Changed(Book 3 of The Athens...

By WereGirl007

85K 1K 34

I lived in the same pack my whole life. I went off to college, 4 states away three months before I turned 18... More



2.8K 198 5
By WereGirl007

I woke up hearing knocking and sat up. My hair had escaped it bun so I walked over to the door putting it up and stopped to finish just before opening it. "Morning."

"You have a check up." Greyson said calmly and I just nodded and looked around.

"Let me get dressed, I didn't realize it was this early." I told him and turned leaving his door open before heading to the shelves I had put the jeans on. I grabbed pair and then a grey shirt before walking to the bathroom. I came out and pulled my hair out of its hold before going to get the converse on.

"Let's get some food first." He said once he realized I was ready to go. I walked out and heard talking but didn't pay any attention to it until I heard my last name. I looked over and saw some of the guys in a room with chairs in stead of beds and they were all looking at me.

"Hi Ms. Angel." They all said in unison and I waved but kept walking. "Mr. Titan." They all grumbled and I looked back to see Greyson glaring at them but still moving.

"What?" He asked once we were in the kitchen and I was still staring at them.

"Why did they sound like that when they said your name?" I asked nodding towards the way that we came.

"Why did they sound like that when the said your name?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I am a good teacher, I help out all the pack students as best as I can when the needs arise. They all know me from the moment they step into the high school to register. As do their parents." I told him and went towards the fridge to get some orange juice.

"What would you like?" He asked keeping the door open and me caged into his chest as I tried to turn around to get out of his way.

"Eggs ar-are f-f-fine." I stuttered as he came closer and closer until I was pressed against him fully. His eyes were turning slightly black and I gulped.

"Are they?" He asked making his voice scruffy and damn there irresistible. I just nodded before gulping again as he used one hand to reach around me. "You have no idea how good you smell. Do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your hair and chest smell of the two of us, of me." He growled and his hand that had been reaching into the fridge wrapped around my waist and pulled me even tighter to him. "It's make me loose my control, something I hate." He whispered just a movement away from kissing me.

His lips skimmed over the corner of mine before he moved down to my neck and getting closer to it so his lips were making me shiver and his inhale made my knees quiver.

"Uncle Grey!" I froze and collected my thoughts as he tensed for a moment before pulling away and looking behind him. He grabbed the eggs faster than I could comprehend and turned to heft up Heidi.

"Look at you... where is your granddad?" He asked and set her down. "Hungry or did you eat donuts?" He was ignoring my presence altogether so I walked towards the cabinet and grabbed myself a to go cup before carefully walking out back to sit in the morning sun.

I say back in a lawn chair and looked around, hearing the morning wolves retreat home after a long night on watch, and then some men and women coming out of the house ready for their shift. I nodded at a few and drank my juice.

"Say hi to Aaron." Greyson's voice pulled me out of my own head and I looked over to see him carrying Heidi on his hip with a plate of eggs in his hand.

"Hi Arwen." She waved and I smiled and waved back.

"Thanks." Greyson sat down with her now in his lap and I just gulped. Did he want children? I didn't think I wanted them. I am good with kids, of all ages, but I don't have a maternal bone in my body. Advice on how to talk to someone's parents sure, but love advice to my daughter or son would not come to my brain.

I felt a bit queasy after those thoughts and shook my head at the eggs after a couple bites. "What is it? Not done enough?" He asked sitting forward a bit.

"My stomach." I said waving that off and just as the feeling went away it came back full force and I ran into the house and puked in the kitchen sink.

"Hey Aaron, are you okay?" I heard Reese as I cupped water in my hands and brought it to my face.

"No. I had maybe 3 bites of eggs and came in here to puke it up. And I have a check up." I mumbled before taking water into my mouth and swishing it around.

"We are going to go to that check up early." Greyson stated coming in with Heidi on his hip again.

"No, I can wait another 20 minutes." I said holding up my hand before straightening out.

"No, you won't. Get a jacket as well." He told me before turning towards the stairs.

"Does he always order people around or is it just me?" I grumbled and leaned against the counter.

"It's him. It's the enforcer in him. He ordered around the boys like they are recruits, some of them hate him for it. He is still transitioning. It's a long process. Or so Ian's dad says. His father went through the same thing when he came to the pack." Reese mentioned and I felt a little confused.

So not only did Greyson join to make his dad proud he joined because it was his father's profession.

"Let's go, we have 15 minutes before we get there." He shouted coming down the stairs with a jacket and waving me forward. "Put it on." He ordered and I just about cracked.

"No, it is hot outside and getting hotter by the minute." I said and walked past him and towards the front door when he caught my arm and tugged on it before making the jacket sleeve roll onto my arm. "I don't need a nanny to take care of me. I am not a child and I will not be treated as one. Am I clear? I don't want to wear a jacket. I don't want to be ordered around. I am not that kind of woman. Got it?" I snapped and threw the jacket off of my arm and throwing it at his face.


"Reese, can I borrow one of the pack cars? I have an appointment I need to get to." I cut him off and looked to the Luna who had just entered the room per my shouting.

"Of course, but-"

"I'll be fine, thank you Luna." I smiled at her and then turned to get one of the van keys and then jogged to the garage, hit the beeper and got in. I cracked my knuckles and started the van only for my door to be jerked open and Greyson to be standing there.

"Get out of the van Aaron." He ground out reaching in and undoing my belt.

"Leave me alone Greyson." I ground out right back and reaching to put it back on but he grabbed my arm and twisted just enough so I knew it would hurt if he did it a little more and then growled.

"Get out of the van." He ordered again, this time something else filling the tone of his voice.

"I can drive myself." I told him as he pulled just a bit and I stumbled out of the van.

"But you won't, because I am driving you. And then we are going to your fathers house to get the rest of your things that didn't burn in the fire and then coming back here."

"You know, you have control issues." I told him and tried to pull my arm free again but he tightened his hold but luckily didn't move it so it would hurt.

"I have a schedule."

"And me going by myself puts it at risk, I see." I muttered and rolled my eyes.

"We are getting on a plane to New Orleans tonight, so yes, you are. I don't want you just noting being here."

"When the hell did I say I was going to New Orleans with you? When did I even say I wanted you to take me this morning? Last I checked you didn't just tell me what to do. Up until we met I did what I want, when I wanted to. That doesn't change now that I am your mate." I said stopping and digging my heels into the gravel.

"We are going for an over night trip. I have to get the rest of my things from the place and my captain is finally back and I owe him an explanation." He told me and opened my door and waited.

"And I just have to go with you?" I asked and he nodded before gripping my waist and picking me up.

"I asked Gene to pack you a small bag. I thought while I talk with my captain his wife can show you around, let you see all the sights." He told me with a shrug and then closed my door leaving me to glare at his back.

"And you didn't want to ask me all this because?"

"You were unconscious when I was told to report for my decommission. I told them when you were cleared we could come out. I talked with him on the phone last night and I am ordered to get there tomorrow morning at 800 hours."

"Do you really say that? Call it what it is, 8am." I muttered and rolled my eyes before sinking into my seat and waiting for this short 10 minute ride to be over.

"We will leave the next night at 1700 hours." He told me with a small smile on his face and I rolled my eyes trying to think of what time that was in the normal world.

"9, got it."

"Actually, 5." He told me with a wide smile on his face.

"Whatever, that is why you use normal people time." I told him and he shrugged. "Let's get this over with." He laughed lightly as I shoved open his truck door and got out.

We went into the clinic, I was put in a room and got up on the table like I was supposed to and waited while swinging my feet back and forth. "Hi Aaron, how are you feeling this morning?"

"She threw up her eggs, and she had only taken about 3 bites." He answered for me and I huffed.

"I felt fine when I woke up, but as soon as I started eating the nausea hit me but I feel fine now. Even a little hungry." I added and she looked at me.

"Can you open your mouth and stick out your tongue for me?" She asked pulling out her mini flashlight and I did as she asked. "There isn't anything swollen or red, or even with dots... are you sure your stomach is okay now? Would you eat a power bar?"

"To prove I am okay? Yes." I nodded and she excused herself to go and get it. "You know, this is my check up, you aren't my dad. He used to do that all the time. Tell the doctor everything even though the question is asked to me." I told him and then laid down just so my back wouldn't hurt too much later from sitting up straight without some sort of support.

"I wanted to be helpful." He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Here you go Aaron, just take a few bites, wait about 5 minutes and if you don't feel bad at all then I will clear you." The doctor came in with what looked like a candy bar and I opened it and took a big bite and then nibbled on the rest until it was all gone after seeing the two wonder and nervous glances I was getting.

"So, am I still good to go?" I asked and the doctor nodded.

"Seems Jesse's blood did help you this time, I am just wondering why you threw up." She said and I shrugged. "What were you doing just before eating?"

"Sitting out in the morning sun in the back of the pack house."

"Well fresh air is good for you right now," I shot Greyson a look and then listened again, "anything else, no running up or down stairs, or any other morning activities?" She looked to Greyson and then me and I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks flush. "Like running? Or uhm-"

"None of that." I stated and she sighed but nodded.

"Maybe it was the texture or maybe who ever made them for you didn't do it the way your body is used to and tour body reacted like that." She shrugged and I nodded and she wrote something on the file she had and looked up. "Any other symptoms?"

"I did get a headache last night over something small."

"Oh, what was that?"

"Just a tapping noise." I didn't know if Greyson would connect the dots but at this moment I didn't care, she asked, I was going to tell her. Because I don't usually get headaches instantly and over nothing.

"Was it loud or like nails on the table?"

"Nails on a table."

"More like heels on plastic." Greyson cut in and I huffed and rolled my eyes and shot him a glare.

"It might have been just the irritation built on your recovering mind that caused it, but if you get another headache instantly like that, please call me, or go somewhere quiet to take a nap as soon as you can."


"Okay then. You are good to go." She smiled and I shook her hand before Greyson did and then opened the door out. "Have fun in New Orleans." She told us and I raised an eyebrow at Greyson.

"I asked her while you were awake if you would have a long recovery and she had to know why." He shrugged and I walked ahead of him again and out towards the truck.


Look up by my name  Bonnie Hoffman

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