The Jealousy Plot

By chlo_dance

204K 7.4K 997

We all have that one person in our lives that has a special way of getting under our skin more than anybody e... More

1)Nicole Brooks
2)The Slut Sweatshirt
3) The Water Geiser Fountain
4) I don't like him
5) The Plot
6) A swim in a lake
7) Our fancy dinner at McDonalds
8) The Football Game
9) The Nightmare
10) The Ferris Wheel
11) The Homecoming Dance Part 1
12) The Homecoming Dance Part 2
13) The Tutor
14) Party Time!
15) Christmas Eve With The Evans Family
16) The Argument
17) Back to School Party!
18) Detention With Mr. Evans
19) The Great Gatsby Discussion
20) Father Fights
21) A Different Side of Nicole Brooks
22) Welcome To New York
23) It's Not What It Looks Like
24) 3 Simple Words
25) A Little Letter
26) She loves me she loves me not
27) 'Model' Behavior
28) The New Girl
29) The End of A Chapter, The Start of A New One
30) The Best Friend Meltdown
31) Defending Luke
33) Our Beach Day Takes A Wrong Turn
34) An Unexpected Visitor
35) A Secret Revealed To Keep A Secret Hidden
36) The Fountain Spot
37) The Address
38) Football Fury
39) Hours at the Hopital
40) I Don't Deserve You
41) Sometimes People Don't Deserve Second Chances
42) Somewhere Only We Know
43) Locked In With Woods and Evans
44) Thanksgiving
45) Secrets In The Night
46) Bathroom Talks, Teacher Interrogations and Old Faces
47) Lost Mothers
48) The Cigarette Boy
49) Dark Places
50) Ski Slopes and Taboo
51) Broken
52) Unfriendly Encounters
53) The Ugly Truth
54) Let her go
55) Just Friends
56) Stay
57) Scars
58) Old Flames
59) We Get To Ditch Class For The Woods Part 1
60) We Get To Ditch Class For The Woods Part 2
61) Graduation Day
62) Wishful Thinking
63) Why Did Danny Have To Leave The Door Unlocked?
64) The Wedding
65) Worth It
Final Author's Note

32) The Fourth Of July

2.7K 102 16
By chlo_dance

"Do I look American enough?"

These are the words that come out of my best friend's mouth as we stand in my room getting ready for the Fourth of July fireworks in the park.

I turn around to see Belle decked out in red white and blue. She has on red shorts with a blue top and flip flops with her hair curled into perfect blonde ringlets.

"Perfect" I state, examining my outfit in the mirror. I had on jean shorts and an american flag shirt with blue converse. My hair was pulled into a ponytail.

A sudden honk sounds from outside my house. "That would be the boys" Belle says. I grab my phone and we walk out the door.

Luke's car is parked in the driveway. Inside, we find it absolutely crammed with Luke, Zack, Nicole, Riley, Danny and Brandon. One seat is left.

"Well this wasn't well thought out" I state. Zack smiles at me and says "come on, you can sit on my lap".

I smile at his gesture and climb into the car and sit down on his lap. He immediately wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I try to hide the smile on my face.

Since the day that I told Zack I loved him things have been amazing. We spent almost every day together and we were stronger than ever.

Luke starts the car, looking perfectly normal besides a slight frown. The day I told Zack I loved him was also the same day that Luke finally let me go. He had Riley and I had Zack. Everything was great.

Soon we get to the park. I hop off of Zack's lap but not before he plants a kiss on my lips. We all climb out of the car. "We have 4 hours before the fireworks start. Lets get back in 3 hours and thirty minutes so we can get a place on the grass" Brandon says.

We all nod and start to separate, Riley immediately clinging to Luke, Nicole walking over to the carousel and Belle immediately walking away from Danny. I suddenly realize I have to have a talk with one of my best friends.

"You" I say, pointing to Danny "and I are going to have a talk" I turn over my shoulders towards Zack. "I'll meet you at the bumper cars in a few minutes" I call out before grabbing Danny by the shirt and pulling him away from the others.

Once we reach a big tree far enough from the others I let go of him and immediately smack him in the arm hard. "Ow!" Danny shouts.

"That's for calling Belle a slut when she was obviously hurt enough you. Absolute. Moron" I say emphasizing the last three words with a smack to Danny.

"Ow! Chill Claire! She was the one who threw a bowl at my head!" he shouts back. "That's not the point" I snap. "She needed her two best friends and you weren't there for her" I say.

"I was! I came to her house to comfort her and then she goes ape shit on me! What was I supposed to do?!?" he asks.

"You were supposed to take the blows" I say back. "You were supposed to let her get her anger out and stay by her side because that is what friends do. We get pissed off at each other but we never ever turn our back on them".

"I didn't turn my back on her! I defended her! I fought that prick for her!" Danny exclaims. I shake my head. "That's not good enough. You need to be there for her. You need to let her be mad at you but never leave her side" I explain.

"How can I leave that crazy girl when I'm in love with her!" Danny blurts out.

I freeze. "You what?" I ask but it comes out like a whisper. From Danny's pale face I can tell he didn't expect himself to say that either. "I-I love her" he says again, stuttering.

I shake my head. "No. You can't tell her that" I say.


"Because she is still getting over Sam that's why!" I shout exasperated. "If you tell her that now she won't say it back because she still loves Sam even if she doesn't want to".

Danny looks away, gritting his teeth. I continue "just apologize and keep your distance for a while". He nods and says "Fine. I'll keep my distance. For her".

I nod. "Just give her time" I say before walking away towards the bumper cars. Zack is waiting for me as I get there. "Hey" I say to him. He smiles at me "hey yourself. You ready?" he asks. I nod and we head for the bumper cars.

3 and a half hours later we are walking towards the field with snow cones in our hands. We played every game and rode every ride in the park and now I was ready for some fireworks.

"You go ahead and find a spot where the group can sit. I'll get the quilt from the car" Zack says to me. I nod and continue my walk towards the field as Zack heads for the car.

I throw away my empty snow cone cup before finding a spot close enough that we would see the fireworks very well but not so close that we would have to tilt our head at an extreme angle to see them. I sit down, waiting for Zack to come back.

I figure suddenly plops down next to me. I turn to see Luke staring at the sky expectantly, as if the fireworks were going to go off any second. I turn my gaze towards the sky as well. "Where's Riley?" I ask.

"Getting us cotton candy. This is the first time in three hours where she hasn't been hanging all over me. It's kind of a relief" he says.

I turn towards him. "Then why do you stay with her?" I ask. He shrugs, still staring at the sky "she's a good make out" he explains.

"Okay gross" I grimace at the image of Riley with her lips latched onto Luke's. Luke smiles at my face. I continue "but why do you stay with her if that's all you see in her. Can't you just be friends with benefits or something? Boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to care about each other".

He turns his gaze to me. "Are you questioning my relationship with Riley?" he asks. "Honestly" I start "yeah, I am. You don't care about her and all she cares about is getting into your pants. That just doesn't sound like a relationship to me".

He stays silent, staring intently at my face for a few seconds before opening his mouth. But before he can say anything, a different voice speaks out. "Claire?".

I turn around to see Zack standing there, clutching a piece of paper in his hands. His face is stony as he points a fiery gaze towards Luke. He stares Luke down as he speaks to me. "Can I see you for a second?" he asks.

I nod, standing up. I follow Zack to the back of a bathroom building. "Please explain this" Zack states, holding out the piece of paper towards me.

I take it to see that it is not a piece of paper at all, but a picture. A picture of me and Luke. My stomach churns. It is a picture of me sleeping in Luke's bed with Luke's arms wrapped around me.

I suddenly remember the day this was taken. It was over Christmas break. Luke and I were watching a movie in his bed and we fell asleep. The next morning Darren had burst through the door and snapped a picture of us for who knows what reason.

Luke got the picture from him and kept it. He promised me that he wouldn't show anyone. All of this flashes through my mind as Zack runs his hands through his hair.

"Please explain this to me because I swear I'm about to lose it and attack him" Zack growls, a look of desperation in his eyes.

"I didn't cheat on you" I say truthfully. "This was taken when I was still with Luke" I say, referring to Luke and I's fake relationship that started all of this mess.

"Did you sleep with him?" Zack asks. I am taken aback from his question. Apparently I am silent for too long because Zack grips my arms "tell me! Did you sleep with Luke?!?" he practically shouts.

"No!" I exclaim truthfully. Zack's face turns into a relieved expression but I'm not done. "And even if I did it would have nothing to do with you" I snap.

"It would have nothing to do with me? I'm your boyfriend!" he shouts. I shout back "and what I have done before you were my boyfriend isn't your business! I didn't sleep with him but just know that I could have if I wanted to. You don't control me!".

"I never said I did control you!" Zack shouts. "But when I saw this picture I didn't know what to think. I didn't know when it was taken or what happened before it was taken and I was scared you cheated on me".

"Where did you find this picture anyway?" I ask, glancing down at the picture. "It was hidden in between the quilt" Zack answers.

I look at him. "I'm sorry you saw this and didn't have an explanation to put with it. I would have done the same thing if I saw a picture of you and Nicole in a bed without an explanation" I say.

He nods stepping closer. "I just want you to be mine. All mine" he says, his voice getting lower as he steps closer. My back hits the wall as I whisper "I'm yours".

Zack's lips latch onto mine in pure passion. The kiss gets more desperate as I wrap my legs around his waist. Zack groans at my action as he pushes himself closer to me, pinning me to the wall.

I run my hands through his hair as his lips detach from my mouth and move to my neck as he starts sucking on a piece of skin. I let out a moan as his actions get more passionate.

"Umm" I sudden voice speaks out. I quickly jump down and whip my head to see what looks like a twelve year old girl watching us. "Last time I checked, this was where people went to the bathroom, not your bedroom" she says.

I turn around to see the bathroom doors just to my right. "Sorry" I exclaim as Zack and I walk away from the bathroom. We laugh the whole way back to the field. Suddenly I see Luke walking towards us.

"Umm I think I left my phone in the car. I want to get pictures of the fireworks" I lie. Zack nods and continues down the lawn. I start to walk towards the car but as Luke gets closer I grab his arm and yank him to the back of a car so we can't be seen.

"I thought you said you hid that picture" I immediately snap at him. His eyebrows scrunch together. "What-"

"The picture of us asleep in your bed" I explain. His eyebrows just scrunch closer at my explanation. "I did. It's in my room".

I stare at him confused. Luke didn't know the picture had been stolen. He didn't put it in the quilt. Someone else did. Someone stole the picture.

"Why didn't you destroy that picture?!?" I ask in exasperation. He shrugs. "I forgot about it. Why are you asking me about this all of the sudden?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Never mind" I say, walking away from him without a further explanation.


"It has to be Nicole" Belle states. I had just filled her in on everything that just happened, leaving out Zack and I's make out session.

"I just don't think Nicole would do that" I say.

"I do! She's a manipulative bitch" Belle exclaims. At that moment, I see Nicole walking towards us. "Hey guys, the fireworks are about to start" she exclaims.

Belle snarls. "Oh don't act so nice and innocent. We know what you did" Belle snaps.

Instead of looking surprised or guilty like I expect, Nicole simply raises an eyebrow. "I've done a lot of things. You're going to have to be more specific" she says.

Belle scoffs as I hold out the picture towards Nicole. She lets out a whistle. "Damn, Claire went further with Evans than I did" she states.

"I didn't sleep with him and, wait? You never slept with Luke?" I ask, getting distracted. Nicole shrugs. "Almost, but no" she says.

"Stop trying to distract us!" Belle snaps. "We know you stole this picture from Luke's house to try and sabotage Zack and Claire's relationship. The game is up bitch".

Nicole stares at Belle. "Do you realize how stupid you sound?" she asks. "First of all, the last time I've been at Luke's house was about 9 months ago and second of all, I don't want Zack back and I definitely don't want Luke now that he's obsessed with know-it-all here" Nicole says, jutting her thumb towards me.

"Oh come on. We know you want to get back at Zack for breaking up with you" Belle accuses. Nicole steps closer to Belle. "Darling, if I wanted Zack back I would have him. But I don't want him. I have my eyes on someone else anyway" Nicole snaps.

"Then who put the picture in the car?" I ask. Nicole puts a finger to her chin in fake thought. "Hmm, well who do we not know very well that is close enough to Luke to go to his house and has it out for Claire, Luke's so called ex girlfriend?" she asks.

I speak up. "Are you trying to say that Riley put the picture there?" I ask. Nicole shrugs "if the shoe fits".

"Well that would make since" Belle speaks up. "We don't know a lot about her except that she wants Luke. It's extremely possible".

"Your welcome" Nicole says. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to find a seat for the fireworks" and with that, Nicole leaves Belle and I standing there.

"That girl knows how to get under my skin" Belle says through gritted teeth. I smile. "Yeah" I say. "But she's a better person than she wants us to know".

Nicole's P.O.V

I'm surprised no one else has figured out new girl Riley's little plan. Being as manipulative as I am, I know a lie when I see one and the girl herself has fake written all over her but who am I to call her out? Lets see what she can do.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my wrist. I turn around to see Luke staring at me. "Do you know where Riley is?" he asks.

I shake my head "but I have a question" I say. "What?" he asks. "Is this relationship fake too?" I ask.

He frowns. "What?" he asks. I examine my nails. "I know you and Claire's little relationship was fake" I say.

He cocks his head to the side. "Oh, yeah? And why do you figure that Brooks?" he asks.

I smirk. "You guys are terrible actors. Besides, you wouldn't have fallen for her if you had her completely to yourself. You're selfish like that" I say.

He shrugs. "Whatever, I'm over her". As he starts walking away I call out. "Yeah, that's why you're trying to make her jealous".

Luke stops but doesn't turn around so I continue. "You don't really like Riley. You're trying to make Claire jealous so she comes running back to you. I know a plan when I see one Evans".

Luke turns towards me smirking and gives me a wink before turning back around and heading towards the field. I smirk to myself before following him to the field as the first fireworks go off.

Claire's P.O.V

"Sorry I'm late" I say to Zack as I plop down next to him. He smiles at me. "No problem. Now that you're here I can actually enjoy the fireworks".

I smile as he pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me. It feels comfortable and reassuring being in Zack's arms but for some reason, a slight frown sets upon my face as we watch as the fireworks light up the sky.

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