Afterglow II | The Clone Wars

By WritingAvengerA113

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book 2 although the Clone War is drawing to a close, there is still a war within the Jedi of many secrets. Th... More

1 | Problems in the Midsts
2 | Within Stone and Steel
3 | The Way
3 | Follow Me
4 | Satellite
5 | 501st
6 | Betrayals and Devotion
7 | Together
8 | Caverns of Darkness
9 | That Night
10| Whispers of the Past
11 | Actions
12 | Forward
13 | Healing
14 | Crevices
15 | Withering Wreckage
16 | Invisible Strings
17 | Replacements
18 | Wise Words of the Young
19 | Perspectives

20 | Precautions

415 28 12
By WritingAvengerA113

Narrator: "Divided by war, in an effort to end the Galactic conflict, the first ever sanctioned meeting between the Republic and the Separatists will be held. And Mandalore is chosen as neutral ground for these precarious meetings. Tensions run high as many hold hope for these important negotiations."


"Sent to Mandalore, Padawan Tano has been, to accompany Senator Amidala on these negotiations with the Separatists" Yoda's unique, wise voice woven with hopeful charm resonated with all present in the council meeting. Some attended in static, blue form, having been sent to the far, backwater reaches of the galaxy, and others sat present in person. Heads of the various esteemed members nodded in agreement to the plan spoke of, their frames decorated by the orange, evening crepuscular.

The topic of her home system caused her bionic finger to tap rhythmically on the arm rest of the cushioned seat, stealing her attention away from the sunset that was begging like a child to be admired. Concern was always present in her mind when Mandalore was involved. Anything, one single misstep, could lead to conflict with her people, or worse. Dakota looked between the countenances of the Jedi that encircled her.

Mace Windu, formidable and enigmatic as ever, sat a few chairs away from her, next to Yoda. A man with a blatant reflection of Jedi principles, and who never fails to exhibit strict adherence to the Order. He sat with a commanding presence, and Dakota adjusted in her seat in hopes of holding the same effect.

"I have faith that this meeting will be the first step towards political peace." Plo Koon nodded, his hands forming a triangle in front of his filtered mask. "I certainly look forward to hearing Padawan Tano's progress."

A chorus of agreeing mumbles sounded.

"Belkadan is now fully under Republic control," Master Kit Fisto chimed in, he referenced his green hand over to Dakota who sat next to him. His Nautolan frame hummed blue, a side effect of his holographic appearance. "Since the initial siege led by the 501st, my forces were able to follow through and gain control of the remainder of the system. I shall have more updates by dawn."

Another wave of nods. Dakota wondered if things would get more exciting than this, because at the moment, a mere stratus cloud had consumed her attention.

"Speaking of updates, do we have anything regarding the Sith brothers? Maul and Savage?" Mace questioned, looking directly at Obi-Wan.

"No," he responded, shaking his head and rubbing his beard. "When those two fled Florrum, they once again dropped off the face of the galaxy. I have sources throughout the outer rim keeping tabs, and are ready to provide us with intel if they're spotted."

"Until we know how to best deal with them, I say we refrain from sending Jedi to where they've been spotted. Master's Kenobi and Ky are the only Jedi to ever return from an exchange with them, everyone else has been killed." Ki Adi Mundi pointed out.

At the mention of her name, she returned her full attention back to the meeting. At the cost of losing a visual on the sunset. Coruscant never failed to deliver stunning pieces of natural artwork, painted by the makers themselves.

"That may be best." Mace agreed, then probed the entire gathering of Masters. "All in favor of Master Mundi's suggestion?"

A majority of hands went up in the circle, including Dakota's, but as it raised halfway, she curled her fingers into her palm. Master Yoda noticed the restraint. "Hesitant, on this decision, are you? Master Ky?"

"No- I agree" she spoke for the first time in the entirety of the meeting, and lowered her hand. "To save lives, yes, always. It's just, my thought was..." her voice trailed off, coming to the realization that all eyes were on her now. Many were friendly, but also many with scrutinization and judgement. "Never mind, Master Yoda"

"Master Ky," Mace encouraged, nodding his head. Yoda also seemed interested.

She shifted in her seat to sit up more. "Well, I suppose I wanted to say that... if Maul and Savage make an appearance, I wish to be sent to encounter them. I've crossed paths with them a handful of times before, and so has-" she paused, looking to Obi-Wan. "-although I am in no way, shape or form volunteering you to accompany me. I am familiar with both of their fighting styles, and in their shortcomings. They're too dangerous for us not to have a plan."

All of the members looked to one another as they quietly deliberated. "With much respect to your suggestion, Master Mundi" she acknowledged. "I agree, we shouldn't send just anyone after them, so send me"

"And me" Obi-Wan joined. She smiled gratefully at her friend.

"All in favor?" Mace asked once more. All hands went up. She glanced around at the members, inhaling contently at the sight. Hands, unanimously agreeing with her. Her ideas, shaping one small part of the system that they all hold dear.


"Did that just... happen?" Dakota sat dumbfounded, facing the maroon horizon of dusk beyond Obi-Wan's window. She nearly missed the steaming cup of tea that he was offering her. Her hands reached up to take the cup carefully. "Is that what it feels like to be important?"

Obi-Wan scoffed at her half-joke, slipping into the chair next to her. They sat in his spacious quarters at the Temple. It was a serene and minimalist space, designed for meditation, reflection, and study. Lacking in personality, however only because he acted as the primary characteristic. "I don't think I actually said a word in a council meeting until week two of being on it. Three days for you, that's a record."

"I guess this means I actually have to follow the councils orders now, hm?"

"Are you bummed about that?"

She smirked, bringing a knee up to her chest as she took a sip of her tea. Obi-Wan set his cup down on the small table between them. "How's your Padawan?"

"Ugh" she groaned with disgust, despising the turn of conversation already. "Next question"

"That bad?"

"He doesn't have the ability to connect with the Force, and he can't use the Force to manipulate entities," she explained. "He can't even lift up a single convor feather. And he's been a youngling for how long now?"

"How old were you when you learned?"

"That was different." she frowned. "I was twelve when my Master brought me in, and I fully developed the ability within the year. And, Caleb? Well, he's just so annoying, and he gets mad at everything." she crossed her arms gruffly. "I get it, okay? I understand his world was ripped apart and forced to be put back together again. But, he's just so snippy, and cold, and mean, and-" it dawned on her in an instant. "holy kriff he's me"

"I'm aware." he stood up, and hit the button that pulled up the window blinds of his room. The expanse of the city laid ahead of them, with speeders weaving throughout the glinting, silver skyscrapers. "I supported the council's decision to assign Caleb as your Padawan"

Dakota sucked her teeth at him. "Just like with Ahsoka and Anakin..." at that remark, he flashed a mischievous grin. "alright, you Padawan Stork."

"It's for the best my friend, and you know it,"

"I beg to differ."

Obi-Wan brought the tea cup to his chin, and watched the fumes of steam levitate off the surface of the hot drink. "Have you tried talking to him? Asking him questions, getting to know him? Things like that?"

She shrugged, giving a reluctant shake of her head.

"Then I'd start there"


Dakota navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the ancient Jedi temple that same evening. She began searching in the training grounds, where the sound of lightsabers clashing filled the air as young Jedi initiates honed their skills under the watchful eyes of their masters. But Caleb was not among them.

Next, she checked the meditation chambers, where the soft glow of candlelight cast a serene ambiance over the room. Rows of Jedi sat in silent contemplation, their minds attuned to the Force. Yet, amidst the sea of meditating figures, there was no sign of Caleb.

Dakota then ventured into the library, its blue shelves lined with ancient tomes and holocrons containing the collective knowledge of generations past. Jedi scholars pored over texts, their brows furrowed in concentration. But Caleb was not among them either.

She stood outside of the library archway, lips pouting in frustration as her mind sifted through the remaining spots that a Padawan could be. The cobalt carpets spread out and down the stairs, leading to the lower levels of the temple. Every inch of this place could be traced with her eyes closed, with the cracks and colors accounted for. However now, she was at a loss.

Finally, she reached the grand dining hall, its vast expanse illuminated by the soft glow of luminescent that lined the walls. Beyond the open windows was an elegant night sky, the stars overtaken by the light from the urban cliffs. The room was steeped in history, its arches and intricate carvings bearing witness to the countless generations of Jedi who had gathered within its hallowed halls.

But despite the grandeur of the surroundings, there was an unmistakable sense of solitude that hung in the air. The tables were deserted, their polished surfaces reflecting the dim light in calm waves. It was clear that Caleb was the only one present, sitting alone at a table near the far end of the hall solemnly eating his meal.

As Dakota approached, she could see the tension etched into Caleb's features, his brow furrowed in deep thought. He seemed lost in his own world, oblivious to her presence as she drew nearer.

Taking a deep breath to steel herself, Dakota approached Caleb's table, her footsteps echoing softly against the smooth floor. She pulled a chair over and sat down opposite him, her expression gentle yet determined.

"I've been looking for you," she said simply.

He took a bite of his food. "I wasn't hiding."

Her expression glazed over at his attitude, and whatever hopes she had for this discussion became hopeless, however she persisted. She scooted the chair closer to the table and rested her elbows on the surface. "So, um," she sucked her teeth, spinning her mind around in circles in order to find the best conversation starter. "You uh, got a favorite color?"

"Really?" he deadpanned, unimpressed. He lowered his spoon.

"Okay," she reacted defensively, her eyes flaring. "Then how 'bout your deepest, darkest secret? I don't know. I mean, you pick!"

"What's our next mission?" he asked with disinterest, poking around at the food on his plate. Spitefulness was unavoidable, and it consumed the air around them.

Her eye twitched. "Probably Onderon" she muttered through gritted teeth. "But keep ticking me off and you'll be sitting it out-" she pushed up from the table, forfeiting already. She glowered at him and began to move away from the table, but spun back to get one last say in. "And my favorite color is green."

Caleb kept his eyes down. Dakota sulked back to the dining hall entrance, fiercely rubbing her face and grumbling to herself. As she stomped away from the table, frustration rising like smoke beneath the surface, she was caught off guard by an unexpected question. Pausing in her tracks, she turned back to face him, her expression held cautious curiosity.

"Why is your relationship with the clones different?" Caleb repeated, his voice dull, yet earnest as he awaited her response. He remained facing his plate.

Dakota took a moment to gather her thoughts, the weight of Caleb's question sinking in. She realized that she had never truly considered the depth of her connection with the clones. Her reasons were well known, and blatantly obvious to the majority that knew her and saw her leadership style.

"They're not just soldiers," she began slowly, her gaze distant as she recalled the countless battles fought alongside the members of the 501st. Skyscraper lights twinkled in her view, and somewhere beyond her field of vision, the Clone Headquarters, where he was. "They're individuals, each with their own hopes, dreams, and fears. They're not expendable, like droids. They're... they're people."

As she spoke, Dakota couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to her bond with the clones, something deeper than mere camaraderie. And yet, try as she might, she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"So I wouldn't say my interactions with them are different, but rather appropriate..." she continued, aside from the bantha in the room. "... treating living beings as such."

"Do you know all their names?" Caleb's questions were far more than she anticipated, and this was perhaps the longest conversation they'd ever had.

She pondered, rubbing her upper arm. "Not all 9,216 of them, but quite a few. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know" he said quickly.

"Well certainly you had a desire to know something-"

"Doesn't matter" he snapped, getting up from the and yanking his tray from the table. Despite the remaining morsels on his plate, he was making his way to dispose them of. "You answered my question"

"Excuse me!" she followed after him in his pursuit for the waste disposal. Just after he tossed his food into the trash, she took him by the shoulder and whirled him around to face her. He became rattled, and looked up to meet her stern gaze.

"Unfortunately my patience has worn thin with you-" she pointed. "-and your attitude. I don't often pull this card, but I am your Master, I am your superior" she asserted, her voice billowing in the emptiness of the dining hall. The voice of a General. "And if you were raised in the same temple as I, then you are already aware of how to treat an authoritative figure."

Caleb blinked, going stiff.

"My Master would've smacked me upside the head for speaking in the manner in which you speak to me, and quite frankly, he did," she stepped closer, bending down to make her presence unavoidable. He took a step back. "It's about time I introduced myself to you, my young Padawan. I am Dakota Ky, Master Jedi and General of the 501st Clone Battalion. You will address me as Master, or Sir. And if I have not made myself clear, then you will suffer the consequences. Have I made myself clear?" her teeth grit together.


She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Master"

Dakota and Caleb's conversation reached an abrupt halt as the piercing beep of her transmitter shattered the tense silence, signaling the summons to the war room. Without a moment's hesitation, Dakota's gaze flickered to the device, her expression tightening with resolve.

"We're needed," she said, her voice firm as she turned to Caleb, gesturing for him to follow. She didn't wait to see if he did. Her path was set to meet the call of her Master. Caleb trudged after.

Together, they navigated the corridors of the Jedi Temple, their footsteps echoing against the polished stone floors. The weight of Mace Windu's summons hung heavy in the air, casting a somber pall over their short journey.

Upon reaching the war room, Dakota and Caleb entered to find Mace Windu standing at the head of the table, his expression grave as he relayed the latest developments from Mandalore. Ahsoka had gone missing, her whereabouts unknown. The last sighting had placed her in the capital city of Sundari, engaged in a confrontation with the separatists and Lux Bonteri. Senator Amidala of Naboo had made the call for assistance.

"I am assigning you and your Padawan to the task," Mace determined, tasking them with addressing the situation on Mandalore and bringing Ahsoka back to safety. "With Anakin and Obi-Wan out on a mission, and your connections with the Mandalorian government, not to mention your spotless record of returning missing Padawan's-"

"You're in a generous mood today, Master." Dakota noted, her hands linked together at her back.

Windu rounded the circular table, cutting the holographic planet off and it dispersed into nothingness as he approached her. "I'm merely suggesting the odds are in my favor with this one. I should've also mentioned the countless time you ended up lost somewhere out there in the galaxy as a young Jedi."

"And I always ended up right back here." she gave a smile.

"One way or another. I had a drag you a few times, didn't I?"

She shrugged, cutting a quick glance to her Padawan, to the collar of his vanilla tunic that she's yanked here and there around the temple a a handful of times already. He remained perched at the doorway, waiting for the dismiss, and the beginnings of their journey to Mandalore. "Jorgan doesn't fall far from the tree." she sighed hopelessly, shaking her head slowly.

"I've noticed," Mace nodded, putting a hand to her shoulder. "Well, safe travels, and may the Force be with you."

"And you,"


In the serene confines of Yoda's chamber that same evening, long since had the suns sank into the horizon. The two Jedi Masters sat in quiet contemplation, their expressions eased as they meditated in the room lit with dim city light. Yoda, his wise, green eyes gazing thoughtfully at Mace Windu, broached the topic that lingered heavily upon his mind.

"Send Dakota to Mandalore, we have," Yoda began, his voice tinted with a hint of apprehension. "Worried, I am. Too personal, this mission may be for her."

Mace Windu opened his eyes, offering a reassuring nod in response. "She will handle it," he affirmed, his tone carrying a steely determination. "Her duties to the Order are paramount to her."

Yoda, his brow furrowed in deep thought, raised a pointed reminder of the unique circumstances surrounding Dakota's heritage. "Rare, Mandalorian Jedi are," he alluded, his voice tinged with a note of caution. "One before her, there was. His fate, his morals, torn and twisted they were. "

"That was a thousand years ago," Windu knew the tale. A Mandalorian Jedi of royal heritage, the forger and wielding of the infamous dark saber. An ancient weapon, a stark contrast to what the Jedi wield. The black core of the blade appeared to draw in all surrounding light and color, and bore the blood of countless victims.

As the conversation unfolded, Yoda emphasized the importance of vigilance in monitoring Dakota's actions, a testament to the delicate balance they sought to maintain within the Jedi Order. "Held accountable, she must be," Yoda urged, his gaze unwavering.

"She's a member of the Council, now," Mace rubbed his chin, window blinds allowing light to cut lines over his dark skin in the darkness. "She has no other option but to remain loyal to the Order." he looked away momentarily. "I was never concerned about her allegiance, but her near-death encounter had me worried for quite some time."

"Given her a Padawan, we have," Yoda remarked, "Made her a council member, we also have as you mentioned Hopeful, I am, that her allegiance to the Jedi, will remain intact." he continued, voice leveling as he lifted his green, clawed hand, "Precautionary measures, these are. Her Mandalorian blood, a factor it is, to our concern."

"You do raise a good point," Mace admitted. "We are walking a delicate balance nowadays with the way the dark side has used the war against us, to twist and deceive Jedi, even the strongest of us. Dakota is a Mandalorian, and that is not something well-known here within the temple. Only a select few know, and I'm certain those here that are closest to her know as well. Such as Kenobi, and Skywalker."

"Know of Tarre Vizla, does she? The first Mandalorian Jedi?"

"I'm not sure," he shook his head. "she never spoke of her people, and never spoke of who her family was. When I picked her up on Kalevala all those years ago, I hardly saw a family. Perhaps a sister, or cousin, but she didn't seem to resemble them. No matter-" he stood up from the seat that he rested on, and bowed to Master Yoda. It was getting late. "She has wiped that life from her memory, from what I can see, and is fully committed to our cause"

"Right you are, I hope," Yoda nodded back.

Mace Windu left the room and headed for his quarters, however a sense of uncertainty was beginning to prick like a thorn into his skin.

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