Dirty Little Secret

By improbable-reality

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I never finished this story and I'm very sorry but i started it with no experience. I'm working on aanother f... More

Chapter 1 - Who the flippity-flap is that
Chapter 2- Coffin
Chapter 3 - Her mom will be so proud.
Chapter 4 - Oh wow.
Chapter 5 - Good Vocabulary, Andy.
Chapter 7 - Jeremy
Chapter 8 - Kira & Ashley. Kishley.

Chapter 6 - Seven Dates

132 2 2
By improbable-reality

I unlock my apartment door, walking into my loft and leaning on the door to catch my breath. Eventually, after Andy carrying me for a while and then us just sprinting through the pouring rain, we finally found a cab. The cabbie, just like the people on the side walk that we ran through, looked quite annoyed. The pedestrians, at our loud and clumsy obnoxiousness and the driver because of our sopping wet obnoxious. For some reason, though, I didn't care. I just didn't care... Maybe it was laughing with Andy, or staring into his bright blue eyes... or maybe the amazingly cheesy chick-flick romance vibe the whole moment had. I have just never really been so nonchalant about what people thought. I've always worried so much about how I acted, how I dressed. It was always 'Is my makeup too much?' and 'I'm not being too loud, am I?'. It feels unbelievably fucking good to let that go. I walk to the far corner of my flat, flopping down on the more-comfortable-then-usual mattress. I'm exhausted... I check my vintage alarm clock and am surprised to see the old timey hands pointing to 6:00. I mean - I guess with Ashley calling at 3:20 and Me being with Andy for like three hours on the date. The thing that's been on my mind sense the cab dropped me off is... was it a date? Was it a date? Was it? AGGGHHHH! He is so confusing! Or maybe he's not, I'm just not good at reading relationships. I'm not really able to continue panicking, because as the thought still floats in my head I hear the door click open.

"Stay there, I just finished cleaning my... shotgun and my dad's a lawyer!" Lies spew out as I panic, scary robbery stories flooding into my brain when I hear a familiar voice and unfreeze to turn around.

"Hold the lies, Zoe. It's Kira and I'm not gonna take your money. Maybe. I am a little short on cash." I feel myself feel breath out, relaxing.

"Hey! I'm in my bedroom."

She sneers, "Yah... bedroom. Zoe," She flips the curtain that I use as a wall, " Putting a dollar store curtain up in one corner of this huge room and putting a bed in it does not make it a bedroom. Repeat - room." Kira just hates the fact that I don't have any walls in my apartment. It was the cheapest on I could find. I don't even have a bathroom, just a tub and a curtain; I have to use the apartment building's if I want to use the toilet.

"It works well, and I can watch TV in the living room when I'm laying down in bed or taking a bath." She sits down on my bed next to me, where I have sat up.

"What do you want, Kira?" I know what she wants. Why am I asking?

"Oh, just some details. How was your date?" I knew what she wanted. Why, for the love of god, did I ask?

"Date?" I ask flippantly, trying to come off like I don't want to scream.

"Come on, Zoe. We both know it's a date, stop playing dumb!" She follows me into the kitchen section of my loft.

"It wasn't a date!" I grab a Pop-Tart, "It was just me showing him around the city. He's never been to Hate and Ashbury? That's where I'm taking him next." I put the unwrapped delicious goodness into my toaster, ignoring Kira's raised eyebrows.

"Okay. So it wasn't a date. You kissed, had dinner, and from what it looks like," She glances at my dripping hair, "You were in the rain together. But it... wasn't a date. You guy's aren't dating." We did kiss, and we did kind of agree to date on that bench outside of Sweet Maple. So why don't I want to admit to her that we're dating? Or at least that I think we're dating. We tell each other everything.

"Remember the time," I start, launching into one of the many memories of us in high school, "That I let Will Halpert touch my boob under the bleachers in junior year?" We start giggling, and I take the Pop-Tart out of the toaster and flinging it onto a paper plate.

"Yes! You called me right after, even though I was still in class, and told me to meet you in the bathroom." We start cracking up at the memory.

"It was over the shirt, and awkward as hell. We didn't ever kiss. He kept leaving these little notes in my locker, though." It had made it even more awkward. The point is, I had told her that, even though it was the lowest moment of my high school career so far. Why won't I tell her this?

"So I'm telling you... that it was a date in the same way that Will Halpert was an experienced romantic. It wasn't, and he wasn't." Why won't I tell her?

He is wonderful. He is hot, he is strangely sweet, and he makes me feel like I'm flying. Andy Biersack is the highlight of my love life, I'm sure. But... I start to doubt my decision of saying yes because maybe it was the wrong choice, and I know that it's gonna be a bad relationship or something and that's why I wont tell Kira. Maybe because I've never been in a crazy relationship. Really, I've only had three boyfriends. Four, if you count Will. There was Jared in ninth grade, who lasted about the whole year but we broke up like a week before school ended because... well, he bored me. Then there was like a month long weird thing with Will. That kind of overlapped with... God, what was his name?

"Junior year. After Will... Who-" Kira cuts off my question with an answer ready.

"Ansar?" Oh, yah. that was for two years. He ws the best, but... we broke up because in the end we were both kind of... bored with each other.

"Then Juan for the last half of summer and first half of school. You broke up because it got kind routine. You told me he started looking like the Pledge of Allegiance. Something you just kind of did." We both laugh and I realize just why I don't want to tell her. All my boyfriends had been steady, and Andy freaks me out.

"It was kind of a date and we kissed a lot and I'm pretty sure I agreed to see where dating would take us and that's really it but I did kind of feel like Julia Roberts." I spit out, then stuff the rest of the Pop Tart I had been nibbling on into my mouth so I don't have to talk anymore. Her eyes widen and she cheers, dancing around the apartment. I go and lay down on the bed, pulling the curtain around. Hopefully she goes away. She doesn't. Instead, she takes it upon herself to schedule a weird hang out/double date with her and Ashley.


I sit in a corner of my apartment, watching Family Guy. My TV is my favorite part of the flat. Kira's cousin hooked us up with all of these surround sound systems and sixty inch flat screens. Not sure if it was legal but... they were pretty much free. Maybe I do only have a bean bag chair and pillows as the sitting area, but I couldn't care less when I can watch Stewie create the Big Bang on a sixty inch. I smirk, because my awesomely cheap apartment annoys the crap out of Kira and she'll be here to take it all in any minute now. She's always pushing me to sell the pillows and bean bag char and get an actual couch- Oh Damn. She'll be here any fucking minute and I haven't gotten ready!

I rush to my makeup table, pulling my dark hair and bangs back into a headband before launching into fast makeup mode. This is an actual skill I had to learn at beauty school.

On Tuesday when Kira forced Ashley, Andy, and I into agreeing to the double date, we settled on Friday. I seriously have not left the apartment since then, instead I watch Seth McFarlen creations. So when I checked my phone today, I was quite shocked to see it was already Friday. I finish off my light smokey eye, then grab a brown pencil liner for my under-eye. Before pulling out the oh-so-trusty liquid liner I check my phone for the time and see her text message.

"On my way hope this cop doesn't see texting "

I panic as I swipe my eyelids, but not because of Kira's careless driving. Because I've only done eye makeup. I grab my bronzer. Three minutes. Blush. Two mnutes. Highlights. Five minutes. I finally throw on a collared dress with platform heels as Kira swings the door open, revealing a dangerously tight crop top and tight yet tailored slacks. What a funky outfit.

"Zoe! I told you I was on my way! What is with your hair?" I look into my makeup mirror. Oops. I had brushed it out but left it in the headband. No time for flat iron, I pull my hair up into a pony tail, grab my horrifyingly un-matching bag, and run out the door, Kira following.

We make it to my grungy apartment building's lobby without getting robbed.

"So where to?" I ask, adjusting my rushed outfit as we walk.

"Ashley said it was a surprise so I wore normal date clothes. Why were you so rushed? It's seven o'clock you had all day to prepare yourself?"

"I was preparing all day. In fact, I've been preparing since you left on Tuesday."

She looks at me, one eyebrow raised as we turn a corner into a cable car stop, "Oh really? How?"

"I've been watching Family Guy, American Dad, and Bob's Burgers." We get in line for the Cable cars. Why are we taking this? It's the least efficient mode of transportation here.

"No Archer?" She stands next to me, and we both smile at our favorite FBI animated spoof.

"Oh, most definitely Archer. How could I get through a date without the memories of a raunchy sex joke that only Adam Reed can create?" More people gather into the line and when I search the crowd, Andy's tall figure appears above everyone else's, carrying a backpack and suddenly Kira and I's mindless chatter feel too mindless. I feel myself smile way too big and realize just how much I've missed him the past three days. I stare into his eyes and feel like I could actually drown in their oceanic feeling.The weird spell he has over me is broken when I hear Kira squeal. I look over as she bounces ad jumps on Ashley, who grabs her butt, carrying her as she wraps her legs around him.

"Hey there, baby." He kisses her forehead quickly, then in a blink goes down to kiss her lips. I almost make an 'aw' sound it's so damn cute.

"Hi, Zoe." I look over towards Andy, then face him. My smile intensifies, and I can't stop. Just as I'm about to say something else, he swoops down and kisses me tenderly, holding my chin lightly in his hand. He lets go after a moment and stands back up straight.

"H-hhhh..." I sigh dreamily, then snap back to reality, "I mean - Hey, Andy. I missed you."Damn it! Who says they missed someone they saw like two days ago?

"I missed you to. Isn't that weird?" He sounds a little confused, but I feel nothing but relief. He feels the same way. Great.

"Yah... I guess it is kind of odd. We just saw each other." We move forward in the line, to where we'll probably be on the next car. He doesn't respond, instead surprising me, (like always) by grabbing my waist in his hands and pulling me up into a huge hug.

"I've really just wanted to do this... don't know why." He mutters into my hair, my head on his shoulder. I stay there for a second, my legs around him, arms wrapped around his neck tightly. With my eyes closed, I feel a weird sensation of absolute comfort and safety; warmth and softness, mixed with the undeniably exhilarating feeling of restlessness and adventure. Pouring rain and the feeling of cold air in my lungs.

"I wish I could feel this way for ever," I whisper into his ear.

"Like what?" He holds onto me tightly and I wonder how to explain this feeling to him.

"Like... Like feeling utterly terrified yet completely... protected at the same time." He puts me down, and at first I'm scared that I confused him, but we have to get on the cable car. We sprint forward to catch a seats on the outside, Anduy ahead because of his unusually long legs. Andy and Ashley sit down next to each other on the bench and Kira and I stand up in front of them, hanging on to the poles. While the cable car workers set up the tracks, I take in the moment. It's almost dark, and the sunset has started. We have to lean forward and towards the right to see it because it's behind the cable car but it's beautiful. I look forward and see that once we start moving, there's no other way to go but down a hill.

"Alright! For people standing up on the outer edge, keep both hands on the poles and do not lean out of the vehicle." A short man with dark skin standing between the benches says, then pulls a lever. We launch forward, and Kira screams happily.

"Aren't you wondering where we're going?" Ashley shouts, one hand reached forward, placed on Kira's hip as she stands directly in front of him.

"Yes!" We all say, and it comes to mind that not even Andy knows what the hell is happening.

"We're riding cable cars all over the city!" He exclaims. We all give out blank stares. I ride cable cars all the time. It's like a roller coaster that takes you places. A slightly more exciting way to get to work, is what I call them.

"What? I've never really ridden them! Besides, we're making stops. Don''t worry." I look behind me towards Andy, who is currently shamelessly staring at my butt.

'Andy!" I exclaim, slapping him on the cheek.

"What? Oh! Sorry! Fuck. Fuck, sorry. So sorry. That was fucking disrespectful of me, sorry. Fuck." This is a seamless dress, for Christ's sake. Looks like a pillow case. There's like nothing to stare at. Andy's humiliated apology makes up for everything though, and I can't help but not be mad.

"So what's out first stop, Ashley?" We all look towards him, excited.

"Union square." That place is so touristy. I should've known better.

"Fuck yeah!" Andy exclaims at the same time Kira and I groan.

"You might as well take us to a souvenir shop. That place is so touristy, babe." Kira moans before turning to lean out of the car and scream just as the man told her not to.

"Have you ever been there at night?" Ashley says, and I furrow my eyebrows, trying to remember the last time I was there at night.

"No." Kira replies, and I realize I haven't either. "But it doesn't matter. Unless you set up a stage and you're singing Coroline yourself to me, then it's still just Union square." I smile at the thought of Andy singing.

"Whatcha smiling at? Might you like the thought of me singing to you?" Andy teases with a slight smirk on his face, and I laugh as he pulls me back from the pole, onto his lap. He wraps his arms around me stomach, smiling into my neck.

"Union square to the left! Get off now for Union Square!" The man yells after a few blocks, so Andy picks me up bridal style and jumps off in one swift motion, causing me to scream in surprise and delight. Ashley and Kira jump off, too, as the cable car waits for everyone to get off. We walk past the huge mall with the Macy's on top, by one of the big heart statues, and sit down under Dewey Monument. It's actually really nice. We sit there and chat for a little bit, talking and laughing together while Ashley and Kira walk all around and kiss. While we sit in the middle of the park, Kira and Ashley wander around on the edge as people swarm around them. There aren't really many people in the actual park as I was imagining. Instead just some couples, and a few groups group of tourists.

"So... good first date?" Andy says after a few moments of silence as we look at all the lights.

"Not bad..."

"Well... maybe I can make it better." I almost ask what, but quickly figure it out as he pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, making me feel secure.

"Oh- and this," He opens the mystery backpack and pulls out a blanket and a bottle of champagne.

"Well isn't that romantic." I smirk, feeling a little more comfortable under his piercing stare. He smirks back and I realize he's twenty four, and I'm only twenty.

"One slight problem," I tease, trying to cover up my nervousness, "I'm not legal yet." His face drops and his head jerks back suddenly, surprised.

'To drink!" I add quickly, almost yelling and his concern goes away, "I'm, like, totally legal to- um... to do other... stuff." I realize just how suggestive the sentence sounds and finish it off quietly. He laughs and edges even more closer to me, his face inches away from mine.

"Uh-huh... Well, that's good." I try to catch my breath faintly, but fail when he licks his lips slightly and cocks his head to the side flirtatiously.

"Yah..." I whisper.

"So, where were we?"

I can barely speak, "Not legal to drink."

"Hmm. Well do you?"

"Do I what?" I can't think, he's too close and his hands are on my neck, "Oh! Do I drink? I mean... yes. I have a fake ID and I use it sometimes." He leans back finally, stopping the teasing.

"Well, I mean, you don't have to. I just assumed because when I was your age I drank."

"Nah, it's fine. Open the bottle!" He reaches for the champagne and pops the cork with his thumb, then ruffles his eyebrows slowly.

"Um... one more problem." He looks up at me, biting his lip, "It appears you haven't brought any glasses..." We both lean back against the statue and laugh at how this night has been. It feels so good to laugh with him. It's different from laughing with Kira, or with any of my old boyfriends. It's... not as light as with Kira, but so much more easy than with my boyfriends. Eventually we stop our ridiculous, crazed laughing and he holds the bottle up.

"I would say just drink from the bottle, but this is not that kind of occasion, is it?" I shake my head no, about to burst out in laughter at his semi-mock seriousness. He jumps to his feet, reminding me of a hot Peter Pan in black skinny jeans and a batman T-shirt.

"I suggest we travel forth to the Walgreen's across the street." He points a straight arm forward to the 24 hour store and I nod my head. Just as I'm about to walk forward he grabs me and pulls me back, only to put me on his back. I swing my legs around him and he grabs my knees, sprinting forward. We pass some groups of tourist, a homeless man, almost trip on plastic bag of trash, and skid forward when Andy stops abruptly at the sidewalk.

I laugh, "Andy, what the hell?"

"Gotta be safe! What if a car comes by?" He replies, after which galloping across, his long legs covering the four lane street easily. Soon we arrive at the doors, but he doesn't stop, and instead keeps galloping forward when the automatic doors slide open. Our loud screaming and laughing fills the nearly silent Walgreen's up easily, and soon pretty much all the employees are glaring at us. We take the hint and quiet down as we walk down the aisles, but not much. I'm still on Andy's back as he carries me sloppily, trying to quiet his laugh. We walk past a few people in pajamas, a few chill looking workers, and a guy eating a plastic looking sandwich. We finally find the right place and Andy puts me down to grab a stack of tiny paper cups.

"Those are for rinsing your mouth when you brush your teeth!" I grab them and put them down, strolling along the shelf, looking for something better. Obviously there's not going to be any actual champagne glasses but hopefully there's something better than cups with fish on them.

"Ha!" I exclaim when I find some thick plastic cups stacked up together.

"You found 'em!" We grab two, head to the checkout counter where a tiny little redhead wearing huge hoop earrings checks us out, the whole time eyeing Andy shamelessly. Andy just smiles in his smirky way back, totally oblivious to her flirting. We head back to the park, and sit back down at the statue, because nobody seems to be there.

"To... First dates." I say as Andy pours me a cup. He looks up at me and smirks at the cheesy remark. He pours himself a cup and soon we find ourselves halfway through the bottle, laughing and him stealing quick kisses.

"Oh wow. Half the bottle. I guess I do feel a little drunk." He looks at the label and shows me, pointing at the top.

"It says semi-alcoholic."

I giggle, "Well I better stop anyway. Mother taught me not to drink around tall, brooding men." He leans in closer, to where I can nearly feel his breath on my neck.

"Brooding?" He mutters, and all I can do is let out a soft 'mmhmm' as I stare at his beautiful soft lips, lip ring even better.

"I was going for more of a sexy look." Only inches away now, it's all I can do not to rip his pants off like a maniac. Let's not do that, Zoe. How about we be a normal, non-sex crazed person around Andy tonight? Just for now?

"Oh, you got that part down amazingly."

"Oh really?" He breathes before crashing his lips into mine, his hands running through my hair as our tongues fight for dominance. Soon I'm sitting on his lap, legs wrapped around him and arms around his neck. This kiss is not like the stolen kisses from before, gentle and careful. This one reminds me of our first kiss about three days ago, in his tour bus. His lip ring is cold on my tongue, big hands warm on my cool skin and soft shirt on my chest as we continue the heated kiss. My flowy dress tries it's best but soon is barely covering my thighs as Andy's hand replaces it. Moments later I feel his thumb at my underwear and stop the kiss.

"No." I say, hands on his chest.



"Okay." He locks his hands behind my back, smiling at me.

"We're in public." I explain, although he didn't ask. He just smiled. He only smiled sweetly, and listened to me completely. I feel a chill sent down my back when I realize so many guys wouldn't have, but in spite of the sudden fear, lean in closer and put my head on his shoulder. I feel jhis hand on my head, and there it it is again. Complete safety.

"Yah I get it. Not gonna be one of those weirdo's and get arrested or something." He replies playfully, and I laugh against his neck.

"Plus..." I gulp, not sure how to say the next part."I kind of have a seven date rule." I cringe, hoping he won't get mad. I'm suck a fucking tease when I forget I'm classy.

"Why didn't you just say so? I wouldn't have been such a dick and pushed you." He moves me to the side I'm not basically riding him through his jeans.

"No... I kind of forgot. I was being a tease." I blush, ashamed for teasing him.

"Zoe." He grabs my chin and stares at me, "You are not a tease. Don't say that, Zoe. You're having fun just like anyone else. And I will respect you okay? I want you to feel safe with me." He is so amazing... How could I have thought about saying no to this? It feels so natural.

"You guys ready to go?" I hear Ashley say, and I turn around, my head still spinning from the champagne and Andy.

"Next stop? Ice cream!" Andy and I cheer, then get up to go. With his body pressed against mine as we walk, I honestly can't wait for the seventh date.

{All of these places and references are true, so look up Sweet Maple! Their food is delicious. I am in San Fransisco almost more than I'm at home so... M pretty sure everything is accurate. Sorry this one is so long! Hope you liked it, and leave suggestions and vote!}

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