Crying Underwater So You Don'...

By PierceTheFuentitties

70.1K 2.1K 982

Alyssa Nichole Roberts does not have the ideal life of a teenager. She suffers from severe depression and anx... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

3.8K 108 153
By PierceTheFuentitties

Chapter 3


It was rather embarrassing for Vic to find me like that. He probably thinks I'm a total weirdo. I don't understand why he cared so much. I also don't understand these feelings I have towards him. He's so sweet and gentle. Thinking about that peck he landed on my cheek made my heart race and made me blush again. God, I'm such a dork.

I wish I could tell him everyhting, but I was afraid he would run off. I really wanted to tell him about last night, about how I snuck out during one of dads drunken fits. I made it out my window before he made it to my room upstairs. I'm in for it tonight.

I cleared my thoughts. All that mattered right now was that I was with Vic. I would be spending the day with my new 'friend'. I was quite nervous.

We arrived at a small brick house that had no decoration, but a welcome mat at the doorstep. He lived two blocks away from my house.

He parked his car beside three other cars on the small carport. He put the car in park and turned to look at me.

"By the way, I don't live with my parents. I live here with my three band mates, Mike, Tony, and Jaime. You know them."

Wait. Band?

Before I could ask questions, he got out of the car and came around to open my door. What a gentleman.

We walked through the front door of the house. His three friends from school sat on the couch with their eyes glued to the T.V. not paying attention to see whos in their house. Vic finally caught their attention.

"Guys! Don't be rude. We have a guest for christ sake!" He said sort of jokingly.

All their eyes moved from the T.V. to look at me. Jaimes face lit up with a big smile as he jumped up on his feet. He walked up to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Well hello there best friend!" He squealed in excitement. He then pulled away and returned to the couch.

Tony gave me a shy smile and waved. I've never really heard him talk before. He seemed so shy. He needs to come out of his little turtle shell.

"Vic! I said to bring milk home! Not a girl!" Mike yelled throwing a pillow at Vic before flashing me a huge smile.

"Shit. I forgot" Vic said smacking his palm on his forehead.

"It's ok, you were gone long enough for breakfast to be over. So instead Jaime made me a sandwich" Mike looked over at Jaime and gave him a wink and laughed.

"Only because you threatened me! I will no longer make you sandwiches. I am not a woman and Fuenciado will not happen!" Jaime yelled jokingly.

Everyone erupted in laughter that eventually subsided and turned into an awkward silence.

"You're Alyssa, right?" Tony asked shyly.

I gave him a smile and nodded my head.

"Well I'm Tony aka Turtle. I never really got to introduce my self." he smiled.

"So Alyssa, are you capable of speaking?" Mike asked.


"Well you're awfully quiet. Just be yourself around here!"

I smiled and looked down at the floor.

I couldn't help that I was so shy. I'm just shy because I'm scared of judgement. I'm so used to not speaking to anyone, especially in a friendly conversation.

I searched my brain for something to say to avoid another awkward silence.

"So I heard you guys were in a band?" I asked quietly. Their faces lit up at my question.

"We sure are! The name is Pierce the Veil. I play bass" Jaime stated excited by my question.

"Guitar" Tony said.

"Triangle" Mike giggled.

"I sing and play guitar" Vic smiled at me.

So he can sing?I think this guy get more amazing by the second.

"By the way, I was kidding about the Triangle. I actually play the drums." Mike gave a childish grin and giggled.

"I figured that much, but you still look like a triangle kind of guy" I joked as the room filled with laughter and 'ooooooo's'.

The room finally went silent and Vic grabbed my hand. "Come with me." He smiled and drug me out of the living room into the hallway.

"You guys don't have too much fun! Don't be a fool, wrap your tool!" Tony yelled after us.

I giggled and glanced at Vic to find him hiding his red face.

We walked into this rather large room with expensive music equipment everywhere. I could only assume that this is where they practiced and maybe recorded.

There was a small leather couch that sat in the corner of the room. He led me to the small couch and sat down. He patted the spot beside him, motioning me to sit. Then he reached over the side of the couch to retrieve his acoustic guitar and began to strum and tune it.

"I want to show you one of our songs since you seemed eager to know about the band" He gave me that smile that made me want to melt, "I also wanted to show you one of my favorite places. I spend hours a day in this room just to write music. It keeps me sane"

"Seems like a very peaceful place. I wish I had a place to go to get away from everything.." I said sadly. I have no where to escape to.

He looked at me with sincere eyes, "Well, I'm always here for you if you need someone and I'm sure the rest of the guys feel the same. I know that you don't know us that well, but we don't bite."


"We'll duh! That's what friends are for!" He grinned.

I felt my face light up with a huge smile at the fact that he referred to me as his friend. I can't remember that last time I've had a friend.

"Thanks" I smiled like an idiot to him.

He started to strum his guitar into a beautiful melody and began to sing.

"As we wake up in your room,

Your face is the first thing I see,

The first time I've seen love,

And the last I'll ever need,

You remind her that the future would be nothing without her,

Never lose her, I'm afraid,

Better think of something good to say

Well it's all been done, more than once so I'll keep on trying,

Oh God don't let me be the only one who says...

No! At the top of our lungs,

There's no, no such thing as too young,

When second chances won't leave you alone,

Then there's faith in love

She was always the one,

I'll repeat it again, the one,

No such thing as too young,

Red lights flash in the car we're kissing in,

Call me crazy,

I've always tried to remind her that the future's,

Just a few heartbeats away from disaster,

I'm afraid, that I've thrown it all away

No! At the top of our lungs,

There's no, no such thing as too young,

When second chances won't leave you alone

No, at the top of our lungs,

There's no, no such thing as too young,

When second chances won't leave you alone

We'll repeat it again,

There's no, no such thing as too young,

When second chances won't leave us alone,

Cuz there's faith in...

If you kiss me goodnight,

I'll know, everything is alright,

When second chances won't leave us alone,

Won't leave us alone,

Cuz there's faith in love."

The song was beautiful. I've never met a guy so talented. He gave me butterflies without even trying. I wish I knew why I felt like this.

My vision began to blur with tears. Was I really crying? I was not sad though.

He set his guitar down and looked at me with worry. "What's wrong? What did I do? I'm sorry. Don't cry." He grabbed me into a hug and stroked my back.

"That was beautiful" I choked as he pulled away and looked at me as if I told him the best news ever.

"Well I'm so glad you liked it" He smirked.

I'm just glad they were happy tears for once. This boy gave me so many confusing feelings.

His face then turned into concern. "Can I ask you something?"

"Ask away" I said kind of scared.

He grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him to stroke my wrist. "Why do you do this to yourself?" Asking about my scars.

I sighed "I guess to find some sort of relief from the pain in my life."

"Alyssa, I'm here for you. Talk to me please. I know you have no one else to talk to. Talking to a friend is better than hurting yourself."

I could admit that he was right, but could I trust him? A lot of people say I can talk to them, but they always end up judging me and drop me off the face of the planet.

"You'll just judge me and leave me like everyone else." I looked down at my hands.

"You can trust me Alyssa...It hurts me knowing you hurt yourself like this." He scooted closer to me.

"I can't trust anyone" I said becoming angry.

"Please Aly-"

"No! I thought I could trust the fucking kids at school who said they were my 'friends'. I told them everything and they just left me and insulted me! They used everything I told them against me to pick on me and sometimes beat me!" I was so mad. I felt hot and I was shaking as angry tears threatened to spill over. "Oh and that Melany girl? She WAS my best friend! She left me because no one like me so she followed everyone else! Cutting makes me feel better! It makes me feel better! My home life-" I choked on a sob that kept me from finishing. I couldn't tell him about home anyway.

All of a sudden I was pulled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed into his chest. I felt so safe in his arms as if no one could hurt me. It gave me a calm feeling. I wanted to trust him, but I was afraid. I didn't want to lose him.

He rubbed my back and hummed in my ear in attempts to calm me as I sobbed.

I finally calmed and a silence fell between us. He lifted my chin to look at me and wipe the remaining tears away.

"Vic, I'm sorry for acting like this to you and ruining your shirt..." Pointing at the black stains on his shirt, "I want to tell you everything, but I'm not ready to. I trust you. You make me feel safe."

"It's alright," He giggled as he put his hand on my cheek and caressed it with his thumb, "So far, I think you're perfect. I would still think the same even after you decide to tell me everything."

My face heated under his hand. The grin on his face indicated that he knew.

Right then and there, I knew I loved Vic Fuentes. He gave me butterflies and made my heart skip a beat. He made me feel happy again.

We had been staring at each other for a while. I felt him lean closer to me as he looked down at my lips and I looked at his.

Our lips were barely brushing before his brother mike busted into the room interrupting this perfect moment. God dammit.

I quickly jumped out of Vic's lap and sat beside him looking at my feet.

Mike gave a childish giggle "Sorry for ruining you guys intimate moment." I blushed as did Vic.

"Anyway! We are about to put in a movie and I came to see if you wanted to join." Mike said breaking the awkwardness.

Vic looked at me with asking eyes wanting my approval.

"Sure" I said with a smile. "What are we watching?"

"Harry potter! The best thing to ever be put on this planet." Mike stated excited.

Vic sighed, "ooooof course."

Vic pulled me off the couch and we followed Mike down the hall hand in hand. We enter the small living room and sat on the small couch closely to each other. He threw his arm over my shoulder as I scooted closer to him.

"I hope you guys weren't having too much fun." Jaime winked at us with a huge grin on his face.

Vic responded by throwing a pillow at Jaime. Jaime chuckled and turned his attention to the tv.

"Shut up, assholes! Harry potter is on!" Mike yelled.

We watched the movie and my eyes began feeling heavy. I remembered that I didn't get any good sleep last night. I leaned my head on Vic's shoulder. I fluttered my eyes a few times before finally giving into slumber.


Hey guys! Sorry if this was a long chapter, it took forever to type! I also apologize for taking too long to update. School has been very stressful and I've had a hard time finding time to write this. But it's ok because I will be graduating soon so that means more updates! Rate And comment please! I would love some advice!


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