Starblighted: Book 01 of the...

By TheEnclavedSyndicate

64 13 1

In one of Eldorvant's kingdoms, Salarosst, kidnappings of Starblighted have been on the rise; disappearing on... More

Prologue - Reflection on Guilt: THE BATTLE


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By TheEnclavedSyndicate

Since her clothes were ruined and not deemed 'poor enough,' they gave Venna new clothes to boots that already began blistering her feet. Venna shuffled uncomfortably in her new outfit, pinching at it as if it didn't belong to her. And compared to the blouses and dresses she was used to wearing, it didn't.

The three marauders brought Venna to the square. Despite reading about it multiple times, Venna had never been to Bournecentral before. Said to be a day's ride from Salarosst Central, Bournecentral was a multicultural hub, attracting travellers and immigrants who sought employment opportunities. If you couldn't find a place in Melune, Bournecentral was your second-best option.

So far away from... Venna's mind trailed off as she stopped herself from saying 'home,' realising it wasn't hers anymore. She was still getting used to the reality. Home was no longer her family keep in Melune. Somewhere out there, a place remained undiscovered by her.

The square hummed despite the oncoming evening, shop fronts rippling with movement as people occupied the area. The summer heat softened a little, but that didn't stop sweat and body odour from developing amongst the masses. Food carts had closed for the day, while taverns began awakening from their diurnal slumber. Church heralds receded as they climbed down from their small wooden platforms and returned to the church that loomed from the square's centre. Squeezing herself past people, Venna saw amongst the crowd a small group of stern-faced men who forced themselves past people.

Lustbell Rebels, Venna thought, the sight of the men making her feel anxious. She had become familiar with the group, as they had grown in number in recent years. Venna would hear stories of failed attempted assassinations on the nobility and the Queen, along with their failed attempts to incite riots, all resulting in public executions. She watched the men walk across their path, concealing herself behind Julina, who led the way, with Keyon and Aaelett moving beside her. Unlike the people Venna saw, Julina carried on as if they weren't even there, Keyon and Aaelett following suit as they urged her forward. They circled around the church, passing its wide steps that formed a semi-circle in front of it before moving down one of the side streets that stemmed off the square as mud-like needles. Venna kept her head low, her eyes only going skyward when necessary. She took slow deep breaths as she tried to keep her head uncluttered with all the busy movement and buzzing noises. She always hated crowds, always felt suffocated by them. Anything that involved putting her in the sight of many made her skin crawl, and her anxiety inflate. It was preferable to travel without injuries, fatigue, and hunger.

How am I still awake? Venna thought, her stomach grumbling. Nearing the bottom of the street, they stopped in front of a tavern that's a flight of crooked wooden stairs accessed by entrance. Above the stairs, Venna saw the tavern's wooden, circular sign dangling by a singular chain. A roughly drawn silhouette of a person kneeling and praying sat under the establishment's name: The Priest's Confession.

Julina turned to Aaelett just as she nudged the tavern door open. "Wait with 'er 'ere. We won't be long."

Aaelett nodded, and remained by the bottom lip of the stairs, blocking the street out of Venna's sight. She watched Keyon and Julina enter, and a burst of conversations alongside a waft of tobacco pipe smoke slapped her in the face before the two marauders had shut the door behind them. She kept her gaze fixed on the floor, avoiding any eye contact with Aaelett. Her head still down, she tried aiming her vision to pass Aaelett to the street.

If I can sneak pass him, I might be able to seek help, Her eyes scanned her surroundings, noticing a narrow gap between the tavern and the adjacent building. It's not too high to jump down, but I can't risk getting hurt again. This is just impossible! Her thoughts halted as Julina and Keyon stepped out of the tavern. Pox, too late!

Julina folded a piece of paper into her grey trousers' back pocket as she looked up at Aaelett with a frown. "There's a 'ole in the Wall. Some Frogs brought Bones & Flies instead of Flowers & Pies."


"Five." Julina replied.

"Whereabouts?" Aaelett asked.

"By the Well's Left Arm. Rather irritating, if I may say."

Julina sighed, rubbing her brow. "The Bulldog's already barked, so let's just crack on with it."

What are they talking about? Venna wondered.

"What about the girl?" Aaelett asked.

Julina paused, eyeing Venna for a moment with her amber eyes. "Bring 'er along. If she wants to eat tonight, then she's gotta earn it."

Aaelett turned Venna's body as if she was a rag doll towards the stairs. "C'mon Kitten, move on!"
Once reaching the bottom of the stairs, Julina moved ahead of Venna. Keyon joined Julina's side, while Aaelett remained behind her.

What's happening?

"I'm only gonna say this once to ya," Julina addressed Venna without turning her body to her.

"Do as yer told, and you'll get to eat tonight. I'm sure ya understand what'll 'appen if ya do otherwise."

Venna nodded to her words, her eyes downwards. "Understood."

It wasn't long before they had returned to the square again. Lantern stands bled orange into the area. Venna did her utmost to keep close to Julina without stepping on her feet. The crowds remained dense and seemed oblivious to their passing by. While walking, Venna noticed how Keyon and Julina were both snapping at people's moneybags. Right...their marauders after all. She felt appalled, but also impressed by their skill. Their hands were fox-like, their demeanour relaxed as they handed Aaelett multiple moneybags without letting up in their speed.

No one seems to have noticed what has happened to them...yet. They exited the square and proceeded down a closed alleyway between two shops. Venna held her breath as the alleyway emitted a brazen pong, as if they walked on a public privy. Waste of all sorts grew like fungi along the path, and the odd rat scurried beside them and into a hole of some sort.

Dear Former, does this stink...where in the five kingdoms are we even going? They left the alley, turned right, and continued down the street, making a left turn. They remained on the path until they reached the end, and soon halted before a building that bore a dull wooden face, its six windows looking like punched-in eyes that gleamed with a light that came from within. The tenement sat at the end of a row, alongside a mix of shops and poorly constructed homes. A bridge on the opposite side led out of town. The sound of moat's black waters swishing with an odd grace hovered in the air as the bustling of the square was less noticeable.

Julina cupped her hands over her eyes and peered into a window which sat by the entrance.

"They're in there."

"Enjoyin' themselves, no doubt." Aaelett grunted.

"Not for long. Make sure no one comes out from the back."

Aaelett nodded to her words before making his way around the building.

"What do you intend to do?" Venna asked in a nervous whisper.

Watching Aaelett leave, Julina turned to her. "Dealin' with some rats. And you're gonna 'elp us tend to it."


Julina frowned at her. "Does it matter?"

"This conversation is already irritating me." Keyon added.

"Listen, yer stupid girl, if yer wanna eat tonight, then yer gonna do what yer told. Yer fortunate enough that we 'aven't sold yer off to a brothel or slaver. So be ready!"

Venna shivered at the thoughts that flooded her mind. She was no killer, no robber, and wasn't intending on being one.

"I...I don't want to do this. Please, I beg of you." Venna fought the knot that formed in her throat, feeling tears emerge in her eyes as she took a couple of steps back from them, horror seeping into her.

Julina's face scrunched up as she gripped Venna's arm, her nails digging into her skin. Venna's pained gasp betrayed her determination to remain composed.

"I don't have time for this crap, girl! Yer doin' this with us, understand?" Julina flung Venna's arm onto herself before turning to the door. "Make no sound." After taking a gulp from her water gourd, Julina nuzzled the door open just wide enough for them to creep in. Keyon guided Venna to go after Julina; she heard him close the door behind them carefully, her mind opposing every step she took forward.

Dear Former, please have mercy!

They stepped into a low-lit corridor, floorboards croaking beneath their footsteps. A feeble light emanated from the staircase at the end of the corridor and a nearby room on the right. A few deep-toned chortles rang from the opened-door room. As they approached the room, Julina pulled out four of her glass knives from her belt, holding them between her fingers by their hilts. Despite the dimness, Venna could see some sort of liquid resting in the blades' transparent hilts.

Julina peeped into the room before bringing her head back. "Four of 'em is in there." 

 "And the fifth?" Keyon asked.

Julina shook her head. "Not the front. I'll deal with these lot first. We'll check upstairs after."

Keyon nodded in reply. Julina, at this, grabbed Venna's hand and forced her to hold another of her glass knives.

"Ya gonna need this."

Venna hesitantly held it, her body quaking. She could feel herself battling the quick breaths, her heart releasing anxious pumps through her.

Compose yourself! You may not have to do anything! She tried to control her breathing, but her nerves proved a hindrance to her efforts, sweat beading down her brow and cheek. Let this end already!

Taking a breath, Julina entered the room, while Venna halted a couple inches before the doorframe.

I can't do this! Shocked gasps and confused grunts erupted, but they were hushed by quick slicks that cut the air. Heavy thumps that were joined by the clinging and clattering of objects followed, and Julina stepped out of the room, her face calm, unbothered. She glared into Venna's eyes before turning her body to the stairs. Blood rimmed the four glass knives Julina held between her fingers.

Wrath-spice, did she actually...

"We move up," Julina whispered sternly to Venna. "Keep a small gap between us."

They at this began moving towards the stairs with slow, shifting feet.

Dear Former! Venna was battling the tightness in her chest. Creeping past the room, Venna gasped at the limp bodies of four men that lay in a joined puddle of crimson that glowed in the candlelight. She covered her mouth with her free hand as she badgered the urge to vomit away. Unfinished plates and cups were scattered amongst the bodies, which were lying around crates that were used as makeshift seats and tables. The sight of three lifeless urchin boys near another door made her cringe the most.

Even the children?

"C'mon!" Julina hissed from the middle of the staircase.

Venna whipped her body to listen and crept after her. At the top of the stairs, they found a candlelit corridor leading to another room. Reaching the door, Julina wasted no time and booted the door open, entering what resembled an office that bore a surprisingly lavish appearance. Thick fur rugs, large, picturesque paintings framed in gold, and finely defined furnishings adorned the office space. But it was clear to Venna that someone had got what she saw through illegal means. Upon entering, they discovered a half-dressed middle-aged man in the company of three scantily clad girls, all who looked younger than Venna. Wine bottles littered the desk. Venna's face creased with disgust upon contextualising what was happening. Before any of them could react, Julina's glass daggers wisped through the tense air. Two of her knives sliced smiles across the three girls' necks, while the other two buried themselves into the man's shoulders. He howled in pain as slumped back onto his desk chair. The two daggers that slayed the girls returned to Julina, both hovering around her hand, her fingers mimicking a crawling motion, like the legs of a spider. Venna hid behind Julina, who approached the man, her steps slow. A predator who was confident that their prey was too incapacitated to flee. Venna trembled as life drained from the two girls Julina had mercilessly attacked, staining the wooden floor with their blood. She still held the knife that Julina gave her, nerves and fear forcing her to grip it tight.

This...this is all too much!

The man groaned at the pain, his half bald head reddening and shining with sweat as he remained his seat. "Wrath-spice, woman! What're yer doin'?"

"I should be the one askin' that!" Julina replied grimly.

"Where're the others?"

"Travellin' to the Under Realm." With her free hand, Julina willed the two knives in the marauder's shoulders to slowly twist, causing him to give another agonised howl.

The man winced against the pain, trying to talk. "L-listen...we d-did our job, a-alright? Maldur ordered us to steal the loot, and that's what we did!"

Julina continued slowly twisting the knives, drawing out another whimpering howl of pain from the man. "True, but yer never 'anded it over. Eight men that ya once shared sleepin' quarters with died 'cause of ya betrayal, not to mention that the money remains missin'...speaking of which, where is it?"

"What'd'ya mean?"

"Where's the loot that was meant to be delivered? And I'd suggest yer be 'onest with me."

"I...I-I don't know!"

Julina gave a bothered sigh. "Yer completely trash at lyin', almost as much as ya are at dyin'."
The man gave another gritted yell of pain as the knives turned inside his shoulders, turning them into bloodied lumps. Venna cringed throughout the ordeal. Imagining the pain was enough was to make her stomach's urge to bile and churn grow stronger by the breath. Never had she witnessed such brutality. She knew harshness was common amongst the nobility, and had seen frequently golge servants receiving unneeded beatings, or as her father would call them, 'corrections.' But this felt raw and gritty, lawless, and uncivil. But despite that, she saw some sort of warped justice in the matter, something she never had seen amongst the noble ring.

Are we any different? She wondered.

"Up yours, yer 'ear me? Up yours!"

"Really, up yours...that's all yer gonna say?" Julina asked. "Y'know, I'll find out where you're 'idin' the loot. Not that it matters, though. You'll gonna die with the title, 'Rat,' above ya 'ead. Tell me, 'ow's that make ya feel?"

The man gave a pained gasp. "Stupid whore!"

"Brilliant." Julina replied, rolling her eyes. Leaving the knives in the man's shoulders, Julina turned to Venna. Venna dared not move, and was struggling to contain her horrified feelings.

"Oi, over 'ere," Julina gestured to Venna with a waving hand, "It's time to earn that meal."

Venna shuffled a step forward, but fear halted her steps, sweat streaking her face, her eyes sore with tears.

Grunting, Julina grabbed Venna's hair and dragged her forward, forcing her to stand straight beside her and face the man. "Still got that dagger I gave ya?"

Venna nodded with hesitance.

"Good, now, put 'im out of 'is misery." Julina said.

Puzzlement creased Venna's face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean kill 'im. No one can be left alive."

Venna's face paled at the comment.

You are no killer, Venna! She brooded.

"B-but why?"

"What sort of question is that? You wanna eat tonight, don't ya? This rat is between you and tonight's dinner. So, get on with it!"

Venna shook her head at her words. There must be another way? Surely, by the Former's grace, murder is not the way! Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the man. In a matter of breaths, she went from being the prey to the predator.

"I...I can't. I can't do it." Venna replied with a sheepish tone, body shaking, the dagger weak in her hands.

"What're ya on about?" Julina growled. She sheathed her daggers and turned towards the door, her face reddening as she glanced back at Venna.

"Until you kill 'im, yer stayin' in 'ere!" Julina slammed the door behind her, leaving Venna alone with the man. Her teary eyes kept shifting from the glass dagger in her shaking hands to the wounded man she was to kill. Her body was shaking, and she shuffled forward, but she halted herself again, whimpering.

"Pathetic," the man grunted, daggers keeping him pinned to his seat. "Not only am I about to die, but I'm about to be killed by a little girl."

Venna remained silent, re-gripping the dagger's hilt in her sweating hands.

"Not taken a life before, 'ave ya?"

"No, no." Venna uttered.

The man weakly scoffed. "That's just rubbin' nettles on the skin."

Venna was unsure how to react.

Does he want me to kill him? She thought.

"Don't...don't you want to live?" She asked almost as a whisper.

"Live? For what?" The man replied, wincing at the little movement he made, "I've been 'ardly existin'...this life of mine, it ain't life, ain't livin,' otherwise I wouldn't 'ave defied Maldur and stolen from 'im."

Venna gave him a puzzled look. "You knew this would happen, and yet you still done it. Why?"

"Because I wanted to feel alive...wanted to take control of my life and no longer be a follower, that's why!"

"But look at what it's cost you."

"Yeah, least I'm goin' to the Under Realm knowin' that I tried. Now, get on with it. I'm not about to be pitied by a weak little thing like you!"

"I'm not weak! I'm, I'm..." Venna drifted, struggling to find words, and a breath passed by before she realised how stupid she sounded.

If I were stronger, I wouldn't be in this situation! She scolded herself in her mind.

The man spat to the side. "Yer look like yer about to piss ya-self just by holdin' that me, yer weak. Now, do it."

Venna shuffled forward again, tears bubbling around her eyes, body still shaking. She moved to the man's side and aimed the dagger at his face. The man's head drooped, and he closed his eyes. The dagger rattled more and more in her hands as its tip was inches from the man's face. Her eyes squeezed shut, jaw clenched, Venna tried to rile herself up.

No, there must be another way. I'm not no murderer, I'm not like them.

Venna paused, opening her eyes, and pulling back the dagger briefly. "If you were given a second chance to live, to start all over, would you take it?"

The man opened his eyes, a confused impression etching itself on his pained face. "What?"

"Would you take it if you were given another chance in life? Venna's voice shivered, but she spoke clearly.

"Stop playin' around, ya stupid girl!"

"Would you?"

"Look at me! There ain't no second chances for me. Now, get on it with!"

Venna paused. The dagger was shaking in her hands, her eyes sore, head pounding with blurring thoughts.

You're not a killer! Her mind hissed. Venna moved away from the man, shakily heading towards the door and pulling it open.

Julina was outside, hands on her hips, and her unimpressed look suddenly shifted with her widening eyes.

"Wrath-spice, did you actually do it?" Julina asked.

Venna tried shaking her words out of her mouth, her nerves rippling through her. "I didn't kill him."

Julina's face stiffened, eyes narrowing. "Come again?"

Venna shuddered at her harsh tone, but sheepishly tried prostrating herself. "I...I didn't kill him. Can't we? Can't we just make him leave and never return?"

"Excuse me?" Julina replied, nostrils flaring, "This isn't a bloody negotiation, ya stupid girl!"

"Please, there's no need to kill him. We can just make him leave and never come back!" Venna replied, her body shrivelling away at Julina's reddening face.

"Are ya bloody serious? Kill him right now!" Julina snapped.

"No!" Venna cried.

Julina's head fell, her face to the floor, replying grimly. "Fine."

Her hand wrapped around Venna's neck and shoved her back into the room as she stormed through, her grip tight, her nails biting into her skin.

Dragging her, Julina stomped into the room and chucked Venna to the ground, and she thudded her head against the wooden floorboards. Looking up, she groaned at an enraged Julina, who glared at the pinned man.

"Rat." Julina spat. She freed one knife from the man's shoulders and shot it into his chest, causing the man's body to jolt back into his chair before growing silent. Venna watched the man's eyes become glossy, his red face discolouring and becoming ashen. 

Just like that...Venna struggled to contain her horrified feelings, her body too frightened to move, her eyes pinned on the lifeless man. What sort of world had she found herself in?
Julina retracted the glass knives from the man's body and caught them between her fingers, holding all four of her glass knives again. Venna watched her slot her knives back into her belt with the rest of her other glass knives.

So relaxed, so calm, as if it's as easy as breathing, walking.

Julina turned to Venna, both exchanging glares. "What're yer jus' lyin' there for? Get up and start lookin' around the room. We can't 'ead back without that loot."
Sullenly, Venna nodded sheepishly, pushed herself off the floor, and began scanning the office.

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