Real.Doc - Part 1 - Cesar (En...

By MondePaula

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Description Enchanté! I mean, nice to meet you! My name is Françoise. This book isn't about me (I'm not even... More

I am very sorry
The desert
Drunk chat
Mr. Salazaar & Son
Sarah Thompson
Ian tries to understand
It's inevitable
Lilly's Interjection: Hold on, I need to explain myself.
(New) Lilly's Interjection - Just one more thing
Lilly's Interjection: Me again
Lilly's interjection: Let's talk about Cesar
The kiss
The invitation
Ian's strategy
Lilly's Interjection: The cat and the mouse
I have my secrets, Miss Sarah
Josephine, Margerie, Kilta, Lars, Jepsen...
The phenomenon of losing a piece of one's sanity.
Lilly's Interjection...
Street food
The Flower's District
Would you allow me to give you the kiss of death?
Maybe the best thing is not to think about anything at all
I wanted to be with him again
Tavius & Klaus
Lilly's Intermission - Reflection time
Lilly's Intermission - Unfortunately, I must explain
It's not him
You never got up from that chair?
The Necklace
I don't care
At least he's paying for your services
New place
Intense conflict
What a beating!
The bestial creature responsible for our brothers' demise
Don't worry, Sarah, I'll be the best boyfriend you've ever had
Der Wahnsinn
Does the sun still bother you?
They have her
If we wanted you dead, you wouldn't be standing here
Nobody came. Nothing changed.
My beautiful, sweet girl
The one with your former lover's soul possessed by the devil!
It was the blood of goats and gazelles that revived me, not yours
As if it wasn't fully complete
Luckily, I had time to turn around before vomiting.
Incense and oils at the door
But, mother, aren't you even going to ask about our day?
I almost couldn't resist her tonight
A mother's 6th sense
What a nasty cut
The priest is not going to like this...
Cesar hasn't spoken a single word since he returned
Begin with him
Is this what he can do? ABANDON ME AGAIN?
Don't come back
Don't give her any ideas
Not my Cesar
Protect me here
Don't let me catch you
And which term should I use?
You're quite chatty, my friend
Hoping the creature wouldn't possess the means to breach the enclosure
That woman is the product of a kidnap!
Swift and cinematic
Bus stop
Don't die
How could you stand by and let all that happen?
Vince and Markus
No more lies, ok?
Is this some kind of joke to you?
Overdose of Markus
The new job
The new place
You clown
The party
I knew you wouldn't stay away for long
We love you, okay?
Call me when you get this
Can you hear yourself?! It's Lilly! Our Lilly!
Don't even think about going home
The man in the kitchen
Assess the value of the things I would have to replace or pay for
Ain't she cute?
You really spruced this place up, huh?
Thinking about the future
You need to tell me something...
Why didn't I feel your presence?
Did you know his real name is Vincenzo?
He's trying to send me back... just hasn't figured out where yet
Go to the end of the street and read the sign!
To them, I was known as Sarah
And where is my second husband?
Wife and Girlfriend
I don't know what to tell you
This will be a fun night
I never thought I'd say this...
Date night
The letter opener test
I'm not done yet
Where's she off to?
The super exclusive club
Paper and pen
Sign of total infatuation
Things are different now.
Everything's been smooth
This won't take long
The Unwritten Rules of a Troubled Marriage
He's using again
We need to talk about our dysfunctional marriage
We're the perfect dysfunctional family
I'm not ready
You will knock me down a hundred times, and a hundred times I will rise
DNA memories
The Tunnels
Sad day
Interesting night
But I must have something good, or you wouldn't have agreed to marry me
Desperate Request (denied!)
Stop being so pathetic!
Stay away from my wife
Cesar, Rony. Thank you for everything.
And now you really created a monster
MS. Lilian, Mr. Cesar is here.
Can't you see how ridiculous you are when you beg?
Fire escape
Coming home
New bedroom needed
What's wrong, ballerina?
Group meeting
If he's not protecting you like he should
She said no
Empty nest syndrome
You haven't changed one bit
Now, where is my wife...
I'm thirsty
I needed that
Joe is dead!
I can handle it!
Everything got weird from that moment on
Don't wake anyone
Oh me and my big mouth!
Brazilian Steakhouse
Just wait until you blow up like a balloon
Surely you know what I'm asking
I love it when you look like this
and he couldn't even show any emotion
We are stronger together
From now on, you will be called Chaos
Lilly's Intermission - Thank you for reading, and until next time.

Oh, and try not to be too loud...

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By MondePaula

(external narrator)

Days later...

Cesar arrived home late, after spending the whole day with Shannon, where they used some drugs.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Vince sitting on one of the sofas. Jokingly, Vince picked up a glass from the side table and took a swig.

"Ha ha, very funny," commented Cesar.

"I figured..." said Vince, getting up from the sofa, "... since you've been so kind in paying me a visit, I should probably return the favor."


"You've been here, what? Three to four months? Less than six, for sure..." Then Vince starts walking. "... and you already think you know this town? Let me tell you something: you know nothing. You know nothing about this town and how it works. So let me give you some friendly advice now... do not mess with me. I know I don't look like much, but you have no idea about the damage I can cause."

"How old are you?"

"Old enough to know who I shouldn't be messing around with, which is more than you do."

"So you come into my house and..."

"I'm just returning the favor," Vince said, standing close to Cesar. "Oh, and try not to be too loud. Lilly is finally asleep." And he left.

Cesar immediately understood that he just wanted to provoke, but soon doubt arose. What if he was right? What if he had been with Lilian in his house, more precisely in his bed?

Cesar went upstairs, furious, and went straight to the master bedroom. He tried to open the door but soon realized it was locked, which for him was almost a confession. He stepped back and then kicked the door with so much force that both parts opened (the door was double). Lilian woke up startled as Cesar advanced and ripped off the bed covers. Looking disfigured, he went to her and grabbed her tightly by the neck.

"Don't you ever dare to bring him into my room," Lilian tried to break free. Ron woke up with the commotion and rushed to the room. "Did you sleep with him?" Cesar asked, tightening his grip on Lilian's neck. She continued trying to break free, but couldn't.

"Let go," Ron requested as he entered the room.

"This does not concern you!" Cesar shouted, and then Ron moved forward. That's when the confusion began, and finally Cesar released Lilian's neck. She worriedly gasped for air. Mary-Anne ran over and hugged her, providing emotional support.

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