Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)

By JesterX3

26.6K 1K 320

In the starlit festivities of Penacony, she meets Caelus, a figure shrouded in mystery who shines as a beacon... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

1.8K 66 43
By JesterX3

"Beep Beep Boop."

In a room saturated with the glow of digitalized holograms, the atmosphere buzzed with energy as the bratty hacker immersed herself in her domain. Rows of monitors surrounded her, each displaying lines of intricate code, while others showcased her favorite games in vibrant colors and flashing lights.

This was her sanctuary, her haven amidst the chaos of the digital world, and she relished every moment spent here. However, a lingering resentment simmered beneath her facade of indifference, fueled by the recent banishment of her accounts by the likes of Herta and Screwllum. Though she had managed to circumvent the IPC's firewall and reclaim her accounts, the ordeal had necessitated a complete overhaul of her digital identity—a task she found both tedious and irksome.

"Hah... because of them, I have to change all of my identity and vice versa," she grumbled, her fingers dancing across the keyboard with practiced precision. "Honestly, can't they let me live in peace? Despicable people, I tell you. Even Kafka would grant me some autonomy in all this."

Despite her frustrations, she dutifully carried out her tasks, monitoring the activities as per Elio's directives. Her leader's instructions were often cryptic, but she had long since grown accustomed to deciphering his intentions. Tonight's mission involved keeping a watchful eye on SAM as she guided the Trailblazers through the dreamscape—a task she approached with a mix of amusement and anticipation.

"Our boy has grown up so much after the debacle he had to face," she mused, a hint of pride coloring her voice. "Sniff. He's grown too fast!"

Her gaze flickered across the screens, tracking SAM's progress with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. However, her attention was soon drawn to another figure—Caelus, the enigmatic Trailblazer whose exploits never failed to captivate her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she murmured, her curiosity piqued as she observed Caelus's solitary journey through the dreamscape. "Our noob is exploring the dreamscape, it seems. Though... why is he alone?"

As she scrutinized the scene unfolding before her, a frown creased her brow. Caelus' unexpected appearance in the dreamscape was intriguing enough, but his seemingly solitary journey raised questions she couldn't ignore.

"Yikes, that's gotta hurt," she remarked wryly, watching as Caelus plummeted like a meteor before landing in the heart of the Golden Hour. "Though I'm sure the Stellaron in him will heal him up. Oh wait, I forgot, the dream removes everyone's pain sensitivity... that sounds like a skill issue, though."

Despite her jesting tone, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Caelus's presence in the dreamscape was a wildcard she hadn't accounted for, and the implications of his sudden appearance were cause for concern.

"He's always interesting, that Caelus," she mused, her gaze lingering on the screen with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "But this... this is something else."

Her attention was abruptly diverted as another figure entered the scene—a purple-haired woman whose presence ignited a spark of anger within her.

"They're... No, no! Oh, hell no! They're dating! Not on my watch!"

With a sense of urgency, she activated a secret communication link to SAM, knowing that swift action was required to address the unfolding situation.

"Silverwolf, what seems to be the problem?" SAM's voice crackled to life, her tone businesslike and efficient.

"Major problem. It's urgent," Silverwolf replied, her voice tight with frustration.

"Major? Urgent? Has something happened to the members of the Astral Express?" SAM inquired, her concern evident in her tone.

"Well... sigh, Caelus is on the move with a woman. It seems like they're dating. Oh! They're drinking in a bar as we speak," Silverwolf reported, her irritation palpable.

Silverwolf watched the screen with a pout. Caelus has been very daring ever since he lost his memory. Maybe she and Kafka should have taken him back to their base back then. Yeah, this is frustrating to watch.

The communication line fell silent, the weight of SAM's impending response hanging in the air like a heavy shroud. Moments later, her voice rang out, devoid of emotion yet laced with an undercurrent of anger.

"Dating, you say? I'll be right back."

With that, the communication line went dead, leaving Silverwolf to grapple with the consequences of her revelation.

"Andddd she's angry. Welp, Kafka won't like this either. Haaa~" Silverwolf sighed, resigning herself to the inevitable fallout of her actions.

Silverwolf paused her game and stood up from her chair energetically, having recharged her social battery.

As she prepared to make her debut in the dreamscape, little did she know that her every move was being watched by a figure lurking in the shadows—a woman with eyes of crimson and a smile tinged with malice.

"How naive of you, Silverwolf," the woman murmured, her voice a sinister whisper. "I am already on my way. Fufu~"

With that, she vanished into the darkness, her intentions shrouded in mystery and intrigue.


"Achoo!" Caelus sneezed, a sudden interruption to their leisurely stroll through the Golden Hour, the remnants of their heartfelt conversation still lingering in the air.

Acheron raised an eyebrow at his sudden sneeze, her gaze shifting to him with a mix of amusement and curiosity. "Someone must be talking behind your back," she remarked. "It's no secret that superstitions and the like become reality, especially in the dreamscape."

Caelus wiped his nose and sniffed, his expression a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "If that's the case, then who would do that? I am a man devoid of wrongdoing!"

Acheron kept quiet, choosing not to respond. With her sword, she could see memories and people, so delving into his memories, she couldn't help but feel annoyed by the sheer number of women Caelus had met. It was mind-boggling, to say the least, and it frustrated her even more now that she had made her feelings clear to him.

Nobody, absolutely nobody, touches him without her permission, unless they want to meet her blade.

Instead of voicing her concerns, she offered a more plausible explanation. "It could be the people from the Astral Express. I'm sure the call you had to answer was from one of them—they must be worried about you since you're alone without a guide."

Caelus shook his head and raised a finger, but then suddenly dropped it when he reconsidered. March had called him about his whereabouts, which, to some extent, could be considered a sort of self-report to Himeko and Welt.

"Actually, yeah, you could be right about that. She did call me, after all."

Acheron's annoyance flared at his casual mention of 'she', but she quickly masked her emotions behind a facade of indifference. "She?"

Caelus halted his steps, raising his hands in a gesture of innocence. "It's nothing like that! March and I are really good friends. Heck, I would count her as a sister figure!"

Acheron regarded him with skepticism, her irritation simmering beneath the surface. "I see."

Turning on her heel, she started walking ahead without him, leaving Caelus scrambling to catch up. He ran to her side, his voice laced with apology. "I'm serious! March is like my sister, and Himeko is like an aunty figure!"

His unchecked mouth had unknowingly slipped, calling his senior member, Himeko, an 'aunty.' If she were to hear that, she'd surely send her pizza-cutter flying his way and dice him up.

Acheron paid his explanation little heed, her attention already drifting to other matters. "Hmph, another woman."

Caelus felt a pang of frustration at her teasing, his patience wearing thin. "Please, stop teasing me! I beg of thee!"

The two continued their playful banter as they traversed the dream, their lighthearted exchange a welcome distraction from the weight of their shared emotions.


"So, are you saying that Caelus made new friends? I don't see why that should cause any issues with our vacation," the woman spoke, her tone measured and composed despite the underlying concern in her voice.

She was a striking figure, with waist-length wavy red hair adorned with golden rose ornaments, contrasting against her fair complexion and golden eyes. Her attire exuded elegance and authority—a white toga gown dress embellished with golden laurels, accentuated by a black coat adorned with white ruffles. Accessories adorned her, each adding to her regal demeanor.

"But Ms. Himeko, Caelus' silence could be interpreted as him having found a woman. Besides, he even admitted it!" March said, banging her arms on the table to show her frustration with the dense Trailblazer.

A man of senior age sat beside Himeko, his presence commanding yet tired, a small white streak running through his otherwise brown hair. He wore a gray and white dress coat with a scarf and black armor on his chest, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Dark brown pants, black shoes, and a black glove on his right hand completed his ensemble.

The man beside her regarded March with a mixture of amusement and fatigue, his expression tinged with a hint of fondness. "He could be busy with many things. I'm sure he has discovered a lot on his journey of self-discovery."

March shook her head vigorously, her frustration evident as she slammed her arms down on the table. "I don't think so, Mr. Welt. I know he's found someone, and he dares not utter her name!"

Himeko, sipping her black coffee, observed the scene with a sense of amusement. She saw Caelus as a junior in need of guidance, but his recent escapades in the Golden Hour hinted at a newfound independence—one she couldn't help but admire.

"Caelus will be fine," Welt reassured, his tone light-hearted despite the gravity of the situation. "Given the story you told about him getting stabbed by a giant robot and facing an Emanator of Destruction, I'm sure he can survive this round."

March chuckled sheepishly, scratching her head in embarrassment. "Yeah, you may be right about that, Mr. Welt. I think I let myself get ahead of my thoughts," she crossed her arms and comedically pondered deep thoughts.

Himeko and Welt didn't respond, but their amusement was evident as they smiled at her comment.

As the trio settled into a peaceful atmosphere, their tranquility was interrupted by an unexpected arrival—Caelus, accompanied by... a mysterious woman?

March's jaw practically hit the floor, her shock evident in her wide-eyed expression.

"Oh my," Himeko murmured, her hand covering her mouth in surprise.

Welt, on the other hand, looked serious. The woman bore a striking resemblance to someone from his universe.

'No, I am sure she's not the same person. The feeling I'm getting is different... and dangerous,' he thought, his gaze intense as he observed her movements.

Caelus looked around and spotted the trio, waving his arm at them, to which March waved back. He whispered something to the woman beside him, and together, they walked over to their table.

He gestured towards Acheron as he introduced her. "Hi, everyone! May I introduce to you all, Acheron."

Acheron nodded politely, acknowledging the trio with a calm demeanor. "It is a pleasure, friends of Caelus."

As the members of the Astral Express exchanged glances, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. It seemed that their vacation was about to take an unexpected turn. If only Dan Heng was here to witness it...

End of Chapter

A/N: Hello, everyone. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had planned to publish this earlier, but I wasn't satisfied with how the narrative was progressing, so I created a new one in 3 - 4 hours. It was challenging, but I made it.

Additionally, I have some unfortunate news to announce: I won't be publishing anything next week as I am going out of the country for my vacation. That's all for now. Once again, thank you for reading!

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