The New Husband | OT7 (bΓ—b)

By MalakMER3

227K 7.1K 4.1K

when his husband decide to marry his ex as a punishment ... it's OT7 ff so if you don't like it then kindly l... More

6 πŸ’”
24 ( part 1/2 )
24 (part 2/2)
30 part (1/2)
30 part (2/2)
⚠ Important !!
πŸ”žβš 46βš πŸ”ž
not an update but please read πŸ’œ
57 ( KaiMin Special )
πŸ”ž58 (KaiMin special 2 )πŸ”ž
πŸ”žπŸ”ž 62 πŸ”žπŸ”ž
Special : Kook pregnant πŸ€” ?!!


2.7K 112 96
By MalakMER3

3rd person POV

Jimin : Mhm ~ Ngh~

Yoongi : you like when I go slow huh baby *suck his right nibble softly  * ?!

Jimin : *sweating badly while warping his hands around Yoongi's neck and purring his face in the area between his collarbone and neck * D-daddy mhm ~ Minnie love it na ugh ~

Yoongi : Daddy loves his baby more  ~ squeeze my dick in your soft thighs , baby ... Argh ~ yea like this ~ good boy ~

Jimin : Ngh ~ Mhm ~ Ugh~

Yoongi attached their lips together in a sweet kiss while rubbing Jimin's back sensually and thrusting so slow in between his thigh turning his thighs to a slight shade of red  .

They were laying on the bed facing each other with Jimin tagging cutely on his neck while trembling slightly because of the cold hand that were rubbing on his warm skin but he was feeling good and warm in his Hubby's embrace .

It had been two weeks that nothing new happened in their life well ... no problem's till now 🤷🏻‍♀ .

Jimin's pregnancy is stable and till now no weird hormones or weird cravings thanks god and till now no mood swings ?

Is really there is no craving ? No , there is one . He is craving for his husbands more now except Jung kook . For some reason he feels noisiness and like to puck when He just sniff a slight of Kook's scent .

Yoongi ordered strictly kook to stay at the guest room and to not come near Jimin under any cost which made him going nuts for not being able to see , touch , kiss , hug or even feel his lil baby .

They felt bad for him so they decided to make shifts of who will stay with Jimin and after a lot of discussion and arguing , they finally came to a solution which is ..

Saturday ➡ Taehyung with Jimin (the rest with kook )

Sunday    ➡  Seokjin with Jimin (the rest with kook )

Monday   ➡  Hoseok with Jimin (the rest with kook )

Tuesday   ➡   Namjooon with Jimin (the rest with kook )

Wednesday  ➡    Yoongi with Jimin (the rest with kook )

Thursday  ➡    All except Jungkook with Jimin . ( kook with kook )

Friday     ➡    Jimin's choice 😅 (the rest with kook )

Today was Wednesday so Yoongi was having a piece of his baby 🤭 . The doctor warned them that no penetrating till He reach the end of  his third month of pregnancy so they just made love without penetrating .

Back to Their little make out 😏

Yoongi turned Jimin around making Jimin's back attached to his chest .  He pressed Jimin's thighs together and inserted His massive junior inbetween these delicate meat while rubbing Jimin's tummy .

He slide his hand down to Jimin's small pink dick and gave it what it deserve of attention .

He moved his palm up and down in rhythm with his thrusts .

His other hand was caressing Jimin's puffy  cheeks , His lips was sucking inches down his red blushing ear then to his Jawline trailing sweet full of love kisses  .

He tilt Jimin's head to the side by his chin then captured his chestnuts lips in his kissing slowly and eating Jimin's muffles moans inside of his hungry mouth .

He fastened his pace of thrusting and jerking his baby and when he felt that both of them were getting their climax he laid Jimin on his back and hovered him . He captured those juicy lips again hungrily then threw each of his thighs besides of Jimin's head .

He opened Jimin's mouth widely .

Yoongi : stuck your tongue out !

Jimin : *stuck his tongue out like a good obedient baby he's with dizzy teary like pearls eyes * 🥵🥵 ~

Yoongi : Baby needs milk na *suck Jimin's tongue sensually then leave it making a thin saliva connecting them * and daddy always gives his baby what he needs😏~  *circles his Finger around Jimin's tounge and thrust it to his throat then take it out and licks his finger  * fuck !

Yoongi Slided his hard-on insides of his baby's tight mouth . A groan escaped his mouth feeling the warmth of the heaven he just entered willingly .

He brushed Jimin's hair to the back gently and wiped his sweat and cursed under his breath seeing how beautiful his baby is while sucking on his meat .

Jimin cummed in his own palm while shivering slightly and rolling his eyes to the back .

Yoongi was thrusting slowly in his baby's mouth while stroking his hair softly .

Ayer few minutes , he cummed insides of Jimin's warm caravan and like the good baby Jimin is , he drunk all of the milk his daddy gave till the last drip .

( Oho god O(≧∇≦)O... I'm a blushing mess while writing it 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈  )

Yoongi *softly* : you did so well ,baby ~ *pecks his lips softly * Let's give u a warm bath *caressing his cheeks softly * and then I'll cuddle my babies to sleep *gummy smile* ~

Jimin spread his arms up asking him to carry him with an adorable pout and cutely closing his eyes . Yoongi chuckled and carried him in his arms then pecked his pouty lips softly .

After taking a long warm bath , they laid on the bed cuddling each other then they draft in their sleep land 😴😴 .


In the guest room sits the 5 husbands on the bed with a frown in their face especially Jung kook .

Jung kook *angrily* :  No , I can't anymore !! Jinie , aren't you a doctor na ? Find a solution for me I can't be like this for a nine months 😢😢 .

Jin : *sigh sharply*  How many times I need to tell that that's not my specialist 😬 !!!

Jung kook : Arghhhhhh ! *stumbles his legs and hands on the air *

Tae *annoyingly* : yaaa don't be a whinny bastard !!

Before Jung kook burst back at him and they start their never ending arguing at silly things , Hopi opened his mouth ...

Hopi : ah ah come here ,bunny *hug his waist *  tomorrow Jiminie has an appointment with his doctor for his regual check up and Dr.Min-hyun too .

Jung kook : so 😗?

Joon :  so bunny , me and Hopi are going with him this time and we'll ask the doctor for a solution for your problem . I mean for Jiminie's noisiness towards your scent na .

Jung kook : you're the best /(≧∇≦)/ !! *hugging Namhope*

They chuckled at his cuteness and then laid on the bed cuddling with each other but still they didn't feel to sleep yet so they started chatting for a while till Taehyung brought up the forbidden topic !

Tae *hesitatingly*  : um ... Hyung ?

Joon : *caressing his cheek with his warm hand * yes , baby ?

The rest stared at him with attentive eyes .

Tae : About Yoongi-hyung's dad ! Do you think he's really the killer ?

Hopi : * sigh *  I dunno but my hunch is telling me that he's not and someone wanted to frame him . He succeeded in his goal tho  !

Namjin : I agree with Hopi / Hyung .

Tae : and you kookie ?!

Kook : *shrugging his shoulder and snuggles his face more in Hopi's chest * I can't say anything but ... I hope it's not him because if Minnie remembered and at the end We found out that Mr Min is really the killer then Jimin will surely leave us so I hope for the best !!

Tae : Thats what scaring me the most ! I can't loose him again after finally finding him *bit his lips not to cry * !

Joon : shush ~ Don't worry I believe in Jimin that he'll never leave us because he loves us na ! 

Jin : * back hugging Tae * If just Yoongi go and visit his dad but ... *sigh* he's refusing and he even forbidden us from talking about this topic  !

Hopi : I Wonder How is mom ( Mrs Min ) now ? ... I know she did really wrong with Jimin by manipulating him  and Yoongi by lying that his dad is died but y'know what she's a mother ... You might think I'm naive for thinking like this but I understand her and I think she really suffered a lot too ! Imagine that you're in her shoes and you lose your bestie which you considered as a sister and without even saying goodbye and whoop your husband killes your oppa and you saw him lying in the floor covered in his blood with him just standing with his gun and a little baby whom your sister left in your care laying too and witnessing his own dad's death !!

Jin : Yeah ! It's hard and I think if I was in her place I would do the same too as a mother and maybe it was the best for Jimin to live his life without any terrifying and trauma but she crossed the line by repeating the same mistake again .

Joon : it's god's will !! It's his fate and Yoongi's too !!

Tae : what is still bothering me is How Mr Kim knew that Jimin's died 🤔? Mrs Min didn't mention anything about him so How ?!

Hopi : ah ah let's sleep now na !!

Kook : Zzzzzzzzz 😴😴😴 .

All : * burst in laughter's then fell asleep while hugging each other *


Next Noon

Dr : thats pretty good Mr Min *soft smile * !

Jimin : really ?! My baby is good , doctor-nim 🥺 *intertwining his hands with Hopi * .

Dr : yea ! Your babies is doing well ~

Namhopmin : B-babies ?!

Dr : see here they are your babies you're carrying twins , congratulations !

Jimin : *pouting* but I can't see anything 😗 !

Dr : Here they're (pointing at two black circles in the screen ) they are still so small because you're at your early month's !

Jimin : *teary eyes * they are like little beans na 🥺🥺 .

Joon : *place a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead with teary happy eyes * They're our cute beans , Minnie ~

Hopi : can we have a picture for our other husbands ?

Dr : of course Mr Min , here you go !

Hopi : * teary eyes * *caressing the picture then place a soft kiss on it * *whispering* daddy is eagerly waiting for u na , my babies ~

Dr *politely*  : Fix your clothes then come to my office 😊 !

Joon : thanks , doctor ~

At Dr's office

Dr : you need to take a prober Care of yourself , Mr Min . you're not alone anymore .

Hopi : Don't worry about that !

Dr : oh and as I said before no hard-sexual activities till you pass your first three months and Here , some vitamins you need to take it regularly . No Fast food ! Just heathy one , it's for your babies ! Oh and one more thing if he craved anything , you should give it to him and his mood swings * nervously * you must be patient with him !

Joon : our Minnie is an obedient , doctor . He Won't Give Us Hard Time ! *smiles lovely and pecks the back of Jimin's hand *

( Really ... You think so 😏😏 ?  )

Hopi  : umm ... Doctor , About his noisiness towards one of our husbands ? Ain't there any solution for it ?!

Dr : There is one ?

Joon *happily*  : I knew it !

Dr : covering his natural scent with a powerful one ! But according to Mr Min Jimin's strong sense of scents , it's hard ! I'm sorry but you can try and see the results tho !

Hopi : Alright !

Jimin : doctor-nim , can I ask u something na ?! 

Dr  : of course go on !

Jimin : Are my babies happy with being locked in my tummy like this na 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 ?

Dr : Huh 😃 ?!

Jimin : *sniffles* there ain't happy right waaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭 !

Hopi *panicks* : ub ... No no baby they are happy and they even dancing there too !

Jimin : Weally 🥺😗 ?!

Hopi : yea really 😁 *hugs him *!

Jimin : *giggles happily* 

Dr : *whispers to Jopn * He won't give u hard time , don't worry 😧 !

Joon : *gulping his saliva * 😧!


At the Min's office

Yoongi *coldly* : so ?

Taemin : He didn't utter a word all these years at the jail and I met one of the prisoner that was with him and just got charged . He told me that Mr Min is in his own world and just writing on his dairy without talking  to anyone . One of the danger prisoner was bulling him daily but Mr Min just let him do what he want but one day when he snatched his diary . Mr Min fought him till he got his diary back and from that day no one dared to even take an inch near him !

Yoongi : hmm . And Kim ?

Taemin : We got to know the place of the diamonds , boss !

Yoongi *coldly* : so are you watiting for my order to spell it ! .

Taemin : ub ... *bows * s-sorry ,boss ! He's hiding it in his penthouse which is in Thailand !

Yoongi : * sharply exhale *  You can go now and send me San !

Taemin : S-san took the day off ,boss !

Yoongi : Who allowed him !!

Taemin : Namjoon-hyun__ I mean Namjoon-shi !

Yoongi : *massage his temple*  Send me Kai !

Taemin : yes . boss ! *bows then left *

Yoongi to himself : " Mr Min ! Two years and I'll met you personally and make you spell the truth ... For now I need to prevent Minnie from remembering anything for his pregnancy and I need to protect them too !! ...

And You Kim !!! Wait for me 😠 ! "

*knock *

Yoongi *coldly* : come in !

Kai : *bows politely*  you called me , boss ?

Yoongi : Yeah , have a sit ! .

Kai : * nervously sits with confused eyes *

Yoongi : You , San , Wooyoung and Taemin will go to Thailand with Taehyung as his friends !

Kai : Huh 😲 ?!

Yoongi : when you go back home and meet San tell him to copy Kim's signature as it's the only way that his men will allow Taehyung and you in ! ... You three will get the diamonds then come back and don't involve Taehyung or Woo young in anything . I don't want a single scratch on them . understood !! 

( San is a perfectionist in copying signatures that you can't even tell which is real or fake !  )

Kai : Yes , boss ... But Woo young's father won't allow him to come with us because of some personal matter with San !

Yoongi : Don't worry about that I'll take care of him . For now tell San to do as I said ! Your fight will be the day after tomorrow . You better get ready !!

Kai : *nodding his head * anything else boss !

Yoongi : No ! You can go now .

Kai : *bows then left * .

Yoongi stood up and put on his jacket . He took his keys and phone then existed his office straight to the parking area .


Time skip

At Jeon' industry

Yoongi arrived at the building and went straight to the elevator , taking it to the 12th floor where the CEO .

The employees bowed to him as they Of course know who he's 🙂 .

Yoongi : Jung kook inside ?

Felix : Y-yes , sir !

Yoongi : good ! Oh Can you please send Woo young and Taehyung to his office ?

Felix : O-of C-course  , sir .

Yoongi *ruffling his hair *  : thanks , sweetie ~

He entered Kook's office without knocking . He saw him sitting on the chairman seat while looking through some paper .

He coughed to get his attention and he got it . Kook smiled happily and went to him then hugged him tightly while smiling cheekily .

Kook *excitedly* : Hyung ! What a surprise 😄 ~

Yoongi : * pecks his lips * I had something to  talk with Tae and woo young and I'll need your help in something na .

Kook : of course , after all you are the real owner of this building , Yoonie 😊~

Yoongi : No ! It's ours . kiss (*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)  ~

*knock *

Kook : come in !

Felix : S-sir , T-taehyung and w-woo young a-are h-here !

Kook : let them in !

Taehyung : Yoonie ~ * runs to him then hugs him tightly *

Yoongi : oiii my baby missed me na ?

Taehyung : mhm 😙~

Yoongi : *chuckles and pecks his pout * How r u Woo young ?

Woo : *dull face with black under his eyes * I think okay !

Time skip

Yoongi : if you don't want to then it's okay !

Taehyung : No , I want to help u !

Woo young : I want to go too !

Woo in mind : " maybe it's the only chance  , for me to be with Sanie 😔 ~ .

Yoongi : That's great so I want you- kook to send Woo's ticket to his house under the name of your agency  !

Kook : huh ?!

Tae : Thats the only way for Woo's dad to let him go to Thailand , dummy 😒!!

Kook : oh 😅 !

Yoongk : You can make it as he has an appointment with a fashion designer in Thailand or anything !

Kook : okay tokey 😎 !

Yoongi : Don't worry my men will take the best care of you !

Woo : I trust u , Hyung 😊 ~

Yoongi : * smiles softly towards him *

( He sent Tae because he's Kim's son so when Kim's men see him and Kim's signature along with them , they will let him enter the penthouse willingly as if Tae and his friends are in a trip and will stay at Kim family'a penthouse !! )

To be continued 💜

New update 💜

Hope you enjoyed 🤗 ... Jiminie is carrying Twins 🥳🥳🥳🥳 .

Tell me your thoughts in the comments ✊🏻

If you like it , don't forget to comment and vote 😚

Today's advice is ...

If they constantly makes you feel that everything is your fault , let them go for good !

Take the best care of your health 🥺💜 ... Stay tuned 😚

Love you more than the ocean 😚😚💜

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