Almost Normal

By Zenovia99

80.8K 4.6K 8.5K

Everyone has a story to tell, for me, this was just the beginning, and it all started with him. The boy with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 10

2.2K 153 58
By Zenovia99

A/N- Thank you so much you guys! Almost to 600 reads and it's only been a day since I hit 500!! I seriously love all of you so much. And I'm sorry if these recent chapters have been dragging a little. I'm trying to get to a huge part in the story, so I'm just trying not to rush. But anyways, here is Chapter 10! Happy Reading!- Zenovia

Armin's POV

Chapter 10

Thanksgiving break was finally upon us. It couldn't come at a better time for me. I had been getting bored in most of my classes, since a lot of what we were doing was reviewing for tests and finals. I decided that I would just stay on campus with Eren for all of the break rather than head back to New York to visit my grandfather. He said that he totally understands, and that he would be even more excited to see me for Christmas break. I really did love my grandfather. After both my mom and dad died, he took care of me for the rest of my childhood. If it wasn't for him, I don't know where I would be. He taught me so many valuable lessons in my life. He would read to me every night, and that's why I cherish books so much nowadays. I couldn't wait to see him during Christmas so I could tell him everything that has happened this semester.

Most of our friends went home for the holidays, so I mostly spent my time with Eren and sometimes Mikasa and Annie. It was nice to see the campus so empty and quiet when I was skateboarding. It was tranquil and relaxing. I found multiple places to write outside; since there was nobody to bother me. I had been filling up my secret notebook immensely fast. I was proud of everything I was putting into it. It ranged from my thoughts on life itself, to the pressing abnormalities of human society, and some of my favorite quotes by authors and poets. Although, my favorite topic to write about in my journal was Eren. Writing about him is really helping me understand my feelings for him. I know that I am falling in love with the brunette, and sure, nothing is going to happen between us anytime soon, but I am enjoying every second of falling in love with him. He is inexplicably astonishing. He is able to take my breath away every time I see him. He doesn't understand how strong my affection for him grows each day, but I think that one day, he will learn. He will learn how I get goosebumps whenever he says my name, or how I smile into his chest when he holds me. I need him to know these things because if he doesn't, another might take all of that away from me.

But otherwise, Thanksgiving break has been kinda boring. I pace back and forth in my dorm room for hours at a time when I'm alone, and I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm just sitting in my dorm room right now, writing in advance for a few of my classes, when I feel my phone vibrate within my jean pocket. 

From Eren: Get ready for me to pick you up in fifteen minutes! We're going on an adventure ;)

I scrambled up to my feet, and quickly start to grab clothes for this spontaneous activity. I felt giddy inside all because of one little text from him. Clothes were flying everywhere as I was looking for the perfect thing to wear. I finally just decided to wear my brown striped sweater and some jeans. I looked in the mirror trying to fix my mess of hair when I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I yelled to Eren. I clambered over toward the door, and Eren briskly grabbed my arm and pulled me out in the hallway with him. "Not this again!" I yelled at him. "Aw, come on Armin, we can't waste any more time just sitting around in our dorm rooms for the rest of break. We have to do something spontaneous, and today is that day!" 

We raced to his truck and started to drive to nowhere in particular. "Uh, Eren, where are we going?" I asked the brunette. "I have no idea. I'm just gonna drive around town and even to more secluded areas until we find mysterious places, then we can take a few pictures of us there." He smiled at me from the drivers seat. I just sighed and said "You have quite the determination, don't you?" Eren just laughed and showed his shimmering emerald eyes.

I looked out the window for most of the car ride. I just started to space out and concentrate on my breathing and all of my surroundings. Then I saw that Eren was messing with the radio. The noise of static and news broadcasts pulsated throughout the truck. He was flipping throughout all of the stations, until a familiar song started to play. Eren and I looked at each other, and in that moment, we knew that we were about to look the most weirdest college students ever. Jamming out to the song "Talk Dirty" by Jason Derulo, was probably the last thing that I would have expected to happen that day, but before I knew it, our hips were swaying in the small seats, and we were belting out the lyrics

Been around the world, don't speak the language

But your booty don't need explaining

All I really need to understand is

When you talk dirty to me

My heart started to flutter whenever I saw his hips move in that erotic way. Of course it had to be this song that I would get aroused by Eren. I just laughed all of my sexual frustration out and continued to sing with Eren. It was actually pretty fun to be able to just let loose of all emotions and have a good time. After the song ended, we just laughed at each other as we were gasping for breath. "Never again." I said while grinning. "Oh come on Armin, you know you enjoyed it." He wiggled his eyebrows. I snorted at that little action. From there on out, we kept driving. Watching the scenery elegantly rolling past my window was so enticing. On our way to nowhere, we stopped at little secluded places, like abandoned houses, small ponds, graveyards, and delicate fields of flowers. At each place, we would take pictures of ourselves there. I was radiating happiness by the end of the adventure. We had many pictures to look at when we got home. One of my personal favorites was a picture of Eren screaming out in pain because a snapping turtle came up behind him, and bit his leg. I was fortunate enough to capture the image on film. 

It was wonderful to just be with him. My heart couldn't stop flipping over and over whenever our shoulders brushed up together. He was causing me so many butterflies in my stomach, at one point I was afraid I was going to be sick. It was all worth it though, we laughed at all of the pictures that we took together, and then went to print them out so that we could hang them all over our dorm rooms. 

As we were hanging up the pictures on some clothes wire, Eren said "Hey Armin, I know this is going to sound really stupid, but do you think that we will be friends for the rest of our lives? Cause I have been thinking, I have never had a friend like you in my life, and I don't know if I would be able to lose you in my life, without having an emotional breakdown. But I feel at home when I am with you, and I just, I think that you are my person. I want you to be my person, for now until the end of our days. I know it sounds really cheesy, but I just don't want to lose you anytime soon." Eren looked at me somberly. 

I stood there, short of breath from his sincere words. The spontaneous compulsion to kiss Eren in this moment was agonizingly painful to control. I was astounded that he wanted all of that. To be my friend forever. Forever's a long time, but for some reason, spending forever with Eren didn't seem so bad. 

Instead of giving Eren a long speech about all of the sudden thoughts running through my head on this certain topic, I did one simple action. I walk up to the quiet boy, and placed my lips softly on his forehead. I closed my eyes and tried to picture forever with Eren. To be able to talk to him and smile with him. To love him every day of my life, that could only be compared to some type of paradise. 

"Armin?" Eren spoke softly. I took my lips off of his forehead and looked into those infamous emerald eyes. I struggled to grasp hold of words, so I just said a single word "Yes." I nodded my head and Eren seemed to understand what I meant by my vague answer. Without warning, Eren snuggled up into my chest and the both of us gently laid down on the small twin size bed. 

The room was lit up in Christmas lights intertwined around all of the pictures that we took today. I felt like I was on cloud nine, laying next to Eren like this. We both wanted to stay with each other as long as we could, and that was all I ever could have wanted. My feelings for Eren were accelerating like the speed of sound, but I wasn't scared of it. In fact, the excitement of it all was euphoric. Eren was simply mesmerizing, he had me captivated with every glance. Everything seemed to make sense when we were together, and maybe just one day I would tell him all of the rushing thoughts through my head, but until then, I am pretty content just looking at the stars with him.

A/N-OMG. I am so sorry that this took so long to write. I know that this chapter is very short, but I was dealing with major writers block while writing this. But I promise you guys that the next chapter will be much longer. Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. Happy Reading!-Zenovia  

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