A New Beginning || Gilbert Bl...

Autorstwa L0VECalla

3K 191 13

Amid the rustic charm and the serene landscapes of Prince Edward Island, Lydia Miller steps into the light of... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

41 4 0
Autorstwa L0VECalla

"It's okay to feel lost, Gilbert. It's okay to not be okay." - Lydia Miller-Barry

Chapter 22 - Warm Hearts


The cold breeze of an early winter morning filled the air as Diana and Lydia walked to school, their steps light on the snow path that led to Avonlea's schoolhouse. The warmth of the sun was just beginning to take hold, casting soft glows over the snow-covered ground. The pair chatted and laughed, their spirits high despite the tumultuous events of the past week.

As they approached the end of the forest, a familiar voice broke through the hum of morning sounds. "Diana! Lydia!" Anne Shirley called from a distance, her tone lively and enthusiastic. The three girls ran toward each other, their school satchels bouncing with each hurried step.

"Anne!" Diana exclaimed, her excitement mirrored by Lydia's equally joyful shout. The trio embraced in a tight group hug, their friendship rekindled after a period of separation.

Anne stepped back, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Oh, aren't you both almost nearly perfectly happy?" she asked, her words carrying a playful lilt. "Our separation has been an excruciating torment, but I'm so relieved it's finally over."

Diana and Lydia nodded, sharing a look of mutual understanding. The three began walking towards the schoolhouse, their conversation picking up as they exchanged updates on their lives. The recent incident with Minnie May had brought them even closer, and it was clear that the bonds between them were growing stronger.

"Mother could hardly keep us apart after you saved Minnie May," Diana said to Anne, her voice filled with gratitude. Lydia nodded in agreement, her memories of that night still vivid. Anne's quick thinking had been the difference between life and death.

Anne's eyes softened as she listened to Diana's words. It was clear that her brave actions had made a lasting impact. Diana continued, "Even Aunt Josephine said she'd see you again, and she doesn't like anyone."

"Wasn't she only staying while your parents were away?" Anne asked, curious about the older woman.

"Uh, no, no. She's come to stay with us for at least a month," Diana explained, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "I don't quite know how we'll stand it. She's so particular."

"But she suffered a loss," Diana continued, her tone becoming more somber. "She's grieving, so she's been disinclined to stay home alone since her companion passed away."

Anne nodded, her expression sympathetic. Lydia, curious about Aunt Josephine's companion, leaned in, eager to learn more. "Her companion?" Lydia asked, her brow furrowed slightly in confusion.

Diana leaned in close to Anne and Lydia, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "Her best friend forever and ever." The moment was intimate, filled with the kind of secrets that only best friends share.

As they walked together to school, she leaned her head toward Lydia. Anne and Lydia mirrored her, drawing in closer, and together, they sighed in unison—a sigh of contentment and peace. Diana couldn't help but giggle at their collective serenity, the sound light and airy against the morning chill.

The trio made their way across the snowfield that led to their school, the snow ground whispering under their feet. Breaking the tranquil morning air, Diana brought up a topic that had lingered on her mind. "Aunt Josephine never married," she explained thoughtfully. "Neither of them did."

She paused, letting the words sink in before adding, "They lived with each other their whole life."

Moved by the thought, Anne's voice bubbled up with enthusiasm. "I'd live with you both forever if I could," she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with a mix of dreamy aspiration and heartfelt sincerity.

Lydia, feeling the warmth of their shared bond, nodded in agreement. Yet, Anne's next words carried a tinge of playful melancholy. "But I know you both will leave me the day you both get married to some wealthy and handsome gentlemen," she said, her tone half-jesting. "I hate them already."

The thought led Lydia to ponder her own future, envisioning herself in a domestic life, perhaps as a wife to a wealthy man. It was a future filled with uncertainty and unformed dreams.

Observing Lydia's distant gaze, Diana's eyes gleamed with mischief. Anne noticed the shift too, her curiosity piqued by the exchange brewing between her friends. "How's Gilbert, Lydia?" Diana smirked, throwing a glance at her young adoptive sister that was laden with implications.

Startled from her reverie, Lydia turned sharply toward Diana. "W-what?" she blurted, her face flushing with surprise and a flicker of embarrassment.

Undeterred, Diana repeated her query with an exaggerated emphasis, her smirk now broadening into a full grin, "I said, 'How's Gilbert?'."

Caught in the sudden spotlight, Lydia's mind raced. Gilbert—always kind, always thoughtful—was he more than just a rival? Her heart fluttered at the thought, even as she struggled to find a response to Diana's teasing.

Lydia puffed out her cheeks, her annoyance evident as she glared at Diana. "You're not funny, Diana," she huffed, trying to hide the embarrassment that tinged her cheeks pink.

From the side, Anne's eyes twinkled with mischief as she joined in the teasing, unable to resist the playful atmosphere. "We know you like him," she chimed in, her voice lilting with amusement.

Lydia's expression softened, caught between frustration and admission. "He's just a rival to me," she confessed.

"Aha," Diana replied with a smirk, her tone dripping with skepticism as she playfully nudged Lydia's shoulder.

Overwhelmed by their teasing, Lydia groaned loudly and quickened her pace, striding ahead to escape the scrutiny. Her friends' laughter echoed behind her, filling the air as they followed her path.

As the trio reached the schoolhouse property, Lydia tried to compose herself, taking deep breaths to calm her fluttering heart. Despite her attempts to remain composed, the warmth of friendship and the teasing bonds they shared brought a reluctant smile to her face, lighting up her features as they walked together into another school day.


Lydia walked solemnly beside her adoptive family, her gaze frequently shifting ahead to where Anne and the Cuthberts were walking just in front of them. Further ahead, she spotted Gilbert. His solitary figure moved slowly, a clear reminder of his recent, profound loss. Lydia's heart ached for him; he was now an orphan, just like her before the Barrys had taken her in.

The procession came to a halt around a freshly engraved tombstone. The priest spoke earnestly about heaven and the mysteries of death, his voice steady in the crisp air. As he closed his book with a final "Amen," the crowd began to disperse in hushed tones.

Lydia's eyes searched for Gilbert. She found him standing alone, his gaze fixed on the grave, his features etched with grief. She felt a strong impulse to go to him, to offer some comfort, but she hesitated. Perhaps he needed this moment to himself, to grieve without the eyes of sympathy watching him.

Turning away, Lydia followed the others back towards her house for the reception. As she was about to enter, she glanced back one last time. Gilbert was sitting by his father's tombstone, his eyes lifted to the grey sky above, seemingly searching for answers or solace.

A deep sigh escaped her as she watched him from a distance. Resolved, Lydia stepped away from the doorway and walked back towards Gilbert. Her approach was gentle, respectful of his mourning, yet determined to offer the support he might too proudly to ask for.

Lydia approached Gilbert slowly, her footsteps crunching softly on the frost-covered grass. He was staring into the grey, wintry sky, seemingly trying to find some comfort in the endless expanse above. It wasn't until she was a few steps away that he seemed to notice her presence, his eyes flicking towards hers only to quickly look away.

"Hey, Gilbert," Lydia greeted him softly, her breath visible in the cold air.

Gilbert managed a weak smile, looking pale and drawn against the stark backdrop of the graveyard. "Hey, Lydia. Thanks for coming," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Lydia paused, letting out a breath that hung visibly in the chill air. She took a step closer, choosing her words carefully. "I... I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about your father," she began, her voice low and gentle. "I know I can't understand exactly how you feel, but I'm here if you need to talk, or anything."

Gilbert nodded slowly, his gaze returning to the tombstone where his father's name was forever marked. "Thanks, Lydia. It means a lot," he murmured. "It's just so hard. I keep thinking he'll walk back through our door."

The silence that followed seemed amplified by the distant caw of a crow and the rustling of bare branches in the gentle wind. Lydia adjusted her coat around her, searching for the right words. "It's okay to feel lost, Gilbert. It's okay to not be okay," she said softly, drawing on her own experiences of loneliness and loss to provide comfort.

They stood together, the world around them quiet and stark, until Gilbert inhaled deeply, his face showing a trace of gratitude. "Thanks, Lydia. Having friends like you helps more than I can say," he said, his voice gaining some steadiness.

"Anytime, Gilbert. And remember, you're not alone," Lydia reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder briefly before stepping back, respecting his need for space.

As she walked back towards the house, the biting chill of the day seemed to lessen slightly. Inside, Lydia felt a quiet warmth—a reaffirmation of the bonds they had, built in these quiet moments of shared sorrow and understanding.


Lydia sat beside her adopted siblings, feeling a bit detached from the merriment around her. Minnie May was happily devouring a pastry, and Diana was animatedly chatting with Ruby and Tillie across the room. Feeling somewhat out of place, Lydia's gaze wandered aimlessly until it landed on Anne, who was alone by the window, idly breathing onto the glass and drawing little patterns in the fog her breath created.

Curious and concerned, Lydia stood and made her way over. As she approached, Anne glanced up and noticed her friend's approach, quickly scooting over on the window seat to make room. Lydia settled next to Anne, their sides pressing gently against each other and gazed out the window into the wintry scene outside.

Anne let out a heavy sigh and leaned her head on Lydia's shoulder, her voice soft and tinged with sadness. "I just feel sad about Gilbert. He doesn't have a parent to be there for him," she mumbled into Lydia's shoulder. "He's just like an orphan like us."

Lydia hummed in response, a sympathetic frown forming on her lips. "At least we have each other," she said, offering a small smile and looking over at Anne, trying to lighten the mood.

"You're right," Anne murmured, a bit of solace seeping into her tone. She wrapped her arms around Lydia in a grateful hug, and Lydia returned it warmly. As they pulled apart, Anne's gaze drifted back to the window. Following Anne's line of sight, Lydia turned and saw Gilbert approaching the house, his shoulders hunched against the chill.

Feeling Anne's tap on her shoulder, Lydia looked back to see Anne's concerned expression. "I'm going to check up on Gilbert, do you want to come with me?" Anne asked.

"No, thank you," Lydia smiled gently, understanding Anne's need to be there for Gilbert.

"All right," Anne nodded, her face set with determination. Lydia watched as Anne hurried out of the house, quickly catching up to Gilbert who was starting to walk away from the property.

Lydia sighed softly, a mix of emotions swirling within her as she turned and walked back to rejoin her siblings. As she settled back into her spot, the chatter and laughter of the room enveloping her once again, she couldn't help but feel a deep connection to her friends, knowing they were all navigating their shared hardships together.


[A/n: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember to comment and vote for this chapter, Okay bye! - Celia.]

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