School for Bounty Hunters (an...

By Justinabus

12 1 0

The school year is going great for Janielle. But it's that time of year again. Semi-finals! But this isn't a... More

Chapter 1/ Hi I'm Janielle!

11 1 0
By Justinabus

I flop down on my bed and sigh. School was as grueling as ever today, but I can't complain. I was one of the few kids chosen to attend IGSBHP on a full scholarship. Yea, I know, the name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but it's better than the full thing. Wait a minute, I'm getting ahead of myself.

My name is Janielle Katerie, for those of you wondering it's pronounced Jan-ee-el Cat-er-ee. Like I said, I attend IGSBHP. What does that stand for, you ask. IGSBHP stands for Inter-Galactic School for Bounty Hunters and Privateers. Now you know why I like the acronym better. I got my full scholarship due my outstanding flying skills,and am currently passing with (almost) straight A's. (Thanks a lot Mr. Lamboni)

Now it is the end of the first semester but we ain't done yet. The entire school still has semi-finals to get through (and the entire other semester ). Now our schools semi-finals and finals are done differently than other schools. Each grade comes together to complete an assignment given to us by the school officials. Privateers and Bounty Hunters come together and if we complete the assignment successfully, we all get A's in every class. (I can still pass P.E. Take that Mr. Lamboni!)

Fortunately for us freshman, the assignment is usually staged. Get an item back from a Federation-controlled planet and shoot some droids, no big deal.

Now for a bit more details on the school. Like I said many times it's for Bounty Hunters and Privateers. I'm currently studying as a bounty hunter. Due to the fact that it's located on a small planet in the middle of nowhere, it's a boarding school. That's good news for me, as I can stay away from my crazy family. The rooms are lavishly furnished with a desk and chair set, table and chair set, land line, bookshelf, queen bed, and a computer with pre-downloaded flight simulators for flying practice. Am I forgetting anything? Oh yea, and a fridge.

The classes consist of normal everyday high school classes like math, English, and science. There are also classes specializing in your field. I am taking tracking classes, and gun classes, as well as P.E. and flight class. There are extra classes for Privateers too. Well now you are informed on who I am, and what school I attend, so I'm gonna get back to my story.

*ahem* I flopped down on the bed. I was tired, and just wanted to sleep or maybe read a book, but I had promised Karter I would meet up with him on Ships and Steals. Now Ships and Steals is the school's online flying server, where students could meet up and do stuff online. I had just logged on and gotten to our usual meeting spot, the ship deck, when I spotted Karter. His online self looked different than Karter's actual self, due to him being insecure. His avatar was muscly and tall, unlike him, but at least it had his same floppy hair and sideways grin. He was fixing the dual person ship we normally flew together, but had been wrecked when Karter and crashed it into an asteroid.

"Janielle, come help me fix the ship!" Karter's voice came over her headphones. "I just need to put in a new hyper-drive."

"You've got it Karter!" my own chirpy voice responded. I pulled my spare hyper-drive out of my bag and handed it to Karter.

"Thanks." Karter mumbled, as his avatar went back to fixing the ship.

A few minutes later we were out of the planet's atmosphere. I acted as Karter's co-pilot, he automatically got pilot position because he was majoring as a pilot. We were doing a cargo mission. which would get us extra-credit if we were to succeed. After completing the mission I got ready to log out.

"Bye Karter! See you in flying class tomorrow." I said in farewell.

"Yea, bye." Karter said in a sullen voice. When he wasn't flying or fixing a ship, Karter was sullen and quiet.

I logged off and went straight for bed. Tomorrow was a big day, because in homeroom they would be telling us our mission for semi-finals.


Hey guys thanks for reading my newest story. This story means a lot to me because I have been planning it for a while. I love CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, so don't be afraid to comment. Love you guys!

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