A New Leaf

Od Cupcake_Mon5ster

70.7K 1.9K 490

A fan fiction about Naruto's daughter Saya NOT EDITED Více

A Ninja's Word!: Authors Note ;)
Chapter 1: Art
Chapter 2: A Mothers Love
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Time
Chapter 5: Off To The Acadamy!!
Chapter 6: Bad Blood
Chapter 7: A Wake Up Call
Chapter 8 : Snow
Chapter 9: A New Look
Chapter 10: How To Be A Lost Puppy
Chapter 11: A Test
Chapter 12: Teams
Chapter 13: Our First Mission!
Chapter 14: Mission part 1: Ren-san and Cuan-kun vs Saskue!
Chapter 15: Mission Part 2: Amy-chan Vs Saskue!
Chapter 16: Mission Part Three: Saya vs Saskue!
Chapter 17: Surpise
Chapter 18: Stupid Overprotective Dads
Chatper 19: A Date?!
Chapter 20: Memory lane
Chapter 21: A New Teacher && A Frantic Saya!
Chapter 22:A Night With Ren
Chapter 23: A Mothers Heart
Chapter 24: Crystal Chakra && The First Amazing Mission
Christmas!!!! XD
Chapter 25: tolerance
Chapter 26: The Plan
Chapter 27: The outside
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: The Butterfly Queen
Chapter 30: Fresh Trail
Chapter 31: Inner Strength
Chapter 32: Ren To The Rescue
Chapter 33: The End Of Everything
Chapter 34: The Fox
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 37: War
Chapter 38: Final Goodbye
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 50- The End
Authors note

Chapter 44

668 23 4
Od Cupcake_Mon5ster


When I returned home I didn't bother taking my shoes off, or even closing the front door. I stormed angrily threw the house, the beast inside of me striking out as well.

How dare he! I slammed my fist threw the wall leading into the hallway. He can't just take away my life like that! My dreams!

Cuan-kun came charging down the hallway, frantic " Saya-chan! What happened? Are you ok?"

I could feel anger boiling threw my skin, orange chakra clinging to my body before dissolving into the air. I knew dad could feel my chakra signature now. I needed to hurry.

"Did you gather up the things you needed?" I nearly growled at Cuan-kun, finding it hard to direct my anger.

I could feel Cuan-Kuns fear threw the bond we shared.

"S-Saya... Your eyes..." Cuan-kun managed to studded out.

My eyes? I glanced at a mirror clinging desperately to the wall by a nail, knocked half off by my fist embedding itself into the wall.

My eyes were bright orange. I was so shocked I almost forgot about my rage. My hair was sticking up on end wildly. The chakra clinging to my body. I looked like a savage.... Like a wild animal.

Suddenly I was rocked by another wave of anger and I pushed aside any other thoughts and pushed past Cuan-kun to my room.

Cuan-kun let out a slow sad whimper which I promptly ignored.

I grabbed fists full of clothing and shoved them into a bag. Weapons, clothes, brushes, and Cuan-Kuns stuff all went I to the bag. I yanked the strings closed and looked around the room one last time. My eyes laid on Rens sweater.


A huge wave of pain crashed over me, dragging me quickly into a black sea of despair. None of my emotions were held back anymore. I felt all of it. All the pain, the disbelieve, and the agony.

Cuan-kun let out a much louder cry this time, feeling everything I felt.

I loved him. I loved him and she took him away from me. She took Ren, she took being a ninja away from me, my dreams, my mother, who hunted her so relentlessly that I never even saw her anymore, my fathers faith in me... She took everything from me.

I wanted her blood. I wanted revenge.

"Saya!" I heard my dads desperate cry from down the street.

I quickly snatched Ren-Kuns jacket off it's hook and slid it on. It still smelled like him.

Cuan-kun crawled into the sweater, peaking threw the top. He shook against my chest. Afraid of the beast that was quickly taking over.

"Saya!" Dad called again from the front of the house.

I grabbed my bag and took off out the window. Leaving behind a torn apart room.

I pushed chakra into my feet and flew threw the village faster then I had ever ran before. I had never had this much chakra available to me before and the more I used the more I seemed to have. This chakra was also very different to my normal one. This was stronger, more powerful. I liked it.

"Saya!" My dad's voice called, even more desperately as he struggled to catch up. "Please! Listen to me"

"No!" I shrieked. "I hate you! I hate this village! I hate everything!"

The worlds coming from my mouth weren't mine. But I was to upset to stop them.

Dad suddenly crashed into me, his arms locking around my body like a cage. His own chakra bubbling like mine, but his was much more controlled. The two orange chakras blended together before evaporating.

"Saya. You have to calm down" dad struggled to keep ahold on me. Cuan-kun wiggled out of my sweater and sat beside me not wanting to be squished by the conflict.

"Saya" dad warned.

"No!" I kicked and screamed, flailing around. "No I want to kill her! Let me go!"

"Saya this isn't like you! This isn't my baby girl!" Dad was almost in tears as he watched me struggle against him.

I was starting to calm down enough to notice my body wasn't listening to me. It was like I was watching a show and my body was being controlled by the beast inside me.

I suddenly became very confused. I was over reacting. This wasn't how to resolve things, but I couldn't stop! And the anger that rushed threw my body threatened to pull me in again.

"Stop!" I tried to scream but nothing happened. My lips didn't move.

My body continued to struggle against my dad, clawing it's way free of his iron grip.

"Saya" he growled. "Stop this"

"Let me go!" I screeched, a huge wave of chakra flooded my veins, my teeth sharpened to a very fine point, pushing against my lip.

Dad was struggling to keep ahold of me. Without telling my body to do so I leaned down and bit into dad's arm, blood flooding into my mouth.

My leg kicked out, landing a solid blow on dad's stomach. Breaking free of his iron cage I was able to gather enough control of my body to scoop up Cuan-kun before another flow of chakra propelled me far far away from dad and his heart broken expression, from Ren and the pain. Away from my home.

||P.O.V. Yuki|| written by (BrookeSimmons )

My hand gripped the tree angrily, the hard plant giving in on my grip. Beside me Kim looked at my grip on the tree, but she didn't say anything. I had been gone for weeks, and yet we had not found any trail of the woman who harmed my child.
"Yuki-sama, perhaps it's time to return to Konoha." Kim said softly. "Saya is probably missing you a lot. Remember, she did just lose someone close to her as well. Naruto-sama may be fine and all, but I think she needs her mother."

My grip tightened more for a moment making my hand go through the tree. Feeling the crystal forming on the tree I pulled my fist from the plant. Taking a deep breath I gave a stiff nod.

"I guess you're right, Kim." I muttered, studying the ground below me. "I just... I want to find that woman who hurt Saya, and Ren, and make her pay for what she did. But you're right. Right now the one who probably needs me most is Saya.

"I rubbed my head in frustration. "I'm such an idiot! Instead of being there, I've been running after this woman, who we actually have no lead on!"

Kim placed a paw on my leg, looking up at me. "It's a natural instinct. You just feel that Saya is still in danger, and you want to eliminate that danger." She paused, looking at me. "You know, she is now twelve."

I nodded, already catching on to what she was hinting to. "And while she is a Uzumaki, she is also a Okami." A small smile formed on my face. "I guess it's time for her to add her name to the list of all of the other Okami's."

Kim nodded, a toothy smile playing at her lips. "I can't wait for her to summon us."

My smile completely dropped when I felt a surge of chakra blast through a kunai I had given. I blinked, not having had this feeling in a while. "Naruto-kun?" I muttered, recognizing the chakra. Looking down at Kim, I nodded at her for her to return home before I released the seal. Immediately, the forest scenery was replaced by our home. Looking around I found Naruto pacing by the door, pulling at his hair. I looked around, checking for Saya. When I noticed she wasn't here, and how late it was I found my anxiety rising.

"Naruto, what's wrong?" I demanded.He stopped pacing, taking a moment to glance at me before quickly embracing me. His arms shook, and I could feel the regret, guilt, and worry leaking off of him.

He shook his head, "I messed up."My eyebrows pulled together as I softly pushed against his chest.

"What do you mean? What happened? Where's Saya?"

"I-I've been so worried about her, and I don't know why I-." He groaned, placing his head in his hands.

"What did you do?" I demanded.

"I told Saya she wasn't allowed to be a ninja anymore." He finally said, not meeting my eyes. "I don't want her in that kind of danger, and I saw how it effected you. I didn't want that to happen to our family again."

My eyes hardened and I clenched my fist. He had done the one thing I swore never to do. He had done what my father had done to me. Except, he was trying to strip Saya of her current title of genin. Pushing him away further I glared at him.

"That wasn't your place to determine." I said. "That is Saya's decision, not yours. I know you're worried as her father, but you can't do that to her. I'm assuming after you tried to do that, that she ran off with Cuan."

He nodded, no longer able to meet my eyes. I didn't lift my glare from him. At the moment I was too angry with him to even try to be kind.

I turned away from him, "I'm going to find Saya. And then I'm going to make right of what you just did. You better be ready to apologize when I get back."

Leaving the house without another word, I slammed the door shut. Stopping I closed my eyes and concentrated. Saya had learned from both Naruto and I on how to hide her chakra well. However, I was sure she at least kept one of my kunai's on her. If that didn't work then I would just have to summon Kim again. I smirked, finding not a single trace of Saya around. "I guess I'll just have to summon Kim then." I muttered, forming handsigns then slamming my hand on the ground. Just as soon as I had left her, she was standing in front of me again.

"Yuki-sama, long time no see." She grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "You remember Saya's scent, correct?" She gave a quick nod.

"I need you to help me find her. Naruto screwed up, and I think it's my duty as her mother to fix everything."

She seemed worried at the idea of Saya running off. Since it hadn't been too long that she was kidnapped. "Of course, just give me a moment to catch her scent.


"Saya!" I shouted, seeing my daughter running through the trees with Cuan on her heels. Kim ran beside me as we caught up with Saya, who had stopped to look back at me with wide eyes.I noticed her orange eyes, and the anger flying off of her. I recognized the look she was having, it was the same as when Kurama would try to take over Naruto from his anger. At that I didn't waste a moment in flinging myself at her. She stumbled back a few steps as I crushed her to me.

She stiffened for a moment, then relaxed. The orange in her eyes dimmed and slowly turned back to their normal green. I held her tightly to me, just as I had when she came back.

"Mom?" She muttered.

"My little Saya." I murmured. "I'm so sorry I was gone for so long. I shouldn't have left you, especially when you needed me most."

Kim looked down at Cuan, who was staring up at her. I pulled Saya away from me to look at her. Immediately worry surged through me, there was only one emotion I could see in her eyes. It was one that I had seen far to many times when I was younger with Sasuke. The pure hatred for something, and the want for revenge.

"Sweetie." I muttered, placing my hand on her cheek. "I don't want you going down that path."

She hadn't said anything yet, and now she refused to look at me. She knew how well I was at reading emotions it seemed.

Giving a small smile I untied my konoha head band from around my waist. Bringing it to her forehead, I wrapped it around it before tying it. Her eyes widened as she brought her hand up to the headband.

"I'm sorry for what your father did." I muttered. "He doesn't like seeing people he cares about in danger. Don't worry though, I'll make sure to beat him once we get home." I paused, looking at Saya. "Saya, the choice of being a ninja is all up to you. I know I had them hold you back a few years, but you're more than capable to deciding if that's what you want to do with your life. As your mother, it's not my place to tell you not to follow your dreams. It's my job to hold you, love you, and encourage your dreams."

I paused, placing my hands on her shoulders. I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by a surge of chakra.

Instantly, I placed my arms over Saya as a explosion rippled around us. I bit my lip to keep from crying out at the pain that lashed out in my back.

"Mom!" Saya cried, her eyes widening as I landed staggering on the ground with her still in my grip.

Beside me Kim landed with Cuan in her mouth. She looked at me and gave a stiff nod.I placed Saya down on the ground, looking her over for any injuries.

"Are you okay?"She nodded, her eyes staying on my stomach that was now exposed. It seemed that the fire had not only burnt my back but the bottom half of my shirt. This was Saya's first time really seeing the scar that was on my stomach.

"How perfect, both crystal users in the same spot." I stilled at the woman's voice. In front of me I noticed Saya freeze as well, her eyes going wide from both anger and slight fear. "This makes things a little easier."

Not wasting a second, I had already formed handsigns and stepped back from Saya. Cuan was beside her now and Kim was beside me.

"Crimson fruit." I muttered, seeing my multicolored crystal form around Saya and Cuan.

Saya blinked, her eyes widening as she pounded her fist on the crystal. "Mom! What are you doing?! Let me out, I need to kill her!"

I turned away from Saya, knowing that she was protected put my mind at ease.

I studied the woman in front of me. Her long black hair fanned around her, bringing out the colors in her priestess clothes. She was staring past me at Saya with a smirk. I glared protectively and stepped in front of her gaze.Seeing me her smirk grew wider.

"Yuki Okami, am I right?" She asked. My glare hardened, and crystal formed around the ground I stood on.

"You have no right to even say my name."

She tilted her head at me, "My, my, you are a little intimating. Of course, I would have expected more, from all the stories I've heard about Konoha's Crystal Wolf. You were a major competitor in the war, weren't you."

A smirk stayed on her lips."I was, and I have no doubt I can beat your ass."

I paused, glancing at Saya. She didn't seem to notice my slip of the tongue. Looking back at the woman I raised an eyebrow.

"I won't be holding back one bit, since you've hurt my child and ended the life of a friend's child." I took a step forward, turning the ground I walked on into crystal.

The woman paused, her eyes showing a moment of fear. When I held my hand out to my side, I formed a crystal spear in my hand. Using my speed, I made my way to her. To her it must have seemed like I had just appeared in front of her. Her eyes widened as he tried to move out of the way, the sand from the ground rising into the shape of butterflies and attacking me. It was similar to Gaara's attacks, but her's was more sloppy. I flipped out of the way, not having a hit land on me.

"Mom!" Saya shouted, her fist still pounding on the crystal. "Let me out!"

Hearing Saya's voice, I had to remind myself she was there. I paused, glancing at the woman to Saya. I didn't want Saya to see blood shed, especially from her mother. That wasn't a side of me I wanted to show. At this point, it may be better for me to delay the woman and take Saya back towards the village.

A loud crash echoed, hauling Saya's shouts as her attention was brought towards the village.

The woman's smirk grew, "It seems my army has made it to your village. Now tell me, what will you do? Kill me in front of your daughter, or go to the village in hopes of actually saving them."

I clenched my fist, reminding myself to stay in control. Raising my hand, I formed crystal around her feet. Her eyes widened and she tried to attack me, but realized that the crystal around her feet stopped her from using her chakra.

I gave a smirk towards her, looking at Saya. "I'll just trap you here. That crystal won't be letting up anytime soon, if ever."

Walking back to my daughter, I could see the conflict in her eyes. She wanted to stay here to finish off the woman, but she also wanted to protect Konoha. I stood in front of my crystal, the only thing keeping Saya and I separated.

"Saya, if I let this down, are you going to go with me?" I said, looking at her. "Konoha needs us more right now, and I am not going to leave you here with that woman. If you stay, I'm staying. If you go, I'm going."

She looked at me, uncertainty in her eyes. However, I noticed her hand travel up to the headband I had wrapped around her forehead. It was then I noticed her uncertainty stop and she look at me in determination.

"I'm a Konoha ninja."I smiled, already knowing her decision. "Good, then let's go."

Releasing the crystal, I picked up Saya.Her face turned red from embarrassment of me carrying her like a child.

"Mom, I can run on my own! Besides, your back."

I only smiled, the pain in my back was easily ignored. "I know you can run on your own, but right now I need to get back there fast. We'll travel faster this way, Kim grab Cuan."

Kim nodded and picked up the puppy by the back of his neck, he huffed in annoyance. Not wasting another moment, I jumped back for the trees, releasing seals that I had left on my way here.

"Saya, when this is done, how about I show you how to summon wolfs?" I muttered, "Since you are an Okami just as well as you are a Uzumaki."

However, Saya's response was cut short by another loud crash. Looking up we caught sight of Konoha, the loud crash being a response of a building falling over. I stopped moving, my eyes widening as I looked over the damage already done to the village, as well as the large amount of enemies attacking.

"No..." I muttered, my grip on Saya loosening.

The last time Konoha was destroyed was the fight with Pain, but I knew it wasn't going to end with everyone's life spared. Jumping down from the tree, I placed Saya don on the ground.

"Saya, whatever you do, stay beside me." I ordered, releasing the chakra storage I had sealed much like Tsunade. "I'm not going to stop you from fighting, but I wouldn't be able to fight at my best if I have to worry about you. Also, you must keep control of your emotions. We can't have someone taking over you because you see something that upsets you dearly."

With the chakra storage seal broken for now, my wounds would cover with crystal and I would heal almost instantly. Along with that, pretty much everything I would touch would turn to crystal. Saya stared at me, apparently needing a moment to get used to seeing me getting ready to fight.

After adjusting she nodded, "Okay." She looked at Kim, who had just put Cuan on the ground.

"Kim," I said, catching my red and white wolf's attention. "Go back for now, and when I summon you again, bring the summoning scroll. I'll probably be bringing the whole pack soon."

I smirked, cracking my knuckles. "It's been a while since we all fought together."

She nodded, "It has been, I'll come when you summon. And we'll all be prepared, Yuki-sama."

With that, my wolf was gone. Leaving my daughter, Cuan, and I to fight or our village. It had been a while since I've gone all out. They better be ready, because there is no way Konoha is going down without a damn good fight.

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