Dark Shadows Are Alive

By ChocolatePoptart33

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In a world where all of the fantasy creatures that roam about in books are real there are very few people who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 32

128 3 1
By ChocolatePoptart33

Authors Note: Hey guys! So this is a really long chapter and I'm so proud, it took me so long to type. I'm really disappointed that the Vampire Diaries tonight isn't new but this cheers me up a bit. So yeah, I really hope you guys enjoy it!!


Pheonix, Xander, and Jade were the first one's to arrive. Walking towards us arguing until they got to where we were all standing. Jade and Xander stopped by where Aria and Casper were standing while Pheonix walked forwards and brought my face up to meet his with a gentle kiss.

And this is the 'it's complicated' part. I bit my lip and looked over to where Addy had her eyebrows raised at us as I scratched the back of my head, suddenly nervous, making Pheonix give her a glance then looking back to me with curiosity on his face.

I cleared my throat before stepping closer to Addy so I could see everyone then saying "Uhm, okay Addy this is Pheonix, Xander, and Jade. Guy's this is Addy, and for those of you who don't know, Casper, Aria, and of course, mwa." I said, gesturing to everyone then myself.

Then Xander decided to greet me as well as Jade, they both took their turns hugging me, which Pheonix wasn't very happy about. That's when the rest of the gang decided to show up. They all walked towards our group just like Pheonix and his family did and when they got there, Rikki ran up and hugged me, much to my discomfort.

I kind of shrugged her off me before turning to the rest of them, having to do introductions once again. I really should have just waited until everyone got here. Oh well, too late now. 

"Okey doke. Let's do this once more. Speed round. Mark, Damon, Blaze, Rikki, this is Addy, Pheonix, obviously, Xander, and Jade. Simple enough" I finished then looked around biting my lip.

Isn't Neal coming? 

Aria saw my gaze and gave me a sympathetic look before giving me a nod saying we should just go in. She knew that once we started walking in the wood's you can only fit two people on the path so she would pass the word that Addy doesn't know about supernatural stuff to the other's discretely.

Sighing, I turned around and started walking towards the trail but got stopped when a familiar voice said "fine Lynn, leave without me" 

Before I could stop myself I was turning around, a smile finding its way on my lips, and I was running at Neal and jumping into his arms, giving him a hug. 

Now I have to say, in my defense, everything he did to me was at the back of my mind, and the best guy friend I had was back. I also don't know whether Pheonix and I are a thing, even though he did just kiss me, but you know, I didn't really think of that at the time. My bad. I just missed my friend.

"You're late" I mumbled as he let me down, smiling ear to ear from my reaction.

"Yeah well, traffic was a bitch" he said back, smirking.

"Excuses excuses. They all made it on time" I said, turning back to everyone else who was watching our little exchange.

I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks as I realized that I just did all that in front of Pheonix.

"So uhm, we should get going." I said as I walked through our little group and into the trail that led to where the fireworks were being held.

As I passed Addy I heard her whisper to me saying "It's complicated. I get it now" making me give her a side glance then keep walking, rubbing my head, confused. This sucks because now I can't talk to Aria about this because everyone else will hear our conversation so it will be pointless. 

I'm such. A. Slut. I really need to figure out whether Pheonix and I are a thing or not. You know what no! He needs to man up and ask me to be his girlfriend or to go steady, whatever the hell he wants, I just need to know we're a thing.

The walk was quiet until Xander started a conversation about banana's with me and then Aria joined in mentioning about how people slip on them then everyone else joined in when it turned into an argument about where they come from and why monkey's are stereotyped to always be eating them. Way to go Xander, he's like a guy version of Aria. I like it.

During the walk when Addy was in the back talking to Neal and Casper, Aria snuck up next to me and said "They all know Addy doesn't know about any of the stuff" she said quietly, so that way Addy couldn't hear since it didn't matter if everyone else did.

"Hey, bitch?" she asked, making me look over to her with a questioning look before continuing with "She's not stealing you from me right?"

I rolled my eyes at her and said "Of course not, bitch. Casper's not taking you away from me right?" I asked, glancing back at him, knowing he could hear me.

She knew too but didn't care, our friendship was strong and he knows that. He know's we're a package deal. Which is why I know it didn't affect him when she said "Hell no, bitch. No guy will ever replace you" she said, taking my pinkie in hers.

That's how we walked the rest of the way, and Addy didn't mind because she was busying herself with the Anderson brothers and Neal. Although I did notice Blaze paying a bit of attention to Jade when he thought no one was looking.

Soon enough Aria and I were laughing and pushing each other back and forth on the trail to see who would lose their balance the fastest. Before we could get too into the game though, we reached the clearing. We still had a way's to walk we were just out of the wood trail now.

At some point I got bored so I ended up punching Aria lightly on the shoulder, making her lose her balance and go into the tree's and glare at me. I just broke into a fit of laughter and ended up doubling over to laugh, stopping the group that was following us. People were not happy about that.

Aria ran at me, tackling me to the ground with her on top straddling me. I bet a lot of people think we're lesbians by the way we act. Got a lot of those question's when we were in high school too but no, we're just that close.

"Ahhh I need an adult! I need an adult!" I yelled, pushing her off of me and scooting away from her.

That's when I saw it, her hand was bleeding, most likely from having to stop herself from hitting the tree, but making my eyes go wide and look back at the group of vampire's and hybrids watching our scene.

Casper was quick though, appearing at her side in an instant, helping her off the ground then pricking his thumb with one of his fangs and running it along the cut to heal it up. Except he did it at his vampire speed and smoothly played it out as helping his girlfriend off the ground and holding her hand.

Okay, no more rough housing with Aria. 

Soon enough I was being lifted off from my spot on the ground and into a warm chest with a hand on my waist. I looked up to see Pheonix standing over me with a worried look on his face but before he could say anything, we had started moving again.

After walking for about five minutes, my head started to hurt and I closed my eyes and started to rub it while grumbling about a sugar low then kicking Casper in the butt, making him glance back at me saying "Lynn, that cake wasn't yours to begin with" oh. He must have heard my grumbling.

"Yeah but now my head hurts. And besides you didn't label it so how the hell was I supposed to know! You don't even have to eat!" I whined, yelling the end before I could stop myself and clapping my hands over my mouth right after it came out.

"Why doesn't he have to eat?" Addy asked, now on the side of me that Pheonix wasn't with Aria and Casper in front of us.

"I-Uh...he-" I stuttered out, not able to think of an excuse.

"He's on a diet" I yelled since that was the first thing that came to my mind, but immediately mentally face palmed myself for saying that when it didn't even make sense.

"Why would he have cake if he's on a diet?" She asked, looking to Casper for the answer.

"That's why Lynn tried to eat it but I never was one to hold a diet for long so I kept that around for when I gave in" he said, making up a pretty good lie to go along with mine.

"You don't need to diet Casper, you're not anywhere near being fat. Speaking of which, Lynn, it's nice to see you actually do have hot guy's. I thought that might be a lie. Where'd you find them all?" 

I rubbed the back of my head before saying "Oh you know, they just kinda... popped up" I told her, glancing at Damon who just happened to pop into my work one day, then my house the next. Stupid vampires.

Soon enough we were passing the gate entrance where some cops were sitting on horses, making sure people didn't do anything stupid. As to why they're on horses, well, horses...are cool. That and they can run fast to make sure the cops can catch up to any hooligans.

"Awe its a horsey!" I yelled, jumping up and down in my spot while gaping at the horses as we walked past.

"Bye horsies!" Aria and I yelled as we walked away from them, turning our bodies and walking backwards so we could wave while we yelled it.

"Lynn, have you ever even been on a horse?" Damon asked, coming up next to me.

"God, no. Those things are huge, they could kill me in an instant." I said, watching my feet as I kept kicking a rock like a soccer ball.

"Yeah... and so could we, yet you're not afraid of us." Damon said to me quietly, taking the rock with his foot and kicking it to the side so I couldn't have it. Asshole.

"That's different. You're people and I was trained to kill you" I added the last part quietly for Addy's sake before continuing with "And they can sense your fear so that wouldn't turn out too well. I just like to spaz out when I see one cause their so pretty. I just wanna pet it and give it an apple. I really wanna give it an apple" I told him, mentally adding 'feed and apple to a horse' onto my bucket list.

"Whatever" Damon said, ignoring my rambling nonsense and going back to where Addy was walking so he could flirt with her some more.

"Okay, where do you guy's wanna sit?" I asked, stopping and turning to face the group of people.

"Hmm... How about there!" Jade said, pointing to a spot on the grass where there was enough room for us all to sit comfortably. 

Pheonix gave her a look, making me punch him in the shoulder lightly and say "I asked you guy's for a reason. Don't be mean" Then heading towards that spot on the grass.

I took out an extremely large blanket and shook it out of it's silky case and threw it on the ground as an attempt for it to spread itself out, which really didn't work.

Aria and Casper took out two more blankets and spread them out with me, connecting them so we could all sit together without having the grass poking our legs and making them all itchy. 

"Woohoo! My blankey!" I yelled while laying down on the first one.

When I decided to sit up, Pheonix sat down next to me on my left and Aria sat on my right with Casper on the other side of her. This blanket is long. Then on the blanket behind us, Damon and Neal sat behind me then Rikki on the other side of Damon. And on the blanket next to that one, Jade sat next to Rikki and Blaze sat next to her.

Addy decided to pull a blanket out of no where and place it in front of ours but a little to the left and she sat down on that one, telling Mark to come sit with her. No doubt Damon would soon join them.

After about five minutes of us all sitting there talking, Aria and I decided that we were hungry. We stood up from where we were sitting and stretched out before looking at Casper as a way to say 'give us money'.

He knew the process by now but decided to be a butt and actually question us about it "What are you guy's gonna get?" 

"Food" Aria and I told him at the same time, avoiding eye contact.

"No. Toys" he said, handing us a twenty.

I looked over to Addy who was now standing up and joining us where we were standing. 

"But Casper!" I whined, looking back at him before continuing "They have really cool light up toys and glow sticks! It's not like you need money!!"

"Sweetheart, you're not going alone" Pheonix said, looking up at me, now realizing what we planned on doing.

"Of  course not! I'm going with Aria and Addy" I said, smiling at him

"Holy shit he's British" Addy mumbled in amazement.

I noticed her gazing at him and pushed back the jealousy before turning to Pheonix, noticing he was giving me that look that said "They're human. You know that's not what I'm talking about"

I just shrugged at Pheonix and turned back to Casper with puppy dog eyes but not long before Aria said "Fuck this, get some money out of Pheonix, he's like rich." 

Turning to face Aria, I gave her a stale face before saying "I'm not asking him for money, Ari" 

She just ignored me and walked over to him saying "I will" then sitting in front of him, staring him straight in the eyes saying "You wanna make out with my best friend then you  gotta pay for our food and toys" she said, holding out her hand.

"Aria!" I yelled at her but they both ignored me and Pheonix pulled out his wallet, handing Aria a bill, making her look down and squeal before jumping at him in a hug yelling  "Lynn, I love your boyfriend"

I pulled her off Pheonix, slightly jealous, and turned to the rest of the group saying "Jade, Rikki, you guys coming?"

They both smiled and nodded, not getting to do things like this often, and stood up, joining us as we walked away from the group of guys.

"Lynn, Aria, keep your phones on!" Casper yelled to us, but we just ignored him and kept walking.

Soon enough we were standing outside the ice cream stand, grabbing our ice cream before wandering to the elephant ears stand for me, then the popcorn and pop stand for Aria. Jade and I were eating our elephant ears, trying to make it go in our mouths without getting sugar everywhere, which really didn't work. Aria was eating her popcorn and holding her pop in her other hand while Addy held the popcorn bag for Aria and was eating her Chocolate ice cream out of the other. Rikki was eating her ice cream also with one hand and had a hot dog in the other, interesting pair if you ask me.

We had already went to all of the toy stands and we were all covered in the glow necklaces and bracelets and Jade had some funky hat on her head that had swirly lights on it and rainbow feathers on it. Rikki had a pair of funky looking glow glasses and the magnetic red white and blue light up earrings that you could stick on either side of your ear. Addy had a light up bandanna and a light up belt while Aria had only a light up headband that stuck up with stars on the ends of the sticks, bouncing back and forth as she walked since they were on springs. While I just had light up devil horns and a light up ring on my left ring finger and matching mate in my pocket for Pheonix. Aria got something similar for Casper, but instead of being shaped like half hearts like mine were, so they'd connect, her's were two half stars, so they would connect.

By the time we got back to the boys, we were completely stuffed and I was working on finishing my hot dog while Aria was trying to finish her ice cream. She's not gonna do it. In the endthough, I figured out why Aria squealed when Pheonix gave her the money. Turns out he handed her a fifty. Why he randomly keeps that much money in his wallet, I don't know, but I was grateful.

"Soo full" I groaned as I plopped down next to Pheonix, lying back on the blanket and rubbing my tummy.

Aria sat next to me criss cross and stared down sadly at her ice cream, not knowing what to do. Finally she looked towards me then back at her ice cream saying "Bitch.." trying to get me to finish her ice cream.

Normally I would eat it because I always finish what she doesn't and the same thing goes for when I don't finish my food, but right now, I'm soo full.

"No girl, I cant" I said, covering my face with my arms.

"But Lynn.." She whined more

"No. Give it to Casper or something. Oh that reminds me" I said, digging in my pocket and pulling out the ring, sitting up and taking Pheonix's left hand and  putting it on his ring finger then smiling at him and putting my hand next to his, making it be a complete heart and saying "Now we match" and smiling up at him.

He had a sweet smile on his face before he pulled my face to his, in a kiss, as a thank you. 

He pulled back with a weird look on his face before licking his lips and asking "why do you taste like sugary ketchup?"

I blushed before wiping off my lips and saying "Oh heh heh... that would be the elephant ear mixed with my hot dog. Wasn't my best idea" I said, lying back down and rubbing my tummy once again.

"Pheonix... do you want my ice cream?" Aria asked him since Casper didn't want it, holding it over me and towards him.

"Really bitch?" I asked, moving it away from over me so it wouldn't drip on me.

"No thanks, love" he said, looking at Aria.

I couldn't help the disappointed look that found it's way on my face from him calling my best friend love. Aria saw that and looked down at her lap, thinking it was her fault for him calling her that. Soon enough the fat girl inside of me wanted the comfort of food from being hurt. I held my hand out for Aria's ice cream and she handed it to me, knowing what was wrong.

I wasn't munching on it for long when Pheonix saw the sad look in my eyes and asked "What's wrong, sweetheart?" 

"Nothing" I mumbled, eating my ice cream and turning my back to him so I was facing Aria so she could take my mind off it by playing eye spy.

 ~ One  Hour Later~

"Is it... Pheonix's shirt?" I asked her, pointing to his black shirt.

"Nope. Just give up already" She whined, wanting to get the game over with

"Is it.. my bra?" 

"Is your bra even black?" she asked me with an 'are you serious' face

"I think so.." I said before pulling my shirt out so I could see my bra then saying "Oh my bad.. it's blue. Okay, I give up" 

"It's the sticker on that truck" she said, pointing to the red truck that had a black bumper sticker on the back corner. 

"I gotta pee. Lynn, come with me. I gotta pee" Addy said, standing up.

I sighed before standing up and looking down at Aria with my 'bitch your comin' look. She did the same as me, sighing then getting up but not before giving Casper a quick kiss then saying "I'll be back" just not in the terminator way I wanted her to.

As we started walking away from them, Aria could see I was still depressed about Pheonix calling her love so she leaned over to me and said "Maybe he say's love just to say it, you know? I mean you don't hear him calling others sweetheart. That could be what he calls you."

"No cause Xander called me sweetheart, so apparently its common." I told her, shrugging and looking down at my vans shoes.

It get's cold when you go watch fireworks and the bugs always come out to bite you so you have to dress warm. Which is why I'm wearing navy ripped skinny jeans with a dark blue top and my leather jacket over that, and of course my blue and black vans shoes.

"Wait Xander called you sweetheart? Want me to hit him?" She asked, making me laugh.

"No. It's fine, I already snapped on him for it" I told her, remembering back to when we were talking in my work.

"Oh... I should've snapped on Pheonix. I wonder if Casper's mad for him calling me love. Ooh maybe Casper will tell him why you're upset while we're gone" she said

"Yeah that or he'll figure it out from our not so quiet conversation" I said, not wanting to risk looking back just in case Pheonix could hear what we were saying and is watching us.

"I think he heard us" she whispered in my ear, making me laugh.

Once we finally got to the line of portapotties, we waited out side in front of them for Addy. The bathrooms in the ice cream building had a longer line than when you're waiting for a roller coaster ride, so we just decided to come here.

My thoughts were interrupted by Aria's scream. Making me jump and look over to where she last was, only to see her gone. 

"Aria?!" I screamed out, looking for her, while wandering away from the portapotties.

"Lynn!" she screamed back, it was slightly muffled, but still loud enough for me to hear and find her.

When I walked around the side to where the portapotties ended and around to the back of them , I found her, being held up by some fat brown haired guy with glowing purple eyes.

"Put her down!" I yelled, running towards her, only to be sent flying back into the ground.

It didn't keep me down for long though, knowing my best friend was in danger, she was the only thing in my sight as I ran towards the both of them and tackled the man to the ground, making him lose his grip on Aria, letting her scramble away.

The guy paused, knowing he lost the upper hand as I pulled out the old stake I found underneath my house in that  weird cellar. Hopefully it would kill whatever this guy is, it would be my best chance at least.

"Why do you all keep coming after me?!" I asked him, sitting on top of him and using my, oddly inhuman, strength to keep him down.

"Carson failed and now cant come near you from the compulsion. Now its my turn" he said, trying to force his way out from under me.

"Lynn? Aria?" Addy's desperate voice yelled out to us, distracting me for a split second. 

However, that split second was long enough for the creature because when I looked back to him, he flung me off of him and caught me mid air, grabbing my around the neck, cutting off my breathing, and forcing me against one of the portapotties.

"Hey!" A girls voice shrieked from inside of it.

Man, that's gotta be nasty "sorry" I choked out to her. I mean, you gotta at least apologize.

Black dots were dancing in my vision when I tried to fight back, ending in me losing the battle. My eyes were drooping down from my lungs not getting enough oxygen and my body was shutting itself down.

The brown haired guy was opening my mouth with his hands and put his mouth over top of mine. Not in a kiss but in an 'i'm gonna suck out your soul' kind of way. Which is exactly what he did. 

My life force was slowly flowing out of me and into him, making me stop fighting and about to lose consciousness.

I didn't even notice Aria was screaming my name until the brown haired guy was shoved off of me and I fell into waiting arms, not being able to hold myself up.

"Lynn..Lynn open your eyes" a male voice said, I was too out of my mind to place the voice to anyone I know.

"Alright come on Lynn" the guy said, and before I knew it I was being lifted into a warm set of arms.

"Why are you carrying her?" a girl voice said. 

As more air made it's way into my lungs, I figured out that voice belonged to Addy.

"She didn't feel like walking and I felt like being generous" the voice said, making me blink my eyes open to see Neal.

"At least carry me piggy back style so it will be believable" I mumbled to him and was quickly placed on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No fair, I want a piggy back ride" Addy complained.

"Fine, when we get half way there, then Neal can carry you" I told her, mostly because I didn't want Pheonix to question why Neal was carrying me.

"Neal, why did you come? Did Aria call you?" I whispered to him quietly so Addy couldn't hear.

"I was walking around and heard Aria yelling out to you. Why, was she supposed to call me? .. or Pheonix?" he asked me in a low voice so only I could hear.

"I don't know. I thought she would have called someone but apparently not." I answered and looked up, seeing we were a little over half way.

"Let go of me" I told him gently, while nudging him a bit to get him to remove his arms from under my legs.

He let go and I slowly removed my arms from around his neck so I gently slid down his back until I was once again on the ground and standing up right.

Neal's hand remained on my lower back until I was steady, then I looked to Addy saying "Your turn" while motioning to Neal.

She squealed and ran at him, not giving any warning before jumping onto his back, Neal no doubt holding in an oof or jeez. I smiled at them when they were situated and ready then we started walking again, me now with Aria by my side.

"So why didn't you call anyone, exactly?" I asked her in a normal voice since Neal and Addy were well ahead of us.

"Well let's see... May have something to do with the fact that I don't have my phone" she said, stale facing me before looking at my neck and asking "you alright?"

I rubbed my sore neck and said "Yeah. Apparently when Pheonix compelled Carson to stay away, that didn't go too well with whoever turned Carson and hired him in the first place. So they sent someone else" I told her, noticing we were getting close to where our group was sitting so I quickly said "Don't tell them what happened, that goes for you too Neal" I added, knowing he could hear me.

I saw him discretely nod his head as a way to acknowledge what I said and Aria mumbled a quiet "Ok" since we are only a short distance away from them and now in their hearing range.

Pheonix stood up and met us when we were walking towards them, bring my face into his hands and looking into my eyes before saying "Lynn, are you alright? I got this weird feeling" 

Oh.. I thought he was gonna say something about how he called Aria 'love'. I guess it doesn't matter to him. I'm probably just over reacting and making a big deal out of something its not.

I gently removed his hand from my face before saying "I'm fine, you're probably just hungry" then walking around him and out of his hold. Pheonix gave Neal a quick glance before following me back.

Yeah, I probably was over reacting but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna get over it like it was nothing. He need's to know he did something wrong and that that hurt me.

When I got back to the blanket I saw Aria had a sad look on her face and Casper could tell so he asked "Aria, hon, what happened? What's wrong?"

I gave her a quick glance as a way to remind her we weren't telling anyone right now, she can tell him later when they're alone. 

She quickly covered it up and said "Nothing. I'm fine" in a happy cheery way. Too happy. Making Casper curious and glance towards me, so I just avoided his gaze and looked straight ahead to where the fireworks were gonna start soon.

My phone buzzed in my pocket so I pulled it out and saw it was from Aria. Apparently she found her phone. I opened it and it read Can I txt it to him?

I chewed on my lip before deciding and saying I guess just make sure no one else see's it.

She responded a quick so I took that as the end of the conversation and put my phone back next so me so it wasn't digging into my butt anymore.

There was an awkward silence, which I really didn't enjoy, so I decided to push aside my anger and start a conversation.

"So Jade, what's your favorite color?" I asked, turning to face her.

She was leaning her head against Blaze's shoulder but quickly sat up straight when I turned around, hoping I didn't see their cute little moment.

I gave her and Blaze a smile then she answered with "Umm I guess green. But like the good green. Like light green but not too light" she explained, in deep thought.

"I gotcha. Rikki what's your favorite color?" I asked her, already knowing it was pink from just the way she acted and dressed.

She replied quickly with "Oh, definitely pink" Shocker.

"Okay. Damon, whats yours?" I asked, turning to him.

"Lynn, what are you doing?" he asked me, not answering my question.

"I wanna see everyone's favorite color" to find out whose awesome, I finished in my head.

He just gave me an 'I'm watching you' look and said "Blue" 

"Blaze?" I asked him, noticing Jade was back to resting her head on his shoulder, except this time she didn't move it off.

"Royal blue" he said easily.

"Mark?" I asked him which he responded quickly with "green" wanting to get the attention off of him.

"Cool" I said, lying back since I was done.

"So you're not gonna ask anyone else?" Neal asked me

"I already know everyone else's favorite color" I told him easily.

"Really?" He said, doubtfully.

"Yes, really. Yours is orange like your eyes, Xanders is black, Casper's is yellow cause he's weird, Pheonix's is red, Aria's is blue, and mine, of course, is pure blue" I finished, hearing the countdown to when the fireworks would start.

"Of course" he mocked my response, making me smile at him.

I noticed the air starting to get colder as a breeze blew by us, making me naturally get closer to Pheonix and cuddle into him. Only for his warmth.. nothing else.. 

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me more into him. My shirt lifting up a bit from the movement, letting his fingers graze my skin, sending tingles all through my body, followed by pleasure.

I sighed and leaned my head against his chest in contentment and wrapped one of my arms around his torso so I was completely cuddled to him. That's the way we sat through the fireworks, as they boomed for the next forty five minutes, getting faster and louder towards the finale.

I was tempted to cover my ears at some points for how loud the fireworks boomed but I just leaned more into Pheonix and that helped. We watched them light up the sky in different colors and sizzle down. Some of the newer ones making heart shapes and forming smiley faces in the sky. By the end we were all in our own little world, happy that we could still do little enjoyable things like this to help us get by in out messed up life.

Once they were over we all stood up and gathered the blankets into their bags. I couldn't be bothered to carry any so I made Pheonix hold mine and Aria made Xander hold hers since Casper was already holding on and she still wanted to be able to hold his hand.

We all waited in a big crowd next to the gate, waiting for it to open, but I knew from experience that we would still have to wait about ten minutes while the cops rode down the path to make sure there were no unexploded fireworks and stuff like that.

As we were talking a kid looking about six ran in front of us, stopping and looking around. He had short brown hair and brown eyes, reminding me so much of my little brother I had lost. I just pushed the thoughts away and bent down to talk to him seeing as he was alone.

"Hi there little guy, what's your name?" I asked him once I was crouched down to his level.

His eyes were glistening in the moonlight and looked watery, showing he was scared. But who wouldn't be if you were a six year old alone in all this chaos of people trying to get out.

"Zack.. Who are you?" His name sent me reeling back in shock, figuratively speaking. Physically I just stayed there with a shocked expression on my face, not knowing what to do.

"I'm Lynn" I choked out, my eyes watering up, making me force back the tears.

He even has the same name. Except my Zac was special, he was the only Zac I ever knew that didn't have a 'k' at the end and you could tell by the way this kid said his name that his did.

"Did you come here with someone?" I asked him, gently.

He nodded his head, tears escaping his eyes. Man, this just gets more depressing as it goes along. 

"My mommy. I cant find her. Can you help me find her?" He asked now crying full on.

I wiped his tears before standing up and saying "Yeah. Come on little man, let's go find your mommy" I gave him my hand and he placed his little one in it, gripping gently.

Knowing it would be a bad idea to run off without anyone else, I took Pheonix's hand, pulling him along with me, knowing he wouldn't object.

Soon enough as we were walking around you could hear a woman frantically screaming out "Zack" so I figured that would be the lady we're looking for.

We walked up to her and by this point Zack was hiding behind me, trying to avoid all the people that kept rudely bumping into us.

"Excuse me, miss?" I asked, gently tapping her on the shoulder. 

She turned around, her make up all smudged and tears streaming down her face as she said "Y-Yes?"

I stepped out of the way so Zack could see who we were talking to and said "I think he was looking for you" 

Relief came to her face immediately as a smile lit her features. She crouched down and hugged him to her as he ran to her screaming "Mommy!" and wrapping his little arms around her neck.

She picked him up and turned to me saying "Thank you so much!" and hugging me with Zack still in her arms.

"I don't know how I could ever repay you" She said, cleaning off her face with her sleeve.

Poor lady. She couldn't be much older than me yet she still decided to keep Zack and take care of him, not leave him for someone else like most would do. Or worse, leave him abandoned. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy he found you. Have a nice night" I told her smiling as I took Pheonix's hand again and started walking away from them.

"You too" she said back quietly, happy she had her son back safe in her arms.

"That was nice of you, love" Pheonix said into my ear.

"Well I wasn't just gonna leave him there all alone. Besides he...reminded me of someone" I said quietly, thinking of how similar that kid was to my Zac. 

Pheonix gently dropped my hand out of his and instead wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping my closer to him as people kept bumping into me, making me almost lose balance.

By the time we reached the group, the police were opening  the gate and everyone started piling out. We waited until the flow of people slowed down a bit before walking out. The path before the woods was wide so Pheonix was on my left with his arm around my waist and Aria was on my other side, holding my pinkie, while Casper was on the other side of her, holding her hand.

Addy was behind us, walking with Damon on one side of her, Mark on the other as she flirted with them.  Neal and Rikki were behind them and Blaze and Jade were next to them. They each had their own little group to walk with, I found it cute.

When we got to the woods that's when we had to break off into groups of two's so Pheonix and I were leading the way.

I wasn't thinking when we got out of the car so I forgot my flashlight, meaning I had to use Pheonix and his special abilities to lead us through the woods. Me, not being the most coordinated person in the world, kept tripping on random roots that broke through the dirt path, making Pheonix keep his arm tight around my waist so I wouldn't fall.

When I heard branches crunching on the sides of us I leaned closer to Pheonix, then I heard the crickets and of course me being me, automatically assume there's snakes that are gonna jump out and bite me.

"Pheonix... you'd save me from a snake right? And spiders that decide to attack?" I asked him, looking around to see if I would actually be able to see anything in the dark.

"Of course, love" Pheonix replied back smoothly.

"Okay cause they're n-ahhhh!" I yelled, getting cut of from tripping over another root.

Pheonix's warm arms wrapped around me before I could fall too far, bringing me back up into his chest and holding me there saying "I'm about to start carrying you if you keep tripping"

I got out of his arms before starting to walk on my own again grumbling about how the roots pop up to grab me and that it's not my fault.

When we finally got out of the woods, a majority of the cars that were parked there before were gone and only few were left. I didn't know we took that long to get out. My bad, I blame my feet.

I said bye to everyone who responded with different forms of thanks and I had fun's. Soon enough only Aria, Casper, Pheonix, Addy, Jade, Xander, Neal and I were left.

I made my decision and walked towards Neal, hugging him and  whispering "this doesn't mean I forgive you" then backing away. 

He just smiled and said "I didn't think it did" then walked away.

Xander and Jade hugged me and telling Pheonix that they would be in the car. When Aria started shivering, I looked to them saying "You guy's can go wait in the car, I'll be there in a sec" then digging out the keys and tossing them to Casper.

Once they left it was just Pheonix and I standing there, so now we could talk normally and not worry about anyone hearing. I turned to him smiling but his face was serious when he looked at me, I could now see him since we were out of the dense woods and the moon was shining above.

He looked sincere when he said "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't think it would hurt you that much when I called Aria 'love'. I wasn't really thinking about it and I didn't mean it in the way that I do when I say it to you." he said, looking at me as if he didn't know what more to do.

I just smiled and walked forward, wrapping my arms around his broad torso as I said "that's okay, I was over reacting anyway"

He smiled then said "Now, onto other matters." he looked into my eyes deeply, not breaking contact as spoke "Lynn, sweetheart, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" he asked.

My whole face brightened at this question. I smiled before jumping into his arms so he was holding me up as I started kissing him.

Breaking the kiss for a quick second to say "Yes" then bringing my lips back to his in a deep and intimate kiss that spread warmth and pleasure throughout my body, to the deepest parts.I forced myself to pull away from him and decided we should stop, not knowing how out of control it would get if we didn't.

As Pheonix walked me to my car I couldn't help but feel complete, as if every care and problem was taken away and it was just me and Pheonix. Nothing could break us apart because in that one moment, time stopped and I was whole again.

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