By Ookami11

17.7K 669 87

Jeon Jungkook was madly and badly in love with his classmate Kim Taehyung. And he was was determined to make... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 29

670 38 7
By Ookami11

Not proofread.🥲

Chapter 29


Jin opened the door of Taehyung's room with a pile of fresh baby clothes and a warm water flask. Since the baby was still so small, even after 3 months Taehyung would make his son washed clothes.

"what the little monkey is up to?" Jin asked once he entered the room and put the things he brought with him see in places, little Jaehan was continuously moving his hands and legs up in the air making it difficult for Taehyung to make him wear his diaper. He looked around with his round eyes when he heard Jin's voice. he was very close to his Jin uncle.

"this devil is having fun to see me suffer." Taehyung huffed in relief once he successfully made his son wear the diaper.

"hey, you little monkey, stop making my baby brother work so hard for you. or I'm going to beat you up even if you are a little baby." Jin took Jaehan in his arms and threatened him with his fake glare.

but little Jaehan didn't mind his uncle and instead he gave his toothless smile to him.

"where is my little bird, hyung?" Taehyung asked while taking out his clothes from the closet to have a quick shower, as he was a little wet while bathing his son.

"Jenny is at school. her school has few extracurricular activities today. so she might be late today. your brother is going to pick her up after work." Jin said and kept rocking Jaehan who's falling asleep.

"hyung, I'm sorry but can you please look after Jae for a minute while I take a quick shower?" Taehyung asked quietly.

"what nonsense are you talking about. just go and take a shower if you want to. the whole family can look after my little monkey let alone me. why are you even adding a 'please'? and if I remember it correctly, you yourself took care of jenny for the whole year when my health was bad after giving birth to her." Jin scolded Taehyung.

Taehyung gave Jin a apologetic smile, "that's not it hyung. I'm afraid I'm troubling you guys with my messy baggages." Taehyung shook his head.

"Kim Taehyung, stop talking shi- yellow colored rubbish, don't make me beat you up. it's your house and everything here is yours. what are you calling baggage, better not be my favorite little monkey." Jin cut off his sentence and lowered his voice when Jaehan in his arms moved a little and he deadly glared at Taehyung.

Taehyung pursed his lips and didn't argue with Jin. he went inside the bathroom and took of his clothes. His body had the evidences of the after effects of giving birth. though it didn't change much of his appearance but it was still evident when he looked at himself carefully in the mirror. his chest had very few faint white lines, so had his now almost flat stomach. his skin was now very much sensitive than before.

His eyes had clear dark circles. his family was very careful with him after the birth of his son, they were careful with his mental health too along with his body. his body will become like before if he followed the routine doctor prescribed him to. but his postpartum mentality is definitely not bot too well if not bad.

Taehyung sighed and turned on the warm water and let it fall on his body. the weather turned a little bit chilly since it's almost the end of the September.

It's a little over three months since Jaehan was born. And since then there was no sign of Jungkook showing up. as if he was never there to begin with.

Looking at his son, Taehyung always feels like he's been looking for Jungkook in his son. he was so much like his father that there was not even a trace of Taehyung in him except for the coffee brown orbs.

After washing himself up Taehyung came outside of the bathroom and saw Jin was still holding sleeping baby in his arms.

"hyung... you could've just put him in the bed as he's sleeping. why bother holding him?" Taehyung shook his head.

"well, I barely get time to stay at home from last month. I got the day off today so it's best if I spend time with this little guy." Jin looked adoringly at Jaehan.

As soon as Taehyung neared Jin, Jaehan suddenly woke up and met his Papa's eyes with his own doe eyes. He squirmed and lifted up his hand to reach Taehyung.

"aish, look at him. he can't wait to be with you." Jin sighed and handed Taehyung Jaehan who immediately nuzzled in Taehyung's chest, trying to grab the soft flesh in there and looked at Taehyung with his doe eyes.

" why are you always so hungry, baby? I just fed you!" Taehyung helplessly looked at Jaehan who gave him a toothless smile.

Taehyung pursed his lips and opened his shirt's buttons and his son immediately latched on the nipple and started to fed on his Papa.

Taehyung looked down and met his son's doe eyes, looking at him curiously white his face was buried in his chest.

"He looks so much like his father, doesn't he?" Jin asked.

Taehyung paused and looked up at Jin, humming. "yes, he resembles Jungkook so much at this much old, I'm afraid how much he's going to look like him once growing up." Taehyung rubbed Jaehan's cheeks and softly smiled.

"Jin Hyung, you know...... when I met Jungkook for the first time at Kai's birthday, I thought I must adopt him. he looked like a small baby rabbit with his those innocent Bambi like eyes and that bunny smile. ...... and now look in arms, I indeed have a baby bunny but it came from Jungkook as my son. so ironic, isn't it?" Taehyung's voice is as steady as a calm river.
"I didn't know my need, my want, my prayer is so much strong that I got everything I wished for."

Jin came closer and patted Taehyung's shoulder. "I can't understand what you're going through, TaeTae but just so you know, Jaehan indeed need his father. whether you can forgive him or not but can let him into Jaehan's life if you want." Jin paused and looked at Taehyung's face.

"Tae, we all do mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, intended or unintended, small or grave. and I know what Jungkook did was not a small crime, but I believe he deserves once chance with his son..... Don't do anything rashly, think carefully before you take any decisions okay. and no matter what decision you take, you'll know that all of us are here for you. don't go in seclusion once again." Jin sighed.


Taehyung didn't say anything. he looked at the sleeping baby.

a knock on the door snapped them out of the silent room and their maid came inside after getting permission.

"little young master, a parcel was delivered to you." the maid came forward and handed Taehyung a brown envelope.
"master has asked for you in downstairs, he said there was guests came to meet you."

"all right, help me call Aunty Jang here ." Taehyung ordered the maid who took her leave.

Mrs Jang is Kim's oldest caretaker. She's been there since Namjoon was born, she took take care of Taehyung too and so did of Jenny.

"Are you really doing that? little monkey is still so young Taehyung!" Jin's distressed voice was heard as soon as the maid went away.

Taehyung sighed and looked at the envelope in his hand. "I really don't want to compromise anymore, hyung. I might sound insensitive, but hyung this is the best I can do before I hurt all of us more." Taehyung's eyes roamed around Jaehan's sleeping features, eyes held the tenderness and love, and there was a flicker of certain determination.

"do as you see fit." Jin let out a helpless exhale of breath.

Soon enough Aunty Jang got there and Taehyung carefully laid Jaehan down on the crib, who squirmed and twitched when he no more got his Papa's warmth.

Taehyung asked Aunty Jang to look after Jaehan and went downstairs with Jin.


Taehyung came downstairs and went towards their living room. His steps paused when he saw the guests sitting on the couch beside his father was seated.

His eyes widen and he took hurried steps towards them.

"Mom! Dad!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Mr Jeon and Mrs Jeon stood up turned around when they heard Taehyung's voice.

"Taehyung!" they said together.

Taehyung came forward and Mrs Jeon took him in her arms in a warm hug. "how are you, sweety?"

"I'm all right mom. how about you? why didn't you inform me beforehand? you look thin, are you alright?" Taehyung bombarded in questions.

They pull away from the hug and Yuri softly patted Taehyung's head.
"I'm okay."

"Dad?" Taehyung looked at Mr Jeon who nodded his head. "I'm fine" Mr Jeon gave a small smile to him.

Mr Kim raised his eyebrow when he heard Taehyung calling someone else 'dad' affectionately.

"Uh, Dad-- Dada, ---

Mr Kim shook his head when Taehyung looked at him, "it's all right. let them be seated."

They all seated down at the couches and the house servers started to bring refreshments for them. Mr Kim and Mr Jeon took the coffee. while Mrs Jeon was about to take an orange juice, Taehyung asked a honey lemon water for Mrs Jeon, as she loves to drink it.

"Mr Jeon, what's the purpose of your visit here. last time you made an appointment and it was your son who showed up." Mr Kim remarked in a stern tone while sipping on his coffee leisurely.


Taehyung involuntarily shuts up when Mr Kim looked at him. he pouted as he seated beside Jin, who patted on his head.

"I apologize for the inconvenience Mr Kim, I thought it would be better if he have a conversation with you." Mr Jeon stiffly said.

"conversation? tsk-- Mr Jeon, do you think I'd have a peaceful conversation with your son after what he has done?" Mr Kim's tone was full of sarcasm and no one dared to answer it.

Taehyung chewed on his lip, not knowing what to say.

the air around them turned stiff.

"I have no son who is that much of a monster." Yuri and said stood up, facing Taehyung's father.

"I'm sorry Mr Kim for whatever my son has done. you can be assured that that  I have no son other than Taehyung."

Taehyung gasped and his heart trembled. His whole body shook, he knows how much Jungkook loves his mother and how much Mrs Jeon loves Jungkook. Her love for Jungkook is to the stars and never back.

Declaring such a thing must've hurt Mrs Jeon more than anything.

Taehyung knows now, cause now he has a son too.

"Taehyung I'm really sorry, I know it's useless to say sorry about it. and I'm not going to ask you to forgive us, but if possible, can .. can we please meet our grandkid? please?" Mrs Jeon pleaded.

"Mom!! what are you doing?" Taehyung quickly took her hands in his palm.

"don't do it again mom, and he's your grandson, of course you have every right to meet him."


"yes, you have a grandson, mom, dad." Taehyung smiled at her.

"looks like you were always right."

"yeah, please don't mind my Dad, he is s bit protective of us." Taehyung glanced at his father who looked at him and nodded his head subtly. Taehyung smiled.

"come on, I'll you guys to meet him."

"these are for him." they pointed at the lots of gift boxes and paper boxes that they brought with themselves. "hope you don't mind."

"it's alright, mom. you can give him anything you want. he's a Jeon after all." Taehyung smiled at the elder couple.

"Taehyung, why don't you lead them towards little monkey, I'm sending this things to the nursery room, okay?" Jin asked and Taehyung sighed in relief.

"thank you, hyung." he said and took the couple towards his room.

Taehyung entered the room with Mr and Mrs Jeon and saw Aunty Jang folding Jaehan's clothes.

"Aunty Jang! is he sleeping?" Taehyung asked and came to the crib and saw his son's sleeping face.

"ah, yes young master. little prince is sleeping so soundly since you laid him down." aunty Jang said.

"thank you for looking after him." Taehyung said and looked back. "meet them aunty Jang, they're Jaehan's grandparents. Mom, Dad, meet Aunty Jang, she's the one who took care of us since me and my brother were young."

"Hello!" three of them bowed towards each other.

"little master, I've some work left. let me go ahead and take care of it." and with that aunty Jang left the room.

"Mom, Dad! why are standing so far. You can't see him from there." Taehyung said and carefully took Jaehan in his arms and headed towards his parents-in-laws.

Mr and Mrs Jeon gasped when they took in the sight of their grandson. they're astonished when they the face of their grandson.

Mrs Jeon couldn't help but spreading her arms towards the baby, and Taehyung immediately gave them his son.

"He looks so much like our kookie when he was born, isn't that honey?" Mrs didn't look away from Jaehan and said to Mr Jeon.

"yes , my love. He even sleeps like his father." Mr Jeon sighed.

The couple looked at Jaehan for a long time. before Mrs Jeon handed him to her husband. "can you hold him for a while? I need to give him the gift I brought for him." Mr Jeon happily took his grandson.

Mrs pulled out a wooden rectangular jewelry box from her bag opened it. there was three gold chains laid on the surface. one small and two big.

Mrs Jeon gave the box in Taehyung's hand who looked at her in puzzle. Mrs Jeon smile. "it actually passed down on the first couple with their first born. My mother-in-law said that when the Jeons were not rich our great-grandfather still worked hard and made these three chains for his grandson, son and daughter-in-law. And since then Jeon family flourished in fortune. And it became a  tradition to pass it down the first grandchild of the family. And from now on its yours." Mrs Jeon said and Taehyung went stiff. it's actually a family heirloom.

"but mom, I ---

"please keep it with you sweetheart, my grandson is with you. " Mrs Jeon paused and pulled out another box from her bag.

"even though I passed down the family heirloom to you, I want to give you something something else too."
She opened the box, and it was filled with may kind of jewelries inside it. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, platinum, gold, jade.

"Mom, it's too much, I can't take it!" Taehyung refused.

Mrs Jeon didn't heard him and handed him the box. "I was preparing them for you ever since we learned that you're carrying our grandson. I didn't know what to give you, so made these all for you since months. you cannot refuse." Mrs Jeon said and Taehyung shuts up.

"and there's a gift your dad has prepared for you too." Mrs Jeon smiled.

"mom, but... you've already given many things.. why more?" Taehyung felt anxious.

"it's nothing, it's your right too." Mr Jeon said.

Mrs Jeon pulled out a paper.

Taehyung took the paper and his eyes bulged in shock. He immediately returned the paper to Mrs Jeon.

"mom, Dad, please don't mind me. but I really cannot accept it."

Mrs Jeon again gave the paper to Taehyung and stopped him from giving it back to her.

"it's really nothing. besides it's a token from us. are you really going to give it back to us? our blessing?" Mrs Jeon blankly said.

"But Mom! it's shares. Shares of Jeon enterprise. You've given each 10% to both me and Jaehan, 20% shares of a company is really huge deal let alone a big company like yours. it's..... I...... how can I....."

"Taehyung, every member of our family has their own shares in our company. and both of you are Jeons. if it makes you feel better then let me tell you, your shares are really less than mine. so don't bother about it." Mrs Jeon said in a firm tone.

"Yuri is right Taehyung. besides it's a blessing from me to you and my grandson. so don't refute it or I'll feel hurt." Mr Jeon said with a smile.

Taehyung looked at his feet for a while and then looked at Jaehan who's sleeping in his Grandpa's arms.

"um---- Jung....... Jungkook...... is he.... at home?" Taehyung hesitantly asked.

"why are you asking about him. not need to bother with that monster." Mrs Jeon angrily said.

"my love." Mr Jeon stopped Yuri and answered Taehyung. "He only stays in his room from past months." he paused. "do you want to meet him?" Mr Jeon really wishes his son to reunited with his husband, he's afraid he might lose Jungkook.

"I'm apologizing beforehand for what I'm about to request you Mom, Dad. I know I'm selfish. but I need your permission to something." Taehyung looked at his parents-in-law seriously.


Two days later at night, two security guards frantically entered the dining room of the Kim mansion when the Kims just finished dinner and was about to retreat towards their own rooms.

"what's wrong? why are panting?" Mr Kim asked the guards.

"we apologize for barging in master, but there's a thing, uh... that boy... um little masters husband......" the guard paused and looked at Taehyung, "he fainted outside."

"what do you mean? what happened to him?" Taehyung came forward and anxiously asked, he suddenly became very scared, a chill run down from his spine. in his memory, Jungkook was always healthy and fit. he rarely even got sick.

" He always comes at late at night, he stands still staring at nothing and goes away in the around dawn from more than a month. but He suddenly fainted today. we don't know what to do." the guard explained.

everyone looked at Taehyung who ran out of the room and followed him.

Taehyung ran hard in barefoot untill he reached the security room adjacent to the gate, saw him. His husband laying there motionless and pale. He almost couldn't recognize him.

he kneeled down and held Jungkook's head in his lap. he immediately put his fingers in front of Jungkook's nose and sighed in relief when he felt the warm breath on his skin.

"quickly call the doctor." he shouted.

Taehyung looked up at his father and brother. And said.

"please bring him to my room."


to be continued.............

😔 Sorry for the very late update.

Same same 🥺

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