My Saviour, Harry Styles

By meganrubin19

6.5K 156 40

When an abused 18 year old runs away from home and meets a boy, she feels love like never before. Together th... More

My Savior Harry Styles
Meeting Niall
Meeting Brianna
The Truth Comes Out
The Amusement Park
Carnival Games and Hand Holding
A Little Bit of Drama
Job Searching and Heart Fixing
A Lovely Picnic
First Day on the Job
A Late Night Snuggle
Movies and Meeting Liam
A Dinner Date
The Perfect Boyfriend
A Girls Night. Or So They Thought...
A Girls Day
Romance Is In The Air
The Party
Picking Up The Pieces
Putting Them Back Together
A Promise...
Plot Twist...
Sneak Peek:)
The End:'(

Is this a dream?

289 7 3
By meganrubin19


Jennifer's POV

I watched, frightened as the curly haired boy who had yelled just a moment before, approached me. I looked at him and thought he was pretty hot. The long curly brown locks, the toned body, the bright, mesmerising green eyes, and I think I might have gotten a glimpse of dimples on his cheeks.

"Hey" he said and I stared at him confused. He said hi like he had known me forever and had just bumped into me on the street but in fact, I had never seen him before in my life. As I thought that, my memory conflicted with my brain. Maybe I had met him before, but where?

"Oh, hello" I answered trying to sound relaxed but really my heart was racing.

"Are you okay? Why were you holding a knife to your heart? Should I call the police?..." he blabbered on with questions and I remained silent until I had had enough of him.

"I'm fine." I said harshly, "and I definitely don't need your help." He looked at me, hurt washing over his face.

"I was just trying to help. Jeesh." He said and I just huffed in response.

"We'll what are you doing here in the cold at midnight by yourself?" He asked.

"None of your business." I simply stated. "why are you here?" I asked, curious.

"I wanted to be alone." he said almost in a whisper.

After a while of awkward silence, he finally spoke up, "Let me take you back to my flat and we will get you something warm to eat and a good nights rest yeah?" He asked me. But I refused to go with this stranger. He would probably rape me or something.

"No thanks, now if you excuse me, I'll be on my way.."

I started but he cut me off.

"No I insist." He pleaded with me. Nuh uh mister I'm staying right here.

"Really, I'm fine. I just want to be alone so if you don't mind..." I said while shooing him away with my hands.

"Ok, fine. If you insist." He said, sounding defeated. "But here's my number, call me if you need anything." He handed me a slip of paper with his number on it.

"Oh and by the way, I'm Harry, Harry Styles." Hmm Harry. That's a cute name.

"I'm Jennifer." I said, sticking out my hand and he accepted my offer, shaking it gently.

"Well Jennifer, I'll see you around." He said, walking away toward the empty street. Strangely, I felt as if I would miss him if he left, but I shook the feeling because he was a complete stranger.

"Good bye Harry." I whispered, barely audible. And as he walked away, I laid down on the park bench thinking about this mysterious boy and falling into a deep sleep.

Harry's POV (back at his flat)

Wow. That girl in the park was beautiful. The closer I got, the more I began to like her. I know some of you might think of me as a man wh*re for moving on so fast but trust me, if you saw beauty like that, you would move on too. I couldn't get my mind off of her.

What was her name? Sh*t. I forgot already. Wait, it's on the tip of my tongue...... Jasmine? No. Jessica? No. Jennifer! Yes, it's Jennifer! What a beautiful name.

As the night went on, I sat on the couch watching Family Guy reruns and thinking about Jennifer. I felt myself drift off at about 2:00am. That night, I dreamt of her standing there in the park, weak and fragile, but beautiful.

(Next morning)

I woke up with a start. Jennifer was the first thing that popped into my head. I rolled over and looked at my phone. It was 7:00am. I rolled back over, intending on getting a few more hours of rest but Jennifer wouldn't leave my mind.

I finally decided (after internal conflict), to go back to the park. I quickly pulled on a white shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of VANS. I combed my hair then headed out. As I walked outside, the cold hit me. I ran back in my flat, grabbing a jacket and a blanket. The blanket was for Jennifer because she must be freezing!

I quickly walked down the street, to the park and to the bench where she had sat the night before. I looked at the bench and there lay Jennifer. She was fast asleep, obviously dreaming because she was mumbling something I couldn't understand. She also shivered in her sleep so I quickly threw the blanket over her.

For a while, I just stood there watching her sleep. She looked extremely young and beautiful in her sleep. I finally decided she was going to wake up so I should do something. Putting aside the consequences and her denial from the previous night, I scooped her up bridal style and walked her back to my flat.

As I walked, she nestled her head into my chest, still shivering but at least now I could hear her mumbling more clearly. 'No! Please!' she mumbled. Oh how I wished I could see what was happening in her dream.

'Im so sorry, it won't happen again!' she mumbled. What was going on in her dream? Oh well, I thought as I arrived at my flat, flinging her over my shoulder so I had a free hand to unlock the door. Once it was opened, I walked inside and laid her on my bed, covering her in blankets. Then, I walked to the living room and plopped on the couch, drifting into another deep sleep.


Jennifer's POV

As I slept, I dreamt of my father. It wasn't a good dream either. He had accused me of sneaking out of the house, even though I hadn't. I shivered, feeling the park's cold air around me, giving me a chill.

A little ways into my dream, I felt a strange warmth. A blanket? No it couldn't have been, nobody likes me enough to take care if me. I was on my own. But strangely enough, I felt strong arms wrap around my bruised body and pick me up. An incredible warmth radiated from the body I was propped against and I snuggled into their chest.

Is someone saving me from my dream? Or is this reality and they are saving me from my nightmarish life? Oh well, whichever it was, I held on to it for as long as I could until I was placed over their shoulder, and brought into a house?

I was gently plopped onto a soft bed with tons of blankets where my wonderful dream shifted back into a nightmare. My dad beating me the day before. The verbal and physical abuse had really taken a toll on my body.

When I awoke from my slumber, I took in my surroundings. What the hell?? Where am I? I'm not at the park! I guess that wasn't a dream. Then who's house is this? Have I been kidnapped? This cannot be happening! Just when I thought life couldn't get worse! Then something uncontrollable happened. I screamed. Not a small scream but a full out, top of my lungs, super high pitched scream. Sh*t that would attract the kidnapper. There goes my chance of escape.


Hey guys! If anyone is reading this, I want to thank you! Keep reading, voting, commenting, and recommending this fanfic to people! I would really appreciate it!

Just a shout-out to my friend who is writing an amazing fanfic featuring me as a main character! It's called: The Rollercoaster that is life and its by AMattice so go read it and comment and vote for it! Thanks!

QOTD: k so I was wondering if I should add Niall and Briannas POVs into this story? Comment what you think! I really appreciate all suggestions so keep reading and being awesome😀

P.S. sorry it's so short but two updates in one day is pretty good so you guys can deal.


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