The Mummy:Rise of the Undead

By JianEunJo

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Katharine Carnahan is the adoptive sister of Evelyn and Jonathan Carnahan. When her older brother steals a bo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

11K 215 40
By JianEunJo

Hey guys next chapter here if you're wondering who I picture as the OC it is Gemma Arterton.

I hope I stayed in character for all characters and again if there is anything you think I could Improve on please don't hesitate to tell me.

Disclaimer: I own Nothing

Evelyn Carnahan more commonly known as Evy was sorting through the library's collection of books with a smile on her face. Her big sister, Katharine was coming home from a dig today and she was excited to see her, it had been 6 months since she had last seen her, of course they wrote to each other but it was different to actually seeing her sister face to face.

Of course Katharine wasn't her sister by blood, her parents had found her when she was 15, Evelyn had been 12 at the time and had always wanted a big sister and they had immediately connected over their love of ancient history.

Evelyn and Katharine had often been mistaken as blood sisters. Evelyn was sorting through the R section of the library when a familiar voice surprised her.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my dear sweet little sister". The voice said with a smile. Evelyn quickly whipped around to look and as she saw who it was her smile grew even more.

"Katharine. What are you doing her I thought you were coming in later this afternoon; I was going to pick you up". Evelyn stated as she walked over to her sister and hugged her. Evelyn pulled away and looked Katharine up and down to see if she was hurt anywhere, when she noticed her sister's clothing.



Katharine smiled at the disapproval in her little sister's voice. Evy had always been the little lady out of the 3 siblings but being an Archaeologist and working in the desert was very hard to do when you were wearing a skirt.

"And is that a gun. And a Knife"! Evelyn exclaimed.

Katharine frowned she'd forgotten about them when she had arrived as she was too anxious to see her brother and her sister.

"Eve's you know I have to carry them being a woman archaeologist is very dangerous especially when some people try to make you seem weak and inferior". Katharine said with a frown.

Evelyn sighed as she thought about some of the dangers her sister had gotten herself into over the years but she quickly erased them from her mind and smiled once again.

"Well I have to finish sorting out the library and then maybe we could go to lunch"? Evelyn suggested.

"I'd love that; I'll just sit here and read until you are done". Katharine said as she let Evy get back to work.

Evelyn was now in the S section of her sorting; her sister had disappeared behind one of the bookshelves a little while ago and had yet to come out.

"Sacred Stones. Sculpture and Aesthetics. Socrates, Seth, Volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3" Evelyn said out loud to herself as she sorted.

"Eve's you do realise the talking to oneself is the first step to going crazy, yes"! Evelyn heard Katharine call out to her from somewhere. She laughed quietly to herself as she continued what she was previously doing and looking at the book in her hands

"T....Tuthmosis? What are you doing here"? Evelyn quickly looked around for the T section and found it right across from her. She quickly put the rest of the books that was in her hand down and started to lean over to the other shelf.

Just as Evelyn was about to put the book on the shelf the ladder swung away from the bookshelf it was leaning on and Evelyn gasped as she tried to get the ladder balanced and looked around for her old sister.

"Help". Evelyn whispered to frightened to talk any louder, she gave a light scream as she lost her balanced and the ladder fell in to the bookshelf with a loud thump.

Katharine was reading up on Egyptian Mythology when she heard a loud groan she quickly looked around looking for the source of the noise and noticed that the bookshelf was about to fall on top of her and she dived out of the way.

Both sisters watched in stunned disbelief as every single bookshelf fell over one by one in a domino effect. When the last bookshelf fell over Katharine looked over to her sister, who looked slightly frazzled.

"Oops". Evelyn whispered as she looked around her. Both sisters' heads turned as they heard the gasp come from the doorway of the library. It was the curator, Dr Bey.

The curator walked further into the library looking around in shock and horror. Katharine glanced over at her sister giving her an amused smile. Even though the situation was not funny the look on Dr Beys face was priceless. The curators eyes finally landed on Evy and his gaze hardened into a glare.

"Look at this. Sons of the Pharaohs. Give me frogs, flies, locusts anything but you. Compared to you the other plagues were a joy". Dr Bey yelled as he walked closer to Evy. Katharine growled as she stood up about to give the old man a piece of her mind when a hard look from her sister stopped her in her tracks.

"I am so very sorry it was an accident". Evelyn said apologetically to Dr Bey. She wanted to quell his anger very quickly because if he kept yelling at her, she knew her sister wouldn't be afraid to hit him.

"My dear girl. When Ramses destroyed Syria that was an accident. You are a CATASTOPHE"! Dr Bey said yelling that last part at her.

"Why do I put up with you"?

"You know goddamn well why you put up with her old man. Besides the fact that she can read and write ancient Egyptian. She's the only person in a thousand miles who can properly catalogue and code this library while also putting up with you". Katharine finally yelled getting sick of him insulting her sister.

"I put up with her, Katharine, because your parents were our finest patrons that's why"! Dr Bey said glaring at Katharine for the way she yelled at him. Katharine flinched at the reminder of her adoptive parents deaths. She had run into them while running away from the orphanage, they took her back and could have left her there and never thought of her again except that when they did arrive they talked to the receptionist about adopting her. So when they died a year ago it had absolutely devastated her.

"Allah rest their souls". The curator said mournfully when he saw both girls flinch. He quickly turned around back to Evelyn.

"I don't care how you do it, I don't care how long it takes. Straighten up this meshiver" The curator yelled as he walked away and left the sisters to it.

The girls looked at each other the older fuming while the younger one looked tiredly. Suddenly there was a loud bang from the room behind them and both went to investigate.

"Hello" Evy called out when they saw nothing was out of place and no one was there. Katharine quickly grabbed a torch from a nearby statue and both walked in.

"Abdul. Mohammed. Bob". Evy called out as she looked around. Katharine quickly took out her gun from its holster and held it before her. Another loud bang sounded and both sisters walked closer to where it was coming from.

When they were closer to the opened sarcophagus the corpse inside suddenly sat up. Katharine jumped while Evelyn screamed both a little bit scared until they heard a familiar laugh.

"Jonathan, you bastard. Have you no respect for the dead". Katharine said as she smacked her older brother over the head several times.

"Of course I do. But sometimes I'd rather like to join them". Jonathan said as he wrapped his arm around the mummy's shoulders. Both his sisters were very easy to pull a prank on but you had to be more careful with Katharine because she wouldn't hesitate to shoot you.

"Well I wish you would do it sooner rather than later, before you ruin my career like you ruined yours. Now get out". Evy demanded of her older brother as she franticly fixed the mummy back into place.

"Oh my dear sweet baby sister ... I'll have you know that at this moment my career is on a high not" Jonathan said as he stumbled drunkenly out of the sarcophagus.

"High note, you .... Yeah right". Katharine scoffed as she smirked at her brother who gave her a playful glare.

"Jonathan please, I am really not in the mood for you, I just made a bit of a mess in the Library ... and The Bembridge scholars rejected my application form again. They say I don't have enough experience in the field". Evy said as she sat down at the base of one of the statues, dejectedly.

"Excuse me. Why have I not heard about this until now"? Katharine said as she looked at her little sister. Evy just glanced up at her with tears in her eyes.

Jonathan and Katharine quickly walked over to their little sister and sat on either side of her, wrapping their arms around her in a hug.

"You'll always have us old mum". Jonathan said quietly. All three siblings smiled until Jonathan jumped up excitedly.

"Besides I have just the thing to cheer you up". Jonathan said running over to the sarcophagus and searching. Both Katharine and Evy groaned in unison.

"Oh Jonathan not another worthless trinket, if I have to take one more piece to try and sell for you..." Evy trailed off as her brother handed her the item.

"Jonathan where did you get this"? Katharine whispered as she stared at the box in awe.

"On a dig down in Thebes". Jonathan hesitated in answering. Katharine narrowed her eyes at him; she had just been on a dig in Thebes and most certainly had not seen her brother there.

"Are you sure you didn't just steal it"? Katharine asked while Evy kept looking at the trinket.

"Now Kitty Kat would I do that"? Jonathan asked with a playful offended look on his face, Katharine just kept on staring at him until he looked away.

"Anyways, Evy please tell me I found something". Jonathan begged her. Katharine's attention was pulled away from her brother to the puzzle box that was now opened in Evy's hand. All three of them looked at the piece of paper that was inside.

"Jonathan". Evy whispered in disbelief, a small smile starting to make its way onto her face.

"Yes". Jonathan whispered excitedly

"I think you found something". Katharine finished as she too started at the box. Although se highly doubted her brother had found it on a dig, a pocket yes, but a dig. NO.


Katharine was currently waiting for her siblings to come out from the curator's office as she knew if she saw that man again she would have been tempted to punch or shoot him for how he was talking to Evy earlier.

While Katharine waited she played with the locket that was around her neck. She had never taken it off since she'd gotten it when she was 14. She opened the locket to look at the photographs inside.

On one side was a picture of a man and woman in their late 40's they were smiling at the camera as happy as ever. These were her adoptive parents; she smiled sadly as she looked at them until her gaze was taken away from them to the photo on the other side.

This photo contained a young boy and girl. The boy looked about 18 and was looking at the camera with a playful grin; his blue eye filled with mirth and his sandy brown hair blowing in the wind, his arm was wrapped around the young girl who looked about 14. Her grey eyes bright and wide, her hair blowing into her face and mouth wide open in laughter.

The young girl, Katharine recognised as herself but the boy, he had been her best friend while she was at the orphanage. A few weeks after the photo had been taken he had been made to leave as he had gotten too old. On that day he gave her the locket with the picture of them inside it, telling her it was so she'd never forget him and she never had. Katharine was pulled out of her thoughts when her siblings stormed out of the building.

"What happened"? Katharine asked.

"The old man burnt off part of the map with Hamunaptra on it". Jonathan wailed. Katharine frowned the old man was far from being clumsy and she highly doubted he had done that by accident.

"That doesn't matter, what does is where you got that from Jonathan, we may be able to find another clue". Evy said as she turned to her brother who suddenly became sheepish.

"Well you see... I....may have ... you know.... stolen it". Jonathan said whispering the last part


"I knew it"

"Well who did you steal it from and where exactly can we find them". Evy demanded of her brother who immediately cowered under Evy's glare.

"Well I don't know exactly who the chap is but I do know where to find him" Jonathan said as his sisters stared at him.

"Where"! Both girls demanded of him in unison.

"He's being held in Cairo Prison".


Katharine, Jonathan and Evy walked into Cairo Prison and Evy was still reprimanding Jonathan, although she seemed angrier that he had lied to her instead of stealing. Katharine listened to her sister, very highly amused. This was why both she and Jonathan called her old mum.

"Come, come. Step over the threshold. Welcome to Cairo Prison, my humble home". The warden of the prison said as he led us towards the cell, where the man we were looking for was being led to.

"You told me you got it on a dig down in Thebes". Evy reprimanded for about the 100th time. Both Jonathan and Katharine shared a look. Honestly their little sister should expect this behaviour from him by now.

"Yeah well I was mistaken". Jonathan said, distracted as he looked around the rather dirty prison.

"You lied to me". Evy said getting very close to shouting.

"He lies to everyone. What the hell makes us so special"? Katharine said as she looked at her sister. As amused as she was, she was glad it was Jonathan on the other end of Evy's anger and not herself. Eves could be right scary when she wanted to be.

"1, Language and 2, we're his sisters". Evy said

"That just makes you more gullible". Jonathan said while Katharine looked at him, highly offended.

"Excuse me, but I seem to recall seeing through your little ruse". Katharine's comment however was ignored by her two siblings.

"Jonathan you stole it from a drunk at the local Kasper". Evy said as all three walked further into the prison. Jonathan was desperately trying to get his sisters to turn around as he was in no great rush to see the man he stole the box from.

"Picked his pocket, actually". Jonathan said as he started to turn around and as Evy's arm was wrapped around his, he was turning her around as well.

"Jonathan stop being a coward and come on". Katharine yelled at her brother as she kept walking. Honestly she loved her brother with all her heart but sometimes she could just strangle him.

"Exactly what is this man in for"? Katharine heard Evy yell from behind her.

"Well this I do not know. But when I heard you were coming I asked him that myself". The warden said as he looked Evy up and down. Katharine growled at him and started to reach for her knife when Evy spoke up again.

"What did he say"? Evy asked. Katharine rolled her eyes; her sister could be too polite for her own good sometimes. Here is this pig watching her as if she was some sort of meat and she still talked to him like he was a gentleman.

"He said he was just looking for a good time". The warden announced as the doors were open and a man was roughly brought out.

Katharine stared at the man. There was something familiar about him and he reminded her of the boy she once knew but this man couldn't be him as there was no light or mischief in his eyes only anger and pain.

"This...This is the man that you stoles it from"? Katharine heard Evy ask their brother in disbelief. Jonathan's reply was drowned out by the yelling from the guards in front of her.

"Who are you? And who's the broads"? The man asked, rudely. This was most certainly not the boy from Katharine's childhood; while he had been a trouble maker he had never been as rude as this man in front of her.


"Excuse me"?

"I'm just a local sort of missionary chap, spreading the good word. These are my sisters Evy and..." Jonathan started to say but was cut off by the man in the cell.

"Where did you get that necklace"? The man demanded staring at Katharine's neck. She glared at him as she wrapped her hand around the locket hiding it from view. Honestly where did this man get off. First he calls both her and her sister broads then he demands to know about her necklace.

"Not that it's any of your business sir but I have had this ever since I was a child". Katharine said, making sure to watch her language as she did not need another 4 hour long lecture from Evy.

"Kitty"? The man asked quietly. Katharine stared in shock at the man. There was a reason why she never like Jonathan calling her Kitty (besides the fact that she was much too old for it, she was 26 for pities sake) that had been her childhood nickname that her best friend used to call her.

"Rick"? Katharine asked in disbelief. She wasn't sure she actually wanted this man to be the Rick from her childhood as she didn't want to know what had made him into this angry man before her. But there was that other part of her that hoped and prayed it was him as she had missed him for it had been 12 years since they had last seen each other.

The man simply gave her a small nod in confirmation as they both started at each other in stunned silence until a cough broke their concentration. Both turned to look at Evy who looked very sheepish.

"Katharine how do you know this man"? Evy asked quietly. Evy knew this man (now known as Rick) must have meant a lot to her older sister if she was silent. Katharine had never been silent for longer than 5 minutes ever since they had met.

"Uh... he's ...the boy I told you about... my best friend at the orphanage". Katharine stuttered out quietly still not tearing her eyes away from Ricks. Jonathan and Evy both looked at the man in shock and a little bit of worry. Both knew how much he had meant to her and were a little afraid that he would take their sister away from them.

Suddenly a shout was heard from across the courtyard and the warden turned to them.

"I'll be back in a moment". The warden said as he wondered off. Katharine broke out of her stupor and glared at the retreating figure.

"Please don't hurry back". Katharine muttered as Rick smiled slightly. She seemed happier since the last time he had seen her, granted the last time he saw her she had been crying, but she seemed relaxed around these two people in front of him. He vaguely recalled the male calling Kitty (although he highly doubted he should call her that at the moment) his sister. Rick was happy that she seemed to have been adopted into a loving family. He was brought out of his thoughts by the young lady (Evy, was it?) asking him something.

"We all found your puzzle box and we've come to ask you about it". Evy said as she looked at this Rick with a small smile. Katharine however wasn't smiling as she stared at Rick blankly she wasn't really sure how to act around him after so long.

"No" Rick replied quickly.

"No"? Katharine asked as though she had never heard the word before.

"No. You come to ask me about Hamunaptra". Rick said in a bored voice. Jonathan and Evy looked around shushing him as if someone was listening in while Katharine rolled her eye at her sibling's antics.

"How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra"? Evy asked while Katharine stared at her sister in disbelief.

"Well it was his puzzle box Eves, before butter fingers over here stole it". Katharine said as she pointed to her brother who gave an offended "Hey".

"And that's where I was when I found it. I was there". Rick stated as all three of them stared at him in shock until Jonathan took a brave step forward.

"But how do we know that not a lot of pigs wallow".

"Do I know you"? Rick said as he pointed to the familiar looking man.

"No, no, I've just got one of those faces". Jonathan never got to finish his sentence as Rick had punched him. Evy gave a little scream as she knelt by her brother's side to check on him while Katharine just stepped over him and walked closer to her old friend.

"Hey. Enough"! She shouted at the guards who were currently hitting Rick with their guns for punching Jonathan, even though in her opinion he did deserve that punch.

"You were actually at Hamunaptra"? Katharine asked in awe. Rick smiled at the look of awe on Katharine's face, at least one thing had never changed she still had a love for history.

"Yeah I was there". Rick confirmed still smiling.

"You swear". Katharine said as she stared at him in the eyes to see if he was lying but she could no longer tell.

"Every damn day". Katharine gave a small amused smirk at that. That was the person she remembered. Quick witted and sarcastic to the bone.

"That's not what she meant". Evy said from behind Katharine glaring slightly at the filthy man.

"I know what she meant. I was there. Seti's place. City of the Dead". Rick said as he waved his arms above his head and rolled his eyes.

"Rick, can you tell me how to get there"? Katharine asked quietly. Rick stared at her with wide eyes.

"You want to know"?

"Yes". Katharine said as knelt in front of the cage.

"You really want to know"? Rick asked once more, seeing Katharine getting more and more impatient by the second.

"Yes Rick. I really, really, really want to know". Katharine huffed. Why on earth would she ask if she wasn't sure she really wanted to know the answer? Rick than did something she never expect him to do.

He kissed her.

"Then get me the hell out of here Kat". Rick growled as he pulled away. Katharine stared at him in shock as he was pulled away from her by the guards. The warden suddenly came back yelling out orders.

"Do it, Kat"! Rick yelled as he was finally pulled away from sight.

"Where are they taking him"? Evy asked, seeing that her sister was still in a bit of shock.

"To be hanged. Apparently he had a very good time". The warden replied. Katharine turned around and glared at the warden before walking away.


Katharine watched as a knot was tied around Rick's neck. She was currently leaning against a post holding her gun at her side waiting for an opportune moment.

"I will give you 100 pounds to save this man's life". Katharine heard Evy offer the warden in the background.

"Madam, I would pay 100 pounds just to see him hang". The warden said gleefully. Katharine turned around to look at the man (if you could call him that) in disgust. She was honestly liking this fellow less and less by the minute.

"2...2 hundred pounds". Evy continued frantically.


"3 hundred pounds".

Katharine drowned out her sister as she watched the hangman ask Rick a question to which she could not hear the answer. The hangman shouted something to the warden who yelled in disbelief.

"Of course we don't let him go". The warden yelled before the hangman smacked Rick across the head.

"5 hundred pounds". Evy offered while the warden halted the proceedings.

"And what else I'm a very lonely man". The warden said as he put his hand on Evy's thigh. Katharine was just about to shoot him when Evy hit the man with the book she was holding making all the inmates laugh. The warden, embarrassed, yelled out the order and both Evy and Katharine shouted.

Katharine watched as Rick fell through the platform and start struggling for breath. Behind her the warden laughed.

"His neck did not break. I am so sorry now we must watch him strangle to death". The warden said in a fake apologetic tone.

"He knows the location to Hamunaptra". Katharine heard Evy tell the pig from behind her.

"You lie". The warden spat.

"That'll be the day". Katharine scoffed while she heard Evy deny, sounding highly offended.

"Are you telling me that this filthy, godless son of a pig know where to the City of the Dead"? The warden yelled in excitement or disbelief Katharine did not know but she was stuck on the pig part. Y what she has seen today he had no right to call someone else a pig with the way he acted.

"Yes" Evy confirmed as she saw her sister get her gun ready to fire.


"Yes and if you cut him down, we will give you ... Ten percent". Evy offered while Katharine lifted her gun ready to fire. She was waiting for a deal to be struck.

"Fifty percent". The warden said greedily.



"Thirty". Evy said that being her last offer.

"Twenty-Five". The warden said getting so frustrated he hadn't even realised what he'd said.

"Deal". Katharine said quickly as she fired. The bullet ripped through the rope, breaking it and Rick fell down to the ground with a thump.

Katharine put her gun away as she watched Rick take in deep breaths of air. She saw him look up at her with an astounded look on his face, Katharine smirked at him as if she was telling him I'm not the girl you remember just like your no longer the boy I remember.

Rick looked up at Katharine, squinting in the sunlight, he was surprised that she knew how to handle a gun as when he had left her 12 years ago she had been so afraid of them she'd often scream at the sight of them.

Well it seemed something had most certainly changed.

AN: Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter. I do hope I stayed in character with all the characters. I will be updating this story every second or Third day so that I can make the chapters longer and have them edited properly. I will try and make the chapters a bit longer.

Just to make it clear Katharine and Rick met in the Orphanage (Rick says in the Mummy returns he was in an orphanage in Cairo) Katharine was 5, Rick 9 and he protected her like a big brother would for a while but quickly she became his best friend as she was a lot like him loved a joke.

The reason Katharine is acting the way she is, is because she was caught off guard by Ricks anger as the last time she had seen him he was still a happy prankster.

Please leave a review and tell me what you think of Katharine and again if there's anything you think needs improvement don't hesitate to tell me.

Next chapter: Medjai attack, Katharine and Rick catch up on the last 12 years and Hamunaptra.

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