The Selection

Par mediocresouls

231K 6.3K 1.1K

Cassandra is a normal cynical girl who believes love is just a myth. Every boy in her town only cares about f... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 10

7.9K 227 35
Par mediocresouls

During the past few days the Prince took girls on dates like to the gardens or to a restaurant. Even though I still hadn't one yet I didn't care.

The next day down at dinner I noticed 7 girls weren't here and curiously I asked Aurora if she had seen them and she sadly shook her head and said "They were sent home."

My eyes widened and I said "But it's only been a week." 

"Apparently the Prince didn't like them." She shook her head sadly.

It was June 12th and 7 of the girls were already gone.

In the Selected's Group Room was kind of like a hang out for the selected girls and the Queen on rare occasions. 

Inside the Room I heard the girls gossiping about their dates.

"Prince Luciano took me to the gardens." 

"He took me to the Movie Threater."

"I went with him to one of the castle's restaurant."

"Isn't he handsome?"

"Yes but he's a bit I don't know the words to describe him."

I rolled my eyes at their ridculous comments and turned to Aurora who was eating a strawberry bagel.

I asked "Have you had a date yet?" 

" No." She shook her head "but I have one tomorrow. Do you?"

"Nope I rather drop dead, he's a jerk." I said with my upper lip curled with disgust. "He should just send me home."

Aurora just looked at me confused but bursted into a fit of giggles afterwards. 

"Oh right" she said "Today is the day Asher from Garadium News is going to interview us." 

"You better get ready" she said then winked and left.

As I was walking up the stairs to my room I spotted Jane and Prince Luciano on a date it seemed. 

His face was the normal calm half frown and those two were walking slowly down the hallways.

I realized that I would need to go down that hallway to get to my room but I didn't want to interrupt their "happy date." But what other choice did I have?

I fixed my crooked wig and started to walk forwards as fast as possible to my room. Unfortunately they saw me but luckily they said nothing. 

Prince Luciano looked at me while narrowing his eyes as he kept walking forwards not speaking to me.

Eh but I didn't care he could ignore me all he wants. He's proving my theory after all I said with a grin.

The Interview came faster than I had wished.

My maids panicked and threw a flowy black dress on me which went to my ankles and made me wear white heels that were two inches high so it wasn't too bad. I wore a bird necklace with star shaped sapphire in the center of the bird's claws and black jeweled earrings.

I smilied and said "Thank you guys for everything, I can never thank you enough."

Hope beamed and said "It's not a big deal. So go out there and impress the world!"

I grinned but secretly I wanted to frown but it's better not to make them worry. I combed my wig and headed out.

I sat in the seat in the middle so no one would notice me at all. 

"Cassandra. You will never. Believe. What. Happened. Today." She said excitedly.

" What?" I said trying to match her excitement.

"I had my date with the Prince earlier and he was cold but he seems like he could be loving. Although he pointed out my mistakes, he gave me some lessons and nonetheless I enjoyed it! He's really good at horseback riding and he's just so-"

Aurora never got to finish her sentence because the Prince came into the room and every girls eyes fell on him including Aurora's who started to look at him dreamily.

"Oh no" I thought "not her too! Why! Curse you Luciano!" 

Prince Luciano came forward nodded at Aurora when she started to speak to him and then he walked off with his arms crossed and headed towards his seat.

Lights suddenly blinded my eyes and camera's started filming and a man's voice entered the scene. 

" Welcome people of Garadium! Today's the day we meet these beautiful fine ladies know as the Selected." He winked

"So Prince Luciano" he continued "how are the girls these days? Are they behaving?"

He calmly said " Of course Asher. They have been wonderful. I have gotten to know them."

I rolled my eyes with disgust in my head. "Gotten to know them?" Puh-lease he doesn't anything about me! All he probably knows is how good of a suck up some of them are or how flirty Stella is I thought with a shiver. Gross.

Asher spoke again " Well now let's get to the juicy part shall we? Let's start by interviewing HMM... The girl in the strapless rose gold dress, your name is Stella am I correct?" 

She smilied a flirty smile and said " Why yes it is." And she stepped down and sat in the velvet red armchair with golden armrests.

"So Stella how's the prince, are you in love?" Winked Asher.

Love? We only spent about a week with the Prince. If she fell in so called "love" I hope she wakes up soon and realizes love doesn't exist. These girls need some sense knocked into them.

"The Prince is spectacular such a sweet person with a excellent sense of direction. I'm afraid if I'm in love that's a private question for me and the Prince." She batted her eyelashes "But I have been on two or three dates with him and I must say they were amazing. He's such a gentlemen."

Gentlemen my butt, he's the complete opposite. BUT if they are in so called love that means I get to leave the palace as soon as possible! FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER AND LET ME GO FREE! I screamed in my head. But I remembered the first day, didn't the Prince get lost in his own home? Huh....I thought confused. 

I didn't even noticed how many girls passed until Asher called my name.

Under my breath I whispered "Shoot" then stepped forwards and walked down the steps.

" Good evening Asher." I said as politely as I could and tried not to let my discomfort show. My wig felt like it weighed a ton. Even though the Queen and King agreed to let me, they still didn't know which one of has wore a wig and contacts.

"Good evening to you too Miss Cassandra. Now tell me have you been on a date with the prince yet?" He asked smiling curiously.

"No I have not." I smilied 

"Oh why not?" He asked confused.

"He's probably just busy learning how to run the kingdom  and not to mention trying to make time to spend with 28 girls." I said trying not to show how glad I was for not having a date yet. I can hardly stand him for a minute so how would I be able to go on a date with him?

" So are the other selected girls?" 

"They are wonderful each of them has their own unique beauty and they all seem to make a great future queen.. I hope one day we can all look back at this and laugh together all united as friends." I said honestly. 

"Nicely said Cassandra, well that's it for today but tune in next week for the next update on the Selection. Goodnighf Garadium!" Asher said finishing off the show with a joyful smile.

I walked towards Aurora who beamed at me "You did amazing!" she remarked.

"So did you!" I replied with a grin.

We linked arms and headed up the stairs with our heads held high all the way to the third floor and I waved goodbye to her as I headed to my room.

My maids bombarded me with question about the Interview and I just gave a smal smile and said "It was okay."

They nodded in understanding and went to help me undress and get ready for bed. They gave me a tank top and shorts for pajamas and I dismissed them before they could see me without my wig. I carefully locked the door and took off my contacts and wig.

I brushed my real hair that went in waves down to my belly button. How I missed my real hair. My eyes felt itchy due to the contact lens so I rinsed them dry and washed them before inserting them back into my eyes. Putting my wig back on I headed towards my bed. 

Finally I slowly started to doze off into a deep sleep, snuggling deep into my blanket and pillow.

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