Glitter |Muke| !SLOW UPDATES¡

By derpingwithbands

827 82 19

✨ "Are you a cross dresser?" "No, why would you think that?" "Because you're wearing nail polish." ✨ More



198 26 14
By derpingwithbands

Let's be honest here, this is unedited so feel free to point out mistakes so I can fix them. I honestly don't mind.


"Who the fuck is ifuckyourbitch69 ?" Nathan asked.

"I don't know, man. some dude that's gonna fuck your bitch I'm guessing." Nathan rolled his eyes at Tyler's comment and then sneezed, making him shoot Tyler.

"Oops, sorry." Nathan said sarcastically.

"Add him. he can replace Ashton." I smirked and Ashton threw a pillow at me. Nathan added -whoever the hell it is- and a girl with blue hair popped up. She was making a strange face and I immediately recognized her as Carlee.

"No! She's on mine and Jacks team!" Nathan yelled.

"Whatever, dude. not like she's gonna help win I kick your-" Bang. "Ass." I dropped my controller and gasped. Carlee had managed to kill us all within a span of 3 seconds. "How?!" I gasped, along with everyone else.

"Carlee beat Michael. somebody actually beat him." Jack laughed.

"Well, that was a nice, easy game. I'll be off now. Ta-ta!" She said in a weird voice and left the game. We kind of sat on an awkward silence for a while, but our awkwardness was interrupted by a loud guitar being played.

"Carlee! Shut the fuck up!" Nathan yelled at her.

The electric guitar changed to an acoustic guitar, which was much quieter than the electric. I recognised the song to be Cannonball by Damien Rice. We all sat in an awkward silence, waiting for someone to talk. Surprisingly, it was none of us that broke the silence, it was someone walking into Jacks room.

"J-Jack? Dinners r-ready." A tall, skinny, blonde boy said to Jack. I recognised him but I didn't know where from. Suddenly, the boys eyes widened and he walked briskly over to Jack and whispered something in his ear and went and sat on Jacks bed.

"Mike, do you terrorise 17 year olds for fun?" Jack asked me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Um, not that I know of." I answered, confusion laced in my voice.

"Well you nearly made my brother shit his pants when you knocked him over today." The kid behind Jack blushed and looked down. I took a closer look at the kid, realising that he wasn't really a kid at all. He looked at least 18, light stubble along the bottom of his sharp jawline. He had black, thick framed glasses around his pale blue eyes. He had his blonde hair flat on his forehead, reaching the bridge of his perfectly sloped nose. His lips went darker pink towards the middle, like he'd been eating strawberries before and he had dimple in the middle of his chin. He was extremely attractive- not that I'm gay or anything...

Calum snapped me out of my daze by slapping me straight across the face.

"Ow motherfucker." I mumbled.

"Can you please apologise to my brother for being an asshole?" Jack asked me like I was stupid.

"No, I don't apologise." I said angrily.

"S'true. He's an asshole." Ashton shrugged, causing me to throw a pillow at him. "Where did you get that from?" Ashton questioned and I just shrugged in response.

"You are kind of an asshole." Calum agreed, no guilt in his voice whatsoever.

"You know what, fuck you guys." I said and walked downstairs. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some leftover pizza. After about 10 minutes of eating pizza, I heard fake gunshots and the laughter of Jack, Nathan, Tyler, Ashton and Calum.


I slipped on my Vans that were beside the door and walked outside, slamming the door behind me.

I made my way down the street, passing the perfectly pruned gardens of the houses lining the street, until I came to one that had the number 76 on the door. I knocked and waited awkwardly until it was opened by a tall, yet kind, looking man.

"Hello, Michael, what are you doing here?" He asked in a very calm tone.

"Er, is Ben home?" I asked nervously playing with my hands.

"Unfortunately. Come in and I'll go get him." He smiled, leading me into the foyer-type area. I stood awkwardly, looking at my shoes until someone bumped into me, nearly making me fall over.

"Sor- wait. You need to apologise to me first." A cocky looking Hemmings brother stood with an eyebrow raised at me, black sunglasses hanging from his shirt.

"Like hell I will. Where's your brother?" I snapped back.

"Which one? The one that likes your friends more than he likes you or the one that is passed out on his bedroom floor?" He smirked and I glared at him.

"He doesn't like my friends more than he likes me." I shot back nervously.

"Aw, how cute. A punk looking boy with self esteem issues." He fakery cooed, making me want to hit him.

"I don't have self esteem issues and I'm hardly a boy. I'm classified as a man now and how old are you exactly? Fourteen? Fifteen?" I said sarcastically, knowing that he's probably older than me.

"Seventeen, actually. And I seem to distinctly remember that you're the one that wears nail polish, so you're hardly a man." He sassed back.

"I wear nail polish because I play guitar and my nails are weak. Where the fuck is Ben?" I impatiently looked past the youngest Hemmings, waiting for Ben to come to my rescue.

"Lucifer, stop terrorising Bens friend." A kind looking woman scolded him as she walked past.

"Mummas boy." I coughed, looking as innocent as possible. She looked at me and smiled warmly.

"Would you like anything to eat? Drink? And you should come sit in the lounge room. Make yourself at home." She said kindly. I followed her into the lounge room and sat down on the white leather couch. I traced the tattoos on my arm, waiting for Ben, still.

"Why have you got so many tattoos?" Lucifer, I think is his name, sat down next to me (now wearing black framed reading glasses again) and asked quietly. I eyed him questioningly.

"He has multiple personality disorder. Lucifer, the asshole you met before. Lucas, who you're talking to now and Luke who is the one in between. The actual him." Ben said, sitting on my other side. He smelt of vodka and he looked like a mess but at least he wasn't drunk anymore. I nodded stupidly and watched Lucas' dainty hands trace the tattoos on my left arm.

"I like this one." He said quietly, pointing to the one on my forearm of a city at night with the words 'I'll be there when your days are long, hold you up if you don't feel strong.' written in cursive underneath. "Ron Pope, isn't it?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah," I replied gently. "I take it you're a fan?" He nodded shyly, a light blush gracing his cheeks.

"Geez, Mike. I've never seen you so gentle with someone." Ben said quietly.

"Shut up, Ben." Lu(cas? ke? cifer?) said quietly. I smirked and poked my tongue out at Ben, making him pinch my tongue.

"What the hell, Ben. You're so weird." I laughed once he let go of my tongue.

"Thank you," He smiled sarcastically. "It runs in the family."

"It does not." A voice from beside me spoke.

"Shut up, Luke. No one likes you." Ben snapped jokingly at his younger brother making me extremely confused.

"You ok, Mike?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, just a little confused as to who he is." I admitted.

"Ok. He's Luke at the moment, you can tell because he's not wearing glasses. Lucas wears those geeky glasses because he's a shy, quiet nerd. Lucifer is an asshole who always has sunglasses. He either has them on his head or his shirt." I looked over to see Luke sitting there with no glasses anymore. I nodded, starting to understand.

"I still don't like you." Luke glared at me, sinking back into the couch.

"Whatever, Benjamin Hemmings, would you like to accompany me to the arcade?" I smirked and he sent me a devious smile.

"I would love that." Ben stood up and waited for me to do the same.

"But first you have to change and put on some deodorant because you stink like shit." I said and gestured for him to go upstairs. He nodded and ran up the stairs, tripping only once.

"Can I come?" Luke asked from beside me. I laughed at the irony in his statement.

"No way." I scoffed.

"Why not?" He seemed generally confused.

"You're too young." I said bluntly. A look of thought crossed his face.

"I'm getting the impression that you're not going to the arcade." He smirked.

"No, we are. We're just not playing video games." Ben said from behind me.

"Take me with you or I'll tell Mum your little secret." He said to Ben. he then turned to me. "I'll also tell her the name of the evil man who did very bad things to her baby Lukey." He smirked.

"Fine, but if you tell Mum one word of anything, I'll kill you." Ben glared.

If drugs and sexual stuff makes you uncomfortable, stop reading here and I'll recap what happened at the end of the chapter.

Luke, Ben and myself got to the arcade around the same time that Bens friend did.

"Aye boys! Who's the new kid?" He asked. "The play pens on th' other side o' the road."

"He's my brother, don't give him anything." Ben said, still annoyed at Luke. We were silent while we went inside, Luke looking nervous.

I was the first to climb through the window, with help from the two eldest. Ben was second, ungracefully falling on his ass. Billy helped Luke up third, Luke climbing over and me helping him to the ground. Billy then passed over a hot pink cooler bag, telling me to be careful with it. I immediately passed it to Ben. After Billy climbed over, I looked for the lamp we usually use. I switched it on and saw Luke looking scared. Now he could see, he looked around the room and saw this this was, in fact, abandoned. He shuddered and moved closer to me. We proceeded to sit in a circle and unpack the bag. Ben pulled out a bottle of vodka, I pulled out the plastic baggy of weed and Billy pulled out the bong, which he had already set up. I started rolling some joints with Luke's eyes watching me carefully.

"So when you come here, you get drunk and high." Luke concluded quietly. I nodded and finished rolling my third joint.

"Mikey, you want some?" Ben asked me, gesturing to the bottle of VOX. I nodded and took a big swig, the alcohol burning my throat.

"Can I have some?" Luke asked nervously from next to me. I looked and saw that Ben was busy talking to Billy. I nodded.

"One sip." I handed him the bottle, making sure he did only take one sip. He took his one sip and started coughing.

"That's disgusting and it burns. How do you drink that?" He whisper-yelled so Ben couldn't hear him.

"Practise." I smirked and took another mouthful. "Billy, lighter?" I asked and he threw me the desired object. I lit up one of the joints and took in a deep breath of the smoke. I blew the smoke out of my lungs, Luke raising an eyebrow. I let out a sigh and slouched into the wall behind me. I looked over to Ben and Billy to see them doing the same.

After about 15 minutes of getting drunk and high, Luke spoke up.

"What does it taste like?" He asked. I looked over to Ben to see him shrug.

"He's your responsibility." Ben said and turned to Billy. I readjusted my sitting position so that my legs were out straight.

"Sit on my lap." I said to Luke. He raised an eyebrow at me but straddled my lap anyway. I lit up another joint. "Open your mouth." He did as he was told, looking at me curiously when I took a drag. I held my breath for a few seconds and put my face near Luke's. I breathed the smoke into Luke's mouth as he breathed in. He coughed a bit but gestured for me to do it again. He leant forward this time, placing his hands high up on my thighs, dangerously close to my member. I took a drag but this time I pressed my mouth to Luke's open one and kissed him. I exhaled as his mouth moved against mine, pulling his body closer. Even after the smoke had gone, we continued kissing. He ground his bum down on my hardening dick, making me moan. I roughly grabbed his hips and kept him moving against me. I moved my lips down his jaw and to his neck, sucking and biting marks all over.
Luke undid the button and zipper on my jeans and pulled my throbbing cock out of the top of my boxers. he changed position so he was now straddling my left thigh. He started moving his hand up and down my shaft.

"Such a pretty cock, daddy." Luke breathed in my ear. I gasped at the name, surprising Luke and making him stop his movements. He looked at me nervously.

"Daddy never told you to stop, princess." I growled in his ear. He whimpered quietly and resumed what he was doing before. I slipped my hands into the back pockets of his jeans and squeezed his bum. His hips jutted against my denim clad thigh, making me smirk. "C'mon princess, keep moving." I guided his hips to rock against my clothed thigh and he continued to whimper and moan quietly in my ear. Out of a sudden burst of dominance, I brought my hand up and slapped it down on the side of his left butt cheek. A loud groan left his pink lips. I did that 3 more times until he came in his pants. "Princess want to suck daddy's cock?" I smirked an he nodded. He moved his head down in line with my member, pulling my jeans and boxers down to my ankles. He brought his swollen pink lips down to the head, kissing it until he took as much as he could into his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down gingerly, swirling his tongue over the head when he brought his head up. He halted his movements for a moment and I looked down to see him thinking. He quickly shrugged and took all of me in his mouth. He gagged around my member, causing me to let out a long moan. He pulled off before repeating his actions a few more times. "Princess, Daddy's gonna come." I said, trying to get him to pull off. He let out a sound of disapproval before bobbing his head a few more times. I let out a loud cry of pleasure and came in hot spurts down Luke's throat. He pulled of and swallowed his mouthful, a little bit dripping down his chin. I wiped it off with my thumb and placed it on his lips. He took my thumb in his mouth and sucked the come off of it.

"Daddy tastes good." He said and kissed me quickly. He let out a sound of displeasure and readjusted his jeans. "They feel weird." He pouted.

"Want to wear daddy's boxers?" I asked kissing his cheek.

"Yes please." Luke said standing up. I kicked off my Vans and pulled my jeans and boxers the rest of the way off. I handed him my come-free boxers and put my jeans back on. Luke put my boxers on, smiling when he saw that his sweater came halfway down his thigh. "Do I have to put my jeans back on?" He pouted and I shook my head.

"Of course not, baby." I said, pulling my Vans back on.

"Where's Ben?" Luke asked, looking around the room. I looked around the room too, seeing that there was no one in the room, the drugs and alcohol were gone too.

"I don't kn-" I was cut off by police sirens and flashing lights. "Fuck." I said quietly and grabbed Luke's hand. "Climb through the window." I whisper shouted to Luke helping him up. I followed him, grabbing his hand once we were through. "How fast can you run?" I asked. He shrugged. "Well we're about to find out." I said. He looked confused until a police officer flashed his torch in our direction. Luke got the hint and started running with me next to him.

Hands still clasped, we were giggling like children at my attempts to unlock my house door. I eventually groaned and started banging on the door.

"Cally! Let me in!" I yelled in a sing song voice. Calum swung the door open and looked temporarily relieved.

"Why do you smell like vodka and weed? And why is there a pants-less Luke Hemmings with you? And why are you holding his hands? Why does he have hickies all over him?" I giggled at Calum's angry questions and led Luke inside, stumbling over my own feet. Luke continued giggling as I went to the kitchen and grabbed out some cold pizza. I handed a slice to Luke and looked at my slice questioningly.

"It looks weird," I said. "And yet so delicious." I took a bite and moaned at the taste. Luke gave me a smirk and mumbled something. "What'd ya say Lukey?" I asked.

"I said that that's not the first time I've heard you moan." He smirked again.

"Sh, Lukey, don't tell Cally." I said, giggling.

"What aren't we telling Calum?" Ashton walked into the kitchen, holding a pair of sweatpants for Luke.

"We can't tell you. It's a secret." Luke giggled. Ashton shrugged.

"You guys are really high." Ashton pointed out.

"I'm only a little bit high." Luke defended, pouting a little bit.

"Whatever, Calum's really mad at you, Michael." He said. Before he could say anything else, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered, giggling at my own thoughts.

"Hey Michael, you and Luke didn't get caught did you?" Billy asked.

"Nope. Me and Lukey ran away." I smiled proudly.

"Ok, me and Ben got arrested but Mrs. H bailed is out." He said again. "Keep Luke at your house tonight, ok?"

"Yep. See you soon, Billy." I giggled and hung up. "Ben and Billy got arrested. Stupid idiots didn't run away like us." I said to Luke.

"You guys got chased by the cops?" Calum spoke from the doorway, looking pissed. I nodded slowly. "You're a fucking idiot. I'm so close to being done with your shit, Michael." Calum scoffed. I looked down sadly.

"I'm sorry, Cally." I said, lip trembling. Calum came over and pulled me into a hug.

"Please stop doing this, Mikey. It's not good for you." He nuzzled his head into my neck. "You're supposed to be my big brother. You can't be if you're behind bars, though."

"I'm sorry, Cally." I repeated, stoking his hair.

"I love you." He said to me. "I know I can't say any of this shit to you when you're sober because you'd call me a pussy but I really do love you Mikey. yours my best big brother." He sighed.

"I love you too, Cally." I said back. "You're my best little brother."

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