
By strawberheecake

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Book (2/2) of the Fate Bound series. After the princess's reawakening, the seven princes are beyond delighte... More

Chapter 1 : The Awakening
Chapter 2 : The Crimson Raid
Chapter 3 : A Taste of Heaven
Chapter 4 : Shadow in the Dark
Chapter 5 : The Prettiest Flower in the Garden
Chapter 6 : New Beginnings
Chapter 7 : Chasing Shadows
Chapter 8 : A Lesson to Remember
Chapter 9 : Farewell, Neverland
Chapter 10 : You Complete Me
Chapter 11 : Walk the Line
Chapter 12 : Talk of the Town
Chapter 13 : The Lost Monarchy
Chapter 14 : Dear Friend
Chapter 15 : Truths Untold
Chapter 16 : Moments of Us
Chapter 17 : The Flames Within
Chapter 18 : Bite Me
Chapter 19 : The Buddy System
Chapter 20 : Moonlit Embrace

Chapter 21 : Dream of You

836 38 85
By strawberheecake

The morning sun casts a golden glow over the cozy dining nook in the kitchen as you and the other princes, minus Heeseung, wrap up breakfast. The fine plates clink together softly as utensils scrape against the porcelain, the atmosphere calm and warm.

When you glance across the table and meet Jake and Sunoo's gazes, the princes glance at each other nervously, their gazes darting back and forth between each other and you. Your gaze is firm and definitive but Sunoo obviously shifts in his seat anxiously while Jake bites harshly at his bottom lip, nearly tainting the smooth skin a vibrant red.

"Another session already?" Jay asks with raised eyebrows, glancing across the table and catching onto your intentions clearly. When you turn to meet his gaze, you're met with a hint of concern not only etched onto his features but also on the features of the younger prince practically draped across him. Jungwon is snuggled deep into the older prince – a common habit he displays after spending the night with Jay, as you were told by Sunoo – and his feline eyes blink at you while a frown weighs the corners of his lips downward.

In contrast to the princes' grim expressions, your eyes shine bright with determination. "Yes, I think I should give the whole self-control training another go," you nod eagerly. "I already made Jake and Sunoo promise me before we sat down for breakfast. Plus, Riki gave me some tips so I'd like to try them out – see if refining my approach helps."

The princes sitting around the table throw the youngest prince incredulous looks, but Riki's head is already ducked, avoiding the others as he stares at his empty plate with a sudden keen infatuation.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, sugarplum?" Sunghoon interjects. His tone is soft and his gaze flickers between you and the other princes. "It's only been a day since your very first enchantment. Maybe you should take another day to rest."

Your expression falters and a pit sits heavy within you, but you push the feeling down and straighten your shoulders. Your resolve is unwavering as you respond calmly, "I appreciate your concern, Hoonie. But I need to keep up with my training. We can't afford to waste any time."

Jay clears his throat, his voice gentle but firm as he speaks. "I agree with Sunghoon, little one," he says. "It might be best to take things slow, especially considering yesterday's events."

"I say this with all the love in my heart, but don't you think that's a bit hypocritical?" your words suddenly cut through the dense air like a sharp knife, your tone laced with frustration. You had never intended to become so heated like this, but you can't help but feel trapped by the princes' words. "All this time, we've been talking about the dangers that are lurking out there and preparing for the worst. That's why I took up self-defense training in the first place. But now, when I want to speed up the training process, suddenly everyone's pulling back."

The princes exchange uneasy glances, realizing the weight of your words. It's true – they have been warning you about the dangers lurking in the town, urging each other to stay vigilant and cautious. Yet now, when you want to take proactive steps to protect yourself, they hesitate.

"I promise we aren't trying to hold you back, beloved," Jungwon is the first to speak up. His tone is amicable as always and his eyes hold nothing but love and warmth. "We're just worried that you might be feeling too pressured and we don't want to overwhelm you. Everything has been happening so quickly considering all you had to endure just leaving your hometown with us a few months ago."

"I know," you sigh, finally collapsing in on your posture. "I apologize for snapping. I've just been feeling an additional wave of stress and anxiety recently," you admit, which the princes find alarming.

"Stress? Do you know what has been causing this stress?" Sunoo asks gingerly, his lips set into a small pout. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"I'm not even too sure where this additional pressure is coming from," you chuckle in faux amusement. "It's like... like I can feel these powerful emotions that don't belong to me."

The princes are startled by this revelation, but their eyes widen in surprise and understanding. You miss the way Sunghoon reaches under the table to smack the youngest prince's thigh. The others also turn to look at the youngest.

"Riki," Jay frowns. "You should be able to control this connection by now." Jay's words intrigue you, confirming your prior assumption that the bite might have opened a new sense of connection between you and the youngest prince.

"I promise I try my best to control them most of the time. I just got startled yesterday at the market," Riki frowns.

"It's okay, Riki. I don't think it's your fault," you placate. "These feelings have been building up for a while. I was just hit with this nearly debilitating sense of fear early this morning, which was a really offputting experience. It woke me up from my sleep because it was unlike anything I've ever felt before."

"What? Why didn't you wake me?" Jake asks, a long frown pulling on his lips, offended you hadn't sought him out for solace.

"I didn't have the heart to wake you," you admit sheepishly. "You looked so cute buried under the covers, deep in sleep." Your shy smile curls into amusement when the pyrokinetic prince's ears flush a bright scarlet.

"Well wake me next time," he mumbles. "I want to be there to comfort you."

"Wait–Heeseung!" Sunghoon gasps suddenly, some of the other princes' eyes widening with realization. "Heeseung also bit you. It's Heeseung."

"Come to think of it," Riki hums, his expression turning grave. "Some of the nocturnal animals notified me that Heeseung was tossing and turning all night long. He only managed to fall asleep a few hours ago."

A ripple of concern rips through the group, your worries for the eldest prince overshadowing your fear. You know you have to seek out Heeseung and confront him about the turmoil brewing within him. The only difficult task is whether or not he will reveal the full truth.

"Let's speak with him after he wakes," Jay concludes as if he were able to read your thoughts.


In the vast emptiness of the grand ballroom, the cold morning air is crisp and biting. The chill seeps into the very bones of the room, and faint shadows dance across the walls, casting intricate patterns of light and dark. As the soft rays of light filter through the ornate windows, the air hangs heavy with the scent of aged wood and dust, carrying a palpable sense of melancholy.

Despite the desolate state and the lingering cold embrace of winter, you stand poised in the center of the room. A sense of anticipation hums through the air, mingling with the soft echoes of your footsteps on the polished marble floor. Your pulse quickens with excitement, your eyes flitting between the various corners of the space where Jake and Sunoo are meticulously preparing for your training session.

With his warm presence and keen, determined gaze, Jake moves with purpose as he arranges the blankets and pillows. Each movement is deliberate and every placement is careful as he prioritizes providing you the utmost comfort for your upcoming experience. Sunoo, by his side, appears more reserved, his hands trembling slightly as he adjusts the fabrics, his usually confident demeanor betraying a hint of nervousness.

Surrounding you are the other princes, each radiating their own unique energy as they watch over you protectively. Jay and Jungwon stand close by, their proximity a silent reassurance of their unwavering support. Jungwon, ever tactile, constantly seeks a form of intimate contact – whether it's the gentle brush of his fingers against your arm or the reassuring warmth of his hand clasped in yours. His touch, though fleeting, carries a sense of comfort.

"Are you alright, Wonie?" Jay asks, his voice is soft, barely louder than a gentle hum. The older prince casts a quick glance down at the younger prince before sending you a knowing look.

"You seem more nervous than me," you giggle, grabbing hold of Jungwon's hand and intertwining your fingers with finality. Almost instantly, the kitten-like prince stops fidgeting and hides himself by leaning into Jay's side.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous for you," he smiles sheepishly. "I wish you didn't have to go through this training process and that we can somehow just transfer our self-defense skills to you."

"Oh, then what fun would that be?" Sunghoon interjects with a grin. The therianthropic prince uses his playful charm and mischievous grin to lighten the mood. "It's always satisfying to see your fruits of labor pay off after persevering through these trainings."

"Exactly," you nod vehemently. "It's like a reward."

Your brightened demeanor seems to play its effect when Jungwon finally breaks out into a small grin. The prince chuckles under his breath as he leans in close murmuring, "Oh, you've always been such an optimist, darling," before planting a kiss against your temple.

"The optimism is a new look on you, though," Jay says pointedly, glancing at Sunghoon whose stance is now taller with pride. When you look at the prince, his posture almost resembles that of a puffed-up bird.

"Just look what the princess helped me achieve," Sunghoon boasts, suddenly transforming partly into his wolf form. His soft ears twitch on the top of his head when he hears you giggle and he subconsciously leans his head down, hoping you'll scratch behind his ears. The soft appendages lower in anticipation as he vies for your attention and his tail gives an involuntary wag when you finally bring a hand up to indulge him.

The youngest prince, previously lurking in the shadows of the room, finally emerges with a mischievous smirk resting on his lips. Sunghoon seems to be unaware of Riki as he stalks up to the hybrid prince and pulls gently on his tail. You and Jungwon startle when Sunghoon lets out a yelp, whipping his head around to scowl at the playful prince.

"But can you transform fully, yet?" Riki teases.

"I'm working on it," Sunghoon huffs, jabbing a finger into the taller prince's side before turning to face you once again. "Won't you help me, sugarplum? We can work on it right now."

The hybrid prince's expression falls when you shake your head a few times. Truthfully, you had already recognized, a couple of minutes ago, that Sunghoon was only trying to distract you. And as cute as you find his antics, you remain steadfast in your resolve, your gaze fixed firmly on the task at hand. You smile apologetically while offering, "I know what you're doing, Hoonie. I'm going to do this training first. I can help you after, though."

"Alright, sweetheart," Jake beckons you over, just in time. "We're ready whenever you are."

Jungwon struggles to keep his hand intertwined with yours when you pull away to meet Jake and Sunoo. But the prince is adamant and stubbornly follows you to where the other two princes are waiting.

"Wonie, you need to let go of the princess," Jake commands the younger prince gently. "She needs to focus." It pains the pyrokinetic prince to see the wounded look on Jungwon's face when he reluctantly slips his hand out of yours.

"Can I at least sit here with her?" he asks dejectedly.

"Alright," Jake nods, patting the open spot next to him. The prince's confirmation seemed to serve as an open invitation for the others as well because you soon find yourself sitting surrounded by the six princes, all huddled together to fit on the blankets and pillows. "But if one of you so much as makes a sound, I won't hesitate to kick you out," Jake warns.

"Don't threaten us," Jay huffs, smacking Jake across his bicep lightly. "Just focus on the princess."

The room falls silent, a palpable tension hanging in the air as they watch you carefully. Sunoo grasps your hands gingerly when you reach for his.

"Remember, sweetheart," Jake's voice is soft but firm as he offers his guidance, his words a gentle reminder of the tasks that lie before you. "Nothing you see will be real. All you need to do is find a way to navigate through the enchantment with clarity and composure."

"Sounds easy enough," you joke with one definitive nod, but Jake is the only one who manages to smile. "Damn, tough crowd," you mutter under your breath, exhaling a deep breath. Truthfully, the release of tension was more so to calm your own racing nerves, but that is a piece of information you do not plan on sharing with the princes – and something you hope to the stars that Riki cannot sense.

When you meet Sunoo's gaze once again, he looks at you with a mixture of apprehension and determination. His normally fox-like eyes are round and wide, a silent plea for you to reconsider. Despite his outward bravado, there is a vulnerability in his gaze, a raw honesty that speaks volumes to just how much it hurt him to watch and hold you during your first enchantment.

"Enchant me, Sunny," you urge him gently. When you offer his hands a gentle squeeze, you finally feel the prince relax a little.

For a second, Sunoo hesitates. His hands tremble slightly as he reciprocates your squeeze. His touch is tentative, his fingers tracing the contours of your hand with a gentle reverence, as if afraid to break the fragile bond that binds you together.

"Alright, petal." He finally gives in, nodding stiffly as he leans in to plant a kiss on your forehead.

Just like the first time, as the room fades into darkness and the world around you dissolves into nothingness, you feel yourself being drawn into Sunoo's golden gaze. The color is warm, a vibrant beacon of light in the darkness that now engulfs you.

When your vision begins to return, you instantly shudder in response to your surroundings. The enchantment has transported you to a darker, much more foreboding version of the castle. Thick fog blankets the floor, shrouding your surroundings in an eerie mist that sends shivers down your spine. Despite your nerves, you push forward, your steps are hesitant as you wander through the musky corridors and across the ground floor.

Just as Riki had suggested, your senses are on high alert, constantly scanning your surroundings for any sign of danger. But to your confusion, the castle seems deserted, devoid of the angry townspeople that had overtaken your previous enchantment.

Each room you pass by is dark and empty, echoing with a haunting silence that fills you with a sense of unease. The strange absence of immediate threats makes you dread the inevitable. Nonetheless, you constantly remind yourself that none of this is real – this is merely an illusion conjured by Sunoo's powers.

As you ascend to the third floor where your private chambers are located, you hear a soft humming drifting through the air. Instantly, you recognize the voice, sweet like honey, and your heart skips a beat with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

Approaching the source of the sound, you find yourself standing before Heeseung's room. There's a soft glow of light seeping out from under the crack in the doorway. And just as you raise your hand to knock, the door swings open, revealing the eldest prince standing before you in ravishing knightly attire.

"Heeseung?" Your surprise is evident, mirrored in Heeseung's own bemused expression as he takes in your startled demeanor.

"That's odd, I don't remember putting this one," he chuckles, his gaze sweeping over his attire before returning to you. "Nor do I remember you owning this dress," he adds, his eyes tracing the contours of your form with an unmistakable interest.

A sudden swell of warmth pulses in your chest when Heeseung uses one hand to trace the fabric of your dress starting from the top of your shoulder, down your collarbone, following the curves of your body, until he rests his hand on your hip. He smiles widely at you when you place a hand atop his, and his heart flutters with excitement.

Amidst the swarm of butterflies that rip through your body, you can't help but notice how real this feels. Unlike your previous experience under Sunoo's enchantment, Heeseung today feels oddly tangible.

"This is only an illusion, Heeseung," you remind him with a smile, but it seems like you're reassuring yourself more than anything. "None of this is real – including what we're wearing."

"Then we should really get this dress custom-made for you after you wake," Heeseung replies with a bright smile. His words are laced with a sense of longing that tugs at your heartstrings. A part of you, deep down and still trapped under Sunoo's spell, wishes to pull back to seek out the real Heeseung, resting up in his room at this very moment.

However, a larger part of your conscious mind is realizing the peculiarity of your own illusion. You wonder why your mind has allowed you to craft this nearly delusional conversation with Heeseung about your attire. You had previously assumed that Sunoo's enchantments could only conjure negative experiences. Yet, here you stand, caught in a whirlwind of emotions that feel all too genuine.

"Come walk with me, love," Heeseung suddenly offers, his hand outstretched as he intertwines his fingers with yours. You follow after him quietly, allowing him to lead you through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, no longer intimidated by its darkened appearance. Instead, you find yourself drawn impossibly close to Heeseung, blissfully oblivious to just how deeply you've fallen for the prince these past few months.

"Why are you here, Heeseung?" you voice aloud, your curiosity piqued by the surreal nature of this encounter.

You watch in awe as Heeseung's expression shifts. There's a hint of confusion clouding his features until his gaze meets yours. "I'm not sure, love. After all, this is your enchantment," he responds with a shrug, his tone tinged with uncertainty. "But I'll bask in every second of it as long as I'm here with you," he adds sweetly.

"Why does this feel so real?" you blubber when the prince suddenly leans down to plant a kiss on your cheek. "You and the others didn't feel this real last time," you press, brows furrowing with concern as a sense of foreboding begins to creep its way back into your consciousness.

"Don't worry, love. None of this real, remember?" Heeseung reassures you calmly. Though, his words do little to placate your growing unease. "If anything, it'll just be like a dream that I won't remember."

"But I'll remember it," you wish to argue but bite your tongue instead. There's no point in bickering with the imaginary Heeseung that lives inside your head.

Just as you and Heeseung pass by a large window at the end of the corridor, the moonlight filters in faintly, casting a ghostly glow over your surroundings. Your gaze drifts downwards, and your breath catches in your throat as your feet freeze in place.

"H-Heeseung, what is that?" you stammer, your voice trembling with fear when you notice the dark fog creeping around your ankles. This fog is distinctly different from the fog you saw back in the ballroom. It's murky in color and its density grows with each passing moment.

Heeseung's attempts to lead you away are thwarted as he too becomes ensnared in the fog. His movements appear choppy as he becomes restricted by the invisible force that binds him in place. "I can't move, princess," he confesses, his voice tinged with panic as the fog begins to crawl up his figure.

When you glance back down at the fog around your ankles, you're frustrated to find that it hasn't moved an inch – its only target is the eldest prince just out of your reach. You can only watch in a panic as the darkness consumes Heeseung.

Determined to save him, you struggle against the fog, your heart pounding in your chest as you watch helplessly. By now, the fog has crawled up all the way up his chest and borders his shoulders.

"Heeseung!" you call out desperately, straining to reach for him.

"Love, stay calm," Heeseung tries to reassure you, but you can see and feel the fear pulsing through him. "Remember, none of this is–"

But when the fog suddenly covers the prince's mouth and begins to drag him back into the shadows, you can't help the next panicked scream that tumbles past your lips.


You're startled back into reality with a jolt. Your head is spinning and it feels as if your body is falling into an endless pit. When your vision finally clears again, you're met with a pair of bright shining eyes – one golden and the other electric blue.

"Sunghoon! I told you not to intervene!" Jake hisses from somewhere within the room. You're not too sure where the pyrokinetic prince is because all you can see is the giant wolf standing in front of you, watching you keenly, ready to pounce at any indication of danger.

"Sunghoon?" you call, almost testing his name on your tongue. When you reach a hand forward, the therianthropic prince lowers his stance to rest his head on your lap, allowing you to brush your fingers through the soft fur in between his ears. "What happened? How did you..." your voice trails off, too many questions swarming around in your head.

"You kept calling out Heeseung's name, petal," Sunoo supplies gently, scooting closer and embracing you in a warm back hug. His touch is grounding, instantly relaxing your tense muscles. Unlike when he was first sitting in front of you before the enchantment, the foxy prince has since then maneuvered to sit behind you. A small part of you wonders if he moved on his own accord, or if the hybrid prince pushed him aside. "What did you see?" he asks in a whisper.

"I-I don't know" you falter. As you think back, you can still feel the comforting weight of how real Heeseung's touch had felt.

"You don't remember?" Sunoo hums, hooking his chin over your shoulder to nuzzle his cheek against your affectionately.

"Your screams sounded so..." Jake tries to explain but frowns at a loss for words.

"Scary," Riki concludes simply.

"It brought me back to the day we lost you in your first life," Jay adds with a nod of agreement. "The way you had called for Heeseung was exactly the same."

"Is that what you saw? The night you lost your first life?" Jake frowns, reaching forward to grab hold of your hands gently.

"No," you shake your head. "I was here in this castle again, but it was different this time. It was just Heeseung and me, and everything felt a little too real," you begin to recount, looking around at each prince. Yet, you pause when you notice one prince missing. "Where's Jungwon?"

"He went to go check on Heeseung," Jay says. "We heard some commotion coming from Heeseung's room moments before Sunghoon ripped you out of your enchantment."

The princes all take notice when you visibly pale and a concerned expression pinches your features. Commotion from Heeseung's room? Certainly, it's just a coincidence, right?

"Riki, bring me to Heeseung's room right now," you demand suddenly. The youngest prince is confused but reaches forward to take your hand nonetheless.

"What's going on, princess? Is something wrong?" Jake frowns.

"I-I don't know," you shake your head. The room around you begins to spin again. If your suspicions are true, you already feel sick thinking about what the implications could mean. "Meet us upstairs, please," you whisper weakly before turning to Riki to nod at him. "Let's go."

For the second time today, you squeeze your eyes shut as you're plunged back into the darkness. But unlike falling under Sunoo's enchantment, this darkness only lasts a couple of seconds. Riki senses your unease and rubs comforting circles against your hand with the pad of his thumb, just as the two of you land in Heeseung's room.

"No, let me go see the princess, Jungwon!" Heeseung demands loudly, stumbling towards the younger prince–who is currently blocking the door–with an uncharacteristic lack of coordination. When you glance around to observe the room, it's obvious the eldest prince has just awoken from his sleep. His bedsheets are still a tangled mess, mirroring the state of his hair with a few strands sticking out in odd directions. Even from behind, you can already sense the powerful wave of emotions rolling off the eldest prince.

"I need you to calm down first, Heeseung," Jungwon instructs calmly. If you listen closely enough, you can hear the slight tremor in his voice – even Jungwon, who is normally calm and collected for the sake of the princes, is frightened by this sight of Heeseung. "It was just a bad dream, that's all. No need to be frightened."

"What dream?" you ask, stepping forward and slipping your hand out of Riki's grasp, much to the younger prince's discontent.

Heeseung immediately reacts to the sound of your voice, spinning around on his heels within a heartbeat. You nearly startle when you catch a glimpse of the crazed look in the prince's eyes, but his gaze softens when he meets yours. All it takes is one look to confirm your previous suspicion and your heart drops.

"Heeseung," you coo, rushing forward to meet the eldest prince halfway. When he collects you into his arms, you melt into his embrace and wrap your arms around him impossibly tighter, allowing the prince to burrow his face deep into the crook of your neck. Goosebumps trail against your skin when the prince inhales your scent deeply, his nose pressing deeply into the sensitive spot on your neck.

"It felt so real," he mumbles but his voice comes out muffled so it's hard to decipher what he said.

Suddenly, the door to Heeseung's room bursts open and the five other princes stumble in with heaving breaths.

"What's going on?" Sunghoon demands, now back in his vampire form. Everyone watches you and Heeseung quizzically, looking to the two youngest princes for an explanation.

"I came upstairs when I heard Heeseung shouting in his sleep," Jungwon explains. "I couldn't tell exactly what he was saying, but it sounded like he was calling out for the princess. When I woke him, he had this crazed look in his eyes and demanded to see the princess. If I'm being honest, I've never seen him like this," he concludes with a worried sigh.

"What did you dream about, Heeseung?" you coax gently, urging the prince to meet your gaze.

"I dreamt that I met you while you were enchanted," he answers hesitantly and the others tense.

"Princess, didn't you say..." Jay cuts in, beginning to put two and two together. From the corner of your eyes, you notice that Jungwon still wears a confused expression, glancing in between you and the others for clarification.

"Do you know what we were doing downstairs just now, Heeseung?" Riki frowns.

"I just woke up, how am I supposed to know? Having breakfast?" the eldest responds with a look of dumbfoundedness.

"We enchanted the princess again," Jake shakes his head and you watch as realization finally settles on Heeseung's features.

"Wait," Jungwon interjects, slowly catching on and chuckling airly in disbelief. "Are you all implying that Heeseung's dream and the princess's illusion are somehow connected?"

"What did you see, princess?" Sunoo asks again, this time his tone is much more urgent.

"I first woke in the ballroom of the castle. Like last time, it was completely dark, but there was no one. Each room I ventured into was completely desolate until I got to the third floor," you recall.

"I can't remember what I was doing before, but I vividly remember humming in my room when you appeared outside my door in my dream," Heeseung gulps. "You were wearing this breathtaking dress," he adds and your cheeks flush at the sudden reminder.

"The dress that the princess was wearing is not important right now, Heeseung," Sunghoon scoffs. "What happened after that? Why did the princess sound so hurt?"

"It would matter to you if you saw how beautiful she looked in it," Heeseung murmurs but the others choose to ignore him.

"We continued to walk down the corridor outside our room when we discovered this dark fog-like shadow that had been following us all along," you explain.

"A shadow?" Sunoo perks up and casts a suspicious glance toward Riki. The youngest prince simply raises his hands to show his innocence.

"It wasn't anything like the shadows Riki controls," Heeseung shakes his head. "It was something darker, heavier, and much more powerful. It held us both in place so that we couldn't move and it took me away from the princess."

"You weren't able to fight it?" Jay frowns.

"No," Heeseung responds grimly. "I felt completely powerless – almost as if it had taken something from me."

♡ ♡ ♡

Welcome back, Dalgis! How'd y'all like this chapter? Ngl, there is some major foreshadowing in this chapter 🤭🤫

Question of the Week: If you could choose to have one superpower, which one would you choose? 
I'd definitely choose time manipulation. This way, I can pause time to write weekly updates while still balancing school

How is everyone feeling about the Memorabilia comeback on Monday? I can't believe it's just around the corner. I can't wait to hear the new songs. I definitely think Luficier and Scream are going to be favorites hehe. Which track(s) are you guys looking forward to?

I honestly felt so dumbfounded when I saw all over Twitter that Enhypen is touring again in the latter half of this year!? Please just let them rest 😭 I'm willing to wait a little longer if it means they get some downtime to relax. (My bank account also needs a break lmao.)

I hope everyone has been staying safe, happy, and healthy!  I love you all so much and can't wait to share the next update with you 💗

Until next time,

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