Truth Bee Told | Bible

Von Momoiro-Sama

230 30 6

To those who want to know the truth and who are seeking the truth, I will be writing about the 'Basic Instruc... Mehr

Introduction ♔·°
Standards ♚·°
Rejected like Jesus ♔·°
Forgiveness ♚ ·°
What comes with Love? ♔ ·°
Obstinate ♚·°
Unconditional Love ♔·°
Thoughts ♚·°
Old vs. New ♔·°
Created with Purpose ♚·°
Beautiful Truth ♔·°
Anxiety Awareness ♚°·
God's Love for Us ♔·°
Jesus is the Same Forever ♔·°
God is Our Protector ♚°·
Your God will be my God ♔·°
Happy Mother's Day ♚°·
Jesus is the True Vine ♔·°
Commissioned by God ♚°·
Baptism of the Holy Spirit ♔·°
Trans 🏳️‍⚧️
Covenant Keeping God ♚°·
Overcoming Death ♔·°
A Lamp To My Feet ♚°·
Imitate What is Good ♔·°
Trans 🏳️‍⚧️

Doing Good to Others ♚°·

3 2 0
Von Momoiro-Sama

🌱 ✨

Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.

Galatians 6:9 AMP


Scripture before:

For the one who sows to his flesh [his sinful capacity, his worldliness, his disgraceful impulses] will reap from the flesh ruin and destruction, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Galatians 6:8 AMP

Let's be honest, one of the things we as people have bad is pettiness. When people treat us badly or unfairly, our reaction is to get back at them. In reality, we're doing exactly what they did and inflicting more pain on ourselves. How?

It's like fighting fire with fire and there being no resolve, except things getting worse. It leads to destruction on both ends but what good does that do? There's no peace or joy, and definitely no love.

I know things are getting tiresome, if they aren't already, you don't want to be like a rug and I'm not saying you have to be treated like one, but at the very least, don't treat your neighbor like a rug either. People expect respect and love but don't even give it, if we were really thinking about each other, we would love one another as we love ourselves.


But I've always thought and believed: How can we love each other when we don't even love ourselves?

Does not the commandment say love your neighbor as yourself? ‭Mark 12:31 AMP‬

This is the second: ‘You shall [unselfishly] love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

If you want the best, shouldnt you want the best for your neighbor as well?

I've come to notice a lot of people hold Christians to this commandment without first understanding what it means and also not following it themselves. (Which I'm also sad to say a lot of Christians don't follow this commandment correctly either and some don't even try)

The 10 commandments is summed up in loving God first and then loving our neighbors as ourselves. It's even more difficult to love one another when you don't love God or don't know how to love Him.

and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul (life), and with all your mind (thought, understanding), and with all your strength.’

Mark 12:30 AMP


Being petty doesn't make anyone better. I get it, it's difficult sometimes, but don't be surprised when down the road later on in time, the same thing happens to you again if not worse.

Rather than paying evil for evil, pay evil for good. Don't get tired of doing good, because there's a reward for goodness when allowing Jesus to do the leading. At the right time, God brings back what is due to you for doing the right thing.

So then, while we [as individual believers] have the opportunity, let us do good to all people [not only being helpful, but also doing that which promotes their spiritual well-being], and especially [be a blessing] to those of the household of faith (born-again believers).

Galatians 6:10 AMP

This verse shows us how as believers we should take advantage of the opportunity given to us to do good to everyone despite how they treat us or what they do. Jesus was always saying do good and pray for our enemies and people who persecute us for doing the right thing through Jesus.

This was also a warning to let us know that as followers of Christ, we will face people who treat us badly because of our faith in Him and living a holy life, which is the complete opposite of theirs.

Notice how doing good is more than just being helpful to someone but it's looking out for their spiritual well-being. The first priority is to share the good news and show and tell God's love for us through actions and words. However the Holy Spirit is leading.


Not all the time will it be convenient and not all the time will they be happy about it but none the less, we are commissioned and commanded by God Himself to do this. 2 Timothy 4:1-2

Let's this be encouragement to those who are tired of being treated badly. Keep doing good in God's eyes, because it's His truth that matters over everyone else's opinions.

And when you keep doing good and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you, eternal life awaits. But even while we're on this earth, we can still taste and see the goodness of God.


°·♔ Jesus ♔·° °·♔ is ♔·° °·♔ Lord ♔·°

May 7, 2024


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