The Historian (No. 16)

By DeadGirlEternal

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As a Historian, it is their job to watch over the land and record everything that happens, but unlike the Aut... More

Landon Mills
I. ''We Don't Run Away.''
II. ''Sounds Like An Interesting Operation.''
III. ''What did you ask for this time?''
V. ''How's it feel, Sheriff?''
VI. ''Least He Gave Us Henry.''

IV. "Evening Deputy Em."

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By DeadGirlEternal

IV. "Evening Deputy Em."

Henry and Archie are in the shrink's office for their usual session, discussing the Curse again. "You weren't always a cricket," Henry says, looking at his Psychiatrist.

"I weren't always-. Oh, right. Because, um... Because you think I'm Jiminy Cricket. Why... Why do you... Why do you think that, Henry?" Archie asks him, playing into the boys' fantasy'.

"It's just because of who you are," He replies.

"And what am I?" The shrink questions.

"You're a conscious. You help people see right from wrong," The Mills boy tells him.

"So, all the crickets in Storybrooke – they were once people, too?" Archie asks.

"There aren't any crickets here. Listen," Henry replies firmly, looking at the open window where they can only hear the cool breeze.

"Maybe it isn't light enough," He argues lightly.

"There's never been crickets here. You've just never noticed," The young Mills boy retorts.

"So, you think that's proof that there's a curse?" The Psychiatrist questions, looking back at the window.

"Yes, but I know it's not enough. I'm looking for more," Henry informs him.

"So, Henry, look. I asked you this once before and you said you'd think about it. Why do you think it's so important that this is real?" Archie asks him, trying to get back on track with their session.

"It... It just is," He replies.

"Alright. Well, keep thinking about that answer, Henry. Cause I think there's something buried there," Dr Hopper tells him.


Emma meets with Graham at the Sheriff's station, and he hands her a uniform, which she holds up questioningly. "A tie?" Emma quirks, looking at the Sheriff funnily. "You know you don't have to dress a woman as a man to give her authority."

"So, you think you can get people to do what you want in that red coat?" Graham asks her.

"I'm getting you to do what I want right now," She retorts smugly.

"Well, at least wear the badge," He argues, holding out the badge. "Go on – take it. If you really want to be a part of this community, we have to make it official." Emma takes it from Graham and clips it to her belt. When that happens, there's a violent shake throughout Storybrooke. Suddenly, all of the phones at the station start ringing frantically.


The entire town gathers around what appears to be the entrance to a tunnel from the old mines. Regina arrives in her car quickly, spotting her brother, Landon, with Sidney Glass, taking photos. "Everyone! Step back, please!" Regina shouts, trying to get people away from the edge.

"Is that a crater?" Ruby questions, looking around.

"No, there were tunnels – old mines. Something collapsed," Marco tells them.

"Sheriff, set up a police perimeter. Marco, why don't you help with the fire department?" Regina orders, delegating, and she spots Emma with Graham. "Miss Swan, this is now official town business. You're free to go."

"Well, actually, I work for the town now," Emma retorts, showing the Deputy badge on her belt.

"She's my new Deputy," Graham informs the Mayor, and Landon walks over to his sister.

"They say the Mayor's always last to know," Regina snaps, glaring at her lover.

"It's in my budget," He argues.

"Indeed. Deputy, why don't you make yourself useful and help with crowd control?" she suggests, stepping away and standing before the crowd. "People of Storybrooke, don't be alarmed. We've always known this area was honeycombed with old mining tunnels. But fear not. I'm going to undertake a project to make this area safe—to rehabilitate it into city use. We will bulldoze it, collapse it, pave it." Henry emerges from the crowd.

"Pave it? What if there's something down there?" Henry asks her, making his mother move towards her.

"Henry, what are you doing here?" the dark-haired woman asks, crouching before her son.

"What's down there?" He asks her, and Landon moves over.

"Nothing. Now step back," Regina tells him and turns to the crowd. "In fact, everyone! Please, please step back. Thank you." Regina spots something on the ground and picks up a piece of glass, quickly putting it in her pocket.

"What was that?" The Mills boy asks, looking at her.

"Henry, enough. Listen. This is a safety issue. Wait in the car," she tells him, and Henry storms away. "Deputy Swan, Sheriff - cord off the area." Henry sits in his mother's car, sulking as he watches everyone, seeing his uncle talking to people and his mother trying to help Graham. When he gets a chance, he exits the car, looking for Archie. Landon strolls casually towards Emma as she moves around the crater.

"Finally, accepted his offer, huh?" Landon asks, making Emma look at him.

"I thought about it. And I want to stay. For Henry," Emma tells him.

"You know my sister is going to take that as a bad sign. But I think Henry's lucky you're sticking around for him." He replies, smirking.

"Thanks. Tell your sister, I'm not going to take him away from her. I just want to be a part of his life," The blond woman argues lightly.

"I'll tell her. So any comment on what's going on here?" The tattooed man asks, making her scoff and walk away. "Hey! I'm a journalist!"

"A bad one!" Emma laughs.

"Hey, Archie! Over here," Henry whispers, gaining his attention. He moves over to the police car, and Emma joins them. "This requires all of Operation Cobra. Both of you."

"I didn't realise I was in Operation Cobra," Archie comments, looking at the boy.

"Of course you are. You know everything. We can't let her do this. What if there's something down there?" He argues.

"They're just some old tunnels," Emma tells him.

"That just happen to collapse right after you get here? You're changing things. You're weakening the Curse," The Mills boy retorts.

"That's not what's happening," She argues.

"Yes, it is! Did you do anything different today? Cause something made this happen," Henry tells her, and Emma looks down at her new Deputy badge. Regina storms over to the three of them, wanting Henry to be safe.

"Henry, I told you to wait in the car. Deputy, do your job," Regina snaps, looking between her son and Emma. Henry and Emma both leave in different directions, and Archie goes to leave, but Regina stops him. "Dr. Hopper. A word, please? Okay. We're done with this."

"Uh, excuse me?" Archie questions.

"My son. We need a new treatment plan," She tells him. "Everything I do he thinks is part of some horrible plot. I can't cover up a safety hazard without him thinking I'm hiding something. How am I hiding something terrible in an old mine? How is any of this logical to him?"

"He's got an amazing imagination," He tells her.

"Yes, that you let run rampant," She sneers.

"Well, I think it would be wrong to rip away the world he's constructed," The shrink argues. "I'd rather use it to try and gain-."

"Sometimes, I think you've forgotten. You work for me. You're an employee," The Mayor snaps angrily. "And I can fire you. This is my town. You will lose your office, lose your house, I can cut you down to size until you're a tiny, shrunken, little creature and this will be the only roof over your damn head." Regina holds up Archie's umbrella.

"What would you have me do?" Archie asks her, giving in to her demands.

"You take that delusion out of my son's head and you crush it," Regina orders him.


Archie sits in his office, seemingly deep in, though, when Marco walks in and sees his old friend. "Hey, Arch!" Marco calls to him, snapping the Psychiatrist out of his stomper.

"Marco? What are you doing here?" Archie asks, looking at the older man, and Marco makes an eating gesture. "Oh, lunch. I'm sorry, I forgot- I got another patient. Another time?"

"Sure, of course," He replies, and Henry runs around Marco into the room. "Hey! Have a good session, Henry." Marco playfully scruffs Henry's hair and then leaves. Henry and Archie both sit on the couch.

"Hey," The shrink mutters, looking at the boy.

"Are you recruiting Geppetto for Operation Cobra?" Henry asks, looking back at the door.

"You think Marco's Geppetto?" Archie questions.

"Sure. He's Jiminy Cricket's best friend and Marco's yours," he replies.

"Henry... Henry, look. W-We really need to talk about this, okay?" Dr Hopper sighs, his stomach feeling heavy with guilt.

"I know you're not convinced, but I know where I can get proof," the Mills boy tells him, unzipping his backpack and showing Archie what's inside.

"What is this? Flashlight? Candy bars?" Archie questions, looking at the items and realising what he plans to do. "Oh, wait, Henry. Henry, you do not want to go down there."

"Emma's here and stuff's happening. I have to look at it," Henry argues, wanting to have an adventure like he's read in the book.

"Henry, Henry. Stop. Stop. There is no proof," He snaps. "Look, all of this – all of this – is a delusion. Do you know what a delusion is?"

"I... I think so," the young boy replies.

"It's something that's not real. And... And not healthy. And I thought that you'd outgrow this, but Henry, you know... Now it's turned into a psychosis," The shrink explains. "Do you know what a psychosis is? Th-that's when you can longer tell what's real and if that continues, then... Then I have to lock you away. Henry, look. This has to stop for your own good. You got to wake up. This nonsense must end." Henry grows visibly upset and storms out of Archie's office, leaving the Psychiatrist to slump in his chair in defeat.


Mary Margaret and David play hangman in the hospital patient's room, spending a lot of time together. "I don't know. M?" she questions, looking at the paper.

"Mmhmm. Two of them. Get it yet?" He asks her.

"Yes. And I'm completely mortified. I almost hanged on my own name," Mary Margaret retorts, laughing.

"Don't worry – I would never have let you hang. I would've added toes, a hat, maybe a horse," David tells her, laughing too.

"Is this a game you played a lot? Uh, before?" She asks him.

"I don't know," He replies, trying to think, but it comes back blank.

"It'll come back. They're sending you home in a week. They have to think you're progressing, don't they?" the teacher asks, knowing she will miss her time with him.

"Physically," The patient argues.

"Well, you're making new memories just fine," Mary Margaret replies brightly.

"Maybe I'll like these better," David retorts.

"Okay, play again?" She asks, and Kathryn enters with a box.

"Can I guess, too?" Kathryn asks, interrupting their time together.

"Oh, Mrs Nolan. I, uh... Oh, it's noon already. I didn't realise. I should go," The raven-haired woman stutters, trying to get her things together hastily.

"Good day, Miss Blanchard," she says, watching Mary Margaret get up and leave. She goes to sign out but can overhear the conversation with Kathryn and David as the wife shows him a dog picture. "Honey, I brought more pictures. Maybe it'll jog something. It's our old dog—Ajax. Remember?"

"Yeah... Yeah, Ajax," David replies forcefully, still not remembering anything.


Mary Margaret and Emma sit around the apartment, discussing what happened at the hospital earlier. "I'm the worst person in the world," The teacher says, cringing.

"Really? In the whole world?" The blond questions.

"If Kathryn was horrible it'd be easier, but she's so...nice," Mary Margaret replies sadly.

"And what, exactly, would be easier?" Emma asks her.

"Nothing," She replies.

"Nothing's a good idea," The new Deputy tells her. "You're smart – you know not to get involved with a married guy. It's not worth the heartache – trust me." There's a knock at their door. "I'll get it." She answers the door to see Henry, who is clearly upset. "Kid? What happened? Come on."


After Henry tells Emma what happened at Archie's office, she storms down to the shrink's place and knocks on the door. When he doesn't answer, she lets herself in. "Archie! Archie! What did you do?" She demands. "You told me not to take the fantasy away. You told me it would devastate him."

"Of course, if therapy stops working, you adjust it," Archie replies sadly.

"Is it her? Did she threaten you? What could be strong enough to drown out your own conscience?" Emma asks him.

"I do not need to defend my professional decisions to you, okay?" He retorts defensively, and Emma's phone rings.

"Hello, Madam Mayor. Nice work," She snaps, answering the phone.

"You with him?" Regina asks worriedly.

"Yes, I'm with Dr Hopper and guess what? You left your fingerprints all over him when you tried-." The blond woman retorts angrily.

"Not him—Henry. Is he with you? I called Landon, but he's been at work the whole time," she replies.

"I dropped Henry at your office an hour ago," Emma tells her.

"Well, he's not here," The Mayor argues, frantically.

"I don't know where he is," She replies.

"Oh... I do," Archie tells her, making the woman turn to him.


Henry looks into the mine entrance and turns on his flashlight before entering with Emma and Archie. His dog is not far behind, calling the kid's name. "What do you got there, Pongo?" Archie asks, seeing his dog sniffing at something.

"I don't think he's here," Emma says, looking around.

"I think he is," He argues, finding a candy bar on the ground that Henry had in his backpack, and he holds it up, showing her. "Candy bar. He had these with him."


Henry uses his flashlight as he searches the abandoned mine, coming across a piece of glass similar to the piece his mother found earlier. Suddenly, the mine starts shaking and begins to collapse around him.


Emma and Archie feel the ground starting to shake as the tremors radiate outwards across Storybrooke. "Henry!" Archie shouts, moving towards the entrance.

"Archie!" Emma shouts, trying to move towards the shrink.

"Henry, it's not safe!" He shouts into the mine.

"Henry!" She yells behind the Doctor.

"Henry!" Dr Hopper shouts, entering the mine after the young Mills boy. Just as he gets in, the entrance collapses before Emma can stop him.

"Archie! Archie! Henry!" The Deputy screams.


Archie lights a match and walks farther into the tunnel, looking for the Mills boy. "Henry? Henry?" Suddenly, Henry jumps out from around a corner, startling him.

"Archie!" Henry exclaims.

"Henry!" He shouts.

"You're here to help me!" The Mills boy smiles, getting the wrong idea.

"No, Henry, listen. We got to get out of here, okay?" The shrink tells him.

"So, you're still against me?" Henry asks him.

"Henry, there's no time for that. Come on, Henry! Come on!" Archie replies.

"You don't believe me? You'll see. You'll see!" He snaps, running deeper into the mine.

"Henry! Henry – Henry come back! Henry!" Dr Hopper shouts after him and rushes to catch up to the young boy. He soon finds Henry shining his flashlight down a hole in the mine. "Henry? Henry? Henry! Henry! Henry, Henry! You got to slow down."

"There's something shiny down there," The young Mills boy tells him, squinting and trying to get a good look.

"Henry, this is seriously dangerous. We got to get out of here," Archie argues, trying to get him to safety.

"It could be something," Henry retorts.

"Henry, look at me! Look at me! I'm frightened for you, Henry," He tells the kid.

"Because you think I'm crazy?" The Mills boy questions.

"No! No, because we are trapped underground in an abandoned mine, Henry. And there is no way out," The shrink replies firmly.


Once again, the town quickly gathers around the tunnel entrance, trying to discover what's happening. A team tries moving things out of the way of the entrance. "Archie's smart. He will keep the boy safe until we get to them," Marco assures the women and the ground starts shaking again. "Watch out!"

"Stop! Stop! You're making it worse!" Regina shouts frantically, moving towards the team.

"I am trying to save him! You know why he went down there in the first place, don't you? Because you made him feel like he had something to prove," Emma argues, glaring at her, and Landon stands between them.

"And why does he think he has anything to prove? Who's encouraging him?" She snaps.

"Do not put this on me," The blond growls.

"Oh, please! Lecture me until his oxygen runs out!" The Mayor shouts.

"Both of you stop it!" Landon snaps, making the women look at him. "Henry is a smart, resourceful kid. And Archie will look out for him. Have a little faith." He moves towards his sister, holding her as she cries into his chest, soaking his shirt with her tears.


Archie and Henry are trying to navigate the mine when they hear faint barking. "Henry, do you hear that?" Archie asks, growing excited.

"It's Pongo!" Henry exclaims happily.

"Follow the noise!" he says, rushing off toward the barking as it grows louder.


Emm cautiously approaches Regina and Landon, wanting to make peace with the other woman. "We have to stop this. Arguing won't accomplish anything," Emma states.

"No, it won't," Regina agrees.

"What do you want me to do?" She asks her.

"Help me." The Mayor replies.


Archie and Henry come across an old elevator shaft. "It's loudest over here," Archie announces.

"What's... What's this?" Henry questions.

"Looks like... an old elevator," He replies, looking at it closely.


Regina and Emma keep talking, trying to find a way to get their son and Archie back. "We need to find some way to punch through the ground. We need something big," Regina suggests.

"Like what?" Emma asks, and Marco walks over.

"Explosives," Marco suggests, looking at them, and Landon grows grim.


"It's to get the mine workers in and out," Archie tells Henry as he carefully investigates the old elevator, being mindful of it. "That's why we could hear Pongo."

"Can we make it work?" Henry asks.

"Let's give it a shot," He agrees, looking at the boy.


The workers lay down the lines for the explosives at the mine entrance, and everyone clears out of the area for safety. "Okay. We're all clear," Emma announces.


Archie turns the wheel for the old elevator, making it move slightly. "Come on!" Archie shouts, and Henry helps Archie move the elevator.


Everyone positions themselves for cover. "Blow it!" Regina orders, and the explosives set off, but they cause the old elevator inside to fall farther down the shaft. Emma runs to the tunnel entrance to check the results as the debris clears. "Did it work?"

"It didn't open," Emma tells her.

"Then what did it do?" Landon questions.


Mary Margaret leaves the hospital for the day, saying goodbye to the patients before going. "Have a good day," she says, and David enters the room.

"Hey! Where you going?" David asks her.

"Home. I'm done for the day. Shouldn't you be resting?" Mary Margaret replies.

"Ah, actually, Dr Whale wants me to start physical therapy," He tells her. "I'm supposed to walk thirty minutes a day on a treadmill or outside with an escort. But they were kind of short on personnel because of that thing that happened at the mine."

"Oh..." She mutters.

"So... Maybe if there was a volunteer willing to help?" The patient questions.


Mary Margaret and David walk out of the hospital, standing by the water. "I'm trying to remember this place," He tells her. "It's like... It's like I woke up in some strange land."

"Is there anything coming back?" She asks him. "What about when you're with her? You remembered your dog."

"Yeah, I lied," David confesses.

"You did?" Mary Margaret questions, looking at him in surprise.

"She's so loving and I didn't want to disappoint her," He tells her. "But none of it feels right. You know, a dog named Ajax? Who would name their dog that? None of it makes sense. None of it... None of it feels real."

"That sounds lonely," She comments.

"Actually, one thing does feel real. You," Mr Nolan replies, looking at her.

"What?" The teacher gasps, looking back at him.

"I know it's crazy, but I swear you're the only thing in this whole place that feels... That feels right. ...Kathryn," David mutters, seeing his wife walking towards them.

"Right," Mary Margaret mutters, hanging her head.

"Kathryn! You're here," He says, and she turns to see Kathryn behind them with a basket.

"I know it's outside of visiting hours, but, uh, I needed to see you. I made some cranberry muffins. They used to be your favourite," Kathryn tells him.

"Well, I should leave you two," Mary Margaret says, moving away.

"Wait, Mary Margaret! See you tomorrow?" David asks her, and she nods, leaving the couple alone.


"What was that? What the hell was that? You said you could do this!" Regina shouts frantically, and Landon moves towards her, trying to stop her from hitting anyone in her anger.

"Madam Mayor!" Emma tries calming her down.

"They could have killed my son!" She snaps.

"I know, but this isn't helping, Gina," Landon reminds her.

"If we knew exactly where they were, we could drill down to them," Marco suggests. "Maybe... Maybe rig something to bring them back up."

"But drill where?" Graham questions, looking around, and Emma quickly comes up with an idea, letting Pongo out of the fire truck.

"Come on buddy!" Emma encourages him, leading him out.

"What are you thinking we-," Regina questions, moving away from her brother.

"It's Archie's dog. He's found something," she tells him. Pongo sniffs around and then barks as he stops. "Look! This is where they must be. What is it?" Graham and Landon move aside a piece of metal, finding a grate underneath. "What is that?"

"It's an air shaft," Landon sighs, smiling.


Henry and Archie sit in the old elevator, trying to think of another way out of the mine. "I'm really...really, really sorry," Henry tells Archie.

"It's alright," Archie replies.

"I just wanted to find proof," He says sadly.

"You know, it's really alright, Henry. And um, um, I'm sorry, too," Dr Hopper tells him. "Look, I... I don't think you're crazy. I-I just... I just think you got a very strong mother, who's got a clear idea of a path that she wants you to be on and when you step off that she... She gets scared. And, you know, it's natural. But it's also natural for you to be able to be free to think the things that you want to think. So, anyway. I... I didn't mean those things I said and I never should have said them."

"Then, why did you?" The Mills boy asks him.

"I guess I'm just not a very good person. I'm not the man I want to be," Archie replies and the elevator suddenly shifts farther down the shaft.


Marco puts a hook around the grate, trying to lift it up. "Okay. Alright - gun it. That's good!" Emma shouts. "Alright, we got it. Alright." The grate pulls off, and everyone looks down the shaft.

"So, what's next?" Regina asks, looking at the others.


"I think you can be him. I think you can be a good person. I mean, you're Jiminy Cricket," Henry tells him, sitting across from him.

"Henry. Henry, Jiminy Cricket was a... He was a cricket, okay? And he was a conscious. And... And I hardly think that's me," Archie argues.

"But before he was that, he was a guy who took a long time to figure out the right thing to do," He tells him.

"That kind of sounds like me," The shrink chuckles.

"Now it's harder for you because of the Curse. To hear the voice inside of you. To be who you want to be," The Mills boy replies, and the old elevator jerks again and moves farther down the shaft.


Everyone gathers around the air shaft, trying to decide what to do now. "You need to lower someone straight down, or the line will collapse the side of the shaft," Marco warns them.

"I've got a harness," Graham announces.

"Lower me down," Regina suggests quickly.

"No, I'll go," Landon argues.

"Oh, no way. I'm going," Emma tells them.

"He's my son," Regina snaps.

"He's my son, too. You've been sitting behind a desk for ten years. And you're too big to fit down that narrow grate. I can do this," She assures them.

"Just bring him to us," Landon tells her, looking at the blond, who nods.


"Hey, can I ask you again?" Archie asks him.

"Ask what?" Henry questions.

"Why do you think it's so important that your...your fairy tale theory is true?" He asks.

"I don't know," The Mills boy answers.

"Give it a shot," The shrink tells him.

"Cause this can't be all there is," Henry replies truthfully.

"I understand," Archie nods.

"I thought if I found proof... But I didn't find anything," he tells him.

"Well, that's not true. I was lost and you found me, right?" Dr Hopper questions.

"You mean, you remember?" The young boy asks hopefully.

"No, Henry. I... I don't remember, but I-I do remember the kind of person I want to be. I just got to listen harder," Archie corrects him, and pieces of rock fall through the grate at the top of the elevator, making them look up and see a light.

"Wh-what's that?" Henry asks.

"I think that's the rescue," he tells him as someone approaches the top of the elevator.

"You guys okay?" Emma asks them.

"Yeah, we're... We're okay," Dr Hopper replies happily.

"Hang on, Henry. Okay, that's good. Stop," She says.

"Here you go. Up," Archie tells him, passing Henry up to Emma.

"Come on. I got ya. Okay. Okay, I got him," The blond assures the Doctor.

"You got him? Is he safe?" He asks, and the old elevator starts shaking.

"Archie?" Emma questions.

"It's going to fall!" The shrink shouts.

"I'm sorry!" She yells.

"It's okay!" Archie assures her.

"Archie!" The Deputy shouts, and the elevator falls the entire shaft to the bottom. Luckily, Archie doesn't fall with it, as he uses his umbrella to hook himself to Emma as the elevator crashes at the bottom.


Emma, Henry, and Archie are pulled out of the elevator shaft; the minute they settle on the ground, Regina takes Henry aside with Landon. Marco grabs Archie and hugs him. Once Emma is unhooked, she runs toward Regina, Henry, and Landon. "You okay?" Emma asks him.

"Deputy, you can clear the crowd away," Regina tells her before Henry can answer. She pushes Emma away, sending Henry off.

"Don't take steps backwards when you've made so much progress," Landon warns his little sister.

"I know," She replies, finding Archie. "Thank you, Dr Hopper."

"I, uh... I have something to say," Archie tells her. "I'm going to continue to treat Henry, and I'm going to do it my own way."

"My relief at his safety hasn't changed a thing, Dr Hopper," The Mayor argues. "You will do as I say, or you will-."

"Or you will what? You'll ruin my life? You'll do your worst? Because I will always do my best," He snaps, defending himself.

"Don't test me," Regina warns him.

"Oh, I don't need to. Because you're going to leave me alone and let me do my work. In peace," Dr Hopper argues.

"Really? Why's that?" She questions.

"Because someday, Madam Mayor, you may find yourself in a custody battle," Archie warns her. "And you know how the court determines who is a fit parent? They consult an expert. Particularly one who has treated the child. So, I suggest that you think about that. And you allow me to do my work. And let me do it the way my conscious tells me to." He walks off, leaving Regina alone, and she looks to her older brother for help, but Landon is busy with Henry latching onto him and both of them talking to Emma, who is smiling at the Mills boys. Regina sighs, walking calmly over to them, thinking they look like a happy family that she has no part in and it freaks her out a little.

"I didn't thank you earlier," Regina says, surprising Emma a little. "I'm sorry, I was just panicked then."

"It's okay. I understand," Emma replies kindly, and Landon wraps his arm around his sister.

"I think it's time to get going. It's been a busy day," Landon suggests, picking Henry up. "Evening, Deputy Em."


It soon turns to night, and most of the town is still at the mine site. Henry and Landon return after going to the hospital with Regina, and Emma walks over to join them. They watch Archie and Marco talking not far from them. "Is that Archie's father?" Emma asks, watching the two happily interact.

"No, they're just old friends," Henry replies.

"You really scared me," She tells him.

"I'm sorry," He says, and Archie and Marco walk over to them.

"Gentlemen. Well, come on. Your mum wants to take you home," The blond woman says, jumping up to her feet.

"Hey! Listen," The Mills boy says, and they hear crickets in the background.

"Crickets," Archie mutters happily.

"They're back. Things are changing," Henry smiles.

"Indeed," Landon mutters, looking around. "Indeed they are."


Mr Gold walks through his shop, passing the puppets of Geppetto's parents, sitting on the counter, a memento of the past in the Enchanted Forest.

At the hospital, Mary Margaret handed in her letter of resignation. She could not handle seeing David and Kathryn together every time she came in to volunteer.

"At the mine site, everyone talks and drinks, celebrating Archie and Henry's safe return. Off to the side, Regina stands near the elevator shaft with the grate back on top. She takes the piece of glass - the piece she picked up earlier - out of her pocket. Regina briefly looks at it before dropping it through the grate. It falls to the bottom of the shaft, landing on top of what appears to be Snow White's glass coffin.


A few days later, David is released from the hospital, and Kathryn takes him home, where they stand outside now. There is a little sign saying 'The Nolans' on the lawn. "You know, you had the look on your face before we brought it, too," She comments, smiling at him as she watches him. "You couldn't see past the ugly windmill on the lawn and said you'd never buy an old lady's house. Do you remember what made you change your mind?"

"Well, I see the windmill's gone," David replies.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting," She tells him.

"Who's 'everyone'?" He asks, and she leads him along the walkway, entering the house.


Inside the Nolan house, most of Storybrooke is there for David's Welcome Home party. Kathryn goes around, introducing David to various people. "This is Gene."

"Good to see you, Dave," Gene says nicely.

"How you doing?" David replies.

"And this is Ellen, his wife," Kathryn says.

"Ellen. Hi," He adds awkwardly, feeling overwhelmed by all the new people.

"Good to see you, too," Ellen replies.

"And Frank," Kathryn says.

"Hey," David retorts.

"Hey," Dr Whale repeats, walking towards them.

"Dr. Whale," Kathryn smiles at the Doctor who treated her husband.

"Hi, David," He greets his former patient. "Look, I know this is a lot, but it's good for you. The smallest thing can trigger your memories. Just try and have fun."

"Thank you, Dr. Whale. I'll do my best," David assures him. Over by the stairs, Emma and Henry sit talking away from everyone, though the blond is watching Landon, who mingles with the residents of Storybrooke.

"You know why he doesn't remember? The Curse isn't working on him yet," Henry tells him.

"Henry, David has amnesia," Emma reminds him.

"Well, it's preventing the Curse from replacing his fairy tale story with fake memories," He argues.

"Right. Because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are," She muses.

"Right. And now's our chance to help him," The Mills boy tells her. "We just have to get him to remember that he's-."

"He's Prince Charming," The blond woman nods.

"We just have to jog his memory by getting him and Miss Blanchard together," Henry suggests.

"Didn't we just try that?" Emma argues.

"And it woke him up," He retorts, and David joins them.

"Hey. You're the ones who saved me, right?" David asks, looking at Emma.

"Oh, yeah. I guess," Emma replies cautiously.

"And, uh, you're also the only ones I know here," He laughs.

"You can hide with us," She tells him.

"Fantastic," Nolan smiles, and a man serves David an appetiser, who stabs a cocktail sausage with a toothpick. "Oh, thank you."

"So, you ever use a sword?" Henry asks him.

"I'm sorry?" David frowns and turns to Emma. "Emma, you live with Mary Margaret, right? You know if she's coming tonight?"

"No, she couldn't make it," Emma lies for her roommate.

"Oh," He grumbles, and Landon walks over.

"Having fun?" Landon asks, looking at the others. "Because I am." He jokes, looking at the gaggle of women gawking at him. "Help me, here, Miss Swan." Emma looks at him.

"And how would I do that?" Emma questions, smirking at him.

"Don't play games," he retorts, leaning closer.


Meanwhile, Regina and Kathryn are in the kitchen. "You should go out there," Regina encourages her friend. "There's plenty of food. Go. Be with your husband."

"I lost him once, now I have him back. But it's like I still don't have him back. You have no idea how that feels," Kathryn argues sullenly.

"Actually, I do. I lost someone once, too," She tells her.

"Really?" Mrs Nolan asks, looking at her new friend in surprise.

"Yes. But the love I lost – there's no bringing him back. You have a chance here. Go to him," The Mayor tells her.

"You're right. And Regina – thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend. It's been so lonely. I'm not used to having one," Kathryn replies.

"Neither am I," Regina retorts.

"Well, like it or not, you have one now," She tells her.


Kathryn nervously approaches Emma, Henry and Landon, the two adults seeming all lovey-dovey. "Have you seen David?" Kathryn asks them.

"Um, he..." Emma replies, looking around, not even noticing he had gone.

"No," Landon tells her.


Mary Margaret tries to hang a bird feeder in a tree when David calls to her from the sidewalk. "Did you not get the invite?"

"David," Mary Margaret gasps. He jumps over the fence and hangs the bird feeder for her.

"So, I heard you resigned from the hospital. Was it me? Cause of what I told you, about how I felt about you... Oh, come on – don't tell me it's one sided," David says, looking at her.

"You're married. It should be no side," She argues.

"Should be doesn't matter. Whoever married Kathryn, it's not me. I didn't choose her. I'm choosing you. I know you feel it – I can tell," He retorts.

"I know you think that we have this connection, but maybe it's because I happen to be the person who saved your life? So, why don't we leave it at that?" The teacher tells him, not wanting to get in between a husband and wife. So she leaves, not looking back because it's too painful.


Mary Margaret scrubs harshly at the dish in her kitchen sink when Emma opens the door with Landon behind her. "Thank you for walking me home," Emma smiles.

"Very welcome, but it looks like your roommate's having a crisis with that brillo pad," Landon tells her, looking behind her at Mary Margaret.

"I should probably help her," She mutters. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, lunch at Granny's?" He asks.

"Like a date?" The blond questions.

"Yeah, like a date," The Newspaper Chief replies. "See you, Miss Swan." He leans towards her but stops and walks away, leaving Emma questioning what he would do, and she closes the door.

"You might want to ease up, or that brillo pad's going to press charges," The Deputy comments, looking back at the door.

"Dishes were just piling up..." Mary Margaret replies stiffly.

"This have anything to do with David stopping by? I saw him sulking away as I pulled up," Emma argues.

"We just, uh... He just..." She stutters.

"Yeah, I know. You're both just. And you did the right thing," The blond tells her.

"He made a pretty compelling case," the teacher argues.

"But he's still married. I know – I was just at the party," Emma tells her.

"What do I do?" Mary Margaret asks her roommate.

"You need to stop cleaning. And have a drink," She tells her. "Like I do." She grabs a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. She pours them both a drink. "Here's the thing - I don't know a lot about relationships, other than having many that failed. But generally speaking, if you think something you want to do is wrong, it is. So, you got to stay strong and he has to figure out his life. Cheers." They clink glasses.

"Sounds like your night wasn't any more fun than mine was. What happened?" The raven-haired woman asks her roommate, who shrugs.

"I thought Landon was going to kiss me a moment ago," the blond woman confesses, making Mary Margaret squeal. "We made a sort of date, and before he left, he leaned in but pulled away."

"Landon's a complicated man. Talk to him, he'll tell you what it was about," Mary Margaret assures her.


David sits in his living room after trying to talk with Mary Margaret. He has a box of pictures in front of him and looks through them. Kathryn walks in, sitting beside him on the couch. "You look different," she remarks. "Your hair—it's longer. You used to always have a buzz cut. You used to complain that long hair was itchy and hard to take care of."

"I guess it grew while I was in there," David replies.

"So, I was going to go to bed. Do you...want to join me?" She asks him.

"You mean, go to bed, go to bed, or 'go to bed'," He questions.

"Whatever you want," Mrs Nolan replies.

"Why don't we just sit and talk some more?" Nolan suggests, and they kiss, but he pulls away. "This isn't right."


Mary Margaret reads the paper at Granny's Diner, seeing that the front page article is about David when Dr Whale approaches her. "I'm a hell of a Doctor, huh?" Dr Whale questions jokingly. "No way he wakes up on someone else's watch."

"Hello, Dr. Whale," Mary Margaret greets him reluctantly.

"So, I heard that you resigned from the hospital. I hope it wasn't because of me," He remarks, looking at her.

"Wh-why would it be because of you?" She asks.

"Well, our date... I never called you after. Yeah, I know, I know. It's not classy. And I'm sorry. But, if you could find a way to get over it, you know where to find me. Have a good day," The Doctor says before leaving the diner. As he walks out, Regina walks in.

"Miss Blanchard, may I have a word?" Regina asks.

"Of course," The teacher replies, looking at the Mayor.

"I wanted to talk to you about my friend Kathryn. But more specifically, I wanted to talk to you about her husband David. You don't belong together. He's not yours; he's taken. Find somebody else," she tells her harshly.

"I haven't done anything," Mary Margaret argues.

"Really? So he just up and left his wife on a whim?" The Mayor questions.

"He did what?" She gasps.

"You don't know," The dark-haired woman replies, and Mary Margaret shakes her head. "Well, I suspect you soon will. So listen carefully, dear, cause it's in your best interest. Stay away. He's in a fragile state, he doesn't know who he is or what he's doing, and you're this close to wrecking multiple lives. So, before you do something that can't be undone, let him remember who he was." Regina storms out of the diner, leaving Mary Margaret alone in the restaurant. The door opens again, and Mary Margaret looks over, hoping it's David, but it's Emma and Landon, both looking happy together as they sit in a booth.

"What is it?" Landon asks Emma, noticing her fidgeting a little.

"Were you going to kiss me last night?" Emma asks him, surprising him.

"I don't know," He replies honestly.

"I see," She mutters.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not very good with this," the tattooed man sincerely apologises. "My last girlfriend left me because I was awkward, and she had other priorities."

"I can't imagine you being awkward," The blond woman argues.

"It was a long time ago," Landon retorts. "I haven't dated since. I focused on my career and my family."

"That's sweet. And I'm sorry for bringing it up. I guess I was just wondering if this was going anywhere?" Emma replies, and he looks at her.

"I hope it does. I like you, Miss Swan," He admits, and she smiles.

"I like you, too, Mr Mills," she says, making him smile. Ruby steps over to their booth, interrupting their little moment.


Mary Margaret later goes to her classroom, not wanting to see Emma and Landon on their date, which is going well. She opens letters with a letter opener when David comes to her classroom, standing at the door. "Careful—looks sharp," he warns her.

"You can't be here," Mary Margaret tells him.

"I... I needed to see you," he replies.

"Tell me you didn't leave your wife because of me?" She asks him. "I do not want to destroy your marriage."

"You're not. It's me," Nolan assures her. "I don't want to hurt her either, but the most hurtful thing to Kathryn would be me pretending. She needs someone to feel about her the way I feel about you."

"I'm really trying hard to stay away from you. To do the right thing," The raven-haired woman admits.

"Why is that the right thing?" David asks her.

"Because you already have a life," Mary Margaret argues. The bell rings, and the children start to file into the classroom.

"With someone I didn't choose. The man who chose that life, whoever married Kathryn, is gone," he tells her.

"You really have to leave me alone," She retorts and pushes him out of the classroom.

"Is that truly what you want?" Nolan asks her.

"Go," The teacher repeats.

"Meet me tonight. At least think about it. I'll be at the bridge where you found me at 8:00," David tells her. "Think about it until then and then decide. If you don't show, I'll know. And I'll never bother you again. But if you choose this – if you choose us – you know where I'll be."


Emma sits at her desk in the Sheriff's station out in the bullpen when Graham enters with a box of doughnuts. "Sometimes, cliches are true," Graham says, holding the box towards her.

"Okay. What do you want?" Emma asks him, knowing it's a bribe.

"Remember when I said no night shifts? I need you to work tonight, just this once," he tells her.

"Why?" She questions, looking up from the box.

"I volunteer at an animal shelter, and the supervisor's sick, and someone needs to feed the dogs," The Sheriff replies.

"Very lucky you bought a bear claw," The blond says, taking a doughnut. "And I had no plans so far." She takes a bite, and Mary Margaret runs into the room.

"Emma, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mary Margaret asks urgently.

"I'll just go patrol my office," Graham mutters.

"Thanks," Emma replies, and he leaves the two women alone, heading to his office and closing the door.

"He left his wife. David – he left her. He left Kathryn," Mary Margaret bursts.

"Okay, slow down," She tells her.

"He did it for me. He wants me to be with him. He wants me to meet him tonight," The teacher replies.

"That's, uh..." The blond woman mutters, trying to process what her friend is telling her.

"I mean, I'm trying so hard to be strong, but he just keeps coming. I mean, how do I stop it? You know, how do I let him down? What would you do?" Mary Margaret asks her for advice.

"I'd go," Emma admits.

"What?" She questions.

"Well he left her. It's one thing to say that he wants you, but it's another to actually make a choice and now, he has. That's all you can ask for," The Deputy encourages her.

"Given her new friendship with Kathryn, I don't think Regina would be happy," The raven-haired woman argues.

"All the more reason to do it," Emma replies.

"Good Lord, is this really happening?" Mary Margaret questions in shock.

"You tell me," She retorts.

"Enough about me," The teacher says, looking at her. "How was your lunch date with Landon?" Emma looks nervously around, blushing.

"It was nice. We talked. Got to know each other," The blond woman tells her, smiling.

"Did you ask about the almost kiss?" Mary Margaret asks her.

"We did. And we're taking it slow," Emma explains shortly.

"That's sweet," She smiles encouragingly.


David is at Granny's B&B, looking out the window at the clock tower, fiddling with his wedding ring. Thinking about his meeting with Mary Margaret, he eagerly heads out. Walking down the main street with a map in his hands, he runs into Regina. "Mr Nolan?" Regina calls to him, startling him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I was just heading home from work, and I saw you. Are you lost?"

"Yeah. Yeah, kind of. I'm looking for the Toll Bridge," David tells her.

"Ah, where you were found," She replies.

"Yeah," He nods.

"Trying to jog your memory?" The Mayor asks him.

"No, I'm meeting someone," Nolan tells her.

"So you made your choice," Regina questions.

"Yes," David answers.

"Well, I don't suppose I can convince you to change your mind?" She asks him.

"I can't change how I feel," he tells her.

"No, of course not. Walk down this street to Mr Gold's Pawn Shop. You'll find a fork in the road – go left," The dark-haired woman lies. "It'll take you to a hiking trail that leads directly to the bridge."

"Thank you for understanding," Nolan replies.

"Good luck, David. I hope you find what you're looking for," Regina replies, and he runs down the street.


David arrives at Mr Gold's Pawn Shop, looking around, but he realises there isn't any fork in the road. David opens the door to the shop and yells in. "Hello?" He walks inside and closes the door. "Hello?" He looks around the Pawn Shop and comes across a glass unicorn mobile. He goes to touch it when Mr Gold speaks up.

"Charming," Mr Gold greets him.

"I'm sorry?" David questions.

"The mobile. Isn't it charming?" He replies. "Exquisitely designed, masterly crafted... I can get it down, if you like."

"No, no. I mean, it's... It's very nice, but actually, I'm looking for the Toll Bridge. The Mayor said there was a fork in the road by your shop, but-." Nolan explains.

"It seems Miss Mills has led you astray," The shop owner retorts.

"Yeah, yeah you would think the Mayor would know her own town," David comments, knowing why she did it.

"One would think. Out of the door, turn right, two blocks you'll find a trail. Can't miss it," Mr Gold informs him.

"Thank you," he replies, turning to leave. However, he sees a windmill in the shop and stops to look at it.

"See something you like?" Gold asks.

"Where did you get that?" Nolan questions, pointing at it.

"That old thing? That's been gathering dust for...forever," Mr Gold replies, and David spins the windmill, watching it go around.

"I think... This belonged to me," David tells him.

"Really? Are you sure?" He questions.

"Yes. ...I remember," Nolan replies confidentially.


Mary Margaret waits at the Toll Bridge for David, fiddling with the ring that Prince Charming's mother gave him when David runs up behind her. "You came," David huffs, catching his breath.

"You sound surprised. In fact, you almost sound a bit disappointed," Mary Margaret replies, looking at him.

"I remember," He tells her.

"Kathryn?" She questions, and he nods.

"Everything," Nolan replies.

"And you love her," The raven-haired woman mutters in disappointment.

"I don't know. But I know I did. I remember how I felt and I think I have to honour that," David tells her.

"And everything that you said to me-," Mary Margaret replies sadly.

"It's true. I do have feelings for you—intense feelings—feelings I don't quite understand," he assures her, still confused.

"And you're going back to her," She states.

"It's the right thing to do," The sandy-haired man replies firmly.

"The right thing to do was not to lead me on," The teacher argues.

"I know," David admits, knowing he's hurt her significantly.

"So, you've made your choice," Mary Margaret snaps, wanting to go home and cry.

"I'm sorry," He tells her.

"That's okay. I guess it just wasn't meant to be," She replies shortly and walks off, leaving David alone.


Emma started her night shift, unhappy as she wanted to spend time with Landon, but she had already agreed with Graham when he called later to set up another small date, so he made plans himself. She drives past the Mayor's house and sees a figure climbing one of the top windows. Emma pulls over and gets out of the car. She ambushes the dark figure and hits them with her nightstick. The person turns, revealing themselves to be Graham. "This is volunteering?" She questions, glaring at him.

"Plans changed. Regina needed me to-," Graham argues.

"Sleep with her?" Emma cuts him off.

"No," he retorts.

"Then... Why were you sneaking out the window?" She asks him.

"Because... She didn't want Henry to know," The Sheriff replies.

"You did this with Henry in the house?" The blond woman questions angrily.

"He's sleeping. He doesn't know," Graham argues.

"Oh my god, I wish I was Henry right now. This is disgusting," Emma snaps, shaking her head.

"I really do work at an animal shelter," He tells her.

"You can finish my shift. I'm done working nights," she replies, throwing Graham the keys and walking away. She wants to talk to someone, but she knows Landon is busy.


David knocks on the door of his and Kathryn's house, and his wife opens the door. "You were right—I did hate that windmill out front," he admits.

"You remember," Kathryn mutters, and David nods. "How much do you remember?"

"Enough," David replies. "I know we weren't at a good place when I left. I know you thought I was leaving you, but I wasn't. I wanted to work things out, I just...needed some time. Then I had my accident and got much more time than I expected. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," She cries.

"I know we have work to do. Let's see what happens," He tells her.

"I'd like that," Mrs Nolan replies, hugging him.


Mary Margaret sits alone at Granny's Diner, fiddling with her ring when Dr Whale enters and sits next to her. "Rough day?" Dr Whale asks her.

"Don't feel like talking," Mary Margaret grumbles, her heart breaking as she thinks about David.

"Come on. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to someone when you don't give a crap what they think," He argues.

"You ever walk into a situation, where you know exactly what's going to happen and then you go into it anyway," She replies. "And then, when what you're afraid of happens, you kick yourself. Because you should've known better. But that's just who you are. It's like you're punishing yourself."

"No," The Doctor says.

"How do you do that?" Mary Margaret asks him.

"By never knowing what's expected – keeps life interesting. Can I buy you a drink?" Dr Whale asks her.

"You can buy me two," She replies. 

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