tension. {a chandler riggs fa...

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"you can feel the awkward tension." He gave out a nervous laugh //// More

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Gwyn's POV

"Honey do you know what tomorrow is?" My mom nudged me with a smile as I scarfed down my craft macaroni and cheese.

"Thursday?" I asked in confusion with a mouth full of noodles. She sighed.

"No. Tomorrow Chandler comes home from filming." She perked up some.

I honestly forgot about that. About seven years ago my child hood best friend tried out for a tv audition. He didn't know which show it was at the time but he got it. It's called The Walking Dead. It's were this sheriff and his family and their group have to survive during a zombie apocalypse. It's quite popular. It's really the only way I get to see his face and hear his voice anymore. We don't really keep in touch now. We promised to always stay in contact but two weeks into filming he said that we couldn't talk as much because I was being a "distraction". Then I guess he just forgot about me a year later he posted a photo of him and this girl captioning it "it's always good to have my best friend around". I haven't talked to him in almost 5 years. He left when we were nine and now we're both 15.

We were the "ideal best friends" as our mothers would say. We would always do everything together; inseparable really. We were the kids that took baths together when we were knee high of a grasshopper. Now we're like strangers. I miss him but it doesn't really phase me anymore.

"Oh yeah. That too." I rinsed my dish in the sink and placed into the dishwasher.

"Oh cmon honey, aren't you excited to see him. It's been what, seven years!?" She said looking at me a little shocked,

"I dunno. We kinda lost touch a couple years ago and I'm doing my own thing being socially corrupt in my bedroom with my boyfriend Netflix while he's doing his own think being, omg gasp Chandler Riggs, the big famous zombie slayer Carl Grimes." I said with a sarcastic tone at the end as I walked upstairs and into my room.

I flopped my body on my bed and just thought for awhile. I pried myself off my mattress and onto my knees searching under my bed.

Found it.

It was a picture of me and Chandler the day he left. It made me sad looking at it all the time so I hid it in one of the box springs under my bed. I lay on my back facing the ceiling with the picture in my hands. My eyes skimmed over our faces. We've changed a lot these past years. He grew up and matured into a well known handsome man and I grew up into a 15 year old suicidal mess. Yeah suicidal.

That all started when I was about eleven or twelve when my dad died in a car chase. He was a police officer and he got hit in the side and died instantly. I didn't really have anyone because I had just changed schools because my other I was getting bullied. I longed the embrace of my best friend so much and it got to the point where I would cry myself to sleep. So yeah, I slit my wrist.


I woke up to my mom shaking me. "Gwyn! It's 11:30. Chandler is gonna be home in an hour and were having his welcome home party here! Get ready!" She sprinted out.

I groaned and searched for my black glasses. I shoved them up the bridge of my nose and things became clearer. I rubbed my eyes and decided to get up and try to look presentable for my long time friend. I threw off my covers which send my body into a fit of chills. I stepped out of my warm bed and headed towards the bathroom to shower.

I hopped out the shower, brushed my teeth and hair and headed towards my room. I wanted to look nice but not like it was a wedding. I threw on some beige skinnys, a white button up and threw a burgundy jumper over it and fixed my collar and sleeve cuffs over my jumper, {picture in header} I sat myself at my bureau and dryed my long chocolate brown hair. When I was done I took out my curling iron and made the ends wavy like I do everyday. (I don't like my hair straight. So I curl my hair everyday almost) after that I applied some concealer, power, bronzer, mascara, and a light tinted babylips. Oh and you can't forget eyebrows. I know it seams like a lot but I'm really insecure about, well, everything. But I always apply the least amount possible. I took a look in my full body mirror and I felt pretty for once. I slipped on some felt brown pointed flats and sat on my bed. I heard my mom call me down to join our guest. Whoops guess I didn't realise they were here.

I made my way downstairs looking at my feet until I hear a familiar voice.

"Gwyn?" Everyone went silent. I looked up and I started to feel tears build up. Chandler.

Hi I hope you liked chapter 1. This story is based off a dream I had about chandler but I put my own twist on it.

My heart started beating while writing the end of this. Btw I have other fanfic if yall wanna read them.

Like and comment? ☺️❤️
-Hannah xoxo

P.S- Troian Bellisario plays the role of Gwyn in the book, also even if Troian is 29, Gwyn is 15 in this.

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