The Prodigal Daughter

By SlinkyReads

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My name is Carmen Blaque. I'm 18. I live with my mom(Jane Blaque) whom I love with all my heart and my sister... More

The Prodigal Daughter
1.The Beginning
2. Onika
3. My Birthday
4. Graduation and A Road Trip
5. What Really Changed?
6. It's Been A Long 5 Years
8. Face The Music
9. Dangerous Woman
10. Who Is This Chick
Chapter 10.5- Birthday Party

7. Moving On?

2K 72 3
By SlinkyReads

Chapter 7- Moving On?

The song is the song Imagine Damon singing to Carmen. It's from Tyler Perry's play I Can Do Bad By Myself. It's called Let Me Hold You. ENJOY!!!

Still the Night Damon came over

Carmen's POV

After I put the twins and before I go talk to Damon I need to check on Onika because she disappeared after letting Damon in. She didn't even tell me she was going upstairs just went. That's not like her. We generally tell each other our moves. It takes out the guess work. Plus, I need some alone time with her before I got talk to Damon. I need her opinion on whether or not I should tell him the truth about their paternal genes. I hope he hasn't guessed, I mean if you've met Mark then you could easily see Avi is his twin but I'm hoping that Damon has forgotten what he looks like. When I get to Onika's room I knock because that's her personal space. I hear come in and so I turn the nob and she's laying across her bed on her laptop and phone. When she sees me she tells the person on the other line that she would call them back later and quickly disconnected the call.

"What's Up?" she questions me.

"What's up is my best friend ditched our sundae night ritual without a word or reason." I say getting slightly agitated. I hate when she acts like nothing fazes her.

"I had a reason. I just didn't tell it to you."

Onika's POV

I left Carmen with Damon and the kids because I knew they needed time alone. I know Carmen still has feelings for him and I wanted the kids to fill him out with me to buffer. Their opinion means more than mine. Plus, I already know him. That didn't tell Carmen my plan because I knew she would try to persuade me otherwise. She still she needed me all the time like when she was pregnant but that wasn't the case. She barely needed me when she was pregnant. I remember when we found she was pregnant with twins. I thought she was going to breakdown but she did exactly the opposite of that.


We're at Camren's 7 months scan. We get to find out the sex of the baby. Carmen said she didn't want it to be a surprise so she could start spoiling the baby now. When the nurse called us we went into the room and Carmen put on the gown and got on the bed and laid back. The doctor put the gel on her stomach and started the ultrasound.

"Well Miss Blaque, it looks like you're having a baby girl." The doctor told Carmen.

"Thank y-," Carmen started before the doctor interrupted her.

"What do we have here? It looks like you're actually twins. One baby boy and baby girl. I'll leave you to get dressed. Keep doing what you're doing. Both babies are completely healthy. Stop by my desk on your way out to schedule your next appointment and congratulations again," the doctor said as he left the room.

When he did no one moved. I nor Carmen. I think we both were just shell-shocked. Twins, that's so crazy. And who said you can't get pregnant from a one-night stand. I shook off my shock and went to Carmen's side to comfort her and remind her she wasn't alone but to my surprise she was smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" I inquired because even if I was happily married I would be freaking out if someone told me I was having twins.

"I'm happy. I always wanted twins and I'm getting them. Sure it's not ideal but I'm getting part of my dream. Actually more than part. The only thing missing is a father for my children but that can be over looked because I have you and together we can," she announced with so much confidence. I smiled because even after knowing this girl since birth she never ceases to amaze me.


"Carmen, I came up here and let you be alone with that man and your kids because you needed it. You use me as a crutch but I'm not allowing you anymore. You need to love again and Damon is a good place to start he has always had feelings for you and you've been a chance to try again and you need to do so. Plus, I wanted the kids to engage with him to see how they liked him because if he doesn't act right with them then it's over. SO, I gave you time to see how he acts with around why waste time if it can't happen. Now stop pouting and tell me what you want. I was on the phone," I inform her.

I watch her face to see how she's taking everything I said. I can tell she's processing it. Her face is like an open book. I watch as she slowly comes to terms with what I said. I smile knowing I did the right thing.

"Well?" I question breaking her train of thought.

"Oh, right. 1. Don't think I'm not going to come back to the point of you being on the phone. I wanna know all the details but right now I have a man downstairs. 2. I wanted to know if you think I should tell Damon who the twins' father is. I mean he may have guessed then I would only be confirming what he already knows but on the off chance he didn't guess and I tell him I might open I can of unnecessary things." She voices in one quick breath.

"Okay. 1. I already plan on telling you who was on the phone so don't get hurt girl." I start "and secondly yes tell him. If you want to start something with him your have to be honest and let the chips fall where they may. You can't control everything chica. Let's pray and then you go down there and get your man."

"Padre Nuestro

Que estás en el cielo

Santificado sea tu Nombre

Venga tu reino

Hagase tu voluntad
En la tierra como en el cielo"

(Our Father

That you are in Heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as in heaven)

We prayed together.

"Now go get yo man. Don't come back up here until you have a date soon. Comprendé? (Understand)" I demand while pushing her out the door. Now where was I?

Carmen's POV

That's why I love Onika. She's always there for me and thinking about me and my kids. I make my way downstairs to talk to Damon feeling confident. I can do this. As much as I wanna say that his opinion of the twins paternal origin doesn't matter I know that I'd be I'm lying. I want him to take them as his own and look past where they came from. When I got in the kitchen I see he has cleaned up and put everything where it goes and he open my wine, pored me a cup and is now sipping a beer and playing flappy bird on his phone.

I flopped down on his lay startling him.

"Hey honey, you miss me?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course. Everything okay? I thought you forgot about me and fell asleep." I said with laughter in his eyes.

"If, you thought that why you still here?" Honestly interested.

"Well I figured if you did I would just wait it out to show how serious I am that I'd be willing to sleep in your kitchen."

While he's speaking I search his eyes and he's telling the truth. He would've slept down here. That does something to me. The amount of selflessness is crazy. It shows me I'm doing the right thing. I go to get off his lap so we can talk but he holds onto me impeding my attempt.

"Where you going?"

"I'm getting up so we can talk."

"We can talk with you in my lap. I like you here I always have. Now, talk."

"Well, I just wanted to say that I didn't cheat on you first and foremost."
"I know you didn't."

"Okay. Now the twins. Their father is Mark. I know you probably figured that out but I wanted to be honest but I always wanted to explain to you how I could sleep with my sister's fiancée."

"Go on. I'm not going anywhere and thanks for being honest."

"No problem. It's what you deserve. Anyway, story time."

Damon's POV

She feels so good sitting here in my lap. I hope she doesn't move because then she'll feel my little friend is awake. It feels like forever since I've held her in my arms I hope to do this more often. If she hadn't told me I would never know she had twins. She looks exactly the same. Her body looks more mature but doesn't say pushed out twins. She is still so fine. I'm proud of her for telling me the truth about the twins' parentage. She could've lied. I'm anxious for her explanation of how they even slept together. But I meant what I said no matter what she says I'm not going anywhere. It can't be that bad right?

"SO, I've loved Mark since before I knew what love was." She declared and then she continued with "he was always around the house; being a big brother. Whenever he came over him we sought me out and brought gifts. He made me smile and laugh so, naturally as I got older my infatuation matured along with my body and my understanding. That's why I never dated. No one could compare to the almighty Mark. He was my idea of perfect and I was willing to wait for him forever if that's what it took. But during my senior year I realized I would never have him in that way. He was planning a wedding with my sister for god sakes. That's why I chose Oxford I would be far away from both them and I would able to move on. But in the back of my mind I was still caught up on him. One day we had any argument me and him about something stupid and I decided to live my life without fear of him. SO the next day, I said yes to going out with you and it was a great decision. You treated like I always wanted to be treated. I began to regret picking oxford because there was no backing out. I couldn't let my love for you grow because we were going have to break up and I didn't think I could handle 2 broken hearts in one lifetime. When you left for school I started to prepare to leave myself. I got everything in order, me and Onika. I was excited I was going to living my dream. The night before I left I was in the house alone with Mark and we fought because he started talking to me and it set me off. After months of not talking me he tried to talk to me like nothing happened and it pissed me off and I told him so. His response floored me. He told me that he was jealous. That's why he had been acting like a fucking dick for months. He was jealous of you and then he was angry with himself about it. He loved me but he knew it was wrong. What was I supposed to do? Here was the man I had loved my whole telling me he felt the same. I did the most logical thing. I kissed him. I let all my emotions from over the years rush through me. One thing led to the next and we ended in my bedroom spent. When it was over I didn't regret it. It was what I wanted but we both knew it changed nothing. So we didn't let it changed anything, we spent the night together and the next day I left for school and I haven't been back. I couldn't go back home the first year was I was pregnant and Mark would know it was his and it would be too much and then when I had the twins I couldn't take them home because they look just like him. So I stayed here and started over and never looked back."

By the time she was done telling me she was in tears. I didn't say anything. I didn't need to, she needed this cry when I felt her sobs slow down I lifted her head out my chest and kissed away her tears and attempted to articulate how I was feeling. "Carmen, thank you for telling me. I'm glad I know but it doesn't change anything if anything it makes me love you more. You are so beautiful and kind. You have the most wonderful spirit. You're intelligent, honest, loving, sweet, mean, and funny and everything else in between; of course he loved you. I love you. I want to see where this goes. The truth is on the table now so, we can move past it. There is nothing stopping us. I want to be the man that wakes you up in the morning and helps you with the twins. Mark can't do it and I'm glad because that means I can. Let me show you what I mean." I tell her, still holding her face.

She nods her head. "Okay."

"Okay?" I question I little stunned I thought it would take more than that but I'm glad she let me in.

"Okay." She affirms.

"Good. Tomorrow I'm going to take you and the twins to the zoo and then tomorrow night we are going on a date. A date that's it, nothing more unless you want." I say with a wink.

She smiles back. That smile that has haunted me for years.

"Alright, let me get going. I'll see you tomorrow, love bug. Sleep tight."

"See you tomorrow."

I let myself out and to my car with the biggest smile on my face. I got her back and I can't wait to show her she made the right choice. Her kids may not be mine in blood but that doesn't stop them from being mine in love and that's how I plan to make them feel. When I got back to my hotel room I texted her to let her know and took a cold shower. I had a long day tomorrow. First thing in the morning I have to plan our date. It needs to be perfect. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, she finally told Damon. Isn't crazy how long she has love him. And I mean how perfect is Damon. She agreed to got out with him. Finally!!!! Where do you think they're going to go for their date? DO You think they'll do more than just go out? Anyway I hoped you enjoyed. Love you



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