The Lovely Wounds (SpaMano)

By DesireeMooreBooks

4.7K 223 118

He heard voices though. Specifically a thick Spanish one. He only knew one person with that odd, lilting Span... More

The Tomato Bastard
The Bad-Touch Trio
Von Liechtenstein
A Dark Hour
Bastard, It's Not Love
Cards, Bloody Fingers, and a Kiss
Lost Tomatoes in the Closet
Bruised Pulp
Bittersweet Memories
Five Years of Rotting
Don't Cry Over Spilt...
Boss Spain
Seeking the Tomato Vine

Orphaned Fruit

306 14 10
By DesireeMooreBooks

Lovino could tell he was hungover before he had opened his eyes. The throbbing beneath his skull was beneficial towards proving it... He had something the night previous that left him drunk...

Last night.

Oh it was hell... Drunk. Bound. Gagged. Thrown in a closet. Lovino couldn't help but let the thoughts flood through his mind. He still felt the burning from the rope around his wrists. He could feel the stiffness in his shoulders from having sat there for so long. He couldn't remember what happened after he got thrown in the closet though... It was all a blur to him at this point.

Lovino found his eyes gradually opening to a white, unfamiliar ceiling. He wasn't in the full sized bed that was against the wall in his bedroom. No. He lay in the middle of a room, a softer mattress beneath him. Lovino furrowed his brow, causing a shot of pain to run through his throbbing skull. He brought his fingers to his temples, rubbing them generously. His throat was dry and his tongue felt like sandpaper... He seriously needed some water. Another priority: find out where the hell he had ended up. There was no loud music or voices... He had to assume he wasn't at the party any longer. A gentle sigh escaped Lovino's lips before the panic set in. If he wasn't at the party any longer, where the hell was he? He quickly found himself sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, but pain ripped through his skull quickly after. He mumbled some curses in Italian to himself, resting his elbows on his knees as he fingers pressed against his eye sockets. The pressure left him no relief. It just intensified the pain.

Lovino, despite the pounding in his head, opened his eyes and took a wide look around the room. The walls were a light brown with a darker brown as the accent on the wall with a door that Lovino assumed led to the rest of the house. There was a door to his left along with another to his right. The two of them must have held a closet as well as a bathroom. The carpets were a deep royal blue and the bed set on the king sized mattress very nearly matched. It was all a very neat set up with dark wood furniture. It seemed like the room of a married couple. Lovino didn't understand what he was doing there. His only thought was to get out.

The Italian stood quickly, a flash of fear running through him. Bad move. Yet again. He was too hungover to do much. He groaned loudly and stumbled a bit. He was dizzy and in pain. But he wasn't sure if he had been kidnapped. That would be such an irrational fear, but to Lovino, it felt so real. Lovino stepped forward after steadying himself. His foot immediately came in contact with something soft yet unmovable and solid. He looked at the ground to see a mound of blankets. Swaddled in those blankets was a mop of curly, brown hair.


Lovino was safe. He hadn't been kidnapped. He was just in Antonio's bedroom. The Italian took another look around the bedroom, taking in a few more things he hadn't noticed before, some of Antonio's little quirks. There were posters hung around the room, old bands like the Cranberries and Nirvana. There were also Spain's national soccer teams. There were piles of clothes littered about the floor, in the corners of the room. Antonio also had a rosary hanging from a pin on the wall. It was simple and white. Lovino hadn't known Antonio was a Christian. He smiled gently and looked back at the Spaniard on the floor. He seemed to be sleeping so peacefully like Lovino had been only a few minutes before.

Suddenly a question ran through his mind. How did he get here from that party? He could have sworn he last remembered being locked in a dark closet away from the thundering music and drunken teenagers. Had Antonio found him and carried him here? A small, warm smile crossed Lovino's lips, one that didn't come there often. He crouched down beside Antonio, looking closely at his sleeping face. He reached close to the sleeping man and brushed a few of his warm, dark curls from his face. He looked so peaceful while he slept, his chest rising and falling at a gentle rate. Lovino decided it was kind of cute.

While Antonio slept in his heap of blankets on the floor, Lovino could have sworn he heard whispers. He leaned in closer to the Spaniard only to suck in a tiny breath. Antonio was speaking.

"Te amo, poco Lovi," the male whispered, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

Lovino's hand froze on Antonio's forehead, his eye wide. He didn't know Spanish well, but he knew enough to understand the murmurings. I love you, little Lovi.

Lovino was loved. The sensations that ran through him were strange. Antonio had said he loved Lovino so many times over, but there was something different about the words spoken in the darkness of the night. They were from Antonio's subconscious. It was as if those words were secrets that were accidentally spilled when one thought they were alone. They felt special to Lovino... These words that showed the sleeping man's true thoughts made Lovino dash away his doubts.

He could be loved. He didn't need to fear hurting Antonio. Antonio didn't see Lovino as an introverted brat. He saw him as him, as something beautiful. Lovino didn't fear that one day he would disappear if he had Antonio around. That irrational fear of disappearance... Only death could bring that, and Antonio had stopped it. He had prevented Lovino from becoming a sour, bitter memory. Antonio cared so much about Lovino, and he was only now realizing it. A crazy, beautiful, handsome man loved Lovino.

Who had taken hold of his arm.

Antonio's tanned fingers held tight to Lovino's wrist. The Italian held still, his eyes wide with shock. His fingers were still touching the Spaniard's forehead, but he could not and would not move. Antonio's expression was dreamy and sleepy, but his eyes were closed. Was the bastard still asleep?
Lovino didn't have more than a moment to ponder this notion. Antonio had tugged Lovino down to him and wrapped his arms around him. He didn't know how to react to the Spaniard's sudden movements. Did he berate him with curses or did he leave him be? A small snore issued from Antonio's lips and Lovino froze. He was still asleep. The Italian sighed and remained silent. If his perfect companion was still asleep, Lovino would leave him be. He had already done so much for Lovino. Saving his life was hardly the start. Letting the man sleep in comfort was the least he could do.

Despite his hangover and his discomfort, Lovino found himself slowly drifting to sleep in the arms of a Spanish Tomato Bastard. He refused to think of what his Grandpa would say in the morning when he came home hungover and without Feli. He refused to think of where his little brother was; Ludwig would take care of him. Lovino was only concerned with the soft, warm curls of the man clinging to him. He fell asleep, his forehead pressed to Antonio's chest and Antonio's arms wrapped firmly around his body. After a night of hell, Lovino was in Heaven.


The sun was shining right into Lovino's eyes. It was too bright, too irritating. The little bit of light that seeped through his eyelids made his already pounding head sear with pain. Sleep hadn't helped the hangover one bit. Lovino groaned inwardly and slapped his palms over his eyes. He wanted to go back to sleep, but that seemed impossible. He had to explain to his Grandpa why he didn't come home and why he didn't know where his little brother was. He didn't really know what happened himself. He remembered a closet then waking up in Antonio's room...

Antonio's room. Lovino was still there, in a pile of blankets on the floor. He ripped his hands from his eyes and looked around only to see the Spaniard's face above him about a foot away. Lovino choked back a shriek of surprise, color rising in his cheeks. Now that he was looking, Lovino noticed that Antonio was straddling him, his hands near Lovino's head and his knees by Lovino's hips.
"Good afternoon, mi corazon," Antonio cooed, a smile playing on his lips. "It was a pleasant surprise to find you beside me this morning."

Lovino instantly began to sputter out some sort of response. "What- You- pulled me to you! You bastard, this is your fault!"

Antonio let out a giggle and pressed his forehead to Lovino's. "It was still nice to see you in my arms this morning, enticing even."

Lovino sucked in another tight breath and didn't respond. He couldn't imagine what was going through the Spaniard's head, but he was almost positive it didn't include him letting up off the floor. And he was right. Antonio immediately sat down on Lovino's waist, pinning him in place at the midriff. He didn't know how to react. He merely made a move to sit up, but Antonio quickly countered. He grabbed Lovino's wrists and pinned them above his head with a surprising force.
"No, no Lovi..." he whispered, a grin forming on his lips. "You are so perfect... I just want you..." Antonio then let his head touch Lovino's chest in a sad, pouty sort of way. "But why the hell do you have to be so damned young? You're jailbait..."

Lovino said nothing, but the wide-eyed, shocked look on his face told the entire story. He didn't lash out at Antonio, and he didn't fight his grip, either. He simply stared until a few words flowed coherently from his mouth. "You want to have... sex with me?"

The Spaniard laughed. Lovino immediately got flustered and tried to push Antonio away. He wouldn't budge an inch. Antonio must have been disgusted with him. He must have thought Lovino was revolting enough to laugh at. How could he possibly have thought Antonio would like him in that way?

"Get off of me you bastard!" Lovino yelled, his face contorted with embarrassment and rage. "Don't just sit there and laugh at me!"

Antonio immediately stopped. A smile was still on his lips, but he didn't dare let loose another chuckle. "You're just so bold, Lovi. You read me so well..." he muttered, leaning close to Lovino's ear. "But that's exactly what I want."

The Italian's face flushed a deep crimson and he turned away. He didn't know what to say. He merely stammered out a simple 'oh'. He sat so still, waiting while Antonio breathed lightly on his neck. He was too stunned to think. He didn't even noticed the swelling sensation just below his waist where the Spaniard sat. Antonio kissed Lovino's neck gently and removed one of his hands from his wrists. His slender, tanned fingers reached for Lovino's waist under the hem of his shirt.

"You're so perfect, Lovi... All mine... Would you let me?" Antonio asked, his lilting accent soft and sweet. His green eyes watched Lovino with anticipation and curiosity. Would he agree or shrug him off?

The Italian nodded, the blush on his skin spreading to his ears and neck. "Yes..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Antonio immediately leaned in close and pressed his lips to Lovino's. Their kiss was heated, perfect. Lovino pressed as close as he could, the swelling below his waist growing. His heart beat fast and his eyes fluttered close. His only thought was Antonio. Antonio with his soft, lilting accent. Antonio with his gentle but firm touch. He was surrounded in his warmth and reveling in their kiss.

Lovino felt Antonio's hand at the button of his jeans. His fingers fumbled with it for only a moment before he managed to get it open. He yanked down Lovino's jeans to his knees, releasing his wrists. Lovino wrapped his arms around Antonio's neck, his lips still locked firmly in place. Antonio's touch was like fire on his skin, but he craved more and more. Antonio was reaching for the hem of Lovino's boxers. Lovino could take no more.

Then the door to the bedroom opened and a girl with long, curly brown hair and green eyes stepped in.

"Toni? I was just-" The girl stopped as soon as she saw the tangled mess of Antonio and Lovino. Her cheeks flared and she stepped back, stammering apologies. "Ahh. Shit sorry! Uhh. Toni, I'll be in the kitchen. Just err... come talk to me. Sorry."

The girl shut the door hurriedly, and an audible groan fell from Antonio's lips. "That would be Eliza..." he muttered, his hands on his face. "Sorry, Lovi... I forgot she'd be home..."

Lovino was shocked. He didn't know how to react. He was embarrassed for being caught with his pants down in a heated moment with his boyfriend. He was angry because of that embarrassment. A girl walked in on them in Antonio's home and he was so humiliated. He could only ask one question. 'Who the hell is she?"

"It's a long story..." Antonio mumbled, his eyes downcast.

Lovino didn't know how to feel. Was she Antonio's girlfriend? Was Lovino just some side hoe? He couldn't help but let the hurt seep into his voice when he spoke. "Are you two dating or something?"

Antonio froze as if he were a deer in the headlights. He looked genuinely shocked by the question, but he recovered quickly. "Oh God, Lovi, no. Elizaveta is just a friend and she's too old for me. Lovino, please tell you are jealous over her?"

Lovino didn't answer. He was, but he couldn't say the words aloud to admit it.

"Lovi... I'm gay. I'm not going to date her. She's more like a sister to me... it's a long story that I don't want to bore you with."

"Bastard, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to know about you," Lovino blurted out. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Tell me."

Antonio took a deep breath, his green eyes just a bit sad. "For starters, I'm eighteen. Eliza is twenty-three. There's a five-year gap between us. Secondly, she's more of a... nanny and a sister to me...

"When I was fifteen, I realized I was gay. I had always danced with the pretty girls, but I had never felt anything towards them. The other boys were talking about sex and girls, but I was more interested in other boys. I thought they were cute, beautiful even. Girls were always just... pretty. Francis was gay from the day he came out of the womb, so when I told him of my revelation, he was only too happy to give me my first kiss.

"My Mother walked in on us. Being a strict Spanish Catholic, she nearly had a heart attack. Her only son, kissing a blonde, French boy. My Father was livid when she told him. He had expected me to carry on the family name, raise children that would carry it along, too. Having a gay son was like eating the Forbidden Fruit from the tree in the Garden of Eden.

"Rather than embrace my views, they cast me off as an embarrassment. They disowned me. They sent me away and set me up with a trust fund. They're rich, so it's more than enough for me to live off of for life. I'm just never to contact them. Because I was a minor, they asked Eliza to watch me. She's a family friend so they trust her. They pay her quite a bit. They bought us this house and talk to her plenty. I assume they were hoping that having a girl around would turn me straight. It didn't. Eliza is a lesbian, so... But we never told them. They would have never signed her off as my guardian otherwise.
"They haven't spoken to me in three years. They act like I never existed, but Eliza told me my mother still cries, that she wishes my Father hadn't sent me away. It's a bit of a comfort, but not much. I honestly envy you. Your Grandfather seems so accepting. I don't have family like that. I'm an outcast, and it's a lonely existence. You are my light in a dark place, Lovino. I don't mean to make that a burden on you, but you make me happy... I couldn't bare to lose you..."

Lovino remained silent through Antonio's entire story. Even though he wanted to yell and console Antonio, he waited until the end out of respect. Now that he was done, he felt a certain heaviness between them both. Despite all of the swelling emotions inside of him, Lovino knew just what to say.
"They didn't deserve you. They didn't take the time to see the real you like I have. They don't see the crazy, wonderful, beautiful things I see in you, Toni... They don't deserve you, and I will earn you. I will earn a space in your life."

"Oh, Lovi..." Antonio whispered, his emerald eyes full of tears. "You already have."

The moments they had before were shattered, but with only a few words, they were closer. It didn't matter to Lovino that they were so close. He could handle it because he knew more about Antonio than he had ever wished to. His bastard of a boyfriend trusted enough to tell him his secrets, his pains, his agony. Lovino knew he'd have to do the same in the future. The only way they'd remain close was through trust. Lovino had to keep it.

The two teenagers redressed, Lovino in a pair of Antonio's sweatpants and a t-shirt, and Antonio in a pair of black leggings. What possessed the Spaniard to wear the skintight pants, Lovino did not understand. One thing was for sure. They looked damned good on him. The accented his curves and his muscular legs. It left Lovino wishing that what had gone on in the bedroom had continued. Antonio didn't wear a shirt either. He had the chiseled chest of an athlete. His skin was so perfectly tanned. Lovino couldn't help but revel in the beauty of the man that walked in front of him as they made their way to the kitchen.

Antonio walked into the threshold of the kitchen. The cabinets were all a lightwood with white and gold handles. There was an island at the center with four barstools surrounding it. Every counter top was a smooth, glossy, white and gray marble. The appliances were all sterling silver to match. It was something out of a magazine. It was gorgeous.

Elizaveta, the curly haired girl from before, sat on one of the barstools, a mug of coffee in her hand. She was reading what looked to be a bill. She didn't notice the two boys walk in until Antonio plopped down on a stool next to her.

"Morning Eliza," he said cheerfully, taking her mug from her hand. He took a sip and wrinkled his nose. "That's a lot of coffee and way too little sugar."

"I like it black, Toni, so you don't drink it," she muttered. She then stiffened and looked around. She spotted Lovino standing awkwardly in the doorway and she flushed. "I'm totally sorry about earlier... I don't usually knock. And I didn't hear Toni come in last night... sorry."

Lovino's cheeks flushed crimson and he shrugged gently in an attempt to seem relaxed. "It's okay... Antonio didn't lock his door. I'll blame him."

Elizaveta laugh, her tension gone and Antonio just gave a falsely hurt look.

"Well then. I'm sorry you were so cute this morning," he said, his tone snooty and joking.

Lovino smiled gently, but didn't speak. Elizaveta had beaten him to the punch.

"Well, maybe if you could keep your dick in your pants for the ten seconds that it would have taken you, you could have saved him the embarrassment," she shot, rolling her eyes. She then looked to Lovino. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

Lovino opened his mouth to speak, but squeaked when Antonio suddenly appeared behind him. How the hell he had gotten there, he didn't understand. He pulled him into a hug from behind, a smile on him lips. Damned bastard.

"This is my lovely boyfriend, Lovi," he said, planting a kiss on Lovino's cheek.

The Italian flushed an even deeper crimson. He was embarrassed as all hell. Once again he found himself verbally berating the Spaniard. "It's Lovino, you bastard. I've told you before, I swear.. And don't sneak up on people, dammit. Do you want to give me a heart attack?"

"Yeah, God, Toni. Embarrass him too many times in one morning, and he'll shank you. And I didn't ask you, either. You seriously are a bastard sometimes," Elizaveta muttered. She still had a joking tone to her words, though.

Lovino decided he liked her already.

"Anyways. You two want some food? It's only two in the afternoon. I'll make some sandwiches and soup or something," Elizaveta asked, turning to the fridge. She didn't wait for an answer before pulling out the cheese and margarine. "Oh, by the way. Ludwig and a kid who looks just like Lovino but happier are asleep on the couch. Matt's in the closet hiding from Francis who passed out in the bathroom. And Gilbert, who managed to strip down Roderich to his boxers, are in the basement doing god knows what. Gilbert is such a fuck head sometimes... Won't leave that poor musician alone."
Antonio looked puzzled. All of his friends had ended up in his house. "What-?"

"What are they doing inside and how did they get past the security? I have no fucking clue, but that Prussian bastard must have done it. Francis better get home and clean his damned house before his parents freak, too..."

Elizaveta seemed to have a serious grudge against Gilbert. It was kinda obvious after all of the venom in her voice when she said his name. Lovino didn't ponder on his further. He'd learn. He then paused. All three members of that Bad-Touch Trio in one house. Last time that happened, he ended up in a closet. Lovino wanted no part in that.

"Antonio, I should probably get Feliciano and get home soon. Grandpa is going to freak out."

Antonio immediately pouted, hugging Lovino tighter. "I'll drive you. I just need to wake everyone up and get them out of my house... I didn't hear them come in either. Eat and then we'll go.

Lovino nodded just as Feliciano stumbled into the room. He looked exhausted and hungover.
"Lovino? Antonio? My head hurts... Can I have some orange juice and Tylenol?"

"Of course you can, Feli," Lovino said softly, placing a hand on his brother's head. This would be a damned long day.

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