Saviour ; Lewis Hamilton

By moonplante

237K 9.8K 2.4K

Where Lewis Hamilton goes to a cafe after a hard year and is intrigued when the owner doesn't recognise him... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty four
twenty five

twenty three

6.4K 270 144
By moonplante

Lewis has been away for a business trip for a few days now but is set to return tomorrow. It was some dinner and meeting he had to attend followed by an event within his team.

We've been keeping up via FaceTime and little text messages here and there but today he must've been really busy because he hasn't responded to any of my messages.

In the morning it was understandable but as the day went by I was getting more and more concerned.

When Luca got home from a school he was eager to do our daily FaceTime call with Lewis. I tried explaining to him that he was busy and didn't answer my messages but he insisted I tried anyway.

When I did try Luca was disappointed that he didn't pick up.

When in reality I know he declined it.

Of course I didn't tell Luca that- I said he wouldn't have his phone with him at important meetings. I reassured him I would try again before he went to bed.

I was trying to be understanding that he is of course busy, but how busy could he possibly be to be unable to send a quick 'sorry I'm busy' text- it would only take a few seconds.

Night time rolled around and there was still no response from Lewis- given it was pretty early because it was Luca's bedtime but usually Lewis would send a goodnight voice message for Luca seeing as he knew when he went to bed.

"Goodnight, I love you." I kiss Luca's forward, slightly anxious as I await for him to inevitably bring up Lewis.

"I love you too- did Lewis message?" He asks looking up at me with the cutest eyes ever. How can I say no to that.

"Yeah, he sent me a voice message just for you, do you want to listen to it?" I ask making my expression more excited.

I'll just have to play one of the old ones and hope he doesn't notice.

"Yes, yes, yes!" He exclaims happy that Lewis has finally responded.

It warms my heart how excited he is to hear from Lewis. I go on my phone and scroll up in my messages quite a bit to find one of the voice messages to play.

Luca lies down in the bed comfortably waiting for it to play. As soon as it starts playing he starts smiling to himself as he closes his eyes.

"Hey Luca, how are you? I hope you're being a good boy for your pretty mama. I miss you and I'll see you soon. Goodnight buddy."

That was one of the shorter ones. Short and sweet but left Luca feeling very happy and satisfied enough to go to bed.

"Tell him I miss him too." Luca smile sleepily as he closes his eyes again and I smile warmly at him. I kiss his forehead.

"I will, goodnight."


I close the door to his room softly and let out a little sigh as I look back down at our chats.

I keep my promise and send him a little message telling him that Luca wanted me to tell him how much he misses him. It goes straight to delivered like the rest of the messages I've sent him today

Before I can get downstairs my phone starts ringing. My heart skips a beat assuming it will be Lewis.

However my stomach drops realising it's not him and instead Eloise.

"Hello?" I ask confused why she would be calling me right now, usually she texts first because she's not a fan of phone calls.

"Hey are you okay?" She asks and I furrow my brows in even more confusion at her words.

"Yeah.. why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Oh." She pauses "You haven't seen."

"Seen what?" I ask getting scared at her vagueness as I make my way into the living room and sit on the couch to calm myself down.

"Uh- I'll send it to you." She says and now I'm even more confused- send what?

I put her on speaker and wait for her to send me a message. I immediately click on the message and it's a link to a news article.

The first thing that catches my eye makes my stomach drop. Lewis Hamilton.

I'm silent as i read the headline.

Lewis Hamilton spotted with stunning Brazilian model Marcia Alves- possible new romance for Lewis Hamilton as this clearly isn't the girl Lewis had previously posted- is she out of the picture?

My stomach drops reading it, my eyes scanning over the words again hoping they change and this will all be fake.

"Maybe it wasn't him-" I say and Eloise cuts me off "There's a picture." Of course there's a picture. I scroll down in the article and find the picture.

My heart hammers in my chest seeing the photo. Knowing it's all already happened and I've been here at home the entire time unknowing while all this happened.

Lewis did tell me there was a dinner and an exclusive after party on the last day which would have been today. So that's probably where they were.

"It's for work." I mumble to Eloise. "There was a dinner and after party- I just don't get why he went with her."

"Yeah as far as I'm aware she doesn't work in formula 1- being a model and all." Eloise says and I clench my stomach, she has a point.

"Yeah." I bite my lip as I type up Lewis online to see if there's any other news or pictures on it. I search twitter and it's all just a bunch of photos and videos from tonight.

I watch one of the videos and he's seen putting his hand on her back guiding her through a few people.

I feel sick.

Seeing him with another woman while I'm almost half way across the world makes me feel sick. 

"I just seen a video of him like touching her and stuff." I tell Eloise in a whisper, fearing if I speak any louder my voice will break. 

"I can't believe him." Eloise says sounding angry, her protective side coming out.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding-"

"Lilah, he's been ignoring you all day, it doesn't take two seconds to send a quick message." She says and a tear slips from my eye because she's right.

"I don't know if I can handle his lifestyle- I told him I could but this is already a lot and it's such a small thing." I tell Eloise shakily trying to steady my breathing.

"It's okay Lilah. Do whatever you feel is right, get an early night tonight and surely in the morning Lewis will have messages and I'm sure it will all be a miss understanding." She tries to reassure me and I nod with tears flowing down my eyes.

"Okay- yeah, thank you." I smile through my tears even though she can't see- I'm so grateful to have a friend like her.

"Goodnight, and if you need anything call me."

"Thank you, goodnight."

I decide to listen to her and get ready for bed. I put on some nice pjs and get comfortable in bed.

I don't know how but somehow I end up scrolling again on twitter. Everyone is saying how they fit much more because she is a known model.

I don't realise until my pillow is soaked how much I've been crying. Tears stream down my face as I read all the hurtful things people are saying about me, and all the positivity they are getting as a possible couple.

Which I guess is expected with her being a totally gorgeous model.

That's probably why it's bothering me so much. She is so much more prettier than me and way more in Lewis's league than I am. 

Before I know it I've cried myself to sleep.    

Waking up after crying yourself to sleep is always a very unpleasant feeling. I never feel well rested and my eyes are always so puffy.

I feel so congested and disgusted that I let myself cry over a man that much.

The first thing I do is check my phone for any messages from Lewis. I scroll down and find numerous messages from Lewis.

Lewis 🏎️
Hi, I'm so sorry i didn't message you yesterday- I was so busy and as soon as I got back to my hotel I went to sleep x
Sent 9:13pm

Tell Luca I miss him too, and you of course x
Sent 9:13pm

Lilah, are you awake? You never go to sleep this early
Sent 9:18pm

I'm worried please respond
Sent 9:22pm

There's a gap In between those messages and the next ones he sent.

Lewis 🏎️
Baby, I promise you it's not what it looks like.
Sent 10:49pm

Please answer, I promise I can explain.
Sent 10:52pm

Lilah, baby please.
Sent 10:53pm

Can you at least respond so I know you're okay?
Sent 10:55pm

I know this is around when you go to sleep, so goodnight sweetheart x
Sent 11:02pm

There were a few other messages he sent during his day that I skim through. My eye catches the most recent ones being sent a few minutes ago.

Lewis 🏎️
Good morning beautiful, I know you'll be up now to get Luca ready for school, please message me back
Sent 6:50am

Sent 6:54am

I'm flying home later today, can I come over?
Sent 6:57am

I know you're reading the messages
Sent 6:58am

Lilah you're starting to worry me, can you please just answer
Sent 7:00am

I'm okay, busy getting Luca ready for school

I send the message and turn my phone off leaving it in my room as I get Luca ready for school. I also leave it as I drop him off at school. 

I debate going to the cafe without it before realising I should probably take it with me.

"Some guy called Lewis won't stop calling you- I'm sorry for snooping but it kept coming up." Becky tells me with a friendly smile and I widen my eyes before nodding.

"It's okay- thank you." She nods before she goes back to her job. I check my phone to see quite a few missed calls from Lewis. 

I send him a quick message telling him I'm at work before actually going back to work. 

Glad nobody today has asked about Lewis, especially after the last encounter I had when someone asked about him.

I'm so tired from my lack of good quality sleep last night that after I pick Luca up from school and make dinner i crash onto the couch.

I put drive to survive on- ironic I know, while I cuddle up with loads of blankets and cushions on the couch getting ready to ultimately fall asleep.

Luca is upstairs in his room occupied with his own tv and playing with his toys so I don't need to worry about him- he will come down if he needs me.

It's a little less interesting and easy to follow without Lewis here to guide me on the little things I don't get.

I wish he was here.

I feel my eyes get droopy as I try to keep focusing on the tv but I ultimately give in to sleep.


I barely register the voice as i bury my head further into the cushion in comfort.

"Baby." They murmur and I feel someone's hand brushing against the side of my head gently causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.

"Mm?" I I try to open my eyes but the bright light makes it difficult.

"Lewis?" I squint my eyes in confusion. "What time is it?" I look at him as he crouched down next to my couch.

"It's almost 8." He tells me softly and I realise he's still nervously playing with my hair.

All of the memories suddenly come flooding back and I pull away from his touch as I sit up. I wipe my sleepy eyes and shuffle back further into the couch. 

"Lilah- please let me explain." He pleads with me and I nod.

"Okay." I move over on the couch and gesture for him to sit next to me. He quickly obliges and sit nexts to me.

"Listen-" he sighs as he places his usual hand on my thigh over the blanket, I automatically move it away and Lewis freezes before placing his hand back on his lap.

"I was at a dinner with toto- my team boss and there was lots of partners and connections to the team. I spoke to her briefly throughout the dinner and I wound up carpooling with her."

He breathes a heavy sigh.

"Toto did ask me to be a little extra friendly to her because her father was looking to close a deal but i didn't flirt with her or anything. I was seen going into the after party with her but I didn't spend my time in there with her."

I let him speak fully and his words do make a lot of sense and I can't help but feel like I over reacted. No- no I didn't overreact, I can't help my feelings.

I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder, burying my head into the crook of his neck.

His hand immediately comes to rest on the side of my head as he brushes his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you didn't message and all I could think of was you living your busy life in a fancy city with all these models- I just feel like you'll forget me." I whisper into his shoulder nervously.

"I'm sorry for overreacting." I say as I let a few tears slip from my eyes and I clench my eyes shut to control the tears. 

He suddenly cups my jaw and brings my head up to look at him. He brings his thumb under my eyes to gently wipe away my tears.

"You don't have to be sorry- I should've made time to message you."

"You can't help that you were busy." I murmur feeling bad I expected him to constantly message me.

"It was all a misunderstanding and I'm sorry you feel that way but know you're everything I want and more." He kisses my forehead a few times and I smile at his words.

"You're also everything I want and more." I whisper back his slightly corny words and he smiles into a kiss.

"Luca really did miss you, yesterday he was asking me all day when he could face time you." I tell him as I lean back down into his chest.

"I missed him a lot too, I'm really sorry I didn't call yesterday."

"It's fine, you're here now." I tell him and he kisses my head. 

"I missed you so much." Lewis wraps his arms tighter around my waist as he kisses my head again.

"I missed you too."

Gosh they are so cute, I love writing them so much

I can't wait for imola to see Ferrari's upgrades, praying for a win 🙏🏻

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