Symbiosis - Are we alone?

By markkram

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Mike and Kirsty. Michelle and Grant. They like the good things in life. Parties, night-life, friendships, h... More

Symbiosis - Chapters 1-3 It started with a swim
Chapter 4- The Incubation Period
Chapter 5 - Straight Ahead
Chapter 7 - Kate's Date (part 1)
Chapter 8 - Et Tu Michelle?
Chapter 9 - The Long Night
Chapter 10 - The Nightwalker
Chapter 11 - Strong Arm Tactics

Chapter 6 - The Weirdest Evening Starts

302 16 15
By markkram

Her eyes flicked open, like an electric switch.

She surveyed the room around her.  It was in semi-darkness, diffused street lighting illuminated through the almost-closed blinds. Shadows and light bleading across the white walls..  There was simple furniture, an open case, and a shirt hung on a handle. Make up (I’ll try that later), bag, medication.  There it is medication.

She could hear a voice, friendly, familiar, talking in monotone.  On the phone?...  Yes.

Anybody else there?... Don’t think so.

Michelle suddenly sat bolt upright on the bed, still facing the base.

She could see herself in the mirror.  Do I look the same?... yes.  She stared at herself, eye to eye, then scrutinised every millimetre of her own face.

She turned, put her feet on the floor, 1... 2.

Slowly rising to her feet, she lifted a slat in the blind, and flashed her eyes side to side.

All’s quiet, just the rumble of an old man putting out his bin for morning collection.

She waited.  Steadiness returned to her head and legs.  They knew it would be like this.

Now, resist the urge to scramble for cover. Light switch... on!

A scurrying noise made all her senses jump. It was a small spider running under the wardrobe.  It had stopped about ten inches under.

There was another in the lounge, bigger, slower, but hidden from view.

Kirsty would run a mile, if she knew, wouldn’t she?...  Yes.

She slowly turned the handle and pulled open the door.

“.....yes, I will do Dad, yes...speak to you tomorrow... bye...yes, love you too... bye.”

“Hi, Michelle how are you? You look tons better,” commented Kirsty, resting her mobile on the arm of the settee. In fact she thought Michelle looked fabulous, especially considering all she had been through that day.

“Hi, I’m fine, really.  Sorry to have put you through all this.”

“Oh, Michelle, it was nothing. And I’m sure you would feel the same.”

“Feel the same?” said Michelle.

“Yes... if it were the other way around.”

“Oh, yes, of course,” said Michelle, quietly scanning the room.

“Your Mum and Dad rang earlier, by the way.  They were concerned to know how you are.  The boys have slipped out for an hour, you know Mike, any excuse to drag someone to the pub.  Anyway, sorry, listen to me going on. Can I get you something, a drink, or a snack, there some fresh bread and cheese?”

“Oh, no bother, I'll just get myself a bottle of water.  Thanks.”

Kirsty calculated the moment to ask, “You know, Michelle, if you feel like talking about it; I’d really like to know what happen this afternoon.  I mean, Grant has told me some, obviously, but I’d like to hear it from your side?”

She’s prying.  I know!  “Well, you know, Kirsty, I really can’t remember much about it,” Michelle replied, pan faced.  “It all happened so fast.  I guess I just panicked.”

“Oh, I see. Well maybe you’ll remember more after a good night’s sleep,” replied Kirsty, but she was unconvinced.  “Grant should be back in about ten minutes.  That’s if Mike doesn’t lead him astray.”

Michelle Smiled, “Yes, Mike.  How is Mike, It seems like I haven’t seen him for ages.”

“Oh, he’s fine. A bit under pressure, though. He’s been working on a big contract for a German fashion house and there was a lot riding on it.  I think he’s been looking forward to coming here, though.”

“Well”, said Michelle,” that’s Mike.  Work hard, play hard.” She looked towards the open window.   “In fact, I think I can hear the boys coming back now.”

“Well, they are back early for once if it is,” said Kirsty, walking behind the breakfast bar to put the kettle on.

It was a nice kitchen area.  Dark grey marble tops, light oak cupboards, concealed lighting, tall black and stainless steel stools on the lounge side of the breakfast bar.  In fact, it wouldn’t have looked out of place in the large country home in which Kirsty normally resided with her retired father.  It was one of the most expensive apartments on the island, the letting agent had said.  Not that Kirsty cared.  She would have been equally as happy in a tent, just to spend time with Mike.

Just when Kirsty had thought that Michelle was mistaken, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and typical young men’s voices.

Kirsty opened the door from inside.  “Shusshhhh,”  she said.  “The people opposite have young children.”

“Shusshhhh”, both men said to each other, with a finger on lips like 9 year olds.

Michelle stood up,” Hi, Mike. Hi, Grant.”

Grant said, “Hi,” and took the food into the kitchen area, next to the plates Kirsty had been taking out.

Mike, stepped over to Michelle, and kissed her on the cheek, “Hi.”

“So how are you feeling now, babe”, shouted Grant from the kitchen.

“Oh, I’m fine now. I think the evening nap did me good.”

“And she actually looks great,” said Mike.

“That’s what I said,” interjected Kirsty.

Mike suddenly realised that Michelle hadn’t been coy about him kissing her cheek.  She is usually a little bit uncomfortable with any physical contact, he mused.

It’s paella everyone, hope that’s okay,” said Grant.

“I know,” said Michelle,” I could smell it coming up the street.” She glanced at Mike to see if he laughed.

They all laughed.

“Oh, don’t forget to ring your parents Michelle,” said Kirsty.  “They were really worried about you.  You can put their minds at rest.”

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