Changed(Book 3 of The Athens...

By WereGirl007

85K 1K 34

I lived in the same pack my whole life. I went off to college, 4 states away three months before I turned 18... More



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By WereGirl007

Greyson took me to the shoe shop first. I got fuzzy socks and put on the converse. I also went into a small store, got my usual lip stick and then hair ties. I got some jeans, and shirts along with underwear after making Greyson go away. He had laughed as he turned his back but didn't go far.

I bought everything with my phone, thankfully I had it in my personal bag. Someone had gotten it all set up with my bank account and everything so I could just wave my phone over the thing and it would be paid for.

After that Greyson told me we were getting something to eat but we were walking there. I almost begged to just take his truck but he told me to wait near the truck as I shivered and waited. He came out with a big jacket and held it open.

"You're serious? Such a cliché." I laughed and stepped in because the breeze was doing nothing for my low body temp.

"It is a letterman." He said and kept his arm around my shoulders and steering me around a corner and coming to stand in a line that was moving very quickly.

"Where does this place go?" I asked trying to see where we were waiting for.

"You'll see." He laughed and rubbed up and down on my arms after moving me in front of him.

I shifted slightly back and forth as the line moved. "A bar?" I asked looking up at him and he just smiled. "Really? Is this where you show me off to all your old football buddies?" I asked and started to take off his jacket but his hands on my shoulders stopped me.

"I heard a very interesting thing about you while you were asleep... I heard you could sing... so this isn't just a bar. This is a Karaoke bar. I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He said and bounced his eyebrows up and down.

"No, not in front of a crowd." I said backing up even more but actually pulling his jacket tighter around me.

"It's also sushi, and we can have a little cubical just for us, no one else would hear you but me." He told me and I gulped and looked at everyone behind us that were looking confused and I took a couple hyperventilating breaths before letting him pull me into the bar. "Chey, a room for just two." He nodded to what seemed like the main chef and the guy looked up, nodded and shouted something in another language and someone came towards us, bowed and waved us before him.

"Grey?" I heard a female squeal and a very smelly, drunk Mildred came into my line of sight. She was wearing a crop top that was too small even for her small body, along with a leather skirt and fuck me heels. I knew the look, I had been dressed in that look many times, not by my choosing but still none the less.

"If you will excuse us." Greyson ground out and pushed me along and I didn't miss the look of hatred sent to me, or the hurt before that.

"Here you are Mr. Greyson." We were showed to a room with two seats that were practically glued together and a small table with a familiar machine in the corner.

"Thank you Li. Can you make sure no one can come in here besides the workers?" I didn't even have to wonder why he said that, with Mildred around I bet there will be some type of problems.

"Of course sir." He bowed out and the doors closed.

"So, going to show me what you got or am I going to have to go first?" The smile on his face literally wiped any potential problem from my mind.

I sang to Ed Sheeran after he tried to sing to Sam Smith. I stopped him before the first chorus was even a thought. He really could not sing. I ordered the tuna and a few California rolls while he ordered eel and something else I never tried,  but he fed it to me and it was disgusting. He laughed and ate the rest in three bites.

While we were walking out he growled at some guy who stopped in front of me, checked me out and was about to say something. I wasn't stupid or stubborn so I didn't reprimand Greyson for doing that. I just walked with him quietly.

"So where are we going now?" I asked once I was back in the passenger side of the truck.

"Home." He told me starting the car and turning onto the road and towards the pack house.

"You don't have to give up your room for me." I told him remembering earlier and he looked over at me.

"Is that permission, oh great singer, to sleep with you?"

"No, I can just find somewhere else to sleep." I said and gave him a pointed look.

"No you won't, you are my mat-"

"Mate, I get that, trust me I do, but you don't have to give up your whole room for me, let alone your bed." I said and shrugged and looked out the window. "Wait, is that-"

"Stop! Please!"

"Milly." Greyson sighed and pulled over so she was talking into the window closest to me. "What's wrong?"

"My tire just practically blew up. I have no service and the spare is on the front passenger side." She said almost proud of herself and then moved so we could see that it was indeed busted pretty badly.

"And you want us to do what?" Greyson asked kind of snippy and I looked at him confused.

"Can you just get me to the pack house." Her look gave my wolf a reason to rise to the surface. She was practically giving him the idea of her willingness to do anything for the help.

"Fine." Greyson sighed and my door was open faster than I could blink.

"Can you step out so I ca-"

"No, she can scoot over closer to me." I felt his hand before his words overlapped hers. He pulled me tight to him and kept his hand there as Milly huffed, clearly not pleased, and got in.

I sat practically on his knee as he drove way faster than he had been before and her fuck me heels tapping away making my head start to hurt. I pulled my hand from it's restraint of his arm around mine, and rubbed my temple.

"Either stop tapping those heels or I will throw them out the window." Greyson snapped and I just kept looking forward even though the swivel of  Mildred's neck towards him was obviously of surprise. And while she stopped the tapping her glare never left my body. But I didn't show that it was bothering me, I just faced forward.

We pulled up to the pack house and Greyson was the first one out of the car. Mildred had waited so did I until Greyson gripped my hand and pulled on it so I would get out of his side. "Aren't you going to get my door, you used to do that all the time." Mildred snapped just before he shut the door.

"That was before you tried to control my life and make me move into your room." He stated and closed his door and I just looked away from him.

"So what? Now motherless Aaron gets to have you?"

"Don't you fucking call me that. I am not some slut who would bang every guy in the pack that hasn't found their mate. You are a power hungry whore, and it's sad that even without a mother, I know how wrong that is." I spat moving into her personal space quicker than ever before.

"Your mother is a whore, she had you with someone who wasn't her mate!" She stated and looked me up and down with disgust before pushing my shoulders hard but I was ready for it.

"She had me with her long time boyfriend, have you ever had one of those?" I snapped to her and pushed her back.

"Enough! Milly you were a fun time, but now I have Aaron and I wouldn't exchange her for you if  you were the last unmated female in my pack. Got it." Greyson shouted just before she could open her mouth and spew some new insult.

"Can't wait to see what you do when he leaves you for someone way better." Mildred spat before turning and jogging towards the front doors.

"I could have handled that." I told him and moved away from him following her lead and into house. I  knew the unmated males were on the first floor so I slowed down so he could show me where his room was.

"This way." He told me taking my hand and pulling me along through the couple of hallways that had guys pouring out of it.

"Ms. Angel!" I looked up and saw Sean, a senior that was with the teachers helping out with the kids at the retreat. He was just in a towel an hair dripping wet.

"Hi Sean, getting settled okay?" I asked and almost fell forward when Greyson tugged on my hand. "Excuse you." I told him and jerked my hand from his.

"Yeah, just fine... Mr. Titan." He nodded at Greyson and I rolled my eyes.

"Have a good night Sean." I told him and looked to Greyson who didn't look happy one way or another.

"You too Ms. Angel." He nodded and squeezed past a couple people before Greyson grabbed my elbow and pulled me towards the main room on this level.

"You're in charge?" I asked knowing that the room meant if anyone had any problems they came to him, or if there was a fight he would be responsible to break it up and find out why it went down.

"Yep. Ian graced me with the title." He all but ground out and I wondered if he was mad about whatever before or about the title. "Here you go. I will go get your stuff. You can get comfortable." He said opening his door before turning and walking away.

I gulped and walked in, searching the wall for a light and finally flipping it. I looked around, surprised to say the least. Everything was folded neatly, and set in it's place. I looked around for anything besides his clothes to get a small feel for him but didn't find anything.

"Here you are. I will get some of my clothes and move them." He told me and moved to get them from the shelves.

"You didn't have to clean out your room like this. It's not like I will be here forever." I told him and he just pulled things from his shelves.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I noticed how he kept them nice and neat.

"You know, taking down your pictures or even all the trophies you have... your stuff."

"I don't have stuff like that." He told me and then turned to grab the shopping bags. "Do you want to hang the shirts up?"

"How do you not have stuff like that? I have tons of- I had tons of photos of just any random moment." I mumbled off realizing that I no longer had any photos either.

"Some of them were okay... your dad went and collected them." He told me avoiding my question and he turned to open a very organized closet. "What?"

"How are you so organized?" I asked knowing that even I didn't keep my stuff this organized.

"Being trained as a enforcer is a lot like being trained in the Army or Navy for humans. You learn organization, strict room guidelines and other things." He shrugged and I searched his face for anything like regret or happiness, but all I saw was indifference.

"So that explains the no pictures." I said nodding and looking around before feeling him turn to face me fully.

"If you want to shower or take a bath I have my own in that room over there. I am going to find somewhere to sleep." He ground out before leaving the room in 7 long strides. I took a breath and wondered if I went to far somehow.

I gulped and went into the bag with my new sweats in it and grabbed some underwear and a regular shirt. I went into the bathroom and turned on the cold water before getting undressed.

I took a short shower, getting the hospital smell off of my skin before getting out. I wrapped my hair up tightly after blow drying it and walking out. The room felt so cold and bare... like it was a hotel room, but even hotel rooms had some homey feel to it.

I went to his bed and noticed how his scent was only on one side. Meaning, again, unlike me he doesn't sleep anywhere he can get comfortable, if I were to bet someone today I would choose that her slept on his back with the sheets under his arms and his head only halfway on the pillow.

I pulled the pillow he slept on to my chest inhaling his scent and sighing before pulling the covers up close to my  chin and then using my right arm to pull the pillow my head was on closer and bunched up to give me extra support. I cured my legs up just a bit and relaxed ready to sleep.

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