Afterglow II | The Clone Wars

By WritingAvengerA113

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book 2 although the Clone War is drawing to a close, there is still a war within the Jedi of many secrets. Th... More

1 | Problems in the Midsts
2 | Within Stone and Steel
3 | The Way
3 | Follow Me
4 | Satellite
5 | 501st
6 | Betrayals and Devotion
7 | Together
8 | Caverns of Darkness
9 | That Night
10| Whispers of the Past
11 | Actions
12 | Forward
13 | Healing
14 | Crevices
15 | Withering Wreckage
16 | Invisible Strings
17 | Replacements
18 | Wise Words of the Young
20 | Precautions
21 | Homecomings
22 | Piece by Piece

19 | Perspectives

341 29 26
By WritingAvengerA113

Beams of artificial light radiating from headlamps built into the trooper's armor led the way, illuminating a wild, untamed path before them. Dakota guided the small team through the murky swamp, her senses alert for any sign of danger, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her.

The dense foliage loomed around them, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light of their luminescent. Massive, maroon leaves brushed against her hips and legs as she slipped through on silent feet.

Small rustles from within the dreary brush caused the group to pause and direct their gazes in the direction to which the sound came from. Seconds would tick by with held breaths, and once they were certain it was no more than a mere rodent scuttling, they continued on.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Dakota said out to the group, her voice firm. "We're getting close to the town, but we can't let our guard down just yet. Droids probably have sensors up."

Rex and Fives, ever the loyal soldiers, nodded in acknowledgment, their blasters at the ready as they scanned their caliginous, tangled surroundings for any sign of trouble. Dakota knew she could count on them to watch her back, just as they knew she would watch theirs. She checked back, yet again taking a headcount of the nine troopers that walked with her, and the one Padawan learner that had hardly done so much as breathe.

"What do you think of the new recruit?" Fives leaned his head over, talking lowly to Rex who walked next to him.

"He's..." Rex began cautiously. "An addition to the squad. That's for sure."

"I'm not sure if I've ever seen anyone get under the General's skin like that." he reflected.

"He's a kid." Rex shrugged back "He's younger than Commander Tano was when she became General Skywalker's Padawan, and, he lost his previous master. I saw it, I was there. I get the animosity-"

"Animosity that threatens the stability of our battalion? And flat our disrespecting the General?" Fives narrowed his eyes form beneath his helmet.

"Da- General Ky can handle herself, and is stronger than the words of a defiant kid." He defended. "We went through similar circumstances with Commander Tano. Each of us goes through this, one way or another. Our training was on Kamino, and his is here"

Fives shrugged, half-way agreeing. Keeping pace with the General, Caleb turned a hesitant gaze over his shoulder, peering into the darkness void of any moonlight. All jungle for as far as the eye could see. His foot tripped over a twisted root, and he stumbled ahead, his breath hitching up in this throat. Rex put a hand to his slim shoulder to steady him. "Holdin' steady, kid?" the Captain checked in.

"I'm fine." Caleb pulled his shoulder gruffly from his armored grip, turning his nose away.

Fives nudged Rex, an act of I told you so.

Suddenly, a low rumbling echoed through the swamp, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. Dakota paused and used the force to pull the saber from her belt, and clasped it firmly in her hand, igniting the dual blades. Tremors pulsed like miniature earthquakes. Her grip tightened on her double-saber as she spun around, her senses on high alert for the source of the disturbance. The clones followed her movements, keeping close to her flanks.

Dakota scanned the area. "I... have a bad feeling about this"

Before she could react, a massive, slimy creature from the depths of the planet burst forth from the murky waters, its tentacles thrashing wildly as it launched itself at the group. Endless rows of teeth were bared, and they had bits of bloody flesh from a previous meal flossed between its canines. Dakota gasped, and curled her lips in disgust, but sprang into action without a second to spare nonetheless.

"Not one of these things!" Fives complained, firing his weapon at the orange eyes of the monster. "Why do we always gotta run into the monsters?!"

"Focus your fire on its eyes, I got the tentacles!" she shouted to the clones, her voice cutting through the chaos. "We need to disable it!"

The clones obeyed her orders without hesitation, their blaster bolts raining down on the creature as it thrashed and writhed in agony. Dakota leaped forward, her lightsaber slicing through the air with precision as she deflected the creature's attacks, her movements fluid and graceful.

Green blood from one of the sliced tentacles sprayed onto her face and tunic, and she gagged into her hand. "That felt personal!" she yelled at it, coming forward again and cutting into the closest appendage. It let out a shrill cry which reverberated around them and rattled their ear drums.

Caleb stood posed with his blue saber unsheathed, however he stared wide eyed at the creature, unsure of even how to begin to advance towards it. His master didn't take a second, she simply met the challenge, and her clones mirrored her actions. They moved in sync, due to years they've gained of fighting together. He witnessed the spectacle around him, biting his bottom lip in apprehension.

Just as they seemed to gain the upper hand, Kix was ensnared by the creature's tentacles, and lifted high into the air before being flung with brutal force towards the ground below. He shot out from the slime and goo with a frightened cry, the ferocity of the throw sending him as fast as a bullet to the ground.

"Kix!" Jesse reached out, helpless from his position.

"Caleb, help him!" Dakota called out urgently, her eyes locking with her Padawan's as she pleaded for assistance. But to her shock and dismay, Caleb hesitated, his expression fraught with uncertainty. He remained frozen in the tropical brush, holding the blue saber tightly to his chest.

"I-I can't," he admitted reluctantly, his voice tinged with shame. "I... I don't know how-"

Dakota's heart sank. Kix's trajectory was the ground, and the impact would most certainly kill him, or at least, severely impair him. Without a moment's hesitation, Dakota moved. With one last slice of her saber, she cut a tentacle that had snaked its way around her body. Her instilled instincts took over as she reached out with the Force to catch the falling medical clone, guiding him gently to the ground before turning her attention back to the creature that threatened them.

Rex ran to Kix to assist him back to his feet. He extended his hand out and pulled him back up. Dakota weaved her way through the spiderweb of tentacles, nearing its protected core. Her legs carried her over the appendages and flipped through the putrid ringlets, her posture preparing to deliver the final blow. Rex's eyes narrowed as he watched her, her lightsaber poised to strike down the monstrous creature.

Cloudy mist circled her, but the green hue of her sword could been seen lighting a moving blotch of atmosphere, which signaled her location. He readied his blasters, prepared to be of her assistance if needed. Caleb crept closer to the Captain's side, unable to see exactly where she was.

But before she could deliver the final blow, Dakota vanished beneath the surface of the water, swallowed up by the murky depths of the swamp. Her green glow faded with her. Rex's heart clenched with fear as he watched her disappear, his mind racing with a thousand possibilities of what could have happened to her.

"No!" he let his cry loose, and it echoed around the swamp. "General!" he yelled. For a moment, he was frozen in shock, his eyes scanning the water's surface in desperate search of any sign of her. As the water stilled, he then, as alarm threatened to overwhelm him, sprang into action, diving head first into the water without a moment's hesitation.

Caleb ran to the brink of the deepest end of the swamp after the clone, noticing a glinting object floating close to his feet. He bent down and scooped it up, pulling the water-soaked weapon to himself. It was her lightsaber.

Dakota was dragged without empathy into the cold, sluggish depths of the swamp, she felt the icy embrace of the water enveloping her, yanking her down into its murky depths. The tentacles of the creature ensnared her legs and held tightly to her wrists. The beginnings of panic surged within her as the creature's tentacles constricted, pulling her deeper into its watery domain. She resisted them, attempting to tug her arms free.

But even as fear threatened to consume her, Dakota felt the slightest, strangest sense of calming wisdom wash over her. In her many encounters with wild animals, her own master had always told her to connect, to share a calm mind with the creature instead of acting rashly.

Instinctively, she reached out with the Force, seeking a connection with the creature that held her captive. And to her surprise, she felt a flicker of recognition, a glimmer of understanding that transcended the barriers between them. Its fiery orange eyes soften, the pupils growing wider and kinder.

She continued to hold her breath, but ceased her struggles, allowing herself to be drawn closer to the creature's snake-like face. She reached out with steady hand, her fingertips brushing against the creature's scaled nose as she sought to forge a connection through the Force.

For a moment, there was only silence, the world around them fading into oblivion as Dakota focused all her energy on the bond she sought to create. And then, in a sudden rush of sensation, she felt the creature's presence within her mind, a tumultuous whirlwind of emotion and instinct that threatened to overwhelm her.

They had trespassed into the creatures' domain. She was trying to defend herself, and to defend her hatchlings who dwelled at the bottom of the swamp.

Dakota held firm, her will strong as she projected a sense of calm and understanding through the Force. They were there to help people, and to bring peace back to this planet. And to her amazement, she felt the creature respond in kind, its grip on her loosening as it released her from its grasp. Her body floated back up to the top where artificial light could be witnessed.

Gasping for breath, Dakota broke the surface of the water, her drenched form emerging from the depths. Rex swam to her, taking her by the arms and pulling her closer as she coughed up swamp water. "Are you alright?" he asked, holding her up. She nodded, clearing her throat of the bog. Together, they staggered towards the bank of the swamp where she collapsed from exhaustion.

With a collective sigh of relief, the clones rushed to her side, kneeling down around her as they bombarded her with questions and expressions of concern. Rex kept his hand on her shoulder, supportively, and not removing his eyes from her until he was certain she was okay. Caleb watched from the sidelines by the water, his perspective unexpectedly widening.

The way her men rallied around her in her time of need spoke volumes about their unwavering appreciation for her. He'd never seen that with the Battalion that fought under his previous master's providence. Depa had been a gem, and a fearless leader, but her relationship with the clones was superficial. Since joining the 501st as its newest Commander, Caleb spectated as clones acted in ways he never thought possible.

Kix bent down next to Dakota, examining her for any wounds that may threaten the future of the mission. "I'm alright, Kix, trust me. I've been through worse." she assured breathlessly, wiping her face.

"You saved my life General Ky, I'm grateful, you shouldn't have- I-"

"Of course I did, and always I should," she stood up, ringing her dark hair out that had fallen from its braid. Dark strands clung to the sides of her copper skin. She then felt around her hips for an entity, alarm flashing across her eyes when she realized that it wasn't there. "My lightsaber, where-"

Caleb approached then, extending the weapon out to her. She lifted her hand, eyed him up and down in anticipation of a snarky remark, but ultimately nodded her gratitude. "Thanks" she took it, hooking it back securely to her belt. "Can't loose another one of these. Master Windu would kill me, and I'd owe him one-hundred credits."

Once everyone had gathered their bearings, the clones set off once more for the town. Dakota held Caleb back briefly, sticking her hand out to stop him from walking ahead. He paused at her signal, his eyes honing in on the bionic fingers attached to her tendons.

News of her catastrophic death and, essentially, her resurrection, was common rhetoric around the Jedi Temple. Not a single Jedi, Padawan or Master, hadn't talked about it behind closed doors or over dining hall tables. A funeral had even been held, with many eyes of various emotions. Some remained strong and poised, others shed uncontainable tears.

"Why didn't you save him when I told you to?" Dakota questioned him, pulling her hand away and crossing her arms.

Caleb exhaled, avoiding her glare as he fidgeted with his pale, vanilla-colored tunic. His response was rather immediate, a touch of bitterness leaving his tongue. "I... can't control the force. Not yet anyway."

At that revelation, Dakota went still, her mind racing as she tried to process his words. The muscles in her face went slack. She had known that Caleb was still learning, still young in his journey. But to hear him admit it so openly, to hear that he is this behind... it left her feeling utterly, hopelessly confused.

With a sharp sigh, Dakota gave Caleb an odd look, her brow furrowed in bewilderment. She didn't know how to respond, didn't know what to say to ease the tension that hung between them like a heavy cloak.

And so, without another word, she turned away, her thoughts returning to the task at hand. There would be time later to delve into the complexities of Caleb's training. Caleb remained in the shadows that she left behind, dwelling in the sense of failure that he's always felt.


"It's alright, you're safe." she announced, her hand pulling back the brown tarp made of animal skin that acted as a doorway to the hut. Beyond the entrance resided a cowering Crolute family, clutching tightly to their child who still sucked onto a pacifier. They hid near the heath, fearing that their scraps of safety were all but lost to them.

Dakota lowered down to a crouch to demonstrate docility, Rex standing just behind her. "My name is General Ky, of the Jedi Order. Your town has been freed from the separatists. We are here to help." she rested an elbow to her bent knee.

The Crolute family eased, their hold on each other loosening. Squeals of excitement bubbled up from the chest of the baby bouncing in its mother's grasp. Filled with relief, the Crolute mother smiled and rose to her feet, as her baby extended its hands to Dakota. "Oh, um-" she prepared to wave her hands in protest, but the mother beamed and passed her baby off to Dakota, as a sign of trust.

"Yeah, great" she hid her apprehension, already not taking a liking to the scent, to the tiny hands that laced into her hair and tugged her locks. Dakota tried to adjust her grip on the squirming bundle, attempting to mask the fact that she was slightly grossed out by the thing. She forced a smile onto her lips, hoping to convey a sense of warmth despite her inner desire to vomit.

Meanwhile, Rex watched from the doorway, his gaze lingering on Dakota and the baby in her arms. Something stirred within him, a flicker of emotion that he hadn't expected. As he observed her struggling to hold the baby, a sudden realization dawned on him. A thought that took him beyond the battlefield, far away from war and regulation. To a future, where it could be him, and her, and possibly-

He stopped himself with a shake of his head, not allowing that fleeting thought to play out. The moment was over, and she eagerly handed the baby back to its mother and bowed, excusing herself and her Captain.

They made their way out of the doorway and through the now-liberated town, they continued to check each domed hut to ensure the safety of its inhabitants and confirm that the threat of the droid forces had been eliminated. Their footsteps echoed softly against the damp grounds as they moved from dwelling to dwelling, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of leftover droids.

Despite successfully taking out the threats, and offering the town freedom from the oppressive grip of the droid forces on a silver platter, Dakota couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides.

"You look troubled," the Captain noticed.

"Seems I wear my emotions on my sleeve now," she rubbed the back of her neck, following the path of the town towards the main gates where more clones were coming through, arriving from different squadrons within the 501st. Caravans and Republic walkers filed in at a steady pace. Men hollered orders and directed the military traffic. "My Padawan can't use the force-" she enlightened, "- and, I'm attending my first Council meeting today via hologram. Two things I really don't want to deal with."

Her voice faded to a grumble as she spoke of her inconveniences. Rex removed his helmet, tucking it between his arm and hip "I see..." he thought to himself, running his hand along his jaw. "Why would you not want to attend the Council meeting?"

Dakota bit her lip, struggling to put her feelings into words. "I don't know, Rex." she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. She stopped walking and faced him. "I mean, these are the most esteemed Jedi in the Order. My Master, among them." she put her hand to her chest, and rubbed her collarbone.

Rex still wasn't entirely sure what the underlying issue was, but he listened intently. A batch of rookies marched by, and they halted their discussion until they had passed. "I want to do right by Mace, to live up to... what he expects of me, however..." she sighed. "I've already failed him," she met Rex's eyes "and he doesn't even know it, but I know it"

"You're... talking about us"

"I'm talking about all of it." she threw her hand out. "From the very beginning. Who I am, my family, and now, this kid." she ran a hand through her hair. "He needs help, he needs stability, he needs someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing"

"You think your Master should've chosen someone else?"

"No- yes? No. My Master has never made a mistake," she asserted, even if it were untrue. "Or taken the wrong course of action. Not for as long as I've known him"

"So, he was right to put Caleb with you?" Rex was still attempting to put the pieces together, and speak his thoughts out loud in order to help her sort through hers.

"I want him to be" she said quietly. "I want him to be right about me."

A buzz from her transmitter indicated that the Council meeting would be beginning soon. Blood seeped from her internals and fell through her marrow, hitting rock bottom. No amount of swindling would get her out of this one. With a sigh, Dakota ducked into a nearby, empty hut, scanning the room for a suitable seat from which to join the meeting. Rex's voice broke through her thoughts, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow.

"Dakota" he called, his tone laced with genuine concern as he stepped more prominently into the hut. The tarp swung to cover the doorway behind him. "I know that our choices have caused you turmoil," he began, tiptoeing with his words. "If ever you feel it's not for the best-"

"No," she cut him off hurriedly, coming towards him. She rested her forehead to his, desperately needing this moment as if it were oxygen. "No" she assured again, her hands pressed to the sides of his face. He leaned into her, sliding his arms around her waist. He released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. She brushed her knuckles against his cheekbone.

"He's not wrong about you. Although it's not like you ever had anything to prove to begin with." Rex brushed strands of her hair from her face, tracing his gloved fingers along her temple. She leaned against his touch. He took in her beauty as if it rays of moonlight. "But trust me, I know the feeling of wanting to meet the expectations of those that we admire. That's all I wanted the moment I first saw you."

"I never thought of it like that," put her hand overtop his. "I never wanted you, or any of them, to feel like you had to prove yourself, as if you were anything less than stellar"

"And now you know how I feel about you." he returned, rubbing his thumb along under her eye. She scoffed at him, momentarily glancing away to let it register. "His trust in you Dakota is not misplaced, because I know mine isn't."

Transgressions felt lighter then, and life seemed a bit better despite being tangled within in intrusive doubts and preying commitments. He knew her, the peaks and crevices, the spoken and the unspoken. Not a soul in the galaxy could compare. Not a thought could take hold that could uproot the unequivocal happiness that he brought her.

She could have sworn golden light broke through the metaphorical clouds. "I love you." It's all her lovestruck, lovesick mind would allow her to express.

"I love you" he smiled back. Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss, a silent exchange of an undying longing and affection. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, the world around them fading into insignificance.

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