Random One Shots.

By JasonCheng1223

284 4 3

This book just came outta nowhere. It's not gonna be my main, or second or third priority. I'll just write wh... More

Good Life. (World Trigger)

Evil (Wednesday).

110 2 3
By JasonCheng1223

*Hey everyone. Author is back with another one shots. This time, Wednesday with my own oc.

Congrats to Jenna, Netflix and the team on the renewal of season two which has already begun production.

It inspired me to write another Wednesday story again.

But, I doubt my reader would want to read it after the conclusion of my WOE series.

Still, I need to let this out.

My Wednesday one shot just for fun. Enjoy.

P. S.

If the writing is like this, it's Wednesday's narration and thoughts. Enjoy. ☺


A dark limousine stopped right in front of Nevermore's gates. The driver exits the car, wearing a full black overcoat, and a fedora.

Reaching the backseat door, he opens it, allowing the passenger to step outside.

"Mr. Wu. On behalf of the board, welcome to Nevermore Academy." An elderly man, in his late fifties, greeted the person.

Wu, as being called by the man, is an eighteen years old male, wearing his oversized, pitch black fur coat, with his dark shade covering his eyes.

"Your necessities and belongings had already arrived two days ago and is in your room. Shall we proceed?"

Wu, however, remain silent for a while.

Looking at the surroundings, the theme, the feelings, the aura that was generated, befitting someone who came from a bloodline of exiled royalty.

"Mr. Wu? Is everything alright?" The old man's question seems to catch his attention.

"Lead the way, Principal Black."

The elderly, as being called by Wu, is the new principal of Nevermore, formally the predecessor of Larissa Weems.

After the Crackstone incident two years ago, which resulted in Weems death, not many candidates can hold the position for long.

Some said the position was cursed, other's were afraid of the responsibility.

So Black took it upon himself to come out from retirement and look after the school and students of Nevermore once again.

"I'm so happy another royalty is finally joining us. Even if it's only for this semester, I hope you find Nevermore to be as comfortable as your home."

Home. Was it just a word to describe where you stay? It means a lot to people but depending on the conditions and lifestyle.

Wu, and his chaperone follow Principal Black while he's giving a brief tour about the school. Which of course no one pays attention to.

The quad is empty, and it was silenced due to the absence of students.

It was class time, and all the students are in their respective class. Except for one.

Wednesday Addams, eighteen, the Raven of Nevermore, being too smart for the teacher to teach, too fast for her classmates to follow, too mysterious to understand, is walking along the corridor.

Even Principal Black couldn't keep her in check all the times. She can go in and out of school ground without any trouble.

Walking along the quad, she soon came across the trio who's walking towards her direction.

"Good day to you Miss Addams." She ignored the greetings from the principal.

At school, some of the students, and teachers of Nevermore called her, the Savior of Nevermore. Which she hated.

Yes. She saved the school. But from a vengeful enemy who's hatred came from her family.

Walking pass the principal and his guests, a certain chill made it's way into her spine.

"That was uncomfortably anomalous."

She slowed down her steps, and eventually stopped in the middle of the track.

"This feelings..."

Wednesday has always been the one in Nevermore to send chills to other people.

"It can't be..."

But now, she's the receiver.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she started recalling the last time she felt this way.

"I've met different tons of individuals with complex and complicated personalities."

Images of her friends, family, enemies, acquaintances, surged across her mind.

"People like Enid, nature of optimism, then there's people like Bianca, with identity crisis. And Tyler who's confused all the time."

She gripped her fist, but not hard enough to be too obvious.

"For the first time in ten years,"

This nostalgic feelings came after she and the principal's guest cross each other.

"I felt..."

Her heart beats faster, which is unusually rare, if not ever for Wednesday.

Slowly turning around, she came face to face with Wu, who's standing across the walkway, facing her. His chaperone, J, of course is standing beside him.


Wu, having already taken his shades off, staring deep down into Wednesday's pitch black eyes with his own.

"Hello Friday." He greeted her. And that's all it takes to confirm her mind.


While the two are having a stare down, which is oblivious to the principal that keeps talking about the school and is distance away from the spot.

Kenneth Wu, or as being called by her as Kenny, was her only none-blood related acquaintance during her childhood.

The only person that can go toe to toe, head to head, mind to mind, and blood for blood against Wednesday.

His sadistic nature, his twisted personality, his physical capabilities, all are superior compared to young Wednesday. There's no telling how far he's reached now.

"The only person who I don't want to compare myself to."

"No wonder you decided to stay." He mocked her, which she didn't reply back.

"This guy is,"

"I thought maybe I could try to see for myself."

"the definition of,"

"Any place that can keeps you, might worth a shot." Kenny smirked. He's planning something.


Her grips became harder, that she didn't even notice her palms are bleeding from her own nails.

"Let's get along for old time sake."

"Genuine EVIL."


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