Yosafire lemon!

By Anime-cool

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I hope you guys like this story because I really haven't been writing story's like this and a long time,so I... More

"Chelan x Yosafire."
Rawberry x yosafire
Rawberry x Macarona
Chelan x dialo past(Sorry.I forgot to publish this first.)
Rawberry x yosafire: part 2
Kcalb x yosafire~
Kcalb x yosafire:PART THREE~

Kcalb x yosafire~PART TWO

1.4K 7 2
By Anime-cool

Etwin was stareing at Yosafire blushed face and kcalb normal (grumpy) face.She was trying her best to know how this happen and when did it happen.

"Kcalb...I'm kinda surprised that you would do something like this...but Yosafire...umm,well?"etwin didn't know what to say.yosafire just dropped her head in shame."I didn't know you were...in the mood..."Etwin said mood by saying it with a goofy smile.

"I'm so sorry etwin!?It just...happen..."Yosafire was crying and she was blushing.all she want was to go home and forget that this ever happen."And I'm sorry old man!I just felt...sad."Yosafire took off her glasses and wipe off her tears.

"Well, Yosafire.Since you and kcalb have two lives...I'm going to have to know how,when,where you did it with kcalb."Kcalb looked at etwin and nodded his head.Yosafire blush more.She felt embrassed and put her glasses back on.

"Well...it started at old man room."Yosafire started.

*Gasp!?*No way~"Yosafire started when she saw kcalb back on his feet and healing.*Its a good thing that stupid sunglasses WHATITFACE and the dumb demon king guy didn't still your immortality~*yosafire felt a little woozy and sick.She was puking everything that she ate and she really was not feeling right.

But right to what she and lord kcalb story.

Wodah and grora was trying to feed lord kcalb,but he keep protesting that he can feed himself...not even froze or etwin can stop his protest,so froze ask for Yosafire help.

"Listen Yosafire...the only way I chose you to babysit lord kcalb was because you saved hafe of the village and kcalb,so are you ready to go to the palace or-"Yosafire stopped froze from talking and said a simple.


"HEY OLD MAN!~"Yosafire yelled making kcalb have a headache."Soooo...you feeling any better?"Yosafire was in kcalb room holding steam chicken soup and helping him lay down on his bed.

"*Sigh.*Yes I feel a littel better...but why are you here?I thought you had school today."Yosafire giggled nervously and placed the chicken soup on her lap and held the spoon up to kcalb mouth.

"Hahaha~Oh old man you know that half of the school is burned up right~"Yosafire lied trying to get him to not know that she forgot her homework and didn't felt like pulling weed out of the ground and she don't feel like hearing ms,Grief yelling at her for forgetting her homework again.

"Oh...?"Kcalb got this suspiciou look on his face,but yosafire just push the subject.

"Now!Old man~Say ahhh~"Yosafire was trying to get him to open his mouth but he kept protesting."Oh come on old man!You need to eat so you won't feel grumpy~"Kcalb cross his arms and turned his head.

"I'm not grumpy...just...mad."Yosafire laughed and made cooed sound to make him eat it."*Sigh.* Yosafire...I'm not a baby.I'm a grown ma-"Yosafire shoved the spoon in his mouth and smiled.

"Shh old man...your going to get sick if you don't eat properly~"Yosafire heard the door open to see wodah with sweet dumplings.

"Oh,well it look like you can eat just fine when Yosafire feed you huh."Kcalb grabbed Yosafire hand to try to stop her for shoving more soup in his mouth but Yosafire kept shoving the soup in his mouth more.

"Yep!He said that he was so happy to see me that old man thanked me for saving him~"Yosafire and wodah talked the whole time that kcalb just laid deeper on his bed with the spoon in his mouth.

"Listen...Yosafire."It was night time and Yosafire was about to leave but kcalb stopped her.

"What is it old man?"Kcalb tried to get up but he fell on the floor."AHHH!?OLD MAN!?"Yosafire ran toward kcalb and tried to help him but he kept refusing for help."old man..Stop trying to do things yourself...your just going to hurt yourself-"Kcalb pushed Yosafire away from him.

"STOP!Just..."Yosafire got on her knees and crawled toward kcalb.

"What's wrong old man...?"Kcalb covered half of his face and stared back at Yosafire.

"Why would you want to help me?Why would you save me and he showed you what I'd did long ago?"Yosafire looked away from kcalb and just smiled.

"Because...that happen a long time ago~Old man.Your still yourself from back then,but what the demon king what it face showed me was to real to me...it was a terrible seen."Yosafire just smile sadly and close her eyes."and when ever I sleep or close my eyes...it's always you killing and stabbing a person with a deadly sword..."Yosafire open her eyes and turned to kcalb."But the only way that I'd save you was because you always be the grumpy old man and the shyest person in the village...without you...it would have been hell here."Yosafire finished.

Kcalb stare at Yosafire and smiled."Well.Thank you for saving me Yosafire."Kcalb eyes turned dark red and smiled at her more."You know.I have this feeling that you have such cheerful heart,but do you want to see what really happen when the time was up for this village~"Yosafire smiled nervously and shook her head.

"No its find that you don't show me what really happen long ago~"Yosafire start to sweat and tried to change the subject."ah!Kcalb you should lay down in bed~You don't want to have a bad back~"Yosafire said jokingly.

Yosafire got up and dust herself off when she felt a very strong yank at her tail.

"Ahh!OWW!THAT HURT!"Yosafire hit her bottom at something poking her.She fixed her glasses and looked down to see that she was on kcalb lap,but she was confused to what was poking her,so she tried to find what was poking her bottom and blushed."Ahh!Im so sorry old man!!!I didn't know you were-"Yosafire was cut off to her lips being smashed together with kcalb's.

They took a long time kissing that Yosafire turned red and was outta breath.

"O-Old man?W-Why did you do that!?"Kcalb smiled more at her and laughed.*Old man have a creepy laugh.*Yosafire thought to herself.Yosafire tried to get up from his lap but he won't let her go.

"Because...why would I not kiss you of what you said and what you touched~"Yosafire turned a deeper red and got up from kcalb lap and just laughed nervously.

"Oh old man~Your just kidding right...?"Yosafire was sweating and kcalb just smiled at her that he was not kidding."Old man...I thought you like etwin?"Kcalb shook his head and stare deep into Yosafire.

"I'm still pissed at her for trapping me for 1,000 years,but she's just a friend."Kcalb was not really into etwin,but as long he keep being good around this strange village ,he won't be trapped in a dark,painful,and miserable jail cell of hell.

Yosafire was not sure what to do and just blushed.*I should get outta here!*Yosafire was about to run out but she was yanked back to kcalb lap.

"And where do you think your going~"kcalb eyes were pure red and his voice had changed.

"O-Old man...?"Kcalb was an inch away from Yosafire lips."Uhhh...?O-Old man...c-can you please let me go.I got somewhere to be~"Yosafire tried to be cheerful but failed and shuddered some more.

"yosafire~"Kcalb was caressing Yosafire face with both of his hand while she closed her eyes.

"O-old man...your scaring me..."Kcalb ignore Yosafire and just kept staring at Yosafire face.*Why is old man so scaring!?*

Yosafire felt like her eyes were burning when she made eye contact with him.

"Feel what I'm feeling Yosafire~"Yosafire closed her eyes to see blood,dead bodies,and...Etwin?

"WAIT A MIN!!!YOU SHOWED YOSAFIRE YOUR PASS!?"Etwin stopped the story with anger and shoke."Why would you do that?" kcalb blushed the whole time and kept his head down so he won't answer Etwin question."You must really like Yosafire very much huh kcalb~"Etwin said jokingly.She crossed her legs and arms and made a goofy smile."Alright Yosafire. Continue your story~"Etwin said seductly waiting for the lemony story.

"Uhhh...should I...?"Yosafire said a littel to embrassed to tell Etwin the story when they did it.

"Yes please~Beside...isn't it better that when your done with this story you can tell me more of how many times kcalb thrust his c**k into your wet p~"Just when Etwin was about to finish her sentence wodah came in and covered her mouth.

"DONT USE THOSE WORDS IN MY KITCHEN!!!"He whack Etwin with his frying pan and whack kcalb to.

"OWW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"They both said.

"You know what that for!"He said pointing his frying pan at Etwin."And you know what you did kcalb."He said glaring at kcalb and whacked him again.

"REALLY WHAT DID WE DO!?"They both said really confused.

Wodah just shook his head and slap his four head.*Sigh*Etwin...kcalb...your acting like children."Wodah went back to what he was doing while Etwin and kcalb nag at wodah.

*I hope you guys aren't like that.*Yosafire said to herself while she look at her tummy.*I can't wait to see you guys~*Yosafire was still in the kitchen watching Etwin and kcalb act like kids.

Yosafire thought that if she just went to kcalb and told him that she was pregnant...*would he care!?*Yosafire stopped thinking to herself and started to cry.*oh no!I'm about to cry!*Yosafire tried to calm herself down but when her eyes made contact with kcalb his eyes were red.*ahh!*yosafire turned away and shut her eyes.

Etwin was done nagging and went back to me.

"So...~tell me the rest of the story yosafire~"Yosafire open her eyes and saw kcalb back to himself and etwin back to her lemony self."Is something wrong yosafire?"I shook my head and continue the story.

~Lemony part coming~(I'm sorry I took so long and thank you for waiting~)


Yosafire saw everything he did and thing he did to the villgers and etwin.

Etwin was crying,Wodah was screaming agony and the village was destoryed...That when yosafire saw kcalb going close to a lady and her childern...When he was so closed to the lady he slash the women and child heads off.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"Yosafire screamed.Terrified of what she saw and started see more terrifying things.She tried to ignore them but she didn't know that she was on his rest bed flat on his bed while he ripped her sweater off smiled evily at her while she screamed and whimper the whole time.

Yosafire was now seeing the end of it when kcalb was on the ground with his wings spread out near etwin...Etwin looked disappointed and shook her head at kcalb.She got on her knees and said someting to him that Yosafire can't hear.Kcalb eyes widing but that was the end of his pass.

yosafire eyes started to tear up but she stop whimpering and started to moan.

"Kcalb...stop~"Kcalb kept doing of what he was doing and kept sucking her sensative spot.Yosafire glasses was no where to be found,but yosafire just wanted to know how did this happen.

Yosafire moan some more when he was near her breast,Yosafire open her eyes to afaird that she might see his pass but he just stared at her with red glowing eyes,Yosafire blushed like a tomato and tried to cover her face but her body won't move.

"O-Old man...I can't move...?"Kcalb just smiled and went under her pants and start to put his fingure in her."N-NO!STOP OLD MAN!I'M GOING T-"She didn't finish her sentence and moaned in released.

"Well,It seem that you are a virgin~"He took his fingure out of her and licked her substance from off his fingure.

Yosafire panted and started to sweat everywhere.She said she would keep her virginity for Froze,but it looked like it never going to happen when she is under old man and not stopping him of taking her pants off.

Yosafire was scraed of kcalb but she need to say something because his demon are showing out of him and they are ready to steal yosafire virginity.

Yosafire tried to move but it looked like talking going have to do it.

"Old man...What are you doing?Please stop it..."Kcalb was about to take yosafire panties off but stop when she start to cry.

"yosafire...?"Kcalb was back to himself and confused of what he was doing.His eyes turned back into there black and white color.

He looked at yosafire body and saw her breast and wet p*ssy and started to remember of what he was doing.He looked at her face and saw her blush and tears.

"o-old man..."Yosafire tried to get up but she was pushed back and saw kcalb face in horror.

"I'm sorry yosafire...but I really can't calm my demon down...please forgive me."He took her panties off and slide inside her without warning.He slamed into her and she screamed.He kept thrusting into her made her moan in pleasure.

"KCALB~AH!~"Yosafire never knew why but she wrapped her legs around his waist and hanged onto him while he kept thrusting inside her.

Yosafire was so closed to release she felt something leak out of her lower area.She was about to moan out his name but her lips was smashed into his,He licked her lips for acessed,she open her mouth and tongue wrestled.(I don't know what to type on tongue kissing.)She was ready to release when he thrusted inside her for the last time ,he came in her with his seed inside her.


(Hope you like it because there will be a part 3 on the next kcalb x yosafire~)

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