The Chaotic Jester of Excitem...

By Darkcooler78

45.1K 695 703

a Chaotic Power Jester named Y/N that was once human that he was killed or was badly injured that he's new li... More

The Peak at the Circus
N Calls Everyone (Glitch X Event) + (Non-Canon Crossover)
The Pilot - Part 1
The Pilot Part 2
The Pilot- Finally
Candy Carrier Chaos: Part 1

Candy Carrier Chaos: Final Part

3K 59 115
By Darkcooler78

Let's begin--

Gummigoo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa........

Me: (At 0:05 - 0:07)

Umm... oooookay then... I guess start the chapter then?

We then see Gummigoo falling into the dark unknown out of bounce world with some floating teapots around. That she landed on some of them that hurt the poor Croco. And then she finally landed into solid ground.

Meanwhile we see Pomni falling down in the same dark world that Gummigoo is with her screaming... but then we see Y/N falling near Pomni that he was happy with a cute smile on his face. And that leads her to stop screaming.


Y/N: Well... maybe I was built different?

Pomni: . . . WHAT?!

Y/N: Oh, hey look at all those teapots.

Pomni: Wait, wh--


Pomni then hits her face on the Kettle with Y/N hits his back on it that leads the two to slip down from the teapots that leads them hitting on more of the teapots and then we see YN looking down and then see the ground nearby and that he stopped when the last teapot when they hit on top of it, Y/N quickly stands up and the grabs Pomni's hands from making her stop falling.

Y/N: I've got you Pomni!

Pomni: Ow... huh, Y/N?! Ah please get me up!?

Y/N then picks her up and then the two have managed to survive from the high fall from out of bounce... Well I mean they wouldn't due anyway so...

We then see Y/N's eyes widen that he just thought of something.

Y/N: Oh, Hey Pomni. I just remembered who my AI is, in this world!

Pomni: Umm What?

Y/N: Yeah, it was those Bandits! Ah, it feels like if it was yesterday.


Y/N (Narrating): When I was home in my room I always draw characters that are from my imagination that one of those are the crocodile like sweets creatures bandits... and I remember I named the leader Gummigoo...

Pomni: That's... sounds better then my name.

Y/N: Yeah well... I was a kid back then so please don't judge me.

Pomni: N-No I wasn't judging, I found the name... cute is all.

Y/N: Oh... thank you :)

Y/N (Narrating): Anyway she wasn't the only character I made, I even created her some friends to make the croco Trio the danger Bandits to ever live... but then one day... my sister came in and grab all of my imagination creations and burned them to crisp.

We then see little Y/N watches in horror seeing his sister throwing the drawings Into the fire place and we hear his sister laugh evilly and that it ends the flashback.


Pomni: Y-Y/N I'm sorry to hear that... she sounds like a awful sibling to have.

Y/N: Yeah... I just don't know why she's like this... I didn't do anything to her but she always treated me bad when our mother is out to work.

We then see Pomni feeling sorry for Y/N learning more about his real world troubles with his awful sister. And that she gentle smile and then puts her hand behind Y/N back that made him look at her.

Pomni: But that's okay, because you got me, Ragatha, Gangle, Kinger, Zooble, Caine and... ugh Jax... we have each other and I'm happy to have you as a friend.


Pomni: *Giggles* Yeah... pinkie promise.

She lifted her finger out that leads Y/N to do the same and then made the pinkie promise.

Y/N: Pinkie promise.

And then after that we see the Kettle slowly tipping down that made Y/N look down and then see the ground close by and then he see's some props and some NPC models. He looks more and then spotted Gummigoo looking at...

Y/N: Oh no...

Pomni: Huh? Is there something wrong?

Y/N: Pomni, we gotta get down there!

Pomni: Wait, why-- Gah!

Y/N then picks her up and then he jumped down and then landed safely on the ground that has gotten Gummigoo's attention.

Y/N: And... we have landed. (He then looks at Pomni and then gently puts her down to the ground.) There we go friend.

Pomni (blushing): T-Thanks Y/N.

Gummigoo: Okay, Where are we? W-What's all this?

We then see something that made Y/N widen his eyes and that he knows where they are at now. The model gallery...

Y/N: Oooooh, boy... Well... how do I say this... we--

Pomni: W-We're somewhere under the map, I think.

Gummigoo: "Map"? (She then checked the models that she doesn't see Y/N and Pomni with them) Why aren't you or any of your crew up here?

Y/N: Actually, I think you mean down her--

Gummigoo: Answer. The. Question.

Y/N: Well... To be fair, I didn't know this much about out of map kind of thing... so I'm not sure myself... sorry...

Pomni: Maybe because we're not, uh NPCs?

Y/N: Hmm, that could be it... but why here of all places?

Gummigoo: NPCs? What are you on about?... What are you people?

Y/N: Well... were definitely not around Candy Canyon Kingdom... so I hope that helps...

Gummigoo then looks at her hand and even Questions herself, this.

Gummigoo: What am I?... Where's Mum?

Y/N widen his eyes when she said the word mum that trigger a flashback with some images of Y/N asking his awful sister when is Mum coming home that will lead him with no response or a smack in the face...

Y/N (quietly): M-Mum...

Pomni: (towards Gummigoo) H-Huh, y-you have a mom?

Gummigoo: Shouldn't she be here with everyone else? *shakily* I can't even remember her face. Did she ever have a face? Was anything ever real?

Pomni: Okay, w-w-wait. Don't.. Don't think about that. I-I-I think there... must be a way to launch ourselves back up. Right Y/N?... Y/N?

She then looks up and then see's the jesters face that her eyes widen to see Y/N dropping tears in his eyes that he was upset...

Y/N: M-Mum... I missed her...

Pomni: Y/N?

Y/N: She was the only one that loved me... I missed her...

Pomni: Y/N!


Gummigoo and Pomni eyes widen from the outburst from Y/N that leads him to lay on the floor and cry with a grim sad look on his face that lead Pomni to get towards him. And trying to calm him down. She then looks at the NPC models and that Gummigoo goes towards the two that leads her to question...

Gummigoo: Look... I want you two to tell me exactly what I am...

Pomni looks at her with worry and leads Y/N to slowly look at her with a sad look on his face. And that it cuts to black...

-Meanwhile with the Gang-

We then see some chocolate River on the bottom of the cliff that it reveals the truck that was owned by the Circus gang and then Ragatha was on top of the truck with Jax face flat on the front nose of the truck.

Ragatha: *Groans* is everybody okay?

We then Gangle hanging on the back of the truck with Kinger popping up from the truck roof... and then we see Y/N pop up soon later after Kinger.

Gangle: No...

Y/N TWO: Oh, I feel fine-- Oh there it goes! *hits ground*

Kinger: Y/N!?

Ragatha: Oh, man. Poor Pomni. I hope she's all right.

Jax: "Poor Pomni"? How about "Poor us"? We're one tanker away from being Augustus Glooped! And now Y/N has been splitting into two people again!

Y/N TWO then gets up from the collapse and then he looks down but that leads him To see two rock Candy eyes popping up from the chocolate river.


And that we see the monster reveals himself to be the same monster we see from the waring signs... this here is...

The Fudge

The Fudge: I am... the great mighty Fudge--

Sorry about that lol!

Take 2

The Fudge: *Groaning* Oh, what's that? Do my eyes deceive me? A delicious gift from within the kingdom gates? Don't mind if I do.

The monster the grabs the truck and was about to eat it with the gang started to panic.

Ragatha: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, buddy! We're not food! We're not Candy! We're none of that! You don't want to eat us!

Y/N TWO: Yeah! And plus I'm not really that tasty, go have Kinger he's more delicious!

Kinger: Aw, thanks Buddy...

The Fudge: Wh-- You're not candy? How am I expected to eat something that's not made of candy? (He then puts them down) I'm sorry.

Kinger: Pomni always seems to miss the big, gloomy monsters.

Y/N TWO: Y-Yeah... (looks around) Monsters...

Jax: Who are you, anyway?

The Fudge: I am the Fudge.

And when he said the Fudge some chocolate was Spits out from his chocolate Mouth that lands on Y/N.

Y/N: Dude really-- hmm... actually this taste really good.

The Fudge: I used to live within the kingdom walls, but I was banished by that rotten Princess after I ate too many of the delicious townfolk. Oh, they were so delicious. Sometimes I can hear them... calling to me.

We then look at his eyes and we heard what seems to be the townsfolk screaming in pain.

Ragatha: Oh, God. That just sounds like murder.

The Fudge: Is it really murder if it's delicious? Answer me that.

Y/N TWO: Yeah that sounds more like Cannibalism to me... but I think there the same thing... I think?

Jax: That's a good point.

Ragatha: Uh, no, bad point!

Jax: Why don't you leave this to me and Y/N before I start thinking your hair looks like licorice?

Ragatha: JAX!

Kinger: Oh, wow, it kind of done.

Ragatha: STOP!

Y/N TWO: Oh, great now I can't stop thinking about it... hey Ragatha can I take I bit off from your... licorice hair--

Ragatha: NOT YOU TOO Y/N!?

Jax: Well, Mr. Fudge, you seem like an upstanding guy with real noble goals.

The Fudge: Oh, I'm not. If you knew what I did in my free time Oh, you'd be SICKEND!

Y/N TWO: Is... one them singing?

The Fudge: Of course, I love to sing... in fact how about I sing a song for you all to hear?

Y/N TWO: Ummm--

Jax: *Clears throat* As I was saying. (He then magically pulls out the candy key) I happen to know a way into the kingdom walls... if you'd be willing to help us out in return.

Ragatha: Hey, when did you--

Jax: Shut up, licorice hair.

Kinger: (He then appeared with a bucket and puts it on Ragatha's head) Here, hide it with this.

The Fudge: Oh, you must be some kind of master of unlocking things, come to free me from my outdoor prison.

Y/N: That's him. All we need you to do is help us bring some dirty Bandits to justice.

Jax: Umm, Y/N...

Y/N: Yeah?

Jax: I believe those Bandits are here.

Y/N: Wait wha--

And then the Bandits truck came in and crashed into the Fudge lake with a splash and then we see the crocodile duo...

Max: I saw the reaper wink at me...

(Thanks to one of the readers to tell me their proper names... this means a lot.)

Ragatha: Wait, w-w-what just happened?

Y/N: Huh... (slowly brings out a button and then pressed it)

The button:

Changing scene is brought you by... THIS:

We then get back to the Gallery room with Pomni trying to find the way to get her, Y/N and Gummigoo to escape... by trying to use the lollipop to move the truck... that leads it to break.

And then we get to Y/N still having a bad time with Gummigoo seating next to him looking worried about the boy Jester that she let's him lay his head on his lap.

Pomni: Uhh... C-Can you help me out now Y/N?

Y/N: N-no... I'm just... need more time...

Pomni: (looks at Gummigoo) would you help me out? Or are you also still... (She then walks towards the two) Hey. You okay?

Gummigoo: . . . No.

Pomni: You wanna talk about it?

Gummigoo: What is there to talk about?

Pomni: I don't just want to leave you and Y/N here.

Gummigoo: Why not? I don't matter In the slightest. I'm nothing. My life, my memories... my friends... it's all fake... and this boy... he made me and my friends but then was forgotten by his disgusting sister of his...

Pomni then lays down and then gets close to the two with nearby to Y/N.

Pomni: This may seem weird, but... I think We know the feeling.

Y/N: U-Uh?

Pomni: Well, m-maybe not... the e-exact feeling, but... feeling like you're nothing is... kind of normal. I mean, people even feel like that in the world that me and Y/N came from. But... Y-you still care about your buddies up there, don't you?

Y/N: Buddies...

Pomni: I'm sure they still care about you.

Gummigoo: What does it matter? What do we have when you people leave?

Y/N eyes widen remembering that awful moment seeing his drawing being burned. And then Gummigoo continues.

Gummigoo: We're just obstacles... created to be defeated and forgotten.

Y/N: . . . No. . .

Pomni: Huh?

Y/N: D-don't say that... (He then gets up from Gummigoo's lap and then wipes away the tears) You not an obstacle... you have emotions and I will not forget about one of my first creations ever again... and you won't be alone... because...

Pomni: You can join us, (Y/N and Gummigoo looks at Pomni) The-- The Circus-- th-- the place we're from. Well, I-- I'm originally from somewhere else.

Y/N: Same with me... but if it has to be our home... (The jester duo looked at each other that they agreed)

Y/N and Pomni: Maybe it can be yours, too.

Y/N: The people there are... Great to have around, and who knows Maybe you can find some fun in the Circus.

Pomni: Well, at the very least. Maybe you... *sighs* could be somebody real there.

Gummigoo:. . . Why are you two trying to cheer me up? How does this benefit you at all?

Y/N: I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing... and... I don't wan't to forget my very first friend creation to go away... and I hate anybody to feel like their be forgotten...

Gummigoo: But I'm not even a real person. Would I even belong?

Y/N: But for me... you are real... and we will not let you stay in this dark empty gallery, and... I think me and Pomni will like to know you more and let you become our friend. Right pomni?

Pomni (gently smiled): Yeah... that sounds go to me.

Gummigoo: "A friend." *gentle smile* You're both strange little characters. Suppose I could give it a try.

Y/N: Yes, Welcome aboard, partner~

He them lifted his hand that leads her to take his hand for a shake. Pomni see's this and smiled for this happy moment. And after the hand shaking the gummy Croc looks back to the Models.

Gummigoo: All I ask is that we don't tell the lads about this. They're a couple of bright-eyed yobbos, and I don't want to drag 'em down with me.

Y/N: If that's your wish and so shall it be. So... umm,

Gummigoo: Gummigoo.

Y/N: Yep still the same name I've gave you.

Gummigoo: Heh, what you like to change it?

Y/N: No... I think it fits you quite well.

Gummigoo: Well then, What'd you two have in mind in terms of getting us out of here?

Pomni: I don't know. M-M-Maybe some kind of glitch with the truck's collisions? I'm not really sure how we could...

Y/N: How about those blocks over their?

Pomni looks at Y/N to see he is pointing at the plain blocks on the corner in the room and that she has the idea.

Pomni: Y/N... your a genius!

And that Pomni places the blocks under the front of the truck with Y/N in the driver seat with Gummigoo in the other side and then we see Pomni seating between the two.

Pomni: All right, I'm just throwing stuff at the wall here. If this doesn't work, we could try something else.

Gummigoo: You've the expert here.

Pomni: *Laughs nervously* I'm really not.

Y/N: Pomni, come on, you truly are an expert, even I didn't know about this and I was the very first one in this Digital world.

Pomni (blushing): O-oh, uh, thank you Y/N... But anyway let's just how this goes. Y/N, hit it!

Y/N: You got it. Puss it to the limit!

Y/N then starts the engine that made the blocks to go crazy and that Y/N looks unsure that he looks at the girls.

Y/N: Ooookay... maybe the good idea to grab something--

We then see Pomni and Gummigoo holding onto Y/N and that made him blush.

Y/N (blushing): Hu-huh, why am I the one being something to hold on from?

And then we see something appear in the dark and then it jumps on top of the truck and then it lunched it in the air that pushed them back in their seat the trio looked at each other given a happy smile taht they will get out of this area. And then we see the small shadow like creature pops up with two pointing cat ears and that it cuts...

-Meanwhile with the gang-

We then see the Fudge monster helping The Circus gang to bring into the kingdom taking in the stolen maple Syrup truck and that we see Gangle looking around with her binoculars with Jax being bored and then see Y/N TWO just chilling on a beach chair.

Jax: Gotta say, this is a lot more anti-climactic than I was hoping it'd be.

Gangle: What were you hoping for?

Jax: You know, like, one big, final battle. Bloodshed. Death. Chaos!


Jax: Not now bud!

Y/N: Awwww :(

We then get to Ragatha and Kinger with the roped up Croc duo Bandits that they're names are...

Max - the Stubby Croc


Chad - the long arms Croc

Ragatha: Are you sure they disappeared? It wasn't that they fall off, or something?

Chad *stammers* I can't say for sure, but, uh-- yes, definitely.

Max: It's not like the boss to vanish with the two clowns. Very unusual.

Ragatha: Well, that's... concerning.

Kinger (with the bucket on): Well, if worst comes to worst, we could always ask Caine to find them.

Ragatha: I'm more worried that they're having another horrible experience. Pomni still seems really upset about what happened yesterday. I don't think she really likes me that much.

Y/N TWO: Nonsense! It's a lot for anybody to go through. Don't take it too personally.

Kinger: Yeah, and hey, I remember how long it took for you to adjust. And that Y/N was always by your side cheering you up.

Ragatha then remembered those moments with some trouble on her time but then Y/N was always with her making her cheer up and always brings a smile and that she blush of remember those good times.

Ragatha (blushing): O-Oh. Yeah. I'm suprised you remember that.

Y/N TWO: Wait for it...

Kinger: . . . Remember what?

Y/N TWO: and there it is

He then lays down that leads him to lay on Ragatha's lap that he wants her to play with his hair that she gladly accept... but then they heard a faraway explosion from a far. Gangle was about to see what it was, but Jax takes the binoculars and then see what it was... he then questions the bandits something.

Jax: Do you guys have a second truck that flies?

Chad: Yeah. Oh, wait... No, we don't. No, not at all.

And then the truck crashed onto The Fudge monster very hard that really hurts him that he was no more...

The Fudge: *groans* Down I go.

We then see Gummigoo hoping off the truck first, then Pomni and lastly Y/N but when he landed Pomni pukes some black liquid from her mouth.

Gummigoo: *Laughs* Couldn't keep it in, could-- *pukes as well* *rattles lips*

Y/N: Hahaha! Looks like I win-- *Pukes* Oh mother Fudge!

Pomni: Huh? (She then picks up some chocolate that was from the Fudge monster) Uh, what's all this stuff?

Ragatha: Guys! Are you both okay? W-What happened?

Pomni: Yeah, I'm fine.

Y/N: And I'm doing great, and it was all thanks to Pomni for helping me out. (Pomni blushed from the comment) now where's my other self?


Y/N TWO shows up and then lands near the original and that the two High five and then did this to get back into one. Making just one Y/N.

(Like this)

When that was happening Pomni then looks at Ragatha.

Pomni: We, also made a new friend.

We then get to Gummigoo that she is going towards the bandits.

Max: Boss! Where have you been? We got fudged.

Gummigoo: You don't wanna know. Good to see you, lads.

And then we see Y/N a back to himself again and seeing a great moment.

Y/N: Aww...

We then see Kinger and Gangle walking away from the truck and then noticed the another stolen truck was there.

Gangle: Why are there two bad-guy trucks?

Kinger went to the back of the truck and then twisted the tap and that pours down the maple syrup on top of him.

Kinger: This one's full of syrup, too.

Gummigoo: Oh, Yeah. Suppose it is. Well, uh, you don't suppose my mates here could, uh, take this one back to the village, could they?

Ragatha: I guess. Since there's two of them, there'd be no real harm.

Y/N: Yippee! Everybody wins!

Y/N then gets to the Croco bandits and started to untie them from the candy ropes. We then get to Jax that is not happy about this adventure moment.


I'm so unbelievably disappointed right now.

Ragatha: Well, maybe there'll be blood, death and violence in the next adventure.

Jax: Ha-ha-ha-ha. How wholesome.

We then see Pomni, Y/N and Gummigoo that Ragatha noticed and looks at the three.

Pomni: O-O-Oh, yeah. Uh, this is Gummigoo. One of Y/N's created Characters that is his very first one he made.

Y/N: And, he's gonna come back to the Circus with us.

Ragatha: Oh! Uh, I-is that allowed?

Pomni: His reality was kind of...

Y/N: Completely shattered...

Pomni: And we feel like it was the least we could offer her. Opposed to just leaving her behind.

Ragatha: *chuckles* Hey. That's good of you, Guys.

Jax: UGH! Let's take this DUMB truck to the DUMB kingdom, I guess!

When that was happening we see the small cat like Shadowy figure watching Y/N and that we see a sharp like smile that this thing has found something interesting in the boy.

Small TimeSkip is brought you by... THIS:

We then see our heroes with Gummigoo standing in front of the princesses that they have the truck returned into the kingdom.

Loo: Thanks to you brave knights, our kingdom will once again thrive. I'm sure it was no easy task.

Jax: You have no idea.

Loo: and as promised for the son of god, here's the reward for helping our kingdom.

She then claped her hands and then see a bright glow appeared in front of the boy jester and that it reveals...

An Oreo Cake

Y/N: HOLY Oreo!? Thank you so much Princess!

Loo: *Giggles* it's no problem.

Y/N: This looks yummy I could just eat the hole thing... in fact... I'll do that right now!

And when he started to get close to eat the delicious cake... something snatch it from the boy.


???: My Oreo!

Everyone turned towards the voice and then see's the black cat that was watching Y/N and that it reveals it's self... or should I say, herself.

Y/N: *Gasp* Aww it's a cute cat! Wait... Grrr what ever I don't care if you are cute looking I want my cake back!

Cat: . . . No, it's mine.

And then the portal opens behind the cat and then she turned around and See's it and then jumps inside.


My... Cake... ;(

Loo: Well... farewell, brave knights. Have fun executing that bandit fella!

Pomni: Yes. That is what we're doing.

Jax: *sigh* come on Y/N... let's get back to the Circus... and maybe I'll tell Caine to give some grub, would you like that?

Y/N: *sniff* Y-Yeah... I will like that a lot.

Jax: Alright then, so get back up and let's go.

And that everyone started to walk towards the portal until we heard a explosion in the distance that made Jax smile that me might know who did that.

Jax: Oh, hey! Maybe I didn't leave the gate unlocked for nothing after all.

Ragatha: Uh, what? I-I thought he was dead! You still did that?!

Loo: Okay, wait. Y-You did what now?

Jax: Well, love to help you again sometimes! Bye!


Y/N: Not in the mood, let's just get inside the portal.

And that everyone entered the portal and that takes them into the Circus, home, sweet, home. And then Caine welcomes them.

Caine: Welcome back, my little hard-shelled hamburgers!

Gummigoo: So, this is the Circus, huh? I could get used to this.

Caine: Oop! Looks like one of these guys made it thr--

Y/N: Pops... she's staying.

Caine: Huh? Umm S-Son I don't think that's a good id--

Y/N: I don't want to hear it! I just missed my favourite cake, and I don't want you deleting my very first creations that I have drawn. Is that clear!

Caine in the first time was scared from his son. He was never like this all scary and intimidating... except that one time... back then.

Caine: Umm... o-okay then... do you at least like to have something to eat?

Y/N: . . . F/F And some Water please.

Caine: Okay then! Because I really do need some water right about now. It's been a while since I did that. Hope to see you get cheered up on the next adventure son! Ba-bye!

And that Caine disappeared and when that happened Zooble popped behind the blocks to se if Caine's around and lucky enough he wasn't.

Zooble: Sheesh, I thought he'd never leave.

Pomni: Hey Y/N... thanks for making Gummigoo to stay.

Y/N: Yeah... it's no problem...

Gummigoo: Well since you saved me from your pops... I guess I'll give you award~

Y/N: Huh? And that is--

And that The Croc Gum then brings his face and hits his lips into her lip Chompers. Y/N was shocked from this and he feel her lip so... SWEET and delicious that all of his sadness was instantly vanished. Pomni, Ragatha and Gangle are shocked seeing this with a little bit of jealousy. And that Gummigoo moved away.

Gummigoo: So... How's that?

Y/N: I-It was... very sweet... and tasty!

Gummigoo: heh, I glad you like that.

And then Gummigoo started to glow and then some stars started to appear and that it shines bright and then we see a text appeared.

"Gummigoo has joined your Dream Team. You can call her out when ever you needed her assistance for future adventures."

Y/N: Woah... that's so cool!

Ragatha: What just happened?

Y/N: I believe Gummigoo is a part of me now.

Gummigoo: Now then, I guess it's time for me to rest. And hey kid, don't be shy to call me. I'll be waiting~

And that she winks and then her spirit goes around Y/N and then goes into his soul.

Y/N: Well... that was surprisingly went well.

Pomni: It's good to have her here... and hey you can call her when ever you needed to.

Y/N: Like for a talk, oh even play games!

Zooble: Hey guys, everything's ready.

Ragatha: O-Oh right... hey... You guys wanna join for Kaufmo's funeral?

Y/N: Oh, Yeah... I guess we could do that... I believe he will be happy about that... he was a great friend to have around.

Ragatha: Yeah... Well let's go then.

We see Jax watching this with a sad look on his face until he rolled his eyes with a sad look and then leaves the scene

We then see Ragatha, Pomni, Kinger, Gangle and Zooble. all round the box with a picture of Kaufmo with each of the people looking down sad. And that Ragatha walks in front of the people for a speech for Kaufmo.

Ragatha: Oh, man. I always think I'm prepared for these things, but then you set up the picture and, well... I'm already breaking. (She then wipes off dome tears from her eyes. and then a tissue was shown by Y/N holding it her to take it that she gladly accept.)

And that everyone speaks about how Kaufmo was a good friend even some good thing about the yellow clown. With Gangle showing a picture of her, Y/N and Kaufmo being buddies in the drawing, it was a very emotional session.

Pomni watching this and then some shots of her falling down into the dark and then we see some hands of her new friends grabbing onto her. And that she generally smile to have people that will keep her company. And that Y/N see's this and then places his hand on her shoulder with a smile on his face that she will always has friends around.

And that it zoomed Away from them but then we see the same cat again with a empty plate that has the cake on it. She watches this and looks at Y/N with glee and that she smiled.

Cat: New... Master~~


And that was Candy Canyon Chaos! I hope everyone likes this and that Gummigoo will definitely be in future Chapters that will help Y/N and the gang.

And we might know who the next will be and it might be a hunted mansion themed adventure... but who knows we just have to wait and see...

Until then ladies and gentlemen... see you all next time. Ba-bye!!!

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