Duvarları içinde - within the...

By m3edina1

1.9K 38 18

Duvarları içinde (within the walls) Great-granddaughter of Suleyman Shah and Hayme Ana Granddaughter of Ertuğ... More

Before you read
Prologue/Extended Description
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not a chapter

Chapter 19

92 2 0
By m3edina1

In the following days many events had unfolded.

Where Gunduz Bey goes, Boran Alp goes. But it was under Osman Bey's orders to keep an eye on his brother.

Osman and the Seljuk soldiers, who saved him from execution, were ambushed by the Mongols and their leader Gehyhatu. Igezli was killed in the ambush. And Goktug, who betrayed Gehyhatu, was also punished by death.

In the meantime, behind Mihrimah's back, Alemshah planned to go to the Kayi Tribe. When Konur asked what would happen with the Kayi's people, the Vizier answered that they would have to draw their swords against them if necessary. But even so he was planning to bring Mihrimah with him to the tribe.

A day before their departure, Nikola visited the Vizier. Both of them wanted Harmankaya Castle and worked secretly behind each other's back.

But the Vizier also worked alongside Gehyhatu, and no one knew of it, but him. There, Gehyhatu revealed that he had an inside man by the Sultan's side.

In the Kayi Tribe, Gunduz had exiled Selcan, Malhun and Bala, because he deemed that they stood against him and the well-being of the tribe.

Mihrimah only thought about the well-being of the tribe at this point, and was even ready to stand against Alemshah and defy him. She also had a feeling that the tribe would be her last place to be, before joining Osman again.

But first she had to access the situation at the tribe and get into contact with Selcan and her aunts.

Though her allegiance to Alemshah seemed genuine in other's eyes, her true loyalties lay with Osman and the Kayi Tribe, and she would do anything to ensure his survival.

The sun hung low in the sky as Mihrimah and Vizier Alemshah rode through the forest towards the Kayi Tribe, with a slightly more Seljuk soldiers accompanying them than usual. She never had the chance to talk to Konur, so she wouldn't know the reason.

 Mihrimah's heart in her chest pounded faster and faster as they neared the tribe.

Beside her, Alemshah rode self-assures in himself. Though Mihrimah had grown accustomed to his presence over the past weeks, she could not shake the sense of unease that ate at her from within.

Mihrimah's nerves began to overwhelm her. Though she had spent her entire life in the Kayi Tribe, she could not shake the fear of how they would receive her now, knowing the truth of her future marriage to Alemshah.

''Are you alright, Mihrimah?'' Alemshah's voice broke through her thoughts. He seemed genuinely concerned as he glanced in her direction.

Mihrimah forced a smile. ''I am fine, Alemshah.'' she replied. ''Just...nervous to see the tribe again after so long.''

Alemshah nodded in understanding, though Mihrimah could see the suspicion in his gaze. Though she had played her part well over the past weeks, she knew that her true loyalties were a guarded secret, known only to herself and a select few.

As they approached the the tribe, Mihrimah's heart clenched. Once she had been welcomed with open arms amongst the people of the Kayi tribe, she feared that her newfound position beside Alemshah would cast her in a different light in the eyes of her people.

As they rode into the tribe, there already seemed to be trouble in front of the Bey's tent. On one side stood her uncle, Gunduz Bey, with his Alps and on the other side stood Selcan, Bala, Malhun and Aygul with their Alps.

Mihrimah's eyes widened in horror and could only imagine what would happen if a civil war broke out.

Without thinking she galloped in the middle of the two parties. Toprak reared on his hind legs and aggressively swung with his forelegs, with Mihrimah and his back. ''No!''

Everyone was surprised to see the young woman appear. Even Alemshah and Konur were surprised by her action.

''Stop this! If you start a civil war, it won't end good for none of us!'' Mihrimah exclaimed, while using Toprak to pace in circles, to get both side's attention, but they both shouted in uproar.

''Silence!'' Gunduz Bey yelled. ''Let us hear what she have to say. I, in fact, tend to listen.''

''Then let it be.'' Selcan agreed too.

Mihrimah nodded, and continued to pace in circles. ''There's no point of fighting. I know that the current Bey, Gunduz Bey, have many men at his disposal. But there's also equally many, who stands by Osman Bey's side.

You all think that fighting will solve this problem, but it is not true! This tribe was built by its greatness. Not only by its Beys. But also by its people! Since the very start, everyone's lives have been dedicated to the tribe.

And now you have to save it! How can you talk about peace, when this very moment, all of you are threatening to burn it down. Into nothingness!

As you have already chosen your sides. I think that those, who started the rebellion should be the ones to be judged, not their followers.

You are not Kayi's if you draw your weapons against each other!''

Selcan knew that Mihrimah was up to something, but without proper communication, it was hard to tell what. So, she decided to leave the reins for Mihrimah to decide the course of this situation.

Alemshah admired the loyalty towards her people, but had to step in, in case that she promised something that she couldn't uphold.

He walked up to Mihrimah, who had dismounted off her horse, and stood beside her. ''Mihrimah is right. Those, who started this need to be held up accountable. Gunduz Bey has just as much the right to sit on the seat as Osman has. Isn't he also Ertugrul Ghazi's son?''

People were murmuring amongst themselves.

Mihrimah looked at Selcan for help. After debating with herself, Selcan complied with Mihrimah's plea.

''Daughters. Put your swords down.''

''But, Ana?''

''Aygul.'' Selcan said sternly, and then looked at Mihrimah. ''Mihrimah Sultan, what do you want?''

Mihrimah swallowed a lump in her throat and spoke with confidence. ''I want all of you exiled. You can consider yourself lucky that we allowed you to live.''

''Lower your weapons!'' Selcan yells out to those, who had already shed their swords. ''Mihrimah is right! Kayi Alps do not draw their swords against their brothers! We will not be fooled by this game! We will not spill our sibling's blood! Hayde!*''

They all knew that Selcan was right, even Bala, Malhun and Aygul put their swords in the scarab's.

Selcan looked at Gunduz saddened. ''If this Gunduz is the Gunduz that I know. Then he wouldn't let this happen, I said. He would know to take a step back when the time comes, he would be the bigger man, I said. But, either I never knew Gunduz for who he truly was, or the Gunduz I knew, changed.'' when she finished, Selcan turned her attention to her dear Mihrimah.

Mihrimah's heart clenched, when she saw the sadness etched on Selcan's face. She knew that her decision to stand beside Alemshah had caused pain and confusion among the people of the tribe, especially her family. But she just couldn't bear to see the anguish in Selcan's eyes.

''I don't know how to feel, Mihrimah'm. I can't shake this feeling of sadness that's been weighing on me since you chose Alemshah.''

Mihrimah felt a pang of guilt twist in her chest at Selcan's words, though she masked it well behind a stoic expression and didn't say anything.

''It's hard for me to accept that you would align yourself with someone like Alemshah, especially after all we've been through together. And I do find it hard to believe the choices you've made.''

Mihrimah's heart twisted at Selcan's words, though she knew she had to remain strong. ''I promise you, Selcan Ana.'' she said solemnly. ''I will do everything in my power to protect the tribe, when the three of you are exiled.''

Mihrimah forced a smile, though her heart ached at the knowledge of the pain she was causing Selcan. She knew that she had to stay strong, to keep up the facade of her allegiance to Alemshah, even if it meant sacrificing herself for the tribe.

''That is why, we will leave our tribe willingly.'' Selcan exclaimed in front of the whole tribe. Bala and Malhun looked at her in disbelief. ''But, when the day comes, and the Kayi's real Bey, Osman Bey, comes to this tribe... you will pay for what you did.''

Malhun walked up to Selcan and looked at her. ''Ana?''

''Not is not the time. If we draw our weapons now, you will make this a point of no return. Hayde, my daughters.''

Mihrimah walked up to Selcan and reached for her had. The heaviness in Mihrimah's heart faltered a little, when Selcan allowed her to take her hand. Mihrimah kissed Selcan's hand and touched it with her forehead. ''Ana, give me your pardon in this world. I know that you don't want to leave the tribe like it is now. But this is all I can do for now. You have my word that I will protect the people, while you're gone.''

Selcan gave her a genuine smile and put a hand on Mihrimah's cheek, caressing it. ''I know, my dear. I wouldn't leave the tribe to anyone but you. I give you my pardon. Take care of yourself.''

Alaca Hatun, a close friend and aid of Malhun, had baby Orhan in her arms and gave him to Malhun. ''Come on.'' Selcan said and turned around to leave the tribe.

''Malhun Hatun. Where are you taking Orhan, the heir to Kayi Tribe?'' Alemshah called after her. Everyone, including Mihrimah was shocked by his words. ''Orhan belongs in the Kay Tribe.''

''He belongs with his mother.'' Malhun said, she was determined not to leave her son in the clutches of Alemshah.

''You know the law, Malhun Hatun. You are a Bey's daughter. Orhan belongs in the Kay Tribe.''

''Don't dare to come closer.'' Bala threatened and unheeded her sword. ''Orhan is Osman Bey's son. We are leaving the tribe, but we will not give him to anyone. Orhan will come with us.''

The tribes people were also in uproar, and supported Bala.

''Can you separate a child and mother? Who are you to separate a child and mother?'' Selcan demanded.

''Selcan Hatun, you know the law. Don't fight. Am I wrong, Kayi Tribe? You tell them. Orhan is Osman's Bey's blood. The safest place for Orhan is the Kayi Tribe. Hatuns, leave Orhan, and leave quietly.''

''I will rather die than leaving my child!'' Malhun exclaimed angrily.

''We will die and kill for Orhan. Step aside, so that we can leave!'' Bala added.

Mihrimah stood petrified and watched the scene unfold before her. She didn't dare to move, but was snapped out of it, when Gunduz spoke to Alemshah. ''Vizier Alemshah. You shouldn't do this. Don't separate Orhan from his mother. He's too young.''

''Orhan should be in Kayi Tribe. That's what morals order.'' Alemshah used as an excuse.

''Forget about the morals for a second and think about the humane thing to do. He's only a baby.'' Mihrimah countered. When Alemshah looked at her, Mihrimah was nervous for a moment, but tried to hide it. ''Do you expect me to show mercy to those who dare to defy me, Mihrimah?''

''To tear a mother away from her child is an act of cruelty.''

Alemshah's expression darkened at her words. ''Watch your tongue, Mihrimah.'' he warned with a low growl. ''You may be the granddaughter of Ertugrul, but you would do well to remember your place with me around.''

Mihrimah was angry, but she forced herself to remain calm. ''I will not stand idly by while you inflict suffering upon the innocent.'' she exclaimed,. ''I will not let you be cruel as you wish.''

Alemshah's eyes narrowed at her words. ''Is that a threat?'' he asked.

Mihrimah held his gaze. ''Call it what you will.'' she said firmly. ''Fine, I'll do what you want. But know this: I will not ignore your actions.''

Mihrimah turned her back to Alemshah and walked up to the upset Malhun. ''Don't!'' Malhun yelled at her and then looked at Selcan. ''Ana. Don't make me do this, Ana.''

Selcan heart clenched at the distressed mother, who held her crying son. ''Patience, kizim. We need to be patient. His milk-mother is here. His sister, Mihrimah, will take good care of Orhan. You know how much she loves him. Hayde, kizim.''

''Ana, Orhan is just a baby.'' Malhun cried, not wanting to be seperated from her son. ''Oğlum.''

''He's brave as his father. Hayde, Malhun.'' Selcan tried to reassure her and turned to Mihrimah, who also shed tears at the scene before her. ''Mihrimah, come.''

But Mihrimah couldn't mover. Her feet were planted on the ground. ''Mihrimah, hayde.'' Selcan continued to call out for her.

She sniffed and tried to wipe the tears from her cheek, that kept running. She walked up to the crying mother, who held her child tightly.

''When Osman comes, you will pay for what you did!'' Bala threatened the Vizier.

Powerless, Malhun gave Orhan to Mihrimah, who tried to calm the heartbroken mother. ''Don't worry, yengye. He'll always be with me. I won't let him out of my sight.''

Malhun couldn't say anything of grief, so Mihrimah turned to Selcan and whispered. ''Ana. Be careful, the Vizier might try and attack you on the road. I wouldn't put it past him.''

Mihrimah took a last look on Malhun and gave her reassured smile. Then she walked past the Vizier without even looking at him and headed for her tent.

Within her tent, Mihrimah sat with a heavy heart, holding Orhan in her arms.

The little boy, finally stopped crying, but she could still feel his tiny frame quivering against her arms.

''Orhan'm. Don't worry, your sister will never let go of you. I know that you will reunite with your mother soon.'' she softly whispered. ''As long as you're with me, everything will be alright. I promise, kardeş'im.''

Mihrimah put him in his cradle and rocked it back and forth. She couldn't stop thinking about Malhun and what she was going through right now. Mihrimah's blood boiled at the thought of Alemshah's cruelty, but she knew that now was not the time for vengeance.

She had to focus on Orhan, until he was to be reunited with his mother once again.

Just then, the sound of the door opened, drew Mihrimah's attention. She tensed when she realized that Alemshah had arrived. The very sight of him filled her with anger, but she forced herself to remain composed as she continued to rock the cradle. where Orhan lied.

''Mihrimah.'' he greeted her. ''I see you have taken it upon yourself to care for young Orhan.''

Mihrimah's jaw clenched at his words, but she refused to meet his gaze. ''He needs someone to comfort him.'' she replied.

Alemshah's eyes narrowed at her response, but he made no move to challenge her further. Instead, he turned his attention to the cradle. His gaze softening slightly as he watched Mihrimah's ability to take care of a child.

''He is a resilient one, that much is certain.'' he remarked.

Mihrimah's jaw clenched further, but said softly. ''His mother's absence has taken its toll on him. He belongs with his mother. And I will not rest until they are together once more.''

''I admire your loyalty, Mihrimah. But you must understand that I won't change my mind.''

For a moment, there was silence between them. But then, with a soft sigh, Alemshah turned and left the tent, leaving Mihrimah alone once more with Orhan.

Word count: 2544

*Hayde - come on

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