The Challenger

By theconquer

96 1 3


The Challenger

96 1 3
By theconquer

Sometimes life is a challenge that we have to face every day. No matter where you are, life will take its toll on a person that nobody expects to be. Then yet, we are able to find the beauty of life within those challenges and in life itself. It is not hard to see; you just have to find it. Remember, you have to look for it around the corner.

            It was a beautiful sunny in the beaches of Hawaii, where a girl name Marina is surfing the waves on her favorite board. The board is long and modern and it is also the luckiest board that Marina has. Marina has blond hair and knows her history inside and out. Besides putting her nose in the books, Marina likes to surf the waves of Hawaii. She is the youngest surfer at twenty-two years old in town.

            She was getting ready for the greatest tournament of all time which is called the Phantom Surface. Marina sees the waves and turns around. When the wave came, Marina got on her board and starts to surf the waves. Her hair blowing in the wind and the sprinkle of water from the waves went on her hair. Marina was in heaven when she is on the waves.

            On the waves, she did tricks that would impress the judges for the competition. Once the waves have finish, Maria went back to the beach where her grandfather's beach house is. The beach house is large and has modern glass windows where they can change into clear glass during the day. During the night, the windows change into shades of darkness.

            The beach house has a metal deck that has glass railings where you can see the sunset. The floor of the whole beach is made out of heating tiles. Everything in the house is modern. Marina arrives at the warm sands of the beach and saw her grandfather practicing his balance.

            She walks over to him and said ''Grandpa why are you practicing your balance?'' ''Well, balance is good for the appetite'' her grandpa said. ''Funny grandpa'' Marina said as she went inside. Marina went to her room and changed in her daily clothes and went to the living room to watch T.V.

            Marina opens it up and saw the news about the competition. ''What the...?'' Marina said curiously. ''The weather for the tournament for Phantom Surface will be dangerous. To all surfers out there be careful. Fog and sunny skies are going to be rolling around the island'' the news reporter said on T.V. Then, her grandfather came in and said ''Marina do you want anything to eat?'' Marina said no to her grandfather and he went into the kitchen.

            Marina looked down to their modern glass table and saw a photo. She took it out of the table and holds it in her hands. Marina looks at the picture closely and saw how her picture is in there. In the picture, she also saw her grandfather and two other people. One person was holding Marina and the other one was standing by the female and beside was her grandfather.

            Marina went to the kitchen and said ''Grandpa look what I found under the table.'' The grandfather turns around and saw the photo. He opens his eyes very wide and said ''You should not have found that.'' ''Why grandpa?'' Marina asked. ''You're better sit down for this one'' her grandfather said.

   The grandfather prepares the tea for both of them and went to the table to sit down beside Marina. ''You're father, mother, and I came from a world that is chaotic, but magical. The royal family that conquered the land vanished 200 years ago. Since then, chaos started and darkness took over the land and most of the magical creatures escaped the chaos. This is where you were born. After your mother gave you birth, your parents were captured by the darkness. It was my responsibility to protect you'' her grandfather explains. ''Do you know where there are?'' Marina asked. ''Nobody knows Marina'' the grandfather said.

  ''In the tournament you have to have to be careful cause that Island you are going to has a portal to the darkness'' the grandfather said as he got up and went to his office upstairs. Marina went upstairs to her bedroom and went to grab her cell phone. She receives a text from Cecilia to meet her at the cafe in downtown Hawaii.

   Marina left her beach house and joined Cecilia in her favorite cafe. ''Hey Cecilia what is new?'' Marina said. ''Nothing much. How was your surfing?'' Cecilia said. '''the waves were fantastic. You should try them, but something weird happened that my grandfather told me'' Marina explains as she continued of what he and her grandfather said.

 When marina finished talking, she looks up and saw two strange guys that she never saw in town. Marina got a queasy feeling about the two strangers. The two strangers walk passed by the two girls and sits down in the back of the cafe. ''Are you okay Marina?'' Cecilia asked. ''I'm fine CeeCee. I am just getting a good feeling about these two strangers in the back of the cafe. Both of them are talking about the darkness is going to attack this town'' Marina said

 Melinda overheard the girls conversation and walked over. ''Are you okay Marina? Do you want some coffee?'' Melinda said. Melinda has red hair and greens eyes, but is two years older than the girls. She is intelligent and adventurous and all the guys fall for her. ''Thanks Melinda'' Marina said as Melinda pours the coffee into the cup. Melinda left the girls and walks over to the strangers table.

  ''What is Melinda?'' Cecilia said when she raised one of her eyebrow. Without turning back, Marina said ''do not tell me she's pouring coffee and flirting with them.'' ''You have to stop doing that. How did you know when you're not turning around?'' Cecilia said. ''I honestly do not know'' Marina said. Melinda came back to the girl's table and said '''Marina is right about what the strangers said about the town. You two have to embrace yourselves for the worse.'' She left the girls to refill the coffee pot.

Marina finish her coffee and both girls got up and went to go pay. ''It's alright girls you do not have to pay. Your bill is on me'' said the owner. The to girls thanks to the owner and left the cafe.Both of them went to Cecilia's house where boh girls polished Cecilia's surf borders. ''Hey girls is evrything alright'' Cecilia's dad said. ''Everything is fine dad. You do not have to worry about us'' Cecilia said. ''Alright, I'll be inside inside if you girls need me'' said the father. ''That was close'' Marina said. ''I know! I think you better home'' Cecilcia said. ''Oh no grandpa, i got to go'' Marina said as she left.

Marina runs home to see her grandpa. Along the way home, she sees a dark clouds going to cover the town. Once she got to the beach house, the door has been forced open. Marina went into the house and saw everything on  the floor. Marina explores the house even further and went into the kicthen. At the corner of the kitchen's entrance, Marina saw part of an arm that was laying in front of her. ''Grandps'' Marina said s she went closer to the corner of the kitchen.She saw her grandfather on the floor unconscious. ''Grandpa! Grandpa! Please wake up!'' Marina said in panic. 

Soon she heard footsteps coming into the house. ''Marina where are you?'' Cecilia screamed. ''Ceecee i am in the kitchen'' screamed Marina. Cecilia runs to the kitchen and saw Marina next to her grandfather on the floor. ''What happened here?'' Cecilia said. ''I do not know'' Marina said looking worried about her grandfather. ''I am glad you are okay. The town is being attacked by weird creatures'' Cecilia said.

            ''So I see. I need to help to pick up the stuff from the living room'' Marina said as she got up. Cecilia nods her head and both went to the living room to pick up the up the pictures. Then, the grandfather wakes up and came to the living room. Marina looks up to the entrance of the living and saw her grandpa. ''Are you okay grandpa?'' Marina said.

            ''I'm fine Marina. I can't fight like I used to be'' her grandfather said. ''How come? Who attack you?'' Cecilia said as both girls helps the grandfather wit down on the couch. ''Since Marina's parents died, the Black Hood have been attacking different places where the royal family lives'' the grandfather said. ''What about the symptoms that Marina has been having today?'' Cecilia said. Both girls explain what happened before Marina came home.

 ''The two black men that you saw at the cafe, they were probably guardians of the royal family. As for you symptoms, Marina your power is starting to show'' the grandfather said.  . ''Mom! Dad! I am in the living room'' Cecilia yelled as she got up from the couch. Her parents came in, but this time they look differently. The father has brown hair and black eyes. Her mother has blond hair and blue eyes.

            Cecilia runs and hugs them both. ''George and Marina are you both alright?'' the mother said. ''We're fine!'' Marina said. ''George is under attack. We need to get out of here'' the father said. ''You guys are lucky that we came in time'' said the mysterious voice. The parents turned around and the two girls recognize them from the cafe.

 ''Tom! Jim! Nice to see you both again'' said the grandfather. ''Listen we need to get out of here George'' Jim said. ''We need to go to Phantom Island. Go get the surf boards girls'' the grandfather said. Both girls nod their heads and went to the garage.

            Once the girls reach the garage, Marina opens the door of the garage. ''Okay this is so hard to digest. It is like I cannot peace the facts straight'' Cecilia said.. ''I know I have a hard time to digest myself'' Marina said as both girls’ walks in.

            Marina and Cecilia went towards the surf boards and puts them on the sand. Marina grabs her surf board and notices Cecilia's surf board. She grabs also Cecilia's surf board and says ''CeeCee  how did yours get here?'' ''I honestly do not know. Could it be its magic?'' Cecilia said. Marina shook her head and their surf board’s starts to glow.

           The adults came out of the house and went to the dock where Marina's grandfather's boat is. All of them put their surf boards in the boat and Marina turns on the motor. ''does everybody have everything?'' Marina asked. Nobody answers and Marina push the speed handle of the boat.

            ''I'll take control of the boat Marina'' her grandfather said. Marina nods her head and went to Cecilia. ''How come our surf boards is still glowing?'' Cecilia said. ''I do not know'' Marina said. While the adults were talking, the girls surf boards lifted into the air and went into a glowing light. Thanks to this small light, the boards were able to transform into a necklace that went around the girl’s neck. ''Incredible'' both girls said.

 ''These two borders are intertwining with your powers. When you need them, you just say ''surf boards ignite'' and when you don't need them, just say return'' Tom said. The two girls nod their heads. ''We are almost there'' Jim said. All three of them look at the island in front of them.

            Phantom Island is filled with huge rocks around the island and a huge forest sitting on top of it. There is only one beach that the island has. The sand is really warm and has sand the colour of red just like the one that can be found on Mars. The waves neat the island is massive and good for surfers to ride the waves.

            The gang were two miles away from the island and a fog rolled in. The fog covered the island but also the visibility of the boat. ''I hope we don't crash into the rocks cause i did not put in the modern technology yet'' the grandfather said. ''I think I will stay with you girls'' Tom said. ''Tom what is around your neck?'' Marina asked. ''This is my surf board. When I was young I use to surf and still do'' Tom explains. Jim came down and joined the group.

            Then, the surf boards necklaces started to glow in their bright colours. ''We're probably headed for danger'' Jim said. The boat came closer to a big boulder and that is in front of the island. ''Everybody jumps off'' Tom screamed as he grabbed Marina and Jim grabs Cecilia and went overboard. The boat crash into the rock and explodes into thin air. Marina's grandfather and Cecilia's parents didn't make it.

            In the sea, the water separated the group from each other. Tom and Marina went on the beach with the red sand. ''Where is Jim and Cecilia?'' asked Marina. ''I really do not know. Come let's move and we do not have time to waste'' Tom said. They both got up and walk away from the beach.

''How did you know we were lookimg for a portal?'' Tom said. ''Cecilia and I overheard you guys talking'' Marina said. ''Alrights let's go''  Tom said. Marina nods her head and went into the forest. They walked into the center of the forest. The pathway was covered with leaves and branches coming from the trees that was covering their view from the sky.

Wolves starts to howl in the distance, ''It is normal there are wolves on the island?'' Marina asked. ''It is rare to find wolves on thi island but I do know why there here'' Tom said. Marina looks out in the distance behind Tom. ''What in bananas and oranges are those running towards us?'' Marina said in shock. Tom turns around and saw the wolves. ''Jack over here'' Tom yelled at the wolves while he lifted up his arm and waved. ''Tom what on earth you think your doing?'' ,arina said. Tom didn't say a word to her.

The wolves finally came and both the pack leader and Tom starts talking telepathelic. Jack is a type of warewolf that is strong and hardworking. He is known to have a strong leadership compare to some. Then, a black , mix colour wolf the coulour white join the pack. ''What on earth?"" Marina wonders. The wolf that hoine the pack looks at Marina and says ''I heard that.''  The wolf approaches her calmly.

''Can they actually hear what we are saying?'' Marina said. ''They can't hear us at all. We tend to communicate naturally. Usually eople will force the bond, but others they tend to come naturallty'' the wolf said. ''Marina, come the wolves will guide us on the other side'' Tom said as he got on Jack. ''Hope on'' said the wolf. ''Are you sure? I do not want to hurt you''  Marina said. ''Nope! Co,pare to these guys I have strong muscles and well built'' the wolf explains in confidence.

Marina jumps on the wolf's back. ''You're light as a feather'' the wolf said. Marina starts to blush like a tomato. Jack and the pack turns around and went to the path they came from.  They finally arrive at the portal. All of the sudden, Jack and his pack stops at the tree border.

The portal is situated where once to be a small meadow. Sunlight can easily come down and give sunlight to the flowers. ''Why are we stopping? We could still go through the portal'' Marina said. ''Look carefullty''  Tom said. ''What on earth.....?'' Marina said. ''Hunter can you get a little closer'' Jack said. ''I could hear him'' Marina said. ''You could hear him, but he can't hear your thoughts. That is the advantage that we both have. When I am talking to you he doesn't hear my thoughts either.'' Hunter said.

Hunter nods his head to Jack and left the pack with Marina. ''Marina hold on tight. I am going to run fast'' Hunter said. Marina grabs Hunter's fur and leans forward. With a burst of speed, Hunter runs like the wind and runs to the other side of the forest like the speed of light.

Finally, Hunter reaches the other side. ''Who is that? Wait it cannot be. That is Melinda the waitress at the same cafe'' Melinda said. ''Humter you bettwe becareful and not let your rider and yourself do not get into the darkness'' said the wolf as HUnter turns around. ''HUnter who is this?'' Marina askd. ''This is Felicia. She is Melinda's wolf and both of them are known are knbwn as double holders/ Double Holders are known to trick others of what they want to do. Think of it as a double ganger or double spy''  HUnter explains. ''Hunter do not end up like us'' Felicia said as she whent pass hunter.

Hunter turns around and saw another wolf that he also recognizes. ''Jack can you hear me, can you see that? It is the poeple that we both know. Who is that figure coming out of the portal'' Hunter said. ''That is the king'' Jack said. The king was tall and has dark hair. je wears a black clothes that people were able to recognize him. ''He is ugly and even more dangerous'' Marina said. ''Marina stay quiet will you. He has a wolf from my kind an dhis wolf could hear both of our throughts. he sis coming out now and stay quiet'' Humter says sternly.

Meanwhile, the King's wolf sensed something behind them. ''Hunter! Tom we need to let them go through the portal. We have contacts here'' Jack said. The pack agrees and Tom nods his head. Tha pack attacks the King with their mighty strike. ''What are they doing? They're going to die'' Marina said. Hunter came out of the woods.

The King's wolf look in the direction behind him. ''It can't be! The legendary wolf from the tribe. Let us see how legendary you are'' the king's wolf said as he runs straight towards Hunter. ''Hunter'' Marina said. ''Hold om Marina'' Hunter said as he charges towards the King's wolf.

They both clashed into each other head on and both of them fight to the end. . Both wolves got on their behind legs to fight, but the King’s wolf teeth went into Hunter’s skin. Then, two swords appeared ad Marina grabs them quickly and stabs the nose of the opponent. The king’s wolf went down from his behind legs.

Hunter did the same thing and runs straight to the portal. ‘’Hold on really tight’’ Hunter said. Marina holds on to Hunter’s fur with all of her strength. Hunter runs like the speed of sound and went through the portal. ‘’No!’’ the King screamed. The portal closed behind Hunter very fast. ‘’Everybody retreat and follow us’’ Tom said as Jack turns around and runs. The pack follows Jack in the forest.

Marina and Hunter went on the other side of the portal. The land was all dark and the soldiers were roaming the meadows. The forests were all gloomy as if it was a ghost town. ‘’God I lost contact with the pack’’ hunter said furiously. ‘’I am pretty sure it is not that bad’’ Marina said encouragingly. ‘’You do not understand. My birthplace has been taken away from the darkness. I was a baby and Jack saved me. That is all that I am saying. I know a place that we both could hide’’ Hunter said as he starts running.

Hunter starts running through the meadow, cutting through the window like a wild cheetah. ''Where are we heading?'' Marina said. ''We are heading towards a small village that we can rest up. It is not far from here'' Hunter explains. The meadow is able to be long and has tall grass that is really hard to spot everybody going through the meadow.

Towards the edge of the meadow, there is a small village that nobody knows. It is forgotten by the people who are living in the major cities. The small village is based on the medieval appearance. Marina and Hunter finally reach the village. Hunter slows down and says ''Marina welcome to Secret Cove. Stay on me because these elves are not use to an outsider'' Hunter explains. Marina was quiet and looks around her trying to take in everything around her.

 Hunter reaches the stone palace where the great elf lives. ''Marina remembers stay cautious. The great elf will be suspicious of you'' Hunter says as he went into the palace. ''Hunter!'' screamed the kids as they went up to him. ''Your hurt Hunter'' said one of the children. Hunter puts down his head that way the children could pet his head.

Marina came off of Hunter's back and one of the children looks at Marina. ''Are you a human?'' said the child as she runs to Marina and hugs her. Marina puts her arms around the child and says ''I am from the human world.'' Hunter lift his head and looks at Marina and gave her a bark. ''What are you looking at silly goose'' Marina said. ''Now I see why Hunter likes you and chooses you as his rider'' said the mysterious voice.

The children backed away and Hunter and Marina saw a tall figure wearing a white robe. The tall figure has bond hair and blue eyes. Marina went to Hunter's side. ''That is the great elf himself'' said one of the children. There were whispers in the air talking about the great elf. The great elf came towards the two of them. ''Marina and Hunter welcome to the palace. Follow me I'll show you where your rooms are'' the great elf said. ''Great elf I would like to stay with Marina. I am more comfortable having the same room as hers'' Hunter said.

The great elf nods his head. All three of them went inside the palace where the walls were made out of stone. The floor is made out of stone also. The great elf, hunter and Marina finally reach the bedroom and the great elf opens the wooden door. Hunter and Marina went in. The bedroom was large and has plenty of space of Hunter to sleep on the red carpet that is right next to the fire place. Marina is able to get the queen size bed.

''This is beautiful'' Marina says with awe. ''This use to be one our famous wolf rider's room that decided to travel in the big city'' the great elf explain. ''May we come in?'' said one of the children. The great elf turns around to look at the entrance and says ''Ìt depends on Hunter's rider'' ''Sure!'' Marina said and the kids came into the room. ''Hunter am I officially your rider?'' Marina asked as she faced Hunter.

''When we bonded in the human world, you automatically became my rider. A lot of people wanted to ride it but I refused. You understood me and I felt something more than a rider's bond'' Hunter said. The great elf and the children left. Hunter went to the red carpet that is beside the fireplace. Marina joins Hunter by the fireplace.

The servants brings both of them supper and night came. Marina got changed and went under the covers. Hunter transforms into his human form. In his human form, Hunter has black hair and brown eyes. He is very muscular that has muscles in his arms and has a twelve pack abs. Marina looks over pass the end of the bed and says ''Hello babe!'' ''I heard that'' Hunter said as he came under the covers of the bed. Marina blushed like a rose and turns towards looking at the night table.

Hunter didn't touch her and closes his eyes. ''That was awkward'' Marina thought to herself as she closes her eyes. The very next morning, Hunter wakes up with a small giggle. He gets up from the bed and hears a servant knocking on the door. "Come in’’ said Hunter. The servant opens the door and comes in. ‘’Master the great elf request both of you to have breakfast with him’’ the servant said. ‘’Of course’’ Hunter says as he leans over to Marina and whispers the news in her ear. ‘’Anything else we should know about?’’ Hunter said. ‘’Some of the servants are coming later to prepare your bedroom and helping you to get dressed’’ the servant says and she leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

Marina wakes up and says ‘’Good morning silly goose’’ ‘’Hey!’’ Hunter says as he starts tickling Marina. ‘’Stop! Stop! That tickles. Stop!’’ said Marina as she tries to speck through her laughter. All of a sudden, the door knocks and one of the servants says ‘’Can we come in.’’ ‘’Come in’’ Marina says as both of them went out of the bed and put there clothes on quickly.

The servants came in and one of the servants runs quickly over to Marina and says ‘’No, no, no wolf rider! You do not wear those types of clothes in front of the great elf.’’ The servants rushed Marina to the closet and the rest of the female servants followed them. All the men servants stayed in the room with Hunter and dressed him up in an old fashion clothes where the pants are jeans where the shirt is medieval and you can see his muscles through his shirt.

‘’You should go and join the great elf’’ said the head servant. ‘’I’ll wait for my rider’’ said Hunter. ‘’As you wish master’’ said the head servant. Marina came out of the closet where the female servants follow her. She was wearing a light blue dress and the look like a mermaid dress with a heart bodice. Her hair was down and wearing a necklace. Hunter and Marina look into each others eyes and automatically hold hands. They left their bedroom and walk into the stone hallway. Where there are windows that the sun can shine on the stone walls.

Finally, Marina and Hunter went into the dining room where they saw the great elf. Both of them sit down beside him and all three of them starts to eat breakfast. ‘’ Marina have you ever trained to become a wolf rider’’ asked the great elf. ‘’I always wanted to become one. When I was a child my grandfather told me stories about it’’ Marina said. ‘’But you are a surfer back home and still is. Which dream will you follow?’’ the great elf said. ‘’I will follow both and follow my heart wherever it goes’’ Marina said in confidence. ‘’Hunter, you chose the right rider. I have a rider and a wolf here that will train you both ‘’ said the great elf.

All of a sudden, two men walk into the dining room. ‘’Sorry we are late, may we join you three’’ said one of the men who stands next to the chair next to Marina. The great elf nods his head and both men sits down. ''Hunter who are these two?'' Marina asks. ''The one that is next to you is Samuel. He is one of the respectable rider of the whole land. The man sitting next to me is his partner, Steven'' Hunter explains.

''So who are you guys?'' Samuel said. ''I am Marina and this is Hunter '' Marina said. ''Your that legendary wolf who fought armies by yourself'' Samuel said. Hunter nods his head with confidence. ''Your rider looks pathetic. She won't succeed our expectations'' Steven said. ''She will succeed my expectations in which she already did'' Hunter said as he made Marina blushed.

After breakfast, the wolves and their riders went outside. Hunter and Steven transformed in their wolf form. Marina got on Hunter's back and says ''Dude are you getting on your wolf's back or your waiting for Christmas?'' Samuel analyze Marina's posture and sitting position. Hunter immediately sensed Samuel emotions and starts to growl. ''Easy hot shot'' Samuel said as he got on his wolf's back.

 Both wolves runs to the training grounds. The training grounds is a vast territory that is all terrain. ''This is where we are going to camp out and train for a good couple of days'' Samuel said. ''We are so going to bond don't you think Hunter?'' Marina said. ''I agree! Steven make sure you keep your rider's emotions away from mine. She does not like him'' Hunter said. ''It is alright Hunter. I sense the same thing'' Steven said.

All four of them approach the training grounds and start making camp. Everyday that they were there, all four of them practiced with all of their strength and might. Hunter and Marina grew stronger together and developed new techniques that no other riders can master before. After a month training, Marina and Hunter finished their training. Samuel feelings for Marina went down and lost interest in Marina. ''Marina I sense something'' Hunter says as he starts growling. ''Hunter what is it?'' Marina said as she looks straight.

The children came towards them cover in smoke. ''Oh my gosh, are you girls okay?'' Marina said as she went up to them. ''Please help us. The Great Elf Is in danger'' said one of the children. 'You guys stay here'' Samuel said as he and his wolf rides of to the palace. ''What happened in the palace?'' Marina asked. ''The dark came and destroying the castle. He was looking for us. It is only the rider that can sense which one is the child of the great elf'' said one of the children.

''Hurry and make up your mind, the king is coming soon'' Hunter said. Marina closes her eyes and saw the crystal and the child. All of a sudden her eyes opened and started to turn gold. ''Patricia you have the crystal and the next heir of the great elf'' Marina said. ''That's right wolf rider. What are we going to do with them?'' Patricia said. ''Do you guys have any relatives any where else?'' Marina said. The children nod there heads.

''Wolf rider! We came to help you with the young ones'' said the mysterious voice. Marina and Hunter around and saw nine wolves and their riders. ''These are the guardians to take us home. Marina you are Patricia's guardian and you need to protect her'' said one of the children as they got on the wolves of the guardians back. ''We will meet you at the citadel'' said the leading rider. Marina nods her head shyly and the riders went off.

''Marina, hurry we need to get out now!'' Hunter said. Marina puts Patricia on Hunter's back and she went up as well. ''I can't go on Hunter's back'' Patricia said. ''Patricia we do not have time to switch. Hunter quickly go now!'' Marina said and Hunter runs as fast as he can.

''Faster Hunter!'' Patricia said. ''Easy young one Hunter is going as fast as he can. Hunter let's head straight to the citadel'' Marina said. ''We have to go through the woods. It's the shortest way that we can take'' Hunter said as he enters the forbidden woods where the trees are the color of charcoal and the crows starts to chirp. Dark clouds cover the forbidden forest.

Patricia was scared from the forest. She looks up at Marina who was looking straight. She was amazed how Hunter and Marina were confident and well bonded. ''Marina lean forward, it'll help me to stay light on my feet. I smell dark soldiers nearby'' Hunter said. ''Hunter be careful'' Marina said. ''Why are we leaning forward?'' Patricia said. ''Dark soldiers are not far. We need to stay hidden'' Marina said.

Hunter sees the dark soldiers in front of him and went through the bushes. Thanks to the girls leaning, Hunter was light on his feet and was quiet as a mouse. A dark soldier looks into their direction. ''We can't move at all'' Hunter said. ''We'll stay here for a while'' Marina said. Hunter laid low to the ground. Marina leaned forward and felt muscles intensify. The dark soldier walks over to the bush. He starts sniffing the air.

''General I smell something over here'' the dark soldier said. ''What is it?''said the general as he came over. The general smelled it too. ''What is that smell Hunter?'' Marina asked. ''Ah man who farted and it was not me '' Hunter said. ''Not me'' Marina said. She looks down and says ''It's Patricia that is the culprit. Let's move Hunter.''

Without a word, Hunter moves silently through the woods. Finally all three of them were out of reach. Hunter starts running and Marina leans back a bit. ''Sorry I blew your cover'' Patricia said. It's alright no worries'' Marina said with a smile. ''Hunter you should take a break and rest'' Marina said. ''I could continue'' Hunter said. ''You sure'' Marina said as her heart starts beating faster than ever before. She felt that is suffocating. ''Hunter!'' Marina yelled.

''Marina we have to keep going. I'm linking my heart to yours that way we can go travel long distance. Feel the emotions withing you. Let it go through you. We can feel each other'' Hunter said. All of Marina's surrounding's were blocked. Her senses and breath came sharper. All Marina could hear is her own breath. She stayed in the moment where she can express Hunter and her own emotions. Then, Marina came back into reality and her surroundings became clearer. ''Now you see we are finally one. This is a true stage where no other wolf and its rider can reach. We have earned our level'' Hunter said. ''What level is that?'' Marina said. ''It is known as the Delta level'' Hunter said.

Hunter finally came out of the woods.''There is the citadel. Let's hope the others are there?'' Hunter said. ''Yay the citadel'' Patricia said. The citadel is made out of white marble mixed with black colour. It has a white tower and a grand wall around it. Hunter reaches the gate. ''Who goes there?'' said the soldier. ''Can you let us in? I am a wold rider and this is my wolf. I'm with this child and this is the child of the great elf'' Marina explains. Patricia shows the crystal to the crystal.''Follow me'' the guard said as he opens the gate and Hunter went through the gate. Patricia and Marina went down from Hunter's back and all three of them follows the soldier inside the citadel.

''Your majesty I bring you the wolf rider'' the soldier said. ''I am not impress'' said the King. ''Patricia can you show him the crystal'' Marina asked. Patricia nods her head and takes out the crystal. ''The Great Elf has fallen. Young one are you the next heir for the great elf and this wolf rider must be your guardian'' the king said. All three of them nod their head. ''This crystal that I have is for the rider. I have another one just for me'' Patricia explains as she gives the crystal to Marina.

Patricia takes out another crystal. ''This crystal gives me my true age. I am older than both of you Marina and Hunter'' Patricia said. Marina was freaking and went to Hunter. Patricia transform into one of the Great Elf. Then, another wolf came into the room. ''Don't look behind you, The wolf is known as Silver and I don't like one bit of it'' Hunter said. ''Is he at the same level as us?'' Marina sad. ''Both of them are Marina. Both of us, we are very competitive with each other'' Hunter explains.

Silver is the same height as Hunter and has stronger muscles than Hunter. He also known for his silver colour fur. Silver pass both them and hits Hunter in the face with his tail. Hunter immediately reacted by hitting his tail. Silver quickly moved and almost scratched Hunter's nose. With a stroke of luck, Hunter dodge the attack by stepping back. Marina follows Hunter's movements.

''I see you and Hunter have been training hard back at the palace'' Patrica said. Marina nods her head. ''Alright then weren't you guys go rest. Servants, show them to their quarters'' the king said. The servants did a small curtsey and leads the riders and their wolves to their chambers. The servants leads them to their chambers through the marble hallway. ''Here you go. If you need anything let us know'' said the servants as they opened the doors to their chambers.

Hunter and Marina went into the room. The room has a big fireplace that is made of marble. The walls were made out of white marble. ''It looks similar to the Great Elf's palace'' Marina said. ''Hey guys, can I come in?'' Patricia said as she knocked on the door. ''Sure'' said Marina. ''How you two love birds like your new room?'' Patricia asked. ''It's too white for us'' Hunter said. ''You like to complain don't you'' Marina said with a giggle.

Then, Silver came into the room to meet with the rest of the gang. ''Do you know when the other riders will get here?'' Marina asked. ''Nobody knows when they will arrive'' Patricia said. ''The wolf riders are here!'' said everyone in the castle. Patricia and Marina runs to the balcony and saw the others coming into the castle.

''Is the rest are wolf riders as well?'' said Silver as both him and Hunter starts to growl. ''Out of all the wolves and riders that we have, only Hunter and you are the youngest and last of our kind'' Silver said. ''You could hear our thoughts'' Marina said. ''This our channel which is actually limited'' Silver said. ''He is right Marina. Our channel can have the advantage compare to other wolf rider'' Patricia said as both wolves came out to the balcony.

''We'll do it together no matter what'' Hunter said. ''You got that right Hunter'' Marina said as she leans on Hunter's side. ''There's our two wolf riders. How did you guys get here so fast?'' said Mario. The two girls turn around and Patricia said ''Weren't you ask Marina and Hunter yourself?'' ''It cannot be it. They are the last of our kind'' Mario said. ''I really do not know'' Patricia said.

Then, a servant knocked on the door and says ''Sorry for the interruption, the ceremony is about to start.'' Hunter and Marina look puzzled. ''Easy young rider. You will see what the ceremony is all about'' Patricia said. Patricia, Silver, and Mario went out of Marina and Hunter's bedroom. ''What on earth is this ceremony about?'' Marina said. ''I do not know but we should check it out'' Hunter said as both of them left the room. They joined the rest of the gang in the throne room.

Once in the throne room, Marina was amazed of how that she saw everybody that she knew. Marina saws Cecilia and the rest of the gang where there wearing their majestic outfits. All of the friends that they know looks at them and walks towards them. ''I am impress you two. How did you guys?'' Tom said. ''We'll, we have our ways'' Marina said. ''Marina, how are you?'' said a mysterious voice said. Marina looks over and saw Cecilia and hugs her. ''CeeCee I miss you! How was your journey?'' Marina asked

Cecilia explains everything to Marina. ''Now I am going to be in the army?'' Cecilia said. ''I am going to be a wolf rider'' Marina said as she explains her adventure. ''Easy Marina, don't get too excited'' Hunter said as he approach her. ''That's him! Wow what breed is he?'' Cecilia ask. ''Black Wolf, mixed with Husky, mixed with Doberman'' Hunter said as Marina repeated what hunter said to Marina.

The King arrive in the throne room and stands next to his chair. ''Alright everyone, I hereby decree we will start the ceremony of the citadel'' the king said. The new recruit soldiers lines up on one side of the hall and the wolf riders lines up on the other end. One by one everyone was given a position. Marina and Cecilia ended up facing each other and Hunter standing next to Marina.

The king finally arrives at Cecilia, Marina and Hunter. He turns to Cecilia to give her gift and position. ''You are now a knight of the court. It is one of the highest ranks that a soldier can take'' the king said. Then, he turns to Marina and Hunter and says '' Marina and Hunter I dubbed you as Delta Wolf Rider and Delta Wolf. I present this gift to you both.'' ''Thank you, your majesty'' Marina as she took the gift from the king and bows her head.

''The ceremony has been completed'' the king said as he went to his throne and sits one his golden chair with pride. ''Marina and Hunter welcome to the pack'' Tom said. ''You deserve it'' Patricia said. Marina and Cecilia looks into each other direction. Marina walks over to Cecilia with Hunter following her. ''Congratulations CeeCee'' Marina said. ''Thanks Marina, but we cannot socialize with each other anymore'' Cecilia said. ''why we can't talk with each other any more?'' Marina asked as she felt pain in her heart and felt angry. ''I have to get back to Jim. Good luck with your adventure'' Cecilia said and went off.

Hunter nudges Marina in the back and says ''We should Marina. You have other friends besides her. Do not worry about it too much'' Hunter said. Without a word, Marina turns around and went on Hunter's back. Hunter went up the stairs with one jump and to the bedroom. Once they went into the bedroom, Marina was taking her shower and Hunter went on the red carpet to lay down. There was a knock on the door. ''Marina somebody is at the door'' Hunter said. ''Thanks'' Marina said as she got changed into her pajamas and came out of the bathroom.

''Come in, the door is open'' Marina said. The door opens and Cecilia comes into the room. ''CeeCee is everything alright?'' Marina said. ''I am fine Marina. I am sorry about before. There was an incident between the wolf riders and the soldiers'' Cecilia said. ''Come and sit by the fireplace. What happened to the rest?'' Marina said.

The two girls went both to sit on the red couch near the fireplace. ''It all happened when two friends just like us. One was a wolf rider and the other was a soldier. The soldier turned its back against the wolf riders and the whole kingdom and joined the dark king. The soldiers and the wolf riders had an agreement that they won't have interaction with each other. In the end, the bond that the two friends have the soldier went to the headquarters of the wolf riders which was this citadel and nearly killed them all. It ended in a bloodshed. Those who survived the bloodshed escaped the torture of the soldier and the dark king. That is why when we are with everyone in public, we cannot hangout like we use too'' Cecilia explains. ''That is it! This is so unfair! We have to do something about this'' Marina said angrily.

''Marina that is why I came to you. Both of us can unite and stand together as one against the darkness and prove to the rest of the kingdom that friendship can conquer anything no matter what'' Cecilia said. ''The Binding Alliance'' Marina said. ''Marina we have to do this. We need all the help we can get. Your friendship with us is able to conquer the darkness'' Hunter said. ''Let's do this'' Marina said. ''Look at your arm'' Cecilia said.

Marina look at her arm and saw a design. ''Every new line on that design is the friends that you have bonded. The top circle is your wolf. Those different lines that is attached to the circle is the friendships that you have gained. Mine is the silver one'' Cecilia explains. ''Marina someone is coming'' Hunter said. ''You better hide'' Marina said.   Without noticing, Cecilia vanished within thin air.

Then, Silver came into the room. ''Hunter, weren't you suppose to be at the party with the rest of the wolves?'' Silver said. ''I am not comfortable with the other wolves. Marina you should get out of the room'' Hunter said. Marina nods her head and left the room. Cecilia follows Marina out of the room. ''I wonder what the wolves are talking about?'' Marina said. ''I do not know'' Cecilia said as she came out her invisible power and continue walking with Cecilia.

''Aaahhh! My arm is burning up like a volcano irrupting'' Marina said with pains in her arm. She is going cry in tears of pouring rain. ''Marina, let's go back to Hunter'' Cecilia said. Along the way back to the bedroom, Cecilia screamed Hunter's name. ''Hunter!'' Cecilia screamed from the top of her lungs. Hunter got up from the red carpet and smashed the bedroom door down with his mighty strength. He runs straight to both girls.

''Marina! Marina go on my back'' Hunter said. At the same time going on Hunter back, Marina was woozy and her head was spinning like a rollar-coaster and eyes were fuzzy. Cecilia helps Marina on Hunter's back. Silver comes to join them and says ''I can't leave her so much. The bond between us is strong. Where's the doctor?'' Hunter says desperately. ''Follow me'' Silver said.

Both of them starts running the hallways that leads to the doctor's office. The two wolves reach the doctor's office and went into the room. ''Silver is everything alright?'' the doctor said. Without a word, Silver looks into the direction of Hunter. ''Oh my gosh it is the legendary wolf and has a rider'' said the nurse. Marina was weakened by her arm. The doctor went beside Hunter and saw Marina's condition.

The nurse brings a stretcher and the doctor brings her down from Hunter back and puts Marina on the stretcher. ''Looks worse than I thought'' said the doctor.  Without a word, Silver looks into the direction of Hunter. ''Oh my gosh it is the legendary wolf and has a rider'' said the nurse. Marina was weakened by her arm. The doctor went beside Hunter and saw Marina's condition.

The nurse brings a stretcher and the doctor brings her down from Hunter back and puts Marina on the stretcher. ''Looks worse than I thought'' said the doctor. ''Legendary wolf, how far away did you leave your rider?'' said the doctor. ''It's her first time. She just discovered her powers'' Cecilia said as she enters into the medical chamber. The doctor looks at her and says ''How do you know this?'' ''The legendary wolf won't open a channel telepathically with you. Second,  she told me herself'' said Cecilia.

 The doctor was amazed how Cecilia defended Hunter. Without opening channel to anyone, Hunter starts to howl like a true alpha wolf that leads the pack. The howl carried itself throughout the citadel. In the medical chamber, Marina starts to glow and all the pain from her body slips away. The glow was sparkling gold all around her body. ''We are united fully and we'll stand beside each other side'' Hunter said.

Marina opens her eyes and turns her head. ''Hunter you're glowing'' Marina said. ''You to Marina. This is a new level for us. You know that cloth that you have from the king. It gave us new strength and power. This new power level is known as Delta master.'' Hunter explains as he approach her. ''Yup, I better to study this. I think the king will be interested.'' the doctor said.

''Not necessarily doctor. This is the last level for a wolf rider. It's rare to find it in a wolf rider'' Patricia said. ''Good job for both of them'' Silver said. ''Man wolf riders complicated to understand'' the doctor said. ''How are you feeling?'' Cecilia said.  ''I feel better CeeCee'' Marina said. ''Try walking a little bit'' said Cecilia. Marina got up from the stretcher and starts walking towards Hunter.With strong pace, Marina was able to gain pace walk normally and hugs Hunter. ''I am glad your okay'' Hunter said.

 ''I am glad your okay'' Cecilia said as both girls hug each other. ''We should not be with the wolf riders'' said the general as he came into the medical chamber. ''They are aloud to be together. I know the king wants us to work together in this war'' Patricia said. ''I do not think it that is necessary'' the general said. ''These two can prove it'' Patricia said. The whole gang left the medical chamber of what to do with fighting together in battle. Marina went up on Hunter's back and says ''Let's go back to the bedroom and get some rest.'' Without a word Hunter went out of the medical chamber and went to the bedroom. Both of them reached the bedroom and went fast asleep in the red carpet by the fireplace.

The very next morning there was a scream in the hallway. ''What the heck is that?'' Marina said as she got up and opens the door of her bedroom. She looks around and nobody was there. ''Marina are you okay?'' Hunter said. ''Did you hear that scream Hunter?'' Marina asked. ''I did but I am trying to listen who it is. Wait, Marina come back into the room and go on my back'' Hunter said. Marina nods her head and did what she was told.

  Hunter runs out of the door bedroom and into the hallway. Both of them look at their left and saw a door open a tiny bit. ''This is the hallway where all the riders are located in the citadel'' Marina said. ''That's right Marina '' Hunter said. Both of them sense something as they start to walk forward into the hallway. ''I'll see if anybody can respond'' said Hunter as he starts howling.

 After howling in the hallway, nobody responded to his howl. They turn around and notice a black figure going into Patricia and Silver's room. ''Hunter let's go after him'' Marina said. ''Wait Marina! We can't go right away. That's a Dark Wolf Slayer. Their known for tracking and killing wolf riders and their wolf'' Hunter explains as he turns around and went to the thrown room.

Upon their arrival to the throne room, the King and the soldiers were there. ''CeeCee! CeeCee!'' Marina screams. Cecilia turns around and see Hunter coming into the throne room. They finally arrived and Marina explains what happened to the rest of the wolf riders to the Cecilia, the soldiers, and the king.

''How could this be?'' the king said. ''Are you two alright at least?'' Cecilia said. ''Guards, put the citadel on high alert and check the hallway for the riders and their wolves'' the king commanded with stern and powerful voice. ''I'm fine CeeCee. Hunter are you okay?'' Marina said. ''I'm fine'' Hunter said. The king left throne room and his soldiers follow him.

Then, a tall, elegant, women came into the room and sat on the throne. ''It cannot be'' said the female figure. ''You must be the Queen'' Cecilia said. ''Indeed I am young one. Only the wolf, the rider, and a soldier, with its powerful bond will destroy the darkness'' the queen said. ''What will happen to the others ?'' Marina said. ''You three need to get stronger together. I sense the king and his armies will loose the battle, but with your inspiration they will succeed'' The Queen said.

All three of them nod their heads. ''You three are part of the Royal Council. I am granting you access to the army and help them any way that you can'' the Queen said. ''We''ll do what we need to do'' Marina said. ''I will notify the army'' the queen said. The two girls and hunter bows as they were leaving the throne room.  

''I think it is better to leave immediately'' Cecilia said. ''How are we going to get there in time?'' Marina said. ''I know which army the Queen is talking about. Hunter you know which army I am talking about'' Cecilia said. Hunter starts growling at Cecilia. Both girls went on his back and runs out of the citadel and went in the meadows. 

he Queen was at the balcony where she saw all three of them leaving. ''What are you looking at?'' the king said. ''We have new hope for our land and three new guardians will rise to fulfill their dream'' the queen said with pride. Hunter runs through the end of the meadow and the end of the forest until he reaches a river that sparkles like it has diamonds in the water. Hunter smells something that taste like BBQ and follows the sent.

''Uhmm Hunter! Oh man, don't tell me he likes BBQ'' Marina said. ''I think so'' Cecilia said. Hunter keeps running until the gang reach the camp. Hunter runs into the camp and was going near the kitchen tent. Marina and Cecilia jumps off of Hunter's back. Hunter pounded on the meat the cook prepared. ''Get this mutt off of the meat'' the cook said angrily as he came out of the tent. The general of the camp came and says ''not again.''

''Hunter you knuckle brain! Do not take other people's food and that is BBQ silly wolf'' Marina screams. Hunter listens to Marina and spits out the meat. He went to her and whining with his puppy dog face. The general looks at what happened and says ''Bloody hell you are a wolf rider.'' ''Your point is hot shot'' Marina said. ''I have not seen one in ages. You must be Marina, Hunter, and Cecilia. I am General Alfredo'' the general said. ''Right!'' Cecilia said as she was a little skeptic.

Without a word, the general went to his tent. The three of them followed Alfredo inside his tent and went inside. ''We need help to do some reckoning to the palace up into the mountains. It's a big climb and my captain is going to lead the attack after the reckon'' Alfredo said. ''Hunter, do you think we can do this?'' Marina asked. ''We should go. I have something to look for'' Hunter said. ''My wolf and I will go'' Marina said. ''I will join the captain to press the attack'' Cecilia said.

All three of them left the tent and went to the captain. ''You must be the new ones. Let's hope you ladies can take the heat'' said the soldier sitting down. Hunter walks pass by him and hits the soldier in the face with his tail and continues to walk with the girls. ''That female dog just hit me'' the soldier said as he got up furiously. ''Do you want to go there? My wolf could hit you with one blow with his claw and and kill you all the way'' Marina said. The soldier sits back down and they continue walking. ''Captain!'' Cecilia said as the gang came closer.

''Cecilia are you okay? Glad to see you again. You must be the wolf rider and this is your partner'' said the captain. Marina nods her head. ''Glad to see again Captain. We came here to assist you'' Cecilia said. Captain nods his head and says ''Move out.'' Everybody got up and went on the trail to the mountains.

They traveled through the thick trees of the Pine forest. Along the way, Hunter hears something in the distance. ''Marina, the dark soldiers are here'' Hunter said. ''Captain are we almost there. The darkness is here. My wolf picked it up'' Marina said. The captain was about to say something until they heard a horn in the distance.

Coming from the distance, the fog of darkness came rolling in and the dark soldiers came through the fog. ''Everybody embrace yourselves'' the Captain said. Marina got up on Hunter's back. The dark soldiers came towards them. The soldiers attack with brutal force when they came into contact with dark soldiers. The battle was brutal and intense. Marina and Hunter apply their training and put it to the test. For every movement that the did, Marina use her twin swords and blood came out from the dark soldiers. ''Marina, Hunter, and Cecilia! Go and do some recon. We'll hold them off here'' the captain said.

''CeeCee get on'' Marina screams. Cecilia rushed over to Marina and Hunter and got on Hunter's back. Hunter dash out of there and went straight for the castle. Through the bushes and vines, Hunter finally got to the pathway that leads to the castle that is in the mountains. ''Is there any other route?'' Marina said. ''Hold on will go by the caves'' Hunter said as he went beyond the pathway and went into the caves.  

The cave was dark as the night sky. Hunter’s eyes adjust to the dark of the cave and went through. All of a sudden, a light starts to appear that lights up in the middle of the cave. ‘’What is causing this light?’’ Cecilia said. ‘’It’s our powers. Our power is helping us to see where we are going. This was to be the escape route when someone attacks the palace. This is also where I was born’’ Hunter said as he continues running through the cave. Cecilia created a link with the captain to let him know the progress.

 Hunter continues to run in the cave until all three of them saw an opening. ‘’I think that light we saw before came from that entrance’’ Cecilia said. Hunter peeks into the small entrance. ‘’The Dark King has the wolves and its riders’’ Hunter said. ‘’We have to wait till the captain is here’’ Cecilia said. ‘’What about the riders and their wolves? Listen they’re going to die’’ Marina said. ‘’Do you want the Dark King see us working together?’’ Cecilia said. ‘’At the right moment will attack’’ Marina said.

 ‘’Marina you know that spell that can protect others. Let’s use it on them’’ Hunter suggests. Both of them closes their eyes and says the spell. Out of nowhere, a bright light came down on the wolves and the riders bodies. ‘’This should help them’’ Hunter said. ‘’Let’s wait for them to come’’ Cecilia said.

The riders and the wolves went back to the dungeons. After anxiety to battles, the captain and his men finally came onto the scene and took over the castle. The king escaped the battle and abandoned his men. Without a word, Hunter went through the wall without a scratch. ‘’Why did you not warned us?’’ Marina said.

‘’Stay focus’’ Hunter said as he starts running through the castle. ‘’Now Cecilia!’’ Marina said as Cecilia jumps down and swings her sword like there is no tomorrow. Hunter swings his paws left and right. ‘’Hunter the dungeons’’ Marina said. ‘’We are already one step ahead’’ the captain.

 The soldiers have retreated from the palace. ‘’Good job girls! The werewolves and their riders don’t know that you are here. Welcome to the army’’ the captain said. The girls nod their heads and explore the castle. The castle walls that can huge and grand and was able to withstand the any type of attack. Inside the castle, the walls are white with marble and white combined. The rooms are large and are have elegance taste for guests for everyone far and wide.

For the next couple of days that went into weeks, the girls and Hunter start to bond once more. They trained together and fought together in many battles that were during that time. All three of them became unstoppable and many of the dark soldiers fear them the most of the whole army. The king took notice of the queen’s army and both of them were happy about the results it produced. During the couple of weeks of taking over the palace, they also took over most of the territory around them.

 The general received a letter from the queen to be order back to the castle.‘’Captain! Captain!’’ said General Alfredo. The Captain came straight to the tent and said ‘’Yes General.’’ ‘’I want you to take most of the men and prepare them. We are heading back home, while the rest stay here and defend the camp’’ Alfredo orders the captain. The captain nods his head and went out of the tent.

The captain put out a magical paper of the list of names that he posted on the wooden column that is the center of the camp that everyvody can see. With a hustle, the soldiers came and saw the list of who was going and was staying. After when everyone is done, Marina, Hunter and Cecilia went to go see the list. ''I wonder why our names is not on the list?'' Cecilia said. ''Weren't we go ask the general or the captain. Probably they'll know'' Marina said.

The girls and Hunter found the captain and Marina said ''Captain, why is the list is up?'' The captain turns around and approach them. ''Sorry you three the Queen has ordered her army to go back. We heard rumors that the dark king's army will attack the citadel. We want you guys to continue the fighting here'' the captain explains. ''You guys are lucky that you won't be going back to the citadel. One more thing, if something to the general and I. Well, you three are in charge of the camp'' the captain continues and left them.

''But still something is not right. Why did the Queen mention to us directly?'' Hunter said. ''We don't know Hunter. Let's continue training'' Marina said. While training for the rest of the day, the soldiers pack their tents and belongings and left the camp. After training, the gang went back to the soldiers. ''What do we do now?'' the cook said. ''I do not know. What do we do ?'' Cecilia said as she looks at Marina and Hunter. ''We'll have to step up and conquer the darkness and push the dark soldiers back'' Marina said. Cecilia and Hunter nods their heads. ''We have to work together and become an imperial army. We have to hit them full force'' Cecilia said with encouragement. ''These guys are right'' said the cook.

The soldiers went to their duties and prepare for the battle they have been waiting for. All three of them return to Marina and Hunter's tent. Marina show them the battle area that the army is going to attack. ''I'll do some recon just to prepare the army'' Cecilia said. ''We need to know what they're planning at the citadel'' Marina said. ''I'll start the recon'' Cecilia said as she left the tent.

Cecilia went to some of the soldiers for recon and left the camp. ''The battle is not far from here. Let's hope we can get to the battle in time'' Hunter said. ''I hope so Hunter'' Marina said. The soldiers have been preparing their equipment for days. With filled with joy and excitement and know whats to come, the soldiers, Marina and Hunter waited patiently for the news from Cecilia and their fellow comrades.

The fourth day has arrived when the soldiers and Cecilia left the camp, one of the soldiers came from recon and went directly to Marina. ''Wolf rider, we have news from both sides. The army is close to the citadel. The king and Queen is going to attack the dark army head on. Cecilia is on her way back to the camp'' said the soldier from the recon and left Marina and Hunter's tent.

''Marina we should prepare the men'' Hunter said. Marina nods her head and both went out of the tent. The soldiers went to form up in rows in the middle of the camp. ''Alright men it's time to head back and protect the citadel from the dark army'' said Marina. Meanwhile the soldiers have returned from recon and Cecilia went beside Hunter. 

After Marina finishes her speech the soldiers were inspired by her. There was confidence in the air and the moral of the soldiers has increased. The moral became stronger with the soldiers. ''Wow! I am actually impress. We can actually win the battle thanks to your speech'' Cecilia said. Marina looks back and sees Cecilia.

''Cecilia!'' Marina said as she runs towards her and hugs Cecilia with joy. ''How was the patrol?'' Marina asks as all three of them went to the tent. ''Bad news actually. We have less than a day to get back to the citadel. The king's army is massive ad we won't hold them off'' Cecilia explains. ''We'll cut them off in the middle'' Marina said as she pulls out the map. ''What about the dark army coming from the front of us? We will be surrounded by them'' Hunter said. Marina repeats what Hunter says. ''Hunter is right CeeCee. That is what the dark lord is lacking is allies. We need to have allies'' Marina said.

Marina pulls up her sleeve and touches the symbol. All the lines that is in the symbol starts to light up. ''I think the allies are responding to your call'' Cecilia said. ''We are on our way wolf rider'' said the voice. All three of them looks astonished. The sense of confidence is in the air within the three of them. They went to their respective tent and pack up their tents and their belongings.

Towards the end of the day, the allies came to help. ''Wolf rider, somebody is here entering into the camp'' a soldier said coming running towards Marina and Hunter' tent and opens the flap of the tent. ''Thanks'' Marina said as the soldier steps aside as Marina went out of the tent and the soldier follows her outside. Hunter, in his wolf form, stays inside the tent to relax.

Marina and went approach the allies that everybody was looking forward to. ''Wolf rider we are here to help. We heard about the army and your success. We are ready to serve you'' said the leader of the allies. ''Follow me, we'll show you the plans'' Marina said as the leader of the allies follows Marina to her tent. As she opens the map, Hunter looks up and his ears went up. ''It can't be. That's the legendary wolf. You are lucky wolf rider to have him'' the leader said. ''Thanks. Anyways, we are going to the citadel and we are going to cut through them. We need your help to cut through the army'' Marina said.

''It is a little risky but manageable when you have a large army. By the way wolf rider, my name is Josh'' said the leader. ''I'm Marina and this is Hunter, my wolf'' Marina said. ''It is an honor to meet the both of you'' Josh said as he left the tent. Marina continues to pack and her tent was put down thanks to the soldiers and start to march to the citadel. They cross meadows and small villages who cheer for them on. ''Hunter are you alright?'' Marina said. ''I am just a little thirsty that's all'' said Hunter as he stops.

Marina jumps down from Hunter's back and went to look at her pouch for the water bottle. ''We still have water '' Marina shakes it and went in front of Hunter. Hunter grabs the water bottle with his teeth and starts drinking. ''Is everything okay wolf rider?'' Josh said. ''Everything is alright! Alright Hunter, that is enough for you'' Marina said as she grabs the water bottle and Hunter let's go of it. She went to put it back back into the pouch and jump on Hunter's back and continue to walk.

The army and the gang finally arrive at the citadel. Everybody's eyes were wide open with shock and some of their mouths drop to the earth's core. ''Everybody scatter and look for any survivors'' Josh said. ''Cecilia, I am going to head for the citadel. Do you want to come?'' Marina said. ''I am going to stay with the men'' Cecilia said. ''I will catch you up later then'' Marina said as Hunter runs for the citadel. Cecilia went and joins with the rest of the army.

The two of them went to the citadel and saw smoke at the entrance when they came closer to the tower. Hunter enters the entrance of the tower. Once inside, Marina's eyes starts to see what Hunter sees. Hunter stops and looks around. ''We're too late'' Marina said as a tear came down from her eye, making a pathway through her cheek and drops down and lands on Hunter's fur. Everything in the citadel was destroyed. All of the paintings were scratched and everything broken. Hunter and Marina explores every inch of the place. Everywhere that they went they saw everything was destroyed. ''I wonder where is everybody'' Marina said. ''I honestly do not know. Let us hope there are survivors that will tell us what happened'' Hunter said.

The two of them went to the throne room and saw the door broken down and shattered all over the place. Marina got off of Hunter's back and went to the entrance of the throne room. She has been shocked of what she saw. Marina could not move an inch of her body. Hunter came up to Marina and looks into her direction.

The whole floor was covered in blood by the bodies of the soldiers. ''Hunter can you sniff anyone that we know?'' Marina said. ''Already one step ahead'' Hunter said as he starts sniffing the room. Marina walk in the room and looks at the bodies that is on the floor. Most of the soldiers, the wolf riders and their wolves that Marina and Hunter knew were gone. There were also spears and swords that was in the bodies of the soldiers, the wolf riders, and the wolves. ''Hunter this looks like a massacre'' Marina said in shock.

''I know! Marina come over here. I have found the king and queen.'' Hunter said as he already reach the other side of the room. Marina runs and joins Hunter on the other side of the room. The King and Queen were severely injured and cover in a pool of blood. ''You're majesties! Hunter they're not breathing. Who is going to rule the land now? They don't have any children'' Marina said.

Hunter's ears were in alert and heard something from behind. At any moment, Hunter was ready to attack the mysterious object when it'll come close. ''Are you the wolf rider Marina and the wolf Hunter that General Alfredo spoke highly off?'' said the mysterious voice. Marina turns around looks at the person and says ''Who are you?'' ''Hunter! Nice to see you again'' said the wolf that came beside the mysterious figure. ''Elijah how did you and the princess survive?'' Hunter ask. Elijah explains everything to Hunter.

The two girls look at each other and Marina says ''How come we never saw you before?'' ''Just let say we know how to blend in with the crows'' the princess said. ''I sense the other riders and wolves are... are...'' Marina said as a tear came down from her cheek. ''I am so sorry for your lost. Patricia and Silver wants me to give you this'' the princess said.

The princess gives Marina a necklace that is made of gold. On the end of the necklace, there is a gold wolf. The two wolves came and join the girls. ''Marina that is what we call a wolf necklace. Only if someone are close to an elf, they'll have a necklace given by the elf. When that elf dies, that elf will give the necklace to the closest person that they know. Patricia and Silver died for us. We'll have their power'' Hunter explains. Marina puts the necklace around her neck. ''Hunter your right. I feel that I am connected to the whole land'' Marina said.

On Hunter's forehead, a symbol appeared which looks like the same on Marina's necklace. ''We both are connected to the land Marina'' Hunter said. ''Princess, come with us to defeat the darkness'' Marina said. The princess nods her head and runs to her wolf and jumps on her wolf's back. ''You coming wolf rider'' the princess said. Marina runs to Hunter and went on his back.

Both wolves starts running through the citadel and finally reach outside. The two wolves continue running through the destroy city until they reach the small army. ''CeeCee!'' Marina screams. Cecilia saw Marina and Hunter in the distance and waves. Once they reach Cecilia, Marina looks around and saw new faces. ''Any survivors that you guys found?'' Marina asked. ''We found a couple of them. They told us what happened to the army'' Cecilia explains.

''This is the princess at the citadel. She is the only survivor of the royal family'' Marina explains. ''Princes Celestial nice to see you again'' Josh said. ''Were off to now. We cannot stay here forever'' Cecilia said. ''This is our last straw. We need to face the dark king once and for all'' Marina said. Everybody was silent and scared to speak up. ''Marina, only a wolf and its rider can destroy the dark king remember'' Cecilia said. ''So that is it you guys lost hope already. That is not what we trained and battled for you guys. If you guys lose hope, the dark lord will take advantage of this hope and turn it against you. After he'll crush you into bits'' Marina said.

''Spoken like a true rider and leader'' the princess said. ''We never had a wolf rider never guided us before'' one of the soldiers said. ''We will go with you'' Josh said. Everybody went out of the citadel and went towards the south where the dark king is.

They went through meadows and mountains. During the night they sleep where the soldiers can see the stars. During the day, they walk through the brutal heat of the sun. After a week and a half of walking, the army reached one kilometer of the south border. There were black clouds that covered the land and lightening that struck the ground like someone punch the ground with their mighty fist. ''What do we do know?'' the princess said. ''We will set up camp here and make it our base. Cecilia can you be my second in command'' Marina said.

''I will! Alright men we will camp here for the night'' Cecilia said. The men put down there bags and tents and they all set up camp. The wolf riders and their wolves did the same, but this time they shared a tent that Marina will be using. ''Can I join you guys?'' Cecilia said. ''Sure CeeCee'' Marina said with a smile. Hunter gives a small bump to Cecilia in the back. ''How come Hunter does that?'' Cecilia said. ''Hunter considers you officially a friend'' Marina explains.

''I wish I was bonded like you three'' the princess said. ''Well, you just have to be sociable'' Marina said. Cecilia and Hunter nod their heads in agreement ''Marina is right actually'' Cecilia said. After unpacking and no time to spare, the gang formulates a plan. ''This battle has to be the last battle of the war. We have lost so many soldiers and generals but yet some of them were careless'' the princess said. ''We need to fight as one'' Cecilia said. ''Wolf rider we have a spy'' said Josh as he brings in the spy.

By looking at the spy, Marina has an idea in mind. ''You are one of the guards for the dark king are you not?'' Marina asks. ''I am not scared from the bottom of my soul'' the spy said. ''Tell your king that we'll have a battle within five days time at James Meadow. Only his men and his generals only'' Marina said. Josh left the spy go and left the camp quickly like a little mouse. ''Are you serious wolf rider?'' Josh said. ''''I know where this is going'' Cecilia said out loud and Hunter said telegraphically. Marina starts smiling from one ear to the other.

The princess, her wolf and Josh look puzzled. ''CeeCee prepare the men for battle'' Marina said. ''Let's hope we both have a plan B'' Cecilia said. ''Let's hope so'' Marina replied. Cecilia got out of the tent and train with the men. In the meantime, both riders and their wolves will train together. Everyday, back and forth, made arrangements to meet somewhere and try to figure out each others moves.

''Are you sure we can trust him''' Cecilia said. ''It's all part of the plan CeeCee. Hunter are you ready?'' Marina said. ''I am already to go'' Hunter said. The gang left Marina's tent and prepared for battle. As well the army was well in strength. '' Riders come with me'' Josh said as he leads them to the tent with their armor. ''Oh my Gosh these are armors are gorgeous'' the princess said. The wolves point their ears forward and payed attention to the armor. ''Princess yours is the gold one. As for you Marina yours is the bronze armor'' Josh said. Marina went up to it and touch her armor. Marina feels the energy that her ancestors have wear it long time ago. ''So that's our armor now'' Hunter said. ''It is'' Marina said as she looks at the armor beside hers.

The early morning of the very next day, the sun was rising horizon next to the south border. It lights up the horizon in the morning and made the soldiers more confident in their battle. Marina was in her tent putting on her armor. ''That armor looks good on you'' Cecilia said as she turns around. The princess came into the tent wearing her gold armor and says ''I am going to bring the soldiers with me. Cecilia, Marina, and Hunter make us proud and do not fail.''

The three of them nods their heads with pride. The princess left the tent. ''I am just nervous for this battle. What happens if something goes wrong and we lose the battle'' Cecilia said as she looked panicked. ''I know CeeCee. We will get through it as we believe in each other'' Marina said. ''Alright girls, the army is leaving. Let's go we will leave without you'' Josh said as he open the tent flap. All three of them went out of the tent.

Marina went on Hunter's back. ''Listen Marina, I have to stay with these guys. Protect yourself and remember what we trained. We will fight this battle for you and you'll win the battle with the king for us. If something happens, call on us'' Cecilia said. ''Thanks CeeCee'' Marina said. ''Marina this armor protecting you both is an ancient shield that has worn by many riders. Its mixed with gold, silver, and bronze and is more stronger than the princess's armor. It will protect you against the king and his wolf'' Josh said. Marina nods her head.

''Are you ready Hunter?'' Marina said. ''I am all yours Marina. Let's go'' Hunter said as he starts running to growl and runs through the wind. The army looks at Marina and Hunter in the distance and cheered them on. Hunter runs across the border and enter into the south lands of the territory. ''You alright Hunter?'' Marina said. ''I am fine. How are we getting inside the castle?'' Hunter said. ''Might as well find a secret entrance just incase there is a trap'' Marina said. ''We're almost there Marina. Can you sense the entrance?'' Hunter said as he finally reach the king's palace.

The king's palace is in the middle of the mountains and was cornered from all sides. There were different pathways that is linked with the palace. In the distance, Hunter and Marina saw the soldiers getting prepared for battle and went through the gate. ''Hunter we need to hide. There is a secret entrance near the right side of the wall next to the castle'' Marina said.

Hunter went quickly into the bushes that is right beside the pathway near the entrance of the castle. Row by row, side by side, the soldiers march through the gate and walk to the pathway. Meanwhile, Hunter sneak like a cat and went to the secret entrance beside the stone wall. Marina sad the magic words and Hunter went inside the palace.

Inside the palace, there was brick wall that made the hallways dark and creepy. ''I remember Silver was telling me that these hallways was for the royal family'' Hunter said. ''I didn't know that. I sense the dark king and the dark wolf is here'' Marina said. ''There in the ballroom. I could smell both of them all the way down here'' Hunter said.

Through the hallways, there weren't any guards through the hallways and throughout the castle as well. ''This is a little weird do you think Hunter?'' Marina ask. "The dark king agreed to our terms and not anybody else. Let's move forward'' Hunter said as he continue to walk into the castle. They both finally entered in to the main entrance. ''Its too dark in here. We need light in this castle'' Marina said. ''No Marina, the dark king will see us'' Hunter said.

All of a sudden, a strong howl was echoing into the hallways and the rest of the castle. ''There in the ballroom'' Hunter said as he starts to sprint up the stairs and went into the hallway leading to the ballroom. ''Are you sure they are in there?'' Marina said. Hunter starts to give a strong howl and the doors of the ballroom went wide open.

As the doors went ride open, the dark king saw them. Both Marina and the king look into each others eyes with strength and courage to win the war. ''This battle will end this once and for all young one. You will be defeated and be alongside with the other wolf rider'' the dark king said. ''That would not happen. I will drive the darkness and we'll defeat you no matter how strong you are'' Marina said with confidence.

''You are going down wolf rider'' the dark king said as he got on his wolf and starts to charge towards Marina and Hunter. ''Bring it on!'' Marina said as Hunter starts to charge through the ballroom. Both wolves clash into each other like two waves crashed into the rocks near the hill top close to a shore near a beach. The dark king and Marina hold on to their wolves the best that they can.

When both wolves howls that are strong like the mountain but echoes throughout the castle, both wolf riders went flying off from their wolf. ''Time to end this wolf rider'' the dark king said as he took out his swords. Marina took out hers and both start to charge and clash into each other.

From left to right, both riders and their wolves clashed on like their lives depended on it. With one roar, Hunter caught of guard and hit the column. ''Hunter! Hunter get up'' Marina yelled. ''It is useless wolf rider. You have lost the battle'' the dark king said as he threw Marina next to Hunter.

Marina saw Hunter was badly injured and unconscious. She took out her necklace that Patricia gave her and says ''We need help. Please heal the ones that you truly trust.'' The necklace starts to glow and a light was shinning on Hunter and Marina's body. ''That is impossible! How can they heal so quickly'' the dark king said. ''We have not left you both. We are one with both you and Hunter'' Patricia said. Hunter opens his eyes and got up. His wounds that was on his body was healed. Marina got up and she hugs Hunter. ''Let's do this together'' Hunter said. Marina nods her head and prepares for another attack.

Meanwhile, Cecilia and the rest of the army prepared for the battle against the dark army. ''Cecilia come look at this'' Josh said. Cecilia came up from Josh's side and saw the dark army lined up. The dark army lined up row by row, side by side. The army had thousands of soldiers in each flank. Each one of these flanks carried banners and flags.

''This is what killed the people and destroyed the citadel. Prepare the men for battle. This is the final battle that we prepare for'' Cecilia said. ''Of course'' Josh said as he left and got the men prepared. Cecilia turns around to look at her army with a smile. ''Cecilia we are ready on your command'' Josh said. With last words of encouragement, Cecilia said ''We will do this with strength and courage. For the love ones that we have and the families that have lost their love ones. For our friends who are fighting and died for our freedom. We will do this battle for them and for the rest of the land'' Cecilia said with strength and courage.

Cecilia then turns around and face the dark army. She took out her sword. ''We are right here with you all the way'' the princess said. ''Thank you'' Cecilia said. As Cecilia raises her sword into the air, the general from the dark army raise his sword. ''Charge!'' Cecilia yells as she throws her sword down as she runs and the army charges like a herd of bulls. On the command, the dark general gives a strong roar and the dark army charges towards their enemy.

The two armies clash into each other and the swords also clashed into each other. Every time a soldier puts his sword into the body of the dark soldier, the dark soldier will disappear and reappear. ''What the heck! Why is the soldiers are doing like this?'' Josh asked. ''Marina is still fighting the dark king'' Cecilia responds. All the soldiers, Cecilia, Josh, the princess and Elijah continue to fight the dark army.

Back at the palace, Hunter and Marina starts to move forward. Marina starts to attack with her sword. The king was able to dodge Marina's sword attacks. Hunter and the dark wolf start attacking with their bare claws. Then, the dark king slash on to Marina's side with his sword. Marina backs away from the king.

She looks down on her side and saw a glow within her womb and healed her. ''It cannot be'' the dark king said as he open his eyes wide. With enough power by her side, Marina puts out her hand and a gold ball came out of her palm. It builds up in Marina's palm and throws it towards the dark king. With one blow, the dark king was swept from his feet and bang his whole body at the column. The dark king falls down on the floor and starts to moan. The dark wolf looks back and notices his rider was down and says ''Master!''

With one shot, Hunter took the chance and aims for the throat of the dark wolf. Hunter attacks with full force and puts his mouth around the dark wolf's neck. He was able to use all his might and chokes the dark wolf. The dark wolf panics and whine in the process of his death. In the end, Hunter hears a crack in the neck of his enemy and puts the dark wolf out of his mouth. Marina approached the dark king.''There is always good in this land. Only good could conquer the darkness'' Marina says as she took her sword and stabs the dark king into his heart.

Meanwhile, back on the battle field, the dark soldiers disappeared into thin air. The sunlight came through the dark clouds. The soldiers cheered on with happiness and joy that the war is over. For most of the land, the dark clouds disappeared. ''Weren't we get the wolf rider'' said one of the soldiers. Cecilia nods her head and the whole army followed her to the castle.

Back at the castle, Hunter went behind Marina and nudge her on the back. She went to Hunter's side and flats his fur. ''I am proud of you'' Marina said. The sun light came through the window and lit up the whole room. ''Marina! Where are you?'' Cecilia yells. ''We are in the ballroom Cecilia. You did a good job in the battle today. I am proud of you'' Marina yells as she leans on Hunters side. ''Thanks Marina! I am proud of you too'' Hunter said. The soldiers, Josh, Elijah, the princess and Cecilia arrive at the ballroom. ''Hey how was the battle?'' Marina ask. ''Thanks to you two all the dark soldiers are gone'' Josh said. ''Cecilia fought the hardest and defeated the general'' the princess said as Cecilia turned red and sigh.

Elijah nudge the princess into her back. ''Weren't we go explore the castle and take off our armor'' the princess said. Everybody left the ballroom except for Marina, Cecilia and Hunter. ''Are you okay Cecilia?'' Marina said. ''I do not know what to do any more. We lost our parents and your grandfather back home. I know this is an adventure but where do we go from Here?'' Cecilia said. ''I was thinking, do you want to go back home?'' Marina said. Marina looks at Marina with a smile and nods her head with pride.

''Do you want to come with us?'' Marina said. ''I would love to come with you girls. I really want to see your world and where you girls come from'' Hunter said. ''Then it is settled. Weren't we take our armor off'' Cecilia said. ''That would be fantastic'' Marina said. All three of them went out of the ballroom and went into the hallway.

The hallway was filled with light from the sun that passed through the curtain and warms up the air. Finally they arrived at the armory where all of the soldiers put their armor against the wall. ''Finally you guys are here. All three of you follow me'' Josh said as he leads them to the back of the armory. ''Welcome! This is a special place where the rest of our armors are placed. This room is represented to our heroes of war that have succeed and been awarded by the royal. These armors will be remembered as legends'' the princess said.

Hunter transforms back into his human self. With the help of the servants, the armor was taken off from Marina, Cecilia and Hunter and was placed in a case right beside each other. ''Princess we want to go back home. It has been far too long we have not been to our world'' Marina said. ''I understand'' the princess said. ''I am going with them too'' Hunter said. The princess nods her head as she sticks out her hand and an energy came out as quick as thunder and made a whole in the air.

''Once this portal is open, you might not return here in this realm'' the princess said. All three of them nod their heads. ''Princess I am going too'' Josh said. ''Your choice'' the princess said. All four of them ent through the portal. Marina and Hunter arrive at Marina's beacbh house. Cecilia and Josh reach at Cecilia's house. ''You could take my granfather's room if you want'' Marina suggested.

Marina looks at her mail after supper, there was a letter concerning the competition. ''Open it up silly'' Hunter said as he looks at her. With excitement, Marina opens up the envelope and got an invitation to compete in the final competition. Hunter comes closer and sees what the letter is all about. ''You are going to compete'' Hunter said. ''All the way Hunter. The competition is tomorrow. So today, I am going to relax and breath'' Marina said.

The very next morning, both of them got up and eat breakfast. ''Are you excited to compete today?'' Hunter says as he puts the flapjacks on the table. Without a word, Marina grabs a flapjack and starts to eat it quickly. ''Take it easy Marina. You will be vomiting on the waves if you do not slow down'' Hunter said as he sits down and grabs a flapjack for himself. Marina looks up at Hunter and says ''What? I'm actually hungry. I eat fast when I am nervous.'' Hunter starts laughing like there is no tomorrow.

''Relax, its bad for the digestive track when you eat fast silly'' Hunter said. Marina eats a little slower and Hunter starts to eat. After breakfast, Marina grabs her surf board and both of them went to the beach. Once they got there, Cecilia looks at the entrance of the beach and saw Marina and Hunter coming in. She waves at both of them and they cam to join both Cecilia and Josh.

''I heard you are going to compete'' Cecilia said. ''You know I am the best surfer in town'' Marina said. ''Trust me you got your number one fan right here '' Josh said. ''Trust me Josh that I already know'' Marina said as she said goodbye to all three of them and went to hit the waves.

All the surfers went into the water and went ride the waves. One after the other, the surfers were eliminated. Marina was confident and kept on going and doing her tricks. About half the day, it was down to two surfers. ''Jane and Marina are the last two finalists'' one of the judges said. ''You are going down Marina'' Jane said. ''In your dreams Jane. I am going to wn this competition'' Marina said.

A wave came into their direction. Both girls went straight for it. They both were standing on there surf boards and hit the wave. Marina was the first one who did her 360 turn and landed perfectly. Jane did a simple barrel roll and landed perfectly on the wave. Trick by trick, the girls out perform each other with their tricks.

With the wave coming to a close, Jane did her secret trick and landed perfectly. ''Beat that Marina!'' Jane said. With a trick up her sleeve, Marina went up into the air and pointed the nose of her surfboard up into the air and is able to twirl like a ballerina. She spinned the turned gracefully. In this trick she combined a barrel roll and the 360 degree turn. When Marina was done, she landed perfectly on the wave.

As the girls went on the beach, everybody was cheering for them. ''On the screen, the winner is Marina!'' said one of the judges. Marina went up to get her trophy. Cecilia, Josh, and Hunter went to join Marina and they hug her. ''Congrats girl! You deserve it. How did you do that killer move?'' Cecilia ask. ''For me to know and you to find out'' Marina said as all four head down the beach and went to Marina's beach house.

They all eat pizza and went for a walk on the beach with their surf boards. As the sun was setting and the stars was flashing into the sky, the gang surf on the water. ''Look at the water Marina'' Hunter said with eyes open wide. The water under them starts to glow. ''This type of water that we see here is the same like we did back home. These lights are known as water lights. There known to contain the spirits. These spririts are able to communicate to the living'' Josh explains.

Then, a spirit came rising from the lights that was in he water. With puzzling eyes Marina opens her mouth wide that extended to her surf board. ''Marina close your mouth will you. You look like a a hayena yawning. Anyways, there is going to be great danger coming soon in both worlds. Be prepared!'' Patricia said as she went down into the water and disappeared.

All fur of them went back to the beach house. Once inside , the two girls took their shower separately and the boys land on the couch. ''Are you ready for another adventure?'' Hunter said. With a smile Josh was laying on the couch comfortably and says ''You know me Hunter. I am up for anything.'' ''Not without the ladies you won't be so manly'' Cecilia said as her and Marina came downstairs. The gan stayed up all night to catch up to see how each other are.

Around 5:30 am, Josh and Cecilia left the beach house. Hunter and Marina went on the balcony facing the ocean and saw the sun rising. The clouds started to become firey red in the horizon. ''To our new day'' Marina said as they both look into each others eyes and kissed happily into the beautiful sunrise.

Life is one of the greatest adventure that a person can ever have. Making and having challenges in someone's life will always give us something to look forward too. Along the way to face these challenges, we are not alone to face them. Our friends will always be by our side when we need them the most.

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