Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 33

15.2K 434 44
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 33

Catherine rushes into the main hall with a threaten look on her face. If you knew what was good for you, you would stay out the furious vampire way. When she gets into the meeting room she can see Violet sitting at her desk glancing at papers and Chloe hovering over her furrowing her eyebrow in confusion. Violet glances up first and before she can say anything Catherine screams, “Something is wrong. She is not answering.”

“She said wait for her call.” Violet replies.

“It’s day three now Violet.” Catherine explains. “I waited for her to call. Then I tried calling her but her phone went straight to the answer machine. Something is wrong.”

Violet stands and then bites her lip in worry. “Something is off.” She runs her hand through her hair. “She would never turn her phone off.”

“You think David attack her?” Chloe asks cutting the vampire and alpha conversation off.

“If that bastard laid one finger on Olivia!” Catherine shrieks in anger.

“No impossible.” Violet says. “David‘s a mutt. There is no way in hell he could take Olivia.”

“O my God.” Catherine eyes goes wide. “Her family.”

“We are leaving in the morning.”  Violet says.

Everyone walks out the meeting and doesn’t question the alpha. “This is war.”


Olivia sits under her favorite tree right outside the pack lines. Yesterday had been a long day. Olivia was debating on calling Catherine. She could have use the house main phone but she knew her father would track them down and listen in on the call. One thing about her father he was no stupid man. He had a plan. So Olivia just stayed to herself talking to no one. She couldn’t trust anyone within the pack and it’s not like they respected her anymore. In Divide before the battle in Arlandria she and Catherine wasn’t a secret but her pack members wouldn’t have dared to tell her father. They knew what was best for them.

Now she walked around like an outcast. She used to be the most respected but because she loved a vampire everyone thought she was nothing. She could over hear them. They knew she could. It was their way of teasing her trying to get to her. It was slowly working.

Olivia looks up when she hears footsteps walking towards her. It was her older brother Spencer. She rolls her eyes. What the hell he want.

“Hello sister.”

“What?” Olivia asks.

Spencer sits down next to Olivia and runs his hands through his hair. “I heard you were in love with a blood sucker.”

“The information you have gain is correct.”

“What the hell Olivia.” Spencer blurts. “I knew you two were….You know...I didn’t blame you. I mean Chloe was hot. If she wasn’t a lesbian I would have hit that too.”

Olivia glares at Spencer cutting him off mid-sentence. “Sorry.” Spencer rolls his eyes. “I’m just saying I thought you were smarter enough not to fall in love.”

“I wasn’t planning on falling in love either Spencer but…” Olivia shrugs her shoulders. “I did.”

“And when you mate?” Spencer asks. “Then what will you do.”

Olivia rolls her eyes. “I will handle that. I know some powerful witches.”

Spencer runs his hand through his hair again and then stands, “You will be the outcast then.”

Olivia begins to laugh. She shakes her head and says with confidence, “I will be home in a few days. So tell your pack they can continue to piss me off but when I get them I will destroy them.”

Spencer gulps when he sees his baby sister eyes glowing. “You know.” Spencer whispers. “I do love you.”

This comment gets Olivia attention. She looks up at Spencer with shock.

“I’m sorry for all those times where father bullied you and I just stood and watch when mother wasn’t around. Making you do extra things and pushing you to the limit.”

Olivia shrugs, “It made me who I am today.”

“Well I’m sorry. I should have been your brother than your competition. I just really wanted to be like him.” Spencer explains.

“It’s okay Spencer.” Olivia says. “I don’t blame you for anything”

Spencer looks down in shame and jumps slightly when he hear his father calling him.

“Sean calls.” Olivia pats Spencer on the back and says, “Be a strong leader Spencer but nothing like him.”


Kimberly glances around the mansion to see everyone busy. She looks confused and knocks on Cassandra door loudly only for Jessica to answer wrapped in a towel. Kimberly blushes glancing elsewhere and asks, “Umm can I speak to Cassandra.”

“Yeah.” Jessica smiles. “She just got out the shower.”

Kimberly groans biting her lip. She walks into the room loving the smell of peaches. She stands by the door and Cassandra finally walks out wrapped in a towel. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t notice Kimberly on the other side of the room. “Baby Kimberly is in here.” Jessica runs behind her girlfriend stopping the towel from dropping. Kimberly instantly turns when she sees the corner of Cassandra boob.

Cassandra looks up and says, “Sorry.” She then grabs some random clothes and runs into the bathroom and change quickly. “What’s up?”

“What’s going on?” Kimberly asks.

Cassandra continues to pack and says, “Nothing to worry about.”

Kimberly furrows her eyebrow in anger. “Stop and tell me.”

Cassandra sighs, “Were going to get Olivia.”

“Oh.” Kimberly bites her lip.

“It is going to be fine Kimberly.” Jessica whispers. “I will be here with you. Something about safety.” She laughs making Kimberly giggle shortly after. “They believe us humans are not strong.”

Cassandra rolls her eyes and continues to pack. “We will call. It will not be long. We’re coming back quickly.”

“Okay.” Kimberly smiles her phone then beeps and her grin widens.

“Riley?” Cassandra asks smirking.

Kimberly nods her head up and down. Cassandra begins to walk downstairs with Kimberly running after her closely. “Cassandra?” Kimberly questions.

Riley like always leans on her motorcycle outside the mansion. Only today was different. She was happy. Very happy. Something was different though. The mansion looked busier than normal. People were moving quickly.

Riley looks up and frowns when she sees Cassandra walking out the mansion door with Kimberly trailing behind her. Riley straightens up bawling her fist up. Why the fuck was she always here.

Cassandra walks up towards Riley and smirks she then says that shocks everyone, “Sorry.”


“I said my bad for yesterday.” Cassandra rolls her eyes. “I shouldn’t have pushed your buttons like that.”

Riley cocks her head to the side and then replies, “Yeah.”

“Just don’t hurt her.”

“I want.” Riley replies quickly stepping forward.

“Yeah.” Cassandra replies and turns to walk away.

Riley grunts in annoyance. She still didn’t like her but her mood quickly changes when she looks into Kimberly gorgeous eyes, “Good Morning princess”

Kimberly smiles up at her and grins hugging her. “Good Morning.”

Riley returns the hug loving the feeling of Kimberly in her arms. “What’s going on?”

Kimberly looks around and answers, “It’s just a busy day.”

“Hmm.” Riley looks around to see everyone is in a hurry. “Ready cupcake?”

Kimberly nods her head up and down hopping on the back of the motorcycle. Riley cranks her bike speeding away.

Once they get to school as always everyone looks towards them shock. This was the second day in a row that Riley drove up into school with Kimberly. This has never happen before and it’s has shocked everyone. There were rumors that Kimberly was now a dragon but just special and also people were saying that finally Riley was settling down. However, this wasn’t good for Kimberly. She got dirty looks from all the girls in the school. But they weren’t stupid. They wouldn’t say anything afraid of what Riley would do.

But people still saw Riley as single and Kimberly didn’t know what to call them. So her plan was to act like they always acted in the halls of Harland High. However, the human was surprised when Riley threw her arms over her shoulder as they walked down the halls to her locker.

Kimberly glances down blushing as she feels the shocked eyes on her and Riley. They finally make it to Kimberly locker and Riley stares at her and says, “So I was thinking of going to the beach?”

“We don’t have a beach in Divide Riley.” Kimberly smiles looking up into Riley eyes.

“I know silly.” Riley smirks. “That is why we’re leaving town. It’s about forty-five minutes from here.”

Kimberly bites her lip and Riley leans in closely and whispers, “Please.”

Kimberly internally groans and replies, “If you’re a good girl today then sure.”

Riley arches her eyebrow in questioning and asks, “Meaning?”

“No fighting and no trouble and definitely no girls.” Kimberly answers. “I hate-“

“When I stare at other girls.” Riley cuts her off smirking. “I know. I’m working on it.” Riley begins to chew on her lip ring and admits, “I’m not good at this relationship thing Kimberly. So you’re going to have to give me a chance.”

Kimberly eyes widen in shock and Riley smirks again. “You know were dating right.”

Kimberly straightens her posture and replies teasing. “I never agreed Riley.”

Riley bites her lip and leans in trapping Kimberly between her and the locker. The strawberry blonde sucks in a breath and looks into Riley blue-green eyes and bites her lip when Riley fingers plays with her buckle on her jeans. “I believe I can change your mind sweetheart.”

Kimberly bites her lip fighting Riley seduction. Riley kisses the side of Kimberly neck in the middle of Harland High hall where there are students everywhere to witness. “Riley.” Kimberly warns but Riley keeps her planted and pulls back looking deeply into her eyes, “Kimberly will you go out with me?”

Everyone girl and guy grasp in shock. They couldn’t believe it. Kimberly smirks when the bell ring and rushes off whispering, “Got to try harder than that Riley.”

Riley watches her leave and smirk. Oh she had a plan.


Violet walks into her office to see her father sitting behind her desk. She smirks. She remembers the time when her father was in charge and her brothers were getting on her nerves. Things then were different. A lot has changed. “Hello father.”

“I came quickly when I got your message about Olivia.” Her father stands and looks around his old office and says, “A lot has changed in here I see.”

Violet nods her head and leans against the wall. “I called you because I thought you should know.” Violet runs her hands through her hair and comments, “I believe Olivia is in trouble.”

Richard nods in head and says, “I never liked Sean that much.”

“Sean?” Violet asks in confusion.

“Sean is Olivia father, the leader of his pack, he as accomplish a lot of things but can be very foolish at times.”

“So when we go up there I’m going to have to be very persuasive about getting Olivia back.”

“I believe so honey.” Richard smiles weakly. “I know you hoped the war in Arlandria would be the last but sweetie Sean in greedy and will want something for Olivia. So you may have to be very persuasive.”

Violet smirks and shrugs, “Anything I have to worry about.”

“Well I believe his pack as double but besides that I don’t think he have any vamps nor witches.”

“Well we will be fine.” Violet says kissing her father cheek. “As always.”

After Violet father leaves the alpha heads up stairs to see her lovely wife packing up extra clothes. Violet comes behind Chloe and begins to kiss her neck. “I will let the pack run up there tonight before us.”

“Why.” Chloe turns in her wife arms.

“So we can have a count of how many wolves we are dealing with.”

Chloe kisses Violet on the lips and whispers, “How smart of you honey.”

Violet picks Chloe up making the witch yelp. Chloe laughs and instantly wraps her legs around the wolf waist as the alpha guides her to the bed. Violet smirks and lays her wife down onto the soft mattress and lifts up taking her own t-shirt off. Chloe begins to giggle as Violet nails goes underneath her shirt. “Violet.” Chloe laughs wiggling. “It tickles.”

Violet laughs and leans down connecting their lips together. Chloe wraps her hands around Violet neck and pulls her closer as she hums into the kiss. Violet lifts back up and begins to plant kisses down Chloe neck slowly. Chloe moans and pulls on the brunette hair and groans when Violet tongue connects with her left breast. For once she is happy to be without a bra.

Chloe flips Violet over quickly and sits on top of her pulling her shirt over her head. Violet smirks seeing Chloe without any shirt. She lifts up only for the witch to push her back down. Violet pouts, “Baby no teasing. We leave tomorrow morning.”

“Then we have all night.” Chloe smirks softly kissing Violet neck.

“I still have a lot to work on ahhmmm.” Violet moans not completing her sentence. Chloe lightly bites Violet neck and then begins to suck hard making sure she mark her wife.

She lifts up looking at her work and smirk.

“Marking what’s yours?” Violet arches her eyebrow.

“You have a habit of standing in your naked glory after a battle.” Chloe bites her lip. “I want to let everyone know you are already taken.”

“Hmmm really?” Violet flips Chloe back over. She marks Chloe quickly. “Now we’re even.”

Violet then pulls Chloe skirt up and slowly pulls her panties down. She kisses down Chloe stomach as her hands rub Chloe thigh underneath her skirt. Chloe pulls Violet hair making the alpha hiss in pleasure. She loved when Chloe pulled her hair. She smirks grinding into Chloe. “Violet!” The witch snaps. “Take your pants off.”

Violet stands and pulls down her jeans standing in a pair of red and blue strips blue boy shorts. She smirks again when she sees the look on Chloe face. “I love when you wear those but I rather have them off- Violet!” Chloe protest when Violet climbs back on her without taking her shorts off. Before Chloe can say anything else Chloe in moaning into Violet ear as Violet continue to grind into her. Violet finally rips Chloe skirt off making the witch glare at her before she is back moaning. “Please Violet.” Chloe whines her hand disappearing into Violet shorts. “I want to feel you.”

Violet bites her lip groaning as she feels Chloe rubbing against her. She kisses Chloe with passion and within a second Violet is only left in her red bra. Violet glares noticing Chloe has used her magic. “Chloe you know I hate that!”

Chloe looks up into Violet lusting dark violet eyes and bites her lip innocently. She grabs Violet butt and pulls her down onto her. She smirks when she sees Violet eyes closing for a second. Chloe wraps one leg over Violet waist grinding into her wife making a heated and passionate friction. Chloe smacks Violet butt throwing her head back as Violet picks up speed.

Violet kisses Chloe jaw tenderly and moves down her neck resting her forehead in the crook of her neck. Chloe wraps her arms around Violet neck mumbling how much she loved her. Violet moves her hips faster and harder moaning into the crook of Chloe neck. She knew both of them were close. She lifts up quickly so she wouldn’t miss her best part. She grins when Chloe smash her head into the pillow and calls her name out loudly. Violet seconds later cums and connects their lips together while squeezing the witch thigh tightly. They collapse on top of each other.

Violet rest on Chloe chest and the witch runs her hand through Violet brunette curls while smiling. “Promise me you will not do anything stupid.”

“I promise.” Violet mumbles slowly falling asleep.


Kimberly frowns when she notices she hasn’t seen Riley all day. I hope I didn’t run her off. Kimberly thinks while walking to her locker. She had forgotten that Riley had a reputation to hold and was scared maybe she had embarrassed the dragon lover. The bell rings signaling lunch. Kimberly glances around and frowns when she sees no Riley. She bites her lip in worry and walks into the lunch room to see any tables. “What’s going on?” Kimberly walks up to her best friend Calvin and his girlfriend. Calvin turns towards her and shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. When I walked in here all the tables were missing.”

Kimberly looks up surprised when she sees a stage and instruments. She thinks nothing of it believing it is another band visiting again like two weeks ago. “Have you seen Riley?” Kimberly asks biting her lip.

“No.” Calvin says but before Kimberly could walk away she heard a familiar voice on a Mic. She turns around and looks astonish when she sees Riley on the stage with a few people she seen around the school before.

Riley bites her lip when she sees Kimberly staring at her. She instantly looks away. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She mumbles to herself. She writes music all the time on her free time but never sang to everyone. Especially to someone who she liked a lot.

“Oh my God! I love you Riley.” The dragon lover smirks her confidence boasting.

“You got it Riley.” Her friend says. He was dressed in all black holding his red guitar. “I have caught you singing before. She will love you.”

Riley smiles and pulls her guitar around and speaks into the Mic. “Well this song is called Stained Glass and Colorful Tears.”

“Riley!” Some other girls shriek. Riley winks and then looks up when she sees Kimberly crossing her arms over her chest and glaring. Riley clears her throat and whispers looking into Kimberly hazel eyes, “I hope you like.”

She looks back at her friends and the music slowly begins to start.

I changed your mind. And ended up here….. Through stained glass eyes and colorful tears…….

Fine….. Maybe I’ll pretend right now but I swear to God I’m gonna change the world And….I…. Promise you someday we’ll tell ourselves “Oh my God, this is paradise.”

Kimberly grasps as Riley voice sounds throughout the entire lunch room. Riley begins to close her eyes as she deeply gets into the song.

I cherish my….. American girl….. She holds them down while I destroy the world……My desperate crimes. She don’t seem to care (Oh yeah….) Riley bites her lip which makes a girl in the front faint. She bites her tongue… So that we can tell each other “baby this is paradise and its so god damn good” Now we live like we should. She smirks again and winks at Kimberly who begins to blush she then bites her lip again and continues to sing while closing her eyes.

Fine….. Maybe I’ll pretend right now but I swear to God I’m gonna change the world And….I…. Promise you Someday we’ll tell ourselves “Oh my God, this is paradise.”

Riley finally opens her eyes and stares back into Kimberly eyes and begin to smirk into the Mic as she continues to sing. She slowly forgets that the lunch room is full and begins to only see Kimberly standing in the middle of the floor.

Fine….. Maybe I’ll pretend right now but I swear to God I’m gonna change the world And….I…. Promise you Someday we’ll tell ourselves “Oh my God, this is paradise.”

Kimberly looks down after Riley stares at her. She knows she is turning completely red. The song slowly ends and before Kimberly could even smile. Every girl in the room begins to scream and shout like they are in a Rihanna concert. “Riley!” One red head screams. Kimberly bites her lip and looks down when Riley smiles towards the crowd.

“I have to say.” Riley says into the mic. “I personally was afraid of singing that to you Kimberly.”

Kimberly turns around and her eyes widens in shock. Everyone in the lunchroom turns towards her in silence even Calvin spit his drink out in shock.

“I know I’m hard to be with but I promise it will be worth it. I really like you princess and I know girls really like me-

“I love you!” Some random girl screams.

Riley bites her lip giving Kimberly this ‘You see what I’m saying’ expression. She runs her hand through her hair and then continues, “As I was saying. This relationship may be hard but I will change for us. For you. I will make us paradise. So” Riley sucks in a deep breath. “Kimberly once again I ask will you go out with me.”

Everyone once again turn their heads to Kimberly. The strawberry blonde bites her lip turning completely red from the attention. “Yes.” She finally says making Riley jump off the stage with the hugest grin on her face. She pulls Kimberly hips towards her and kisses her deeply. “It want be easy.” She whispers. Kimberly looks into Riley blue-green eyes seeing the worry. “I know.” The strawberry blonde whispers back. “But it’s worth it.”


Kimberly gets off of Riley motorcycle and takes the helmet off. Riley walks her towards the door and pecks her on the lip whispering, “Good night Princess. I will text you when I get home.”

Kimberly pouts and pulls Riley jacket making the dragon lover turn around in confusion. Riley smirks when she sees the face Kimberly is making. “I don’t want to be rude.” Riley looks around. “Or get killed.” She jokes wondering where the woman of the house was.

Kimberly pouts her lip out more making Riley groans. She walks up on Kimberly and kisses the younger woman deeply. Kimberly hums into the kiss and moans when Riley tongue connects with hers. She runs her hand through Riley hair and pulls lightly making the other bite her lip and begins to suck.

Riley pushes Kimberly into the front door not caring anymore who is around. She puts her two hands on each side of Kimberly head and bends her head slightly deepen the kiss. Her tongue dives back into Kimberly mouth as Kimberly hands goes underneath her shirt creating goose bumps.

Kimberly was in a daze. She loves Riley lips and tongue. Yes her tongue. Kimberly thinks moaning.

Kimberly yelps as she falls back and feels someone behind her. She looks back up and sees Riley eyes wide in shock. Kimberly stands up and turns around to see Violet glaring and leaning on one hip. “Hello Riley.” She harshly says.

“Umm Hey Violet.” Riley silently curses herself forgetting that Kimberly did live with people.

“When you asked was Kimberly my little sister.” Violet folds her arms over her chest and cocks her head to side. “I said no.”

“I remember.” Riley answers confused.

“Well she is like my sister.” Violet growls back. “Like my younger sister I never got to have.”

Kimberly smiles at this.

“And when my little sister gets in a relationship.” Violet stares Riley up and down. “I get worried about her.” Violet continues.

Riley shifts’ getting nervous by the second Violet glare was different from Cassandra who used to piss her off on purpose.

“Now you seem like a very well put together girl and Kimberly seems to really like you. However, don’t make-out on my damn porch. Get a room for fuck sakes.” Violet glares harder.

“Sorry.” Riley shifts again. “It will not happen again.”

Violet rolls her eyes and Riley feels better when she sees a familiar face. “Hello Riley.”

Chloe stands next to her wife and leans her head on her shoulder, “It is nice to see you again.”

“Hey Chloe.” Riley grins. “And it’s nice to see you again also.”

Chloe glances towards Kimberly to see the strawberry blonde whispering “Help me.”

Chloe smiles and steps behind Violet and gets on her tippy toes and kisses Violet neck. She then whispers her hands going around Violet waist. “Let’s go to our room and leave these two alone.”

Violet glares one more time at Riley and then turns pulling her wife up the stairs.

Kimberly blushes not thinking Chloe would take that approach. She then turns towards Riley and whispers, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Riley shrugs. “We should make-out in other places pumpkin.”

Kimberly giggles and pecks Riley on the lip once more and whispers, “Good night Riley. I had fun today.”

Riley smirks remembering there date on the beach. “I did too.”

They kiss once more and Kimberly leans on the wall watching her new girlfriend leave.


Olivia sits in her old bedroom in her room and reads another novel. One thing Catherine didn’t know about her was her passion for reading. She closes the book and throws it on the floor. She was bored. Waiting on Violet and her girlfriend was becoming hard. She knew they were on their way. She had a feeling. So she picks another book off her shelves and continues to read.

“Olivia!” Sean burst through his daughter room and sneers seeing her peacefully sitting on her bed reading a book. Honestly he didn’t think it would be this easy. The old Olivia would be trying to escape. Knocking things over, cursing, something. Sean frowns and then orders, “Dinner is ready. We eat together.”

“I’m not hungry.” Olivia shrugs. “And plus I’m not a part of the pack anymore.”

“You will be again when you marry David.” Sean says.

Olivia rolls her eyes at this and stands putting on her jacket. She was not about to entertain her annoying father. “Whatever Sean.” She mumbles walking out the door. She smirks when she hears her door being slammed. Sean hated when she didn’t argue back. She learned a long time ago it bother it him when she seem not to be suffering.

When she arrives down stairs she sees the table full and grunts in annoyance. “Sit next to David.” She hears her father sneer in her ear. She rolls her eyes and shrugs, “Whatever.”

She sits down next to David and as always dinner goes by painfully slow with her getting glances and people whispering about her under their breath like she cannot hear them.

“She is such a slut.” One girl whispers. “I remember when she was fucking Violet. Now she is with that Catherine.”

“Shhh.” Another girl whispers. “She can hear you.”

The blonde looks up and smirks at Olivia and whispers but a little louder. She shrugs, “And she want do anything. She and her slut of a girlfriend can burn in hell.”

That was it. Olivia stands growling making everyone at the table jump in surprise. Her father continues to eat as if nothing is happening.

Olivia fist bawls up and she stomps over to the blonde and grabs her by the shirt throwing her into the wall. “It was one thing to talk about me.” Olivia growls. “But keep my family and my girlfriend out your fucking mouths.” She hollers towards everyone in the room.

The blonde stands her eyes glowing in challenge. She sneers towards Olivia making Olivia smirk. “I will warn you once mutt.” Olivia steps towards the girl.

The blonde pushes her back screaming, “Fuck you.”

Olivia growls and throws the girl out the door outside. The blonde stands but is too late when a sneering wolf on all fours in growling over her. Olivia is now in her wolf form. She claws towards the blonde making the girl scream in terror. She then steps back giving the mutt a chance to turn into a wolf.

She quickly changes and Olivia changes back into her normal form confusing everyone. They all forgot who trained her. The one and only Violet the alpha.

The blonde takes her chances and charges towards Olivia only for the naked blonde to grab her neck pulling her up on all fours. The wolf tries to claw out the death trap but the more she moves the more Olivia begins to squeeze.

After several seconds Olivia smashes the wolf into the ground and tightens her grip on the girl neck. Finally the other blonde turns back into a human. Olivia pulls her up and smashes her back into the ground. “You got anything else to say mutt!” Olivia screams.

The blonde shakes her head no and tries to move. She was slowly dying. Olivia sneers and punches the girl in the face repeatedly. She then stands and notice the pack around her sneering. She bawl her fist and hollers, “Who next.”

Three wolves’ phases stepping towards her.

“Father stop this.” Spencer screams towards his father.

Sean only smirks and waves his hand. “Let them fight.”

Olivia backs up looking in both directions noticing the three wolves slowly stepping towards her.

“Fucking.” Cough Cough. The blonde spits out blood and rubs her neck. “Kill her.” She finally lets out.

Olivia fazes noticing this will not end well. She howls towards the moon and bends her back in a threaten pose as she sneers towards the three different wolves. One charges first but Olivia smirks noticing its mistake and claws him in the chest making him fall and whimper quickly. She bites him in the side of the neck and he turns back human. However, the two others get her from behind making her fall. She gets clawed in the face and bite in the leg making her howl out in pain.

She turns over knocking them away and notice now there are five wolves stalking towards her. She sneers in pain but doesn’t give. She will die before she surrenders to anyone. Two jump forward and Olivia defends herself. But once again they try to catch her from behind but she moves in the perfect time making the two crash into each other. However, it was too many and someone bites her shoulder making her fall to the ground again in pain. All the wolves jump on top of her and bites down harshly making her growl.

“Stop!” she hears her brother scream and her father afterwards but it was too late. “I said stand back!” Her father screams again.

Then she feels a powerful wind and nothing on top of her anymore.

Chloe does a wind spell when she and the crew run out the woods. Miles away they had heard the howl and instantly they begin to rush towards the scene when Catherine scream it was Olivia howl.

Violet walks out the woods flames covering her hands. She punches one wolf in the face and kicks the other behind her. Catherine rushes towards her girlfriend who has turn back into a human. There was blood everywhere.

“Catherine.” Olivia mumbles. Everything was foggy. “You came.”

“Of course baby.” Catherine cries.

Cassandra and Chloe eyes begin to glow fire red. They both move in the same motion and stomp there foot making the ground below them rumble in distress like a million angry earth quakes. Rocks begin to lifts and they begin to throw them hitting several wolves.

Sean looks around in disbelieve and orders and alphas and omegas. “Attack!”

Violet only grins and flips in the air doing several back flips as she throws several blue flame balls. She then lands and stands face to face towards a brown wolf. He sneers in front of her and charges, “Wrong move.” She grabs his neck doing the same exact move she taught Olivia but hers is more deadly because her entire hand flicks in blue flames burning the wolf neck. The wolf whimpers in pain kicking his hairy legs trying to get out of the impossible grip. When he changes back human Violet makes the flames go away. She pulls him up off his feet and slams him into the ground making him choke up blood. “Don’t ever try to take an Alpha.”

More wolves began to charge. Violet looks up. It seemed like sixty-five in counting. She smirks and falls back making a line with her in the center and Cassandra and Chloe on both of her sides. Sean grins thinking Violet crew is falling back. “You think the three of you can take my pack.”

Violet doesn’t even answer and phases into a huge greyed haired wolf and howls loudly. Sean eyes go big. It was the biggest wolf he had ever seen. She was an alpha.

Chloe and Cassandra smirks on the side of Violet wolf and slowly fifty wolves slowly come out the woods and into the moon light. “Are you sure your useless mutts can take my wife pack.” Chloe smirks widen as Sean and Spencer eyes goes wide. Every wolf behind Violet begins to sneer and growls making a loud echo into the dark night.

“Stand back!” Chloe eyes begin to glow and she raises her hands making the trees rumble and the lift from the air. “Or it will be blood.”

Sean growls “Stand down.”

The wolves turn back into humans and Violet pack turns and disappears into the woods but Violet knows they are close and ready. Violet turns back human and every girl and guy eyes bore into her. She smirks and runs her hand through her hair. Chloe throws a jacket over her shaking her head in disbelieve. “I believe it is time to talk Sean.” Violet says in her alpha voice.


Violet steps into Sean home with Chloe and Cassandra following close behind. She leans on the wall and starts getting straight to business. “I’ve come to get what’s mine.”

Sean grunts in annoyance. This girl was young and not even in her twenties and was talking to him like he was below her.

“You are below her.” Chloe sneers.

Sean steps back shock. He forgot he was dealing with witches.

“Powerful witches.” Cassandra smirks.

“Back to what I was saying.” Violet starts. “When you agree to have your pack to help fight in our war. You signed a contract saying my father owned them if he gave you some land.”


Violet cuts him off slamming documents on the table. “However, you know my father and knew my father would let your pack come back because for one he is a nice person and two you know after the war it was no need for them anymore.”

Violet pulls up off the wall and growls, “Well I’m not my father. You can keep your worthless pack but I want Olivia because she belongs to me.” Sean opens his mouth to speak but Violet cuts him off again. “Now answer this one question for me before you speak with stupidity. Do you want to go to war over this?”


Catherine runs her hand through her girlfriend hair and begins to feel the tears falling from her face. She did the best she could with Olivia wounds but the wolf had to be awake to concentrate on the healing. That was the only way to make it go faster. “I’m so sorry baby. I should have come quicker.”

“Hmmm.” Olivia groans and tries to open her eyes only for them to close back.

“Shhh.” Catherine mumbles. “I’m sorry.” She wipes the tears from her eyes and then slowly and very carefully lies besides her broken girlfriend. “I love you Olivia.”


June looks around the territory to see the ground split into several cracks and things destroy and set on fire. “What the hell happen.” She had left after her daughter begged her to go and not worry about her. June growls and steps into the main house to see three girls she catches them in the middle of their conversation.

“-Do you want to go to war over this.”

“Who the hell are you?”

Violet turns and looks shock. This woman had to be Olivia mother. They looked just the same. “Hello I’m Violet. This is my wife Chloe and her older sister Cassandra.”

The frown leaves June face and she smiles, “Oh hello Violet. I’ve have heard much about you. All of you.” She smiles. She then looks around. “Where is my daughter?”

“Honey I can explain.” Sean tries. He honestly didn’t think it was going to get that far. Usually the fights end and Olivia be healed before his wife gets back.

“Sean.” June snaps making Sean jump in horror. Her eyes were glowing dangerously gold. “Where is my daughter?”

“She is upstairs.” Chloe answers politely.

June rushes upstairs and opens the door to see her daughter badly hurt and another girl lying beside her. Catherine jumps up quickly and guards Olivia body. “Who are you?” She sneers.

“I’m Olivia mother.” June snaps back. “Who the hell are you?”

“Olivia’s girlfriend.” Catherine answers harshly.

“What happen?” June asks stepping closer.

“Olivia was in a bad fight.”

“Sean!” June screams her eyes glowing gold.

Sean downstairs steps back when he sees the murderous look on his wife face. Chloe holds her back and speaks calmly. “I can see you are very angry June but I can assure there is another way to handle this.”

“Really Chloe.” Violet says. “He need his ass beat. How could you do this to your own daughter?”

“She is not my daughter!” Sean snaps angrily. “And I didn’t know it was going to get that far. I said stop.”

Everyone in the room jumps in shock and Olivia steps off the last step with Catherine holding her with her arm clutching her belly. “I knew it Sean.” She rolls her eyes when her mother runs towards her. “I’m sorry I was going to tell you but he died before you were born.”

“It’s okay mother.”

Sean glares towards June and Olivia but Violet flicks flames in her hands. “Don’t be stupid Sean.”

“It was my fault.” June starts looking into her daughter eyes. “I cheated after I married Sean and when Spencer was three and then I became pregnant. Well Sean and I were already married because our parents wanted to combine the pack. I didn’t love your father but over time I did but then my first love came back and then you came shortly after. My precious baby, I’m sorry honey but your father Oliver died before you could lay eyes on him.”

Olivia holds her mother and whispers, “It’s okay mom. I knew.”

“You did.” June asks surprised.

“Yes.” Olivia says. “I didn’t know his name. I didn’t know I was named after him. But I knew just never said anything because I wanted you to tell me.”

June hugs her daughter tightly and Catherine and the crew watch the scene in awe. June pulls back wiping her tears and smiles, “Now how about I cook dinner while all of you tell me about yourselves.”

Violet turns towards Sean glaring. Sean grunts and leaves the main house.

June smiles heading towards the kitchen. They will deal with the drama tomorrow. “So Catherine when do you plan on giving me grandkids.”

“Mom!” Olivia hollers.

The lyrics in the chapter were Stained Glass and Colorful Tears by Pierce the Veil. You can listen to it on Youtube. :) Also the reason i posted the picture on the side was because someone asked me why everyone always at one point and time fall for Violet. I thought about it and the reason is because that is how i picture Violet on the side. Thats my Vioet in my head. Yours maybe different but i was just answering a question. :)

PLease Comment Hoped you enjoyed. 

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