suggested homemade mash and meatballs with brown sauce, which Maura turned down immediately. Bobby still doesn't understand why, thinking it was a brilliant idea. Maura's comment was simply; absolutely not, so Bobby realised it was better to come up with something else.

Next he suggested pizza buffet, which he thought was even better than meatballs and mash, but Maura didn't think so. She threatened to leave Bobby at the altar if he would have a pizza buffet, so he had to let the idea go.

After pizza buffet came hamburgers, grilled food such as sausages; Indian food and lastly, sushi. Nothing pleased Maura, in fact when Bobby mentioned sushi she lectured him, accusing him of not taking the wedding seriously.

It's not that Bobby doesn't take it seriously, he does, he just doesn't understand what sort of food they should be serving at the wedding. Finally it hit him, the greatest idea, and he made a call to a local catering service. He set up a meeting and ended up hiring the company to make the food for the wedding, getting advice from the owner who helped him choose the menu.

The menu is perfect, even Maura thought so and Bobby couldn't be happier. Since he managed to succeed in his two tasks, he has been helping Maura with some smaller things such as picking up the flowers. It's not like a man like Bobby would know much about flowers but he still tries giving his honest opinion.

- -

"What do you mean you can't make the fucking cake on time?" Bobby cusses.


"Don't give me that shit lady – look I don't have time for this – don't sir me there – have a great fucking day too."

"Maura! Maura!" He shouts after ending a phone call, face red from anger.

"The bloody bakery we wanted won't be able to make the cake in time!"

"Oh no," Maura sighs, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Now we have to find a new one," Bobby groans, massaging his temples.

"This is a disaster," Maura whimpers a little, taking a seat next to her soon-to-be-husband.

"Who the hell thought getting married was a good idea?"

"You and me."

"We should've gone to Vegas and get married in one of those Elvis chapels," Bobby groans.

"Relax dear, we'll find a new place to make the wedding cake," Maura pats his hand, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

Their wedding is getting closer and closer, only six weeks away.

When they first started planning the wedding, they both agreed on winter wedding. Neither of them wanted a big wedding, just something simple, cosy and small. The church they selected is rather small but beautiful, a bit outside the city in the countryside. The after party will be at a place nearby the church, an old villa, a perfect place for the after party.

Maura's dress is ordered as well as the food, but Bobby is yet to find his suit. The main reason why he hasn't bought his clothing yet is because he hasn't made his mind about who is going to be at the altar on his side.

Maura didn't want a maid of honour, saying she only wants two bridesmaids, their son Greg's wife Denise, and Aisling's aunt Amina.

Bobby on the other hand, didn't want a best man because he couldn't choose between his sons. He knows his sons will be at the altar with him but there is one more person he wants there, which is why he hasn't bought a suit. He wants them all to have matching suits and before buying them, he needs to make the decision.

"Are you going to ask Niall tomorrow?" Maura asks Bobby after she has finished a phone call with a bakery who luckily promised they could bake the wedding cake. Bobby feels much more relaxed now, knowing they'll have a wedding cake.

"I think I'm going to call him today," Bobby answers.

"Might as well call him now," he adds after looking at the time.

It's two o'clock on Saturday and Bobby reasons it's perfect time to call his son. They have made plans for tomorrow, having lunch with Niall, Aisling and Harry. Bobby knows he could wait for one day but he has already created a plan, thinking it's a rather good one.

"Wish me luck," Bobby jokes and Maura smiles shortly.

"Hi dad," his son soon answers the phone.

"Hi son, good or bad time?" He first asks.

"Perfect actually, Harry and Liam took Aisling out and I'm doing groceries."

"Brilliant. So there's something I want to ask," Bobby goes straight to the point, explaining what he has been thinking about for a while now.

"Dad are you sure?" Niall sounds a bit hesitant.

"Yes of course."

"But he's my boyfriend and -"

"You're in it for the long run, aren't you?" Bobby cuts him short.

"Of course I am, I just -"

"Great then it's settled. Harry will be at the altar with you and Greg."

"Shouldn't you be asking him first?" Niall chuckles at the other end of the line.

"Probably," Bobby starts laughing.

"Dad I – fuck – this means so much I mean – do you have any idea how much it'll mean to Harry? - I mean shit – I don't know what I'm saying," Niall sounds like a rambling mess.

"Relax son," Bobby chuckles.

"I'll see you tomorrow alright? I'll ask Harry then."

"Okay dad. I love you."

"Love you too," Bobby says, ending the phone call.

"That went surprisingly well," he tells to Maura.

"He was okay with it?"

"More than, went nuts about it I think, couldn't stop rambling," Bobby laughs.

"It'll be a great wedding," Maura comments, hugging Bobby for a second before getting up and saying she'll make some coffee for them.

- -

The next day, it's time to ask Harry.

Bobby is excited but also slightly nervous, wondering what Harry is going to say. He hopes Niall hasn't told anything to his boyfriend just yet, wanting to be the one telling him, and asking if it's alright. If everything goes right, they can go buying matching suits next week.

"Hi son," Bobby pulls Niall to a tight hug after he has opened the front door, letting his parents inside.

"Second son," Bobby then jokes as he hugs Harry, who laughs and hugs him back.

"And my baby," Bobby crouches down to pick Aisling up, holding his granddaughter and placing a kiss on her cheek.

"How are you my darling?"

"Good! Bobs guess what, Hazzy promised to buy me a dress for your wedding," Aisling tells. She is still calling him Bobs, although Niall has been telling her to call him grandpa for a few months now. Bobby doesn't mind, thinking the nickname is rather hilarious and besides, he is too old to be a grandpa just yet.

"Oh did he, that's very nice of him," Bobby comments, carrying Aisling to the kitchen and sitting down, keeping her on his lap.

"I found this website and thought we could order it there," Harry explains, taking the seat next to them.

"Maura, have you decided on the bridesmaids dresses yet?" Harry then asks Maura who takes a seat opposite of him, Niall sitting next to her.

"No not yet, we're actually going to shopping next week," Maura answers.

"Right, the food. Harry made lunch," Niall says, getting up to take the food out of the oven.

"You have your own seat darling," Bobby tells Aisling and lifts her to the seat on his other side.

Bobby is eager to talk with Harry but decides not to do it while they eat, somehow managing to wait until afterwards. They are all still sitting around the table, Niall beginning to make coffee for the adults, and Bobby ready to ask his question.

"Harry," he starts, getting Harry's attention.

"I'd like to ask you something."

"Okay?" Harry sounds confused, knitting his brows the tiniest.

"Would you be at the altar on my side with Niall and Greg at the wedding?" Bobby doesn't waste any time asking.

Harry's eyes widen and he looks taken aback, mouth moving but no words coming out. He clears his throat, managing to ask something that sounds like a 'what'.

"I'd like to have you there," Bobby simply says.

"M-Me? At the a-altar?"

"Yes," Bobby chuckles.

He is certain no one expected Harry's reaction to be a huge sob. Harry lets out a few loud sobs before hiding his face under his palms, shoulders shaking. Bobby looks at him with widened eyes before turning to look at Maura, then Niall.

'What did I do?' Bobby mouths to Niall who shrugs his shoulders, looking a bit confused.

"Harry, what is it son?" Bobby decides to ask, patting Harry's back. The boy is still sobbing, shaking his head, pressing his palms on his face.

"Hazzy?" Aisling asks, now noticing something is wrong. She gets up and rushes to Harry, poking his side and trying to get his attention.

"Why are you crying?" She asks, lower lip trembling dangerously.

Harry finally removes his hands from his face, turning to look at Aisling. He immediately reacts after seeing her looking upset, lifting her to sit on his lap.

"I'm fine, just a bit touched," Harry mumbles to her, tears still running down his cheeks.

"You okay?" Bobby makes sure, squeezing Harry's shoulder. Harry turns to look at him, nodding and trying to smile.

"This just, this means a lot to me," Harry manages to say, voice trembling. He wipes his cheeks dry, taking a deep breath.

"That's a yes, right?" Bobby playfully asks, squeezing Harry's shoulder again.

"Yeah," Harry smiles shortly, much calmer now.

"Thank you," Bobby simply says, patting his shoulder. Harry nods, not really knowing what to say, still feeling emotional.

When Bobby and Maura are about to leave, Harry pulls them both into a hug and squeezes them tight. Niall's parents laugh as Harry continues hugging them, telling them it means the world to get to be at the altar.

"Did you know about this?" Harry asks his boyfriend after Bobby and Maura have left.

"Dad called me yesterday," Niall admits.

"And you didn't tell me!"

"Dad wanted to ask you," Niall gently tells, pulling Harry into a hug.

"I love your parents," Harry breaths out and Niall wonders if it was a sob he heard in Harry's voice.

"Don't start crying again," Niall warns.

"Blame your dad," his boyfriend says and yeah, there was definitely a quiet sob in his voice, Niall thinks.

- -

Hi! So this is the start of this sequel. Let me know what you think of it .x

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