This War Of Mine 2

By shreyyyz

1.2K 76 2

"These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they ki... More

Previously on This War Of Mine
Karma is a Bitch 0.2
The Wake
Damned 0.1
Damned 0.2
Damned 0.3
Losing Control
Christmas 0.1
Christmas 0.2
Timely Vain
New Year
New Flame
Lying From You
Same Mistakes
Wings Of Love
Messed Chess

Circles 0.2

37 3 0
By shreyyyz

Halfway through my internship, and yes it's been 5 months and 5 days since December 18th.
Hell, I am missing him terribly much! And yet, these five months have been happier than what it was shortly after Leo.

It's this feeling, that he is always with me, and I don't need to necessarily find another boy who might keep me happy. It is this change that I feel, that I am much happier this way than falling into another commitment. There is so much more to life, just than this is what I've idealized on. I've made a lot of friends, a ton lot actually.

Advika is moving and so is Shreya.
They both are going abroad for their higher studies, and I am sitting here, a damsel in distress. (Sort of)
I mean, I don't know if I should still take the job that he offered, because my egotism is not letting me to.

That leads to an obvious conclusion that I am not taking it.
A hectic day in class and Mr. Mercury, (the name is pretty legit, because he remains the same in temperatures), was talking about the novel of Pride and Prejudice, which is probably something I would've by-hearted by now!
"We are half way through and a thought keeps pricking the back of my mind."
"Which is what?"
raised his voice, the jock of the college, Axl. (Yeah, he's thinks he's kinda like Axl Rose, but no. Moreover, his real name goes up pretty looong so Axl is better)
"Well, situations begone, and we see that Elizabeth and Darcy are repeatedly forced into each others' company. So is their love circumstantially forced or is it something real profound?"

My hand shot up immediately, and there I was spitting out answers.
"Wrong."  objected a voice from behind.
Of course, Shawn.
The football team captain, lead player, highly desired but is, from what I've heard a little off putting on himself. A smart mouth, brilliant personality yet, a few hitches unknown to people except his best buddies.
"You're wrong. Terribly wrong."
"Oh yeah? How so, Shawn?"
"Well, you say they were agree to Mr.Mercury's point of their love circumstantially forced but becomes profound. That's utter bullshit. Going back just after the first ball in the Netherfield Park, when Jane falls sick and is made to stay at Bingley's and Elizabeth comes to nurse her? Remember that?"
"Yes. Whence, the other Bennets join too?"
"Yes, but not that.  You should've noticed how Darcy had started acting a little less coldly towards Elizabeth. How his touch of her hand, made her look at him wide eyed. That is where the love had begun,that's when true love had taken the reign in the book, where the little hints like these should make the reader believe in pride and prejudices, and love to conquer them all. Despite the fact that Elizabeth's dislike towards Darcy had increased after her acquaintance with Mr. Wickham. So yes" He took a breath, "You are terribly wrong, Samantha."
I was deadbeat, frozen. He was right. Like, I mean, never have I stood like this in my Literature classes.
It is my pride, that I couldn't overcome. But this guy, he did prove me wrong. Damn. Damn. DAMN.

I slopped down to my seat and waited for the bell to go.
"Hey, you dropped this." I heard a familiar voice.
"Yeah?" It was a pen, and Axl, having a grin on his face.
"Gee, thanks" I said and walked off, when he held my hand, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder(Say whaaaa)
"You know, I think you are right. That Shawn bastard is just blabbe.,,"

I honestly didn't know Shawn was overhearing him.
Not really.
"Take your hand off her!! You bastard! I blabbered? What did you do other than drool over her, you womanizing piece of shit."
"STOP IT SHAWN! Get your goddamn hands of him! Get away!!"

Her hands pushed mine away and call me crazy, but it is the same spark that Elizabeth had in her eyes.
The way she cared for that asshole is somewhat stupid.
She took him to the dorms, completely ignoring the fact that I was calling out for her and the asshole.

My attempts at really becoming her friend are at level 0, but we'll see.
Every dog has it's day, doesn't it?

Hey y'all!
It's been so long I did notes, but yeah.
This might be the last book and well, I don't want another book because if it goes further, I think it might be a bit blatant even on my part.

So, new shippings are up!
Bring in the heat you guys!

Keep the love and support coming x
One love \m/

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