On The Edge Of Darkness

By Luckyhari_9294

6.1K 639 179

A story of an intern and a Surgeon Who met After a long time, they broke up once, Now where they are heading... More

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On the edge of darkness-19

86 14 0
By Luckyhari_9294

All the four settles to have breakfast and having a discussion about max and marise wedding preparations, max inviting them "so, join us to Bangkok, we can party out,"

Arthit glance to Kongpob eyes he doubts if kongpob agree? Kongpob gives not so sure eyes thinking should he agree he is nervous will this be a date, may be he can grab a chance to explain everything? he wants to make everything sure After-all he spoiled their date

"it's okay, if you don't want to," Arthit whispered alone in Kongpob ear and Kongpob gives him a small smile hiding all the shivers that passed to his spine, his reply audible for Arthit alone "I want to join.."

Surprised! Arthit face lit up with a smile and Kongpob smiles with content its rare to see the surgeon smiling wholeheartedly, yet kongpob felt uncertain about the trip

Kongpob held a hand on arthit knee arthit startled he gave an uncertain expression about kongpob, kongpob hesitates he was about to remove his fingers seeing the hesitation arthit assures with eyes keeping holding his hand under table "....I don't have a passport,"

"we can apply for it," Arthit assures him

Hearing the couple while Max and Marise going through some details max mentions "yeah, we still have time we can get your passport done in one week, maximum in three days, I work in airline, so I can help you out,"

Kongpob smiles "Thank you, p'max"

"your awesome," Marise kisses his cheek, she teases Kongpob again and Kongpob returns her smile and Arthit laughs asking them "what is going on with you both?"

She sighs "I don't like him,"

"as if I like you"

Max and Arthit were like what is going on with these two

Marise says "you have to take better care of Arthit, otherwise I won't allow you date my brother,"

Kongpob nods with a grin "let's see,"

"yeah..will see" marise raises a brow

Max coax his girlfriend while Arthit smiles back to Kongpob, after having their breakfast, max and marise left to have a date

Arthit looks to Kongpob "so..."

Kongpob gives a nervous smiles saying looking here and their, he gulps with arthit being a silent and stares in a calm wave..

Kongpob fretting as his cheeks turn red he speaks some random ".. next week we are going on trip, so this week I will work and I have to submit my assignments In beforehand, I have to talk with college and ask permission for my leaves,"

"thank you so much for coming with us," arthit keeps holding kongpob fingers under table as he keeps staring to kongpob eyes who is being wary and now giving some smoothing smile to arthit! arthit did not expect that kongpob would agree to go on the trip along with them, marise and max are his closest sister and brother in law whom he love them close to heart he loves to spend time with them and kongpob getting along with his inner circle people he felt kongpob came one step closer to him meeting his people and getting along with them, gladly, arthit felt content at heart he felt like this will be the best chance for kongpob to get along with his family members and he can spend time with kongpob right now he is the most happiest person in the world

Arthit understand he is concerned for kongpob starting to work instead of still having sick leaves, "...you seem extremely tired, you need rest,"

Kongpob blushed "....but strange I feel like working more today,"

Unexpected of kongpob, arthit blushed right away making kongpob blush more

"I can help you with assignments," his romantic Arthit is back, it prompts him of the night they had the first passionate kiss he blushed and Arthit smiled further holding Kongpob hand under the table

Kongpob tries to take his hand back but Arthit is not leaving him, Kongpob looks around feeling shy! thank god there are not many people, might be because they were late to breakfast and lunch hour had time, so it's not crowded, he looks to Arthit staring to him, he ask in low audible voice "let go.."

"don't act like you don't like me holding your hand," he raise a brow with lips tugging in the corner

Kongpob sighs and arthit was not allowing the fingers to slip away, "I need to go for washroom, so please.." he gets his hand free as he walks out form the table with Arthit following him he is feeling shy, Arthit is ensuing him to rest room, of course both are guys what is his problem, yet Kongpob feels like his crush is following him everywhere he is blushing his ears are turning all shades of pink

He is quick to get into one of the empty cubicles and closed the door behind. while Arthit is waiting for him with a constant smile when kongpob comes out Arthit was quick to stand beside him while kongpob is washing his hands he was suddenly taken into a deep hug and Kongpob hands paused and drop them back cause he have to dry his hands, he gulps with arthit breath passing into his back through the white shirt fabric, "...phee let me dry my hands,"

Arthit hugging him close in his embrace and not leaving him, hearing Kongpob, he ask him "why! Will you return our hug?"

arthit gets a deep silence, in the next minute "alright....first, free me,"

Hearing the reply Arthit face blooms with a smile he frees Kongpob to dry his hands when the machine makes booming sound Kongpob freaks out

"your just like my mae," Arthit casually felt like mentioning him about his mother which he never does!

Kongpob thought about arthit mentioning about his mother as he dries his hands with a smile "phee must be missing his mae"

Arthit half-shook his head "..just- casual."

He says again "tell me.."

"nothing, she also gets freaks out like you,"

Kongpob nods and walks to Arthit who turned silent on remembering his mother he took silent standing figure into his arms, close to him and palms the broad back, a two minute of hug, Kongpob holds Arthit cheeks caressing the busted lip "..hurt." he ask with worried eyes

Arthit denies with his eyes in assurance saying it's not

"sorry" Kongpob eyes pleads

"I understand" Arthit eyes says with a calm smile

"I promise to not make you sad again," Kongpob looks around, he quickly raises on his toes and pecks on Arthit right cheek.

Arthit was startled his eyes went big, he met his gaze his eyes drifted to kongpob lips, Feeling the special kiss form his precious boyfriend, the handsome points to his left cheek, once again Kongpob worriedly looks around and places a kiss on left cheek, before Arthit could kiss on lips Kongpob drops his black shoe feet down and did not let Arthit kiss him, finally when they find someone entering the washroom, they pretend like nothing happen and walks out

Walking to the main entrance of hospital Arthit lefts Kongpob hand and took him in his arms he held him close for a moment he mentioned "...lets meet in lunch hour,"


It was in the warm afternoon of a winter day, He walked to his phee chamber, Arthit working something in laptop he smiles to the overworking surgeon "excuse me Dr.Arthit."

"how can I help you?" arthit replied glancing over

"My stomach is grumbling doctor, please treat me." hearing such soothing voice arthit turned off his laptop as he gets out of his table

Kongpob Looking to the doctor walking closer to him his face blushes raising his heartbeat.. Arthit receiving him into a deep hug and Kongpob hugs him back

"eat me." arthit mentions

"let's go." Kongpob pushed out of arms

Arthit walked to the door held it open for his boyfriend saying "you wish is my command, My Princesses."

"I won't be coming if you tease me" he behaves as if he is a high maintenance prince

"Alright my prince I won't tease you, will you join for lunch."

Kongpob could not hide his smile he was smiling brightly as they walking out side by side, Arthit tried to hold Kongpob hand which Kongpob did not let him, saying "I am not that easy."

"Playing hard" Arthit raised an eyebrow

Kongpob cheekily replied "yes"

"Alright! Let's see.."

They are having eye to eye fight

Driving to the restaurant to have their lunch. Looking at the menu card, Arthit look back to Kongpob who was yawning, "are you hungry or sleepy."

Kongpob made a gloomy salad face "both"

"how can you do both at a time."

"Hehe good joke, order the food, make it fast."

"You always become grumpy whenever you are hungry,"

He stop his droopy eyes to wake up, his phee still remembers everything about him he gives a smile

"Your my first love, how can I forget it?"

Kongpob pulled his head down as his temperature raised up, he felt his phee is cheesy which is not good for his already pondering heart..

Arthit held Kongpob hand on table, rubbing the white knuckles with his thumb "it's been a long time, sitting with you like this."

Kongpob raised his eyes to the concern look, watching Arthit eyes becoming wet, he took a tissue from the holder and gave to him saying "sorry..phee,"

"I don't need that, stop...saying,"

They both chuckles and waiter came to note down their order, Arthit orders his and Kongpob give his own order he smiles to Arthit

Arthit glance to Kongpob eyes and holds his hand under the table, it was the same restaurant as yesterday, today they were smiling where in the same place yesterday they had a fight



Kongpob tries to get his hand but Arthit don't let him leave, he gives a small smile having nervousness he cannot win the staring game he lost and arthit gave a smirk

"let me, I have something to show you,"

With confused eyes Arthit leaves his hand and Kongpob brings out a black box to table and Arthit looks surprised to Kongpob, in turn Kongpob nods "I saved it,"

Arthit eyes are mist he opens the box with a note saying

"sorry p'Arthit, Put it on for me"

Arthit gets the yellow stud out form the black box he holds Kongpob left ear hem and put it on for Kongpob

Kongpob brings up his phone snapping a photo of them and zoom's the photo "it looks beautiful, thank you,"

When the waiter comes, he smiles to the couple in understanding because it was yesterday the couple did fight in his witness and when Kongpob came to him asking for the box and he return the box to him, saying he did not mean to take it but he was helpless too. To the humble man Arthit and Kongpob given their thank you and Arthit said sorry for putting him in trouble after clearing out everything and arranging meals for the couple the waiter left

After having a pleasant meal, both of them headed to their work, Kongpob was taking ward rounds checking on patients, he is attending a small kid on hospital bed, from day one he start his intern job his eyes laid on the boy, he is a heart sick patient who have a regular fever.. the boy always makes him remember of him!

The boy smiled to Kongpob when Kongpob was walking towards him "how are you nicky?"

"I am good." The boy replied smiling like a bright moon..

Kongpob was having a bright smile looking at the shinning smile in front of him, he checked the report hanging to his bed.

His mother came forward to Kongpob asking for her son well being

"How is my son doctor?"

"is he doing better day by day, have a little faith madam, he will be fine."

The mother nodded with Kongpob assuring her every time, looking at her son smiling towards her, the innocent smile is giving her a hope...

Kongpob walked out from children's ward to old patients ward, its difficult to deal with them, he heard most of the complaints from the old patients saying "I am still having pain here and there, few are complaining they are not having enough sleep, one of the patient complaints discharge me today."

For everyone he is giving his answers patiently noting the reports into his file and finally walked to the nurse in the ward "patient no.3, I have to check his urine test report, make sure to leave a sample in the laboratory and hand me the report by tomorrow."

"Okay, Sir." The nurse gave her reply in understanding and he walked out of the ward, next he need to attend a surgery, he was making sure to check everything was arranged by the staff by finally before the senior surgeons going to start their surgery,

Arthit came in his surgery uniform, Kongpob was assisting him, learning what Arthit is doing..After the surgery he was yawning still washing his hands,

"Change your clothes and come to my cabin."

"Alright Sir!! , I need to bring you inpatients reports , I will be there in few minutes."

Arthit went to his room he called in for his assistant to order for one coffee and one fruit juice for Kongpob

Kongpob head back to Arthit chamber collecting his files, he first handed the files of both wards to Arthit, Arthit studies them and he made a few changes in prescription for some patients and signed them lastly saying "make sure to update the changes, tell the nurse in the ward to change the medicine."

"Alright! I will sir."

Arthit smiled at him for calling him sir "too professional."

"Of course Doctor."

Kongpob placed his files on the desk and sat in the opposite chair.

"In which subject are you interested in specialization?"

Kongpob, looking to the coffee on table he mentioned. "I am not interested in further studies phee, I don't want to push myself any further."

"Why not Kongpob? You are working hard I can see your talent? Why not?"

"...I don't think I will pass my entrance," he denied

"whose boyfriend are you?"

Kongpob chuckles but also the moment he realises Arthit is right! He have Arthit now, he can pass the exam

"get ready for my classes" Arthit winks and Kongpob blushes his eyes widen for Arthit crossing the table, but he breathed in relief once he see him walking to the door and receives a tray form staff

Receiving the glass he verbal a thank you and Arthit nods sipping his coffee he leans to the table and looks to Kongpob having his juice and smile to him in between

"so, when are planning to submit your assignments?"

"Tomorrow between 10-12, I have to ask permission for leaves too.."

"you can do it,"

Kongpob ask with a doubt "can phee join me tomorrow or do you have busy schedule,"

"I can"

Kongpob binge him another smile and Arthit teases him "...are you asking me for a date?"

Seeing the silence Arthit places the cup back to table he lean down to Kongpob sipping juice, he looks over the glass "what?"

"....i am taking a close look, because I could not believe if it's a dream or real,"

He gulps meeting Arthit eyes and Arthit backs away allowing Kongpob to finish his juice "I do want to ask you many things, but I know I should give you time... so always remember I will be waiting for you Kongpob,"

Kongpob nod placing the empty glass to table he stands to his feet steps closer to Arthit with arms looping around Arthit waist he hugs him "thank you, P'...Arthit, thank you for always waiting for me,"

Arthit hugs him back resting his chin on Kongpob shoulder and palm patting on Kongpob back "thanks for..coming back to me," he swiftly rests his forehead on Kongpob shoulder and palms circling on Kongpob back "and its worth for my waiting, you went through a lot of pain, in front of that pain this is nothing, I am happy to have you back in my arms, and this is enough for me, remember like I said, anytime don't think twice for coming to me, I will be always waiting for you with open arms,"

Kongpob nods getting out from Arthit arms but Arthit hugs him again "..few minutes,"

He smiles returning the hug.

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