Drastic love

By Amrin77

10.7K 185 48

I started to step back slowly. " please I am sorry , I didn't mean to invade in your privacy " I scared of hi... More

Chapter 1: angel steps under devil eyes
Chapter 2: kind of cruel
Chapter 3: A friendly faces
Chapter 4: Evil incarnate
Chapter 5: fortune teller
Chapter 6: Dwindling road
Chapter 7: reassurance until everything changes
Chapter 8: mixed messages
Appreciation & book trailer
chapter 10 : Gray morning
Chapter 11: Incarcerate
Chapter 12:Don't box me in
Chapter 13: Tricks of the trade
Chapter 14: unity of devils
Chapter 15: everything goes wonderfully wrong
Chapter 16: The path to hell is paved
Chapter 17 : A Tale of Woe
Chapter 18: an empty truth
Chapter 19: a frightened hare
Chapter 20 : Courage fades

Chapter 9: when the sun was swallowed

484 11 2
By Amrin77


The whole city was on high alert when they get the news of Edward's arrival. No one knows the reason behind his sudden entrance . But , all were tense knowing that a demon in human form came to their city Which is ruling by Xavier knight
who is not less than a devil. The last time when they met all hell broke loose . Whole system was unable to overcome the damage which they  both had created .
It is their identity. Xavier knight a cunning , cruel ,Manipulative, sadist . on the other side Edward Salvatore is a dark , dominant,brooding, cold , aggressive. Both together were the deadly combination. Who only knew how to create the bloodshed . Yet, no one can do anything to stop them . All they have to do is bear these pair of devils wrath . Even government quiver under them.

Edward was restless the moment he saw that picture whose face is identical to his dead wife. He remembered how he ruthlessly killed his own wife and tasted her sweet blood . The only memory made his nerves to pulsates in excitement . He looked outside the window where cool air hit his face which made him to relax .

His most trusted members were following his car in to a secluded road.where his opponent invited him.

On the other side Xavier Knight is patiently waiting in his secret underground. which looks like an abandoned home from outside . He is well Aware of Edward persona. To settle him he arranged everything as per Russian mafia liking . He personally instructed his second in command jasper to bring infamous elites such as models, business women ,actresses, as a concubine .
As he look around he can see all crimson light illuminating around the room. He satisfied with jasper work.

As he looked around he can see all mistresses were on display in a seductive stripper dresses where they ready to take whatever this handsome devil can give.
Yet,Xavier mind wondering around Alisha .As days passed his urges towards her to claim intensified .
his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the news of Russian leader. Xavier sighed he knows that he is playing with a fire . If anyone would say that he would have to invite Edward like this then he would have laugh at him and kill him slowly. This only thought makes him amused . But Jasper was on high alerted. as he increased the security around Xavier . While he was checking cameras Xavier looked his tense friend " relax jasper he isn't coming here for a war ". Jasper turned to his friend". " I know, still we can't predict him ". Said jasper . " are you saying am not unable to protect myself? " said tauntingly. Xavier doesn't like when people show any concern towards him. He hates it and he thinks emotions only make humans weak. Xavier like an alpha male he born to rule. Jasper realized he unknowingly provoked beast. "No I didn't mean it like that " said Jasper tensing . " Did you brought the file which I told you to prepare? " says Xavier. to his boss question jasper extended his hand and gave it to Xavier who opened and read everything carefully. " good now it's time to use my butterflies's friend " said cunningly. Jasper unknowingly felt guilty for dragging another innocent girl in this barbarous world . " Xavier we could have warn miss Lilly Adam she would easily move away from your way. " Xavier kept the file on table and turned toward his friend and raised his eye brow " did she backed away when our men killed his brother? Even her boyfriend get scared and ran away but this girl didn't back down . Now am sure by knowing my presence in her friend life she will do everything to separate us . " said Xavier thoughtfully . But one question jasper never understood that why his heart less friend always spared Lilly Adam . " it could be easier for you to kill her . yet you didn't touch her nor when she opened his brother case .it's unlike you I mean why are you sparring her life? " asked jasper to know his true intentions. Xavier stand from his chair and stood and sat on sofa where a chess board was neatly kept.

he hold his black pawn and twisting it between his fingers and turned towards his friend " we can't throw Every stones under the pit jasper , there might be some jewel hidden between these rocks so we can keep it and use it on right time. " as he completed his sentence he kept that black pawn in-front of white king.


At the same moment his room door was opened and entered the other devil. Xavier lift his eyes and observed his rival where Edward took his predatory steps towards the opposite chair . Edward trusted men present behind him.

They both sat facing each other . The dark aura radiating from both of them . Jasper gulped as he slowly try to lift his hand towards his gun but one look from Edward enough from him to stop in his moment. " here I am in your kingdom among your men yet you need a guard ,?" Said Edward mockingly . " what can I say my people are very protective towards me "says the Xavier . And indicated his friend to relax. After jasper relaxed silence engulfed them . " you dare to provoke my past?" Said Edward in authority. Xavier chuckled at him. " you know I am ready to compensate but let's have some drinks ." Saying this he snapped his finger their come most alluring beautiful waitress ready to take  Edward and his men order .

All men were drooling over these women but neither Edward nor Xavier didn't even glance at them .Edward eyes were on Xavier to read his intentions but his static face not giving any clue to him.
Edward clenched his jaw and didn't spare a glance at any mistresses and faced Xavier " stop beating around the bush and spill out" said Edward impatiently. To his demanding voice any one can shake in fear but Xavier is another case . He relaxingly put the folder between his slave mouth

and gesture her towards him she crawled across on the table and bend forward then dropped the document gently in front of Edward . There sat another slave on table in a seductive position

" I think you might want to check that folder  before any thing I would ask from you " says Xavier . Edward took the folder and read the details of Lilly Adam he already knew that she is not Caroline yet he intrigued by her beauty . the only problem was Caroline never gave him her heart now he want her replica so he could possess her and can do everything which he unable to do with her dead wife . Xavier know how his companion mind works because he also has the same sickening mind . " you wasted your previous possession that to out of anger now at least keep her for some time " says Xavier with laugh . Edward raised his eyebrows "what's in it to you?". Says Edward straightly. He know Xavier knight never favor anyone unless he want something in return. Xavier smiled innocently " I just want to create Bilateral relations among us . I will merge some of my techno industries with you while In return you have to provide your army whenever I need" says Xavier. " so, you finally decide to kill your father " said Edward smirking. They both know their father's role in their life . To defeat Xavier father he needs a support. They both  wanted something that they had in their clutches. Xavier need some extra power and Edward need The mysterious women . So, Finally after long discussions they came to  the mutual term Edward agreed to xavier proposal . " Then shall we take the blood oath bratan (brother)" says Xavier by taking his knife . To which Edward took and cut his palm and gave it to Xavier who followed the same action and they both shook their hands. while all their men cheered .
"Now It's time for celebration "
saying Xavier offered the drink .

To which Edward accepted

After they both gulped their drinks Edward poured remaining drink lazily on the table where he ordered another slave to clean .By his order that slave who was starved for 2 days licked it like an hungry cat . After licking clean she stared at them to give her more to drink . both devils enjoyed at her desperation. And offered her glass where she started to lick happily .

" you trained them well .I am impressed " says Edward amusingly. " Oh I would like to show my remaining collection" says Xavier proudly. He signaled his men who pulled the pulley by bringing some golden cages from ceiling. Each cage had an each woman where they tied in a vulnerable state.

All remaining mens from either group watching them like a hawk while some men ruthlessly taking other women .
While Some Elite women who were actresses and models hanging above their table like a chandelier. Xavier never show any attempt to impress his companions but Edward Salvatore is different case .he rules half of the world whereas Xavier rules another half . He doesn't want to creat enemy troops from him.
All men hungrily stared above where one model hanging upside down. Her hands bound behind her back.

The other woman is an actress bounded in shabari style .

The last woman who is a young politician covered in black curtain and tied .

Edward stared at Xavier collection . But his eyes particularly focused on black haired slave who covered in thin layer curtain . By observing his partner look Xavier ordered the host to released the women from hanging . She seductively crawl under the table where Edward sat and start to lick his shoe . Edward smirked at her and grabbed her hair in fist and put her mouth on his covered crotch. She understood what he meant , to which she eagerly unzipped his pants and start to worship his cock by kissing and licking . he tugged and held her hair up with one hand. He thrust his cock in and out so fast as if he was unclogging a pipe with a suction cup. She gagged and coughed. But as soon as she was slightly alright, he shoved it back in with full force. To spice things up, he even slapped her left and right. Turning her baby cheeks a tinge of red .she coughed and drooled, hurling the cum that hadn't gotten in. Edward pushed her on floor and took greedy steps towards her and lift her by hair and bent her on table . " arch your back cyka (bitch)" ordered Edward which makes her lifted her ass . Edward spat on her ass and entered in her back hole roughly . Which makes her scream in pain Edward didn't even give her any chance to adjust his monstrous thick meat in her . He took her viciously where her wails reverberated through out the room.
On the other side Xavier chose the girl who is brunette slave with a masochist in nature. Whereas she tied in shabari style he slowly drag his finger across her inner thighs which were wet by her dripping cunt . As he fingered her by his long fingers she moaned . He took his burning cigarette and rubbed on her butt like he used her body as an on astray . Her scream matched with the other woman who were roughly getting treated by other men . yet everyone stared at both women who were tournament by devils . No matter how much those slaves has alluring body yet their both minds wondering around their innocent girls. How much They want to corrupt them , break them , then mould them as per their wish until they felt enough.
Alisha's mere thought enough for Xavier to push the slave in frustration and she starts to hung around room. He turned towards his men who were busy in taking other slaves . He ordered waiting men to take his pet . His one word enough for those hungry wolves. They stood around her and start to take their turns with her . Xavier start to walk away from them and stood in front of glass window whereas Edward rough thrusts made the slave tremble in pleasure yet he unable to release all his mind thinking about Lilly which distract him to unable to release . with the frustration growl he pushed her away where the poor slave passed out. He left them all and stood beside Xavier . They both can hear moans , screams, whimpers and grunts of people yet they stood in silence facing away from them.

" I still wonder why you wanted to give Lilly Adam to me " says Edward. Xavier sighed relaxingly " I even don't know Edward . I think I owe you so, I just wanted to gift her to you ". Edward looked at him try to read his mind but Xavier kept his statics face . After long time Xavier sighed " Fine , I want to take my girl and she is about to let my girl escape. I was ready to kill her But when I saw her face she resembled like your dead wife So, instead of killing I offered her to you. " Edward furrowed his brows " you will not harm her Xavier if she crossed her limits I will personally do that job"said Edward. Xavier laughed "of course that girl's biggest misfortune is she is yours". To Xavier comment Edward smirked " da like you are girl is lucky.huh " they both chuckled darkly "So, when are you planning to take Ms. Adam with you ?" Asked Xavier "in 2 days " answered Edward Evilly. " what about you ?" To Edward question he smirked " today is her last night where she will sleep peacefully ". They both smirked as They both look at the sky which is covered by dark clouds and a thunderstorm about to start.

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