Heart of the Ocean | Pirate!A...

By Ghouliafied

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When the savage pirates of Paradigm are on their way home from a previous adventure, they come across somethi... More

World Map
1: Veiled Shadows
2: Under The Moon's Shadow
3: Awake
4: The Burden of Belief
5: The Calm Before The Storm
6: In The Wake of Change
7: The Art of Combat
8: Whispers of Truth
10: A Golden Pursuit
11: Bargains and Memories

9: In The Heart of Danger

812 35 24
By Ghouliafied

The walk to the Captain's Quarters was silent.

To you, it felt like you had walked that path for what seemed like the hundredth time. At this point, you knew every splinter on the wood, every crease on the floor. You knew that urgent matters had to be reconciled as soon as possible, and yet you couldn't help but to feel as if you were punished. For what, you didn't know. Perhaps Yunho or Mingi had told Hongjoong about what had happened after all.

It didn't help that Seonghwa seemed to be as vague as he could get. You felt like a scolded child following their mother, knowing that she'd be disappointed by whatever antic you had done. Although Seonghwa still looked weary, as you noticed when he came to get you, his demeanour never seemed to change. He may not have been their Captain, but anyone would break under those piercing eyes. Eyes that almost looked as if they knew what you had done. It almost left you confessing the entire thing yourself.

The whole situation just made you feel clammy, and with every step you took, the more nervous you felt. It could've been about anything. Perhaps Hongjoong had found some new information about the Cordelia, or maybe he received news from the Citadel, though highly unlikely. Perhaps it was San who had come to the Captain to complain, knowing that he had every right to and that he hadn't joined the others in the kitchen. That was a likely possibility, and maybe even the worst. You didn't want to face him, not after hearing the things he had been yelling around.

''Why did Hongjoong ask for me?'' you asked, finally breaking the tense silence that hung in the air.

''I'm not really sure,'' Seonghwa simply replied as he kept his eyes in front of him. ''He hadn't told me anything.''

You bit your lip as you grew even more concerned. It wasn't necessarily that Seonghwa's tone was snarky. It just sounded off, and every second that passed, you blamed yourself more for something you didn't even know was your fault.

''Are you mad?'' you then asked, keeping your tone low as you tried to find comfort in fiddling with your hands.

Seonghwa's pace seemed to slow as he finally turned around to look at you. You were afraid to see his stern eyes, nonverbally telling you that yes, he was mad, but much to your surprise, you were greeted with a look that only seemed to tell you the opposite.

''Mad?'' He asked, his eyes softening lightly. ''Why would I be mad at you?''

You briefly looked down, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. How could you have been so stupid? Of course, he wouldn't be mad. Curse you and your habits of jumping to useless conclusions. Then again, a part of you couldn't blame yourself; after everything that happened during the training, you wouldn't be surprised that Seonghwa or even Hongjoong would be mad at you if they knew about the situation.

''I ... don't really know,'' You answered, your mind still wavering with uncertainty. ''I just assumed by the way you entered the kitchen and the minimal details, I guess.''

Seonghwa let out a light chuckle as he gave you a smile, one that you were familiar with, ''I'm sorry, Y/n. I should've realized that. I was just so caught up with things that I hadn't even realized to wear it down.''

You shot him a concerned glance. Now that you looked at him, you could see that he looked tired. You knew that he'd been down for a few days after the battle with the Sentinels, but this seemed to be because of something much different.

''What happened?'' You asked, your curiosity getting the better of you.

''Just some quarrels between me and Hongjoong. Disagreements, if you will,'' he answered, returning his gaze back in front of him. ''But nothing that you need to worry about. They're only natural.''

You decided to press it no further, though your concern for him lingered. Whatever Seonghwa and Hongjoong were talking about seemed to weigh heavily on his mind, casting a shadow that made its way on his normally calm demeanour. You hadn't known Seonghwa for a long time, but from what you'd seen already, he seemed to always keep his head afloat. He appeared to be a man who valued order and harmony, especially on deck and between the crew. Now, he just seemed tense. If you were to look closely, you were sure you could see the faint lines of worry etched onto his face. Whatever happened between him and Hongjoong clearly had its effect on him.

''I've been meaning to ask you,'' you spoke up, rounding a corner, ''how have you been?''

''If you're talking about the attack, then I'm fine,'' Seonghwa started, ''I was surprised that it had healed so well. I can't really remember most of it, but I did feel the burn. It was probably the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. The burn seemed to seep through my skin, my very existence. Even when I was out of consciousness, I could feel it. It's a miracle that it healed as well as it did. Now, it's only a scar. A large one at that, but at least I can say I successfully survived a Sentinel attack and got a cool scar to show off.''

You chuckled at that, glad to hear that he had been doing well. You still remember the moment that he went down. It was a fearful moment, one in which you thought he wouldn't live to tell the tale, but fortunately, he proved otherwise.

''How about you?'' Seonghwa then asked, briefly glancing over his shoulder to look at you. ''How have you been?''

The way he asked you the question made you think that he seemed to know about the situation with San after all. There was something hidden in his voice, a sense of knowing like he was looking for the answer he already got.

''I'm not sure,'' you answered, your voice trailing off as you searched for a logical response, ''All I want is to be done with this all.''

Seonghwa hummed in response, a sound that was comforting to your ears, ''I understand. I can't even imagine the toll this quest must have on you, both mentally and physically. While the Empire wages on its own useless wars, you're here set to deliver the finally blow to what may decide whether this world will see a new age or not. I can't imagine the weight it must be on your shoulders.''

You sighed out, and even though Seonghwa's back was turned to you, you nodded in response, ''All I'm hoping for is that Hongjoong is right about this person in Aequor. If she truly knows more about the Cordelia, then it means a step closer to the final goal and a step further away from the Sentinels.''

''You think they'll come back?'' Seonghwa suddenly asked, clearly referring to the ghastly figures that made your life and of those around you a living hell.

''Positively,'' you answered firmly, a slight frown appearing on your face as you thought back to the awful memories. ''Whether this necklace destroyed the ones that attacked us on the ship, it doesn't matter. They were not the last ones, and those who remain are ever so drawn to the Cordelia. They'll find us again, one way or another.''

Seonghwa seemed to catch on to the sudden mood shift, hearing the slight scowl in your voice as you talked about the Sentinels. It caught you off guard when he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you, though when you looked up at him, you were met with a gaze that was filled with understanding.

''Though it's likely that we'll run into more of them as we go on, they'll be no match for us,'' Seonghwa said softly, his tone nothing but reassurance, ''We defeated them once and we'll do it again.''

You wanted to believe him, you really did, but there was no certainty whether the other Sentinels were just like the ones you had defeated. All Sentinels were tied with their souls to the Cordelia and who knew whether their power depended on how damaged their souls were in their previous lives. Some Sentinels were Kings, others were mere servants. Some souls were tainted with the cruelties of the crimes committed when they were still body and flesh, while others weren't spoiled until they gave into the desires the Cordelia had to offer. What if power was measured in the type of souls they had?

And then remained the question of how many were left. How many people were turned into a ghastly figure of light, doomed to roam the earth until they finally acquired what they wanted to have from the beginning? There could be hundreds, thousands. Their numbers could be immense, and if it was even difficult to get rid of a few, then how were they expected to take on a league of them? Then there were those who could disguise themselves among the people. Those who were silent, yet their presence loud while consumed by the essence of the Cordelia. How would they know which of the people was a Sentinel?

''How can you be so sure, Seonghwa?'' You asked quietly, ''We know almost nothing about them. We don't even know much about the Cordelia itself. How am I supposed to fight through every one of them and expect to be alive to bring it back? If I even know where to bring it back.''

Seonghwa sighed, though his hopeful gaze ever remained, ''I know I cannot be much for comfort, as I, myself, know little to nothing about this issue. What I do know is that you're not alone in this. You don't have to take on this quest on your own. You've got us, and we'll help you as much as we can, even if it ends in death. Besides, once we get to Aequor, we'll find the answers we're looking for. I'm sure.''

If only you could bring yourself to hold truth to his words. You appreciated them, but couldn't seek any comfort in them. Not until you were able to finally rest and be done with the quest for the Cordelia. You were taught to be compliant, to be accepting. But how were you able to accept a fate that rivalled death? How were you able to make peace with the fact that your life would be hanging on a thin thread until you'd succeed in bringing the jewel back to where it belonged?

Seonghwa seemed to pick up on your uneasiness, and in a last attempt to push down the weight of everything, he rested a comforting hand on your shoulder, a smile to pair with the gesture, ''My promise still lingers, Y/n. As long as I'm breathing, my life is sworn to yours. I can see the light that shines within you, even if you might only see the dim glow of it. It's a grim truth to accept that this world needs you, but it doesn't mean you're all on your own. I made you a promise, we all did. It's now up to you to put faith on your part.''

It seemed as if the words were knocked right out of you. You could find no strength to speak as you looked up to him with unsure eyes. And even as you fought so hard to push those emotions away, Seonghwa only gazed at you with eyes that betrayed you of that shield you so desperately wanted to put up. He stared right through you, eyes so full of warmth that you momentarily seemed to forget your fears. He knew, and that was the worst part. Even if you would never speak a word of it, he'd always seem to know what would be clouding your mind.

''Alright, let's not dwell on it for now,'' Seonghwa then said, retracting his hand from your shoulder, ''Let's set our eyes on the present. We'll deal with whatever challenges come our way, all at their own paces. Besides, we can't let our Captain wait any longer, can we?''

With just a faint smile and a nod of your head, you resumed your walk to the Captain's quarters.

Seonghwa had told you, right before entering Hongjoong's office, that he still needed to oversee some other matters requiring his presence, and such, left you alone standing in front of the familiar threshold of the Captain's quarters. Though a momentary respite, the nerves that you felt before had made their return as your thoughts returned back to all the possibilities as to why Hongjoong needed you. You tried your best to come back to Seonghwa's words, knowing that keeping to the uncertainties would only spiral you further down a path of dread, but the thoughts that lingered in the back of your mind made their presence loud and clear. And as you knocked on the wooden door, the sound seemed to resonate within you.

A faint come in was what brought you back to the moment. Opening the door, you were met with a sight all too familiar to you. Hongjoong, seated at his desk, busying himself with all kinds of papers. You were glad not to acquaint yourself with such demanding position like Hongjoong's. He was a Captain after all, and building such a legacy didn't just come from nothing. It recruited detrimental sacrifices and hardships, something that you were unsure of if you'd ever understand.

''Y/n,'' Hongjoong greeted, looking up from his papers with a slight furrow in his brow, ''I'm glad you're here.''

Stepping into the room, you felt the weight of his gaze on you as you approached his desk. It left you feeling vulnerable, to say the least, praying that whatever it was that he wanted to talk about wouldn't be around the issue you dreaded the most.

''You asked me for?'' You said, finding comfort in playing with your hands as you tried your best to look as calm as possible, ignoring the ache in your stomach. It was unnerving to not know the reason why he wanted you here, and if San were to be involved somehow, you wondered if throwing yourself off the ship was a better option than staying.

''I did,'' he said, nodding as he put down his quill, ''though nothing to worry about. I called you here because I needed to discuss something with you, though I'm sure Seonghwa has already told you.''

''Sort of,'' you replied, though internally grateful that it didn't end up being like the doom situation you had been frightening yourself with. ''What's the matter?''

Hongjoong shot you a glance before he looked back at his desk, seemingly looking for a specific item that was buried underneath everything that lay scattered across the surface. You perked an inquisitive brow as he got out a map. Nearing closer, you could see it was a map of Deltora Empire, though a different one that he had shown you weeks ago. On it, he seemed to have drawn several red circles on places on the map, some varying in size. You looked up at Hongjoong who only gave you a slight smile back, though something else was hidden in his eyes. Something that you couldn't seem to place.

''What's this?'' You asked, ''what are the red circles for?''

Hongjoong hummed in reply before leaning into his chair, his gaze remaining on you, ''It's no lie that we are pirates. I'm sure you know.''

You hesitantly nodded in reply, unsure where he was leading his point to and where you would come in, ''Of course. The whole ship is a blatant giveaway.''

Hongjoong chuckled, slightly tilting his head, ''Then I think you realize what exactly is that we're doing for a living. Of course, these past few weeks haven't been the perfect example of our profession, but everything that we built didn't come from nothing, you see.''

''I don't know exactly what you're trying to say,'' you said, crossing your arms. ''Are you trying to scare me off or something? I know the term 'pirates' does not ring very soundly with the governing forces here in the Empire, but if you're trying to tell me that you and your crew are people that I need to fear, then you're doing a bad job at it.''

Hongjoong's expression softened at your words, and he shook his head gently. "No, Y/n, that's not what I'm implying at all. I'm merely giving you context for what I'm about to discuss."

He paused, his gaze steady as he searched your face for any sign of understanding. Satisfied, he continued, ''You see, there's a particular reason that I wanted to build the legacy of the Paradigm pirates. Like before me, my father was a Pirate. He strived for greater goals, but in a world like this, it's hard to come off the ground without making enemies and reaching roadblocks. When my father unwillingly handed over his life's accomplishments to me, I took it upon myself to fulfil them. My goal, as the Captain of The Aurora, is to destroy every corrupt force in the Empire, no matter how influential and dangerous.''

You listened intently, feeling a sense of curiosity as you looked back to the map, beginning to make sense of the importance of the red circles.

''These red circles,'' Hongjoong continued, gesturing to the map, ''represent potential targets. Places that are infested with those who claim to be acting in the greater good yet continue to cover up their actions and shield themselves behind their masks of poison. They continue to lead from the shadows, affecting not only the people in their area, but throughout the lands as well.''

''And you plan on bringing them down?'' You ask, leaning on the desk with your hands to take a closer look at the map.

Hongjoong gave a firm nod, ''Eventually, yes. We already succeeded in the past, and although in some areas our name rings recognition, something that we try to avoid, it's clear that this world cannot handle more corruption as it is. These places are known to be held by all sorts of vile folk. Smugglers, crime-lords, thieves; people that need to be brought to justice, especially when our own governments seem to not care any less.''

''So, you're telling me that every single one of these circles represents corrupt forces?'' You asked to confirm, looking at how almost the entire map seemed to be covered with them. From the Western Rim to the Eastern Rim, there were several to be found, and it concerned you that those on the map were most likely not even all of them.

''Yes, that's correct,'' Hongjoong said, his gaze filled with a fierce passion, once again a reminder of his true nature as a Captain, ''now you see how much these lands are infested with them. Civilians are faced with crime and danger every day while our leaders sit back and do nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those filthy bastards are even enforcing it, simply because of their own benefit.''

''How did you even get all of this information?'' You said, slightly amazed by what you were seeing as your eyes remained on the map, scanning every location that had a red circle around it.

''Connections,'' Hongjoong simply answered, ''we learned to trust a handful of people, those who also seek justice for what the governing forces have allowed in their silence. There are many who remain compliant to the ways of how things run in Deltora Empire though, but we've entered a period of time wherein we can no longer wait patiently for them to act. We're destroying ourselves from the inside, and I'd be dead if I were to let them succeed in their willing ignorance.''

You took a moment to absorb his words. The idea of taking on corrupt forces seemed daunting, to say the least, but at the same time, you couldn't help but to feel drawn to it all.

"So, what exactly do you need from me?" you asked, turning your attention back to Hongjoong.

Hongjoong sighed out, giving you a look that you struggled to decipher what it meant, ''Our battle to fight the corrupt is like a pyramid scheme. Even though we have successfully brought down several of them, we're still at the bottom. I realized how much it would have to take to get to the top, to bring down those who truly hold power and influence in the Empire, like in Aldis for example. We need a force, a power, to break them down and to finish this battle for once and for all.''

You began to grow uneasy as you saw how Hongjoong's eyes briefly flickered from your eyes to the Cordelia, ''and what kind of power are you referring to?''

Hongjoong seemed to hesitate before his gaze rested on yours again, ''Yours. Specifically, the jewel around your neck.''

You felt a surge of defensiveness rising within you at Hongjoong's words. Your hand instinctively went to grasp the jewel around your neck, as if protecting it from his gaze.

''Absolutely not!'' You said with widened eyes as you shook your head, almost feeling offended by Hongjoong's ignorant request. ''The Cordelia is not a weapon. It's a relic, one that shouldn't even be here in the first place.''

Hongjoong regarded you with a solemn expression, his eyes searching yours for understanding, ''And yet it holds so much power.''

You backed away slightly as you saw how Hongjoong rose from his seat. Your hand was still holding the Cordelia, almost afraid that he'd snatch it from you, although that was a ridiculous thought. However, as he made his way over to you, standing only a few centimetres away from you, you began to grow fearful. Surely, Hongjoong wouldn't be as desperate to actually take it from you?

Your breath hitched as he suddenly moved a hand towards the necklace. You dropped yours, feeling frozen in place. He gently held the pendant in his hand, his eyes glued on the shimmering object. Despite the ongoing journey, there seemed to be no scratch on it. It remained looking ethereal, like a drop from the ocean. One that held such immense power, and as you looked up with widened eyes, you saw a faint glimmer in Hongjoong's. A golden hue, seemingly carefully woven into his irs. A shine that left you feeling estranged.

Taking a step back, Hongjoong immediately dropped the necklace as he seemed to snap back into reality. You looked at him with confused eyes, though the anger had already resided. Instead, a growing weariness washed over you. Perhaps you did need to be careful of him. You tried your best to come up with reasonings for his sudden action; maybe it was simply his pirate tendencies, the lasting desire for the treasure.

''I won't use the Cordelia for this,'' you firmly stated after what seemed like an eternity. ''There may be some way of controlling it, but I will not risk it. You know how dangerous it can be, how tempting it can be. Don't bribe me into making me think that I'd be doing it for the 'greater good'. The Cordelia is not a weapon to be used to settle your goals. Not now, not ever.''

Hongjoong blinked a few times before looking back at you, a slightly confused gaze in his eyes as he cleared his throat, ''Right. Forgive me that I asked. I crossed your boundaries.''

You hummed in reply though you found no need to say anything. You were already feeling vulnerable and exposed. All you wanted was to get on deck and let your mind be cleared by the fresh air of the sea. You saw no need to stay. The conversation had ended, and although you were curious of their mission to defeat the corrupt forces, in that moment, you couldn't seem to care.

And thus, you gave Hongjoong a last glance before turning on your heel to walk towards the door. However, as you did, Hongjoong's voice called out to you, forcing you to stay.

''I'm truly sorry, Y/n,'' he apologized once more, now looking at you with sincere eyes. The shimmer you saw had now gone. Now, a warmth returned to them, its black and brown colours blending seamlessly.

''I know,'' you simply replied, your expression softened as you looked at him. ''Just... don't ask such things from me again.''

Hongjoong nodded, a slight smile tugging at his lips, ''Absolutely. Perhaps there's another way for you to help us if you're up for it?''

"We'll see," you finally replied, your voice soft but resolute. With that, Hongjoong merely nodded. Without saying anything else, you quickly made your leave, though not being able to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled within you.


The days seemed to blend into each other.

It had been some time since the talk you had with Hongjoong. Although it initially left you troubled, you had decided to put it to rest, finding no use in dwelling on it any longer as too many concerns were already flooding your mind. You had mostly spent your time around the deck, often helping the crew with chores. Whether it was doing the dishes with Jongho or even learning about weather provisions from Seonghwa, you'd always find yourself doing something. The crew had already offered you more than you could ever hope for, and you felt the need to repay them, even if it was only helping them with the mundane tasks.

During the time you spent aboard the ship, you made sure to carefully avoid San. You knew from Wooyoung that San was mostly found around the artillery room of The Aurora, sometimes even on deck training with Jongho. When that occurred, you made sure to stay in your room or wherever you were out of his sight. You figured that the tension from the fight remained between the two of you, and with no need to resolve it, you determined that simply avoiding him was the best option. Especially because you knew that he resented you, as much as you resented him. Even prior to the fight he seemed to be stuck up with you, and whatever thoughts he had about you, you knew that they weren't any good.

Nonetheless, you had grown to love the sea life. Sure, it was much different than the one you lived at the Citadel, but it was a nice change. For the first time, you felt as if you were able to handle things on your own. Seonghwa and Mingi were to be thanked for that, as they made sure to give you tasks whenever you were up for it. There was almost something to be done on deck, and even when there wasn't, you found solace in the rhythmic ways of the ocean as the ship swayed. Life had never felt so full, and for a moment, you were grateful for everything that happened.

That was until you anchored.

The harbour of Aequor had remained the same when you left. It was a miracle that you were even able to leave, and coming back to it left a sour taste in your mouth. When you had first come across Hongjoong and his crew, it was the first time you had ever been to Aequor, and you'd make sure that it would be the last. It was a grim place, reeking of filthiness and crime. Danger hid in every corner, and had it not been for Hongjoong's fateful arrival that day, you would've fallen victim to it. It was a place without law, a place where corruption reigned supreme. You wondered whether Hongjoong would ever take on the challenge to rid the place of every infestation, though then realized that Aequor ran on it. Crime was the sole reason it was even able to have a name in the Empire. Perhaps there were some places that just couldn't be saved, and if that were the case, then Aequor would surely be one of them.

Nonetheless, you had no choice other than to return to the dreadful place. Hongjoong claimed to know a woman who in turn knew things about artefacts such as the Cordelia, and if she was to be able to give information on it, then at least the whole experience wouldn't be in vain.

''Alright, listen up,'' Hongjoong said as everyone gathered on deck. The Aurora lightly swayed up and down on the foul waters of the harbour. You had briefly looked up into the sky to see whether the clouds were gathering, only to be met with an orange-looking sky. You knew it was to be mid-day, and prior to your arrival, you had seen the sun high up in the blue sky, but as you stood on the deck now, the sky was tinged with an eerie orange hue, casting an unsettling glow over the harbour.

''I know that I swore to leave Aequor behind for good, but, much to my dismay, this is the only place where we can find the answers we're looking for,'' Hongjoong began as he stood with his arms crossed. ''I think we're all well aware of the dangers of this godforsaken harbour, and I really do not want to repeat last time's experience, alright? That goes especially for Wooyoung and San.''

You glanced at the two who stood close to each other, both nodding though there seemed to be a playful glint in their eyes. You could guess what Hongjoong was talking about, knowing that you had some sort of play in it. After all, it was your necklace that San had stolen. You still remembered when you saw him and the others running out of that tavern upon then realizing that the Cordelia was gone. Back then, it was a nightmare. Now, you began to find some humour in it.

''On that note, I've decided to split up the group,'' Hongjoong further explained, earning some reactions from the members. ''Venturing with the whole group into that town will only attract unwanted attention, and all I want for this journey is to be swift and easy. Thus, alongside me and Y/n, Mingi and San will be going with us. The rest will stay aboard, guarding the ship. Is that understood?''

Immediately as Hongjoong finished explaining his plan, you let out an exasperated sigh. Of course, San had to go with you, of all people. Of course, there would be more misery added on top of the things that came with Aequor. It was as if you were a magnet for suffering, attracting all that seemed to make you life a tad bit more difficult. Glancing in the direction where San stood, you could see he wasn't happy either. Not that it surprised you. However, you knew protesting was useless and it would only complicate matters even more. You had to live with it, much like you had to make peace with the fact that San would be going along with you. Thus, with a resigned nod, you accepted your fate.

After Hongjoong had made sure that everything would be taken care of while you were gone, you bid the others farewell and made your way down the ramp of the ship. The harbour, despite its bad reputation, was grande, and had Aequor been a tad bit more welcoming, you might have actually found it impressive. But as it stood, the stench of decay and the oppressive atmosphere only served to strengthen your desire to leave as quickly as possible.

When you finally got to walk through the narrow streets of Aequor, that feeling only seemed to grow. At all times, you felt as if you were being watched. Those who had stalls on the side, or were simply passing by, offered you nasty looks that gave away nothing of any sign of hospitality. Much like the town, the residents mirrored its surroundings. The buildings loomed ominously overhead, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the dim light of the sun that shone through the murky clouds. A feeling of unease had long settled within you, and you could only pray that the mission would be over soon.

At that, you began to wonder where exactly Hongjoong was taking you. He led the group with Mingi at his side, and whenever you weren't checking your surroundings, you could see how they were talking about things you couldn't exactly hear. You assumed that it was only about the directions they had to take, and hoping that they knew where to go, you let them be.

San was the one to walk behind you. He had remained silent ever since the departure from The Aurora, and truthfully, you didn't mind. Not like he would even be up to talk to you in the first place. However, despite your best efforts to ignore him, you couldn't shake the feeling of his presence looming over you like a dark cloud. At times, when you looked back out of fear to simply check whether a stranger had sneaked up on you, you swore he had been looking at you.

It was only when a faint voice seemed to call out to you that you strayed away from your thoughts. Initially, you thought it had just been a figment of your imagination, your fear taking a toll on you. Until you heard it again. Slowing down, you looked around to see where the voice was coming from. San had even caught up to you and passed by, not before shooting you an irritated glance. However, you paid him no mind as you continued to look for the source of the voice. It was only when you found a hunched figure, sitting by the edge of the wall, that your nerves simmered down. A beggar; a sight not uncommon for you. You knew that the Empire wasn't always particularly kind to those unable to make ends meet, and especially as one of the Faith, you always took it upon your best interest to find a way to take care of them, even if it was only the kindness of a gesture. As such you were taught by the Elders.

But before you could make your move, someone lightly grabbed your shoulder. Initially frightened by the sudden action, fearing it to be a person with ill intentions, your gaze softened as you realized it was only Mingi.

''I think I have a hunch on what you're doing, Y/n,'' he said, leaning down towards you while speaking in a slightly hushed voice, ''but I don't think it's wise to approach anyone here.''

You perked an eyebrow though offered him a polite smile, ''Don't worry, the Elders often made us go out to the nearby cities to offer help to those in need. Preaching kindness and you'll see it returned, is what they'd say.''

''I get that, but this is Aequor,'' Mingi countered, ''nothing's alike this place, and that counts for the people as well. Let's just ignore him and get back to Hongjoong and San. Seriously.''

''Please, let me do this,'' You said, gently taking his hand off of your shoulder. ''Besides, it'll only take up for a minute, I promise.''

Without even waiting for his response, you made your way over to the poor man, not before seeing Mingi shooting you a concerned glance. As you walked over, the man's head perked up to see you, a grin quickly appearing on his face. It was obvious that he was an elderly, with wrinkles covering his face. He wore a hood over his head and a cloak that he had draped over his body while he sat on the cold stone. Seeing him only made your heart ache. No one deserved to spend their last days living on the side of the road, cast away like a stray cat.

''I knew you'd come, lovely girl,'' the man said as you stopped in front of him, his voice husky and croaky. ''Care to help out an old man?''

''Of course, sir,'' you politely replied, ''perhaps I have something with me to give you, let me see,''

''Anything will do, girl,'' the man replied, watching you with careful eyes. ''Anything.''

You reached into your pocket, retrieving a few coins that you had brought along for just such occasions. Though it was not much, you hoped it would provide some relief to the man.

"I hope this helps," you said softly, holding out your hand as you waited for the man to grab the coins.

It was when he suddenly took hold of your wrist that your smile seemed to falter a bit. For an old man, his grip was tight. You wondered if the man did it on purpose, looking at him with slightly unnerved eyes, though you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he was just as desperate to get out of this place as you were.

''That's a fair payment, girl,'' The man said, though there was something laced in his voice. Something sinister that made your blood run cold.

''It's only fair,'' You replied with a panicked smile, trying your best to urge yourself free from the man's hold. ''Everyone deserves a bit of kindness, don't you think?''

''That I do, most certainly!'' The man snarked, suddenly pulling you closer to him. Now, real panic had set in. Perhaps you should've listened to Mingi.

''Please, sir, take the coins and let me go,'' you pleaded, though still trying to keep yourself calm. The Elders taught you that lashing out would never be awarded, and so you tried your best to keep it together.

''Such a pretty face you got,'' the man said, completely ignoring you. ''Men would pay a fine amount to have you, even if it were just for the night.''

Your heart raced as fear began to grip you. This wasn't how you imagined this encounter would go. You struggled against the man's grasp, trying to break free, but his grip only tightened.

''Let go of me!'' you cried out, your voice trembling with fear.

But the man only chuckled darkly, his grip on your wrist like iron. ''No need to be frightened, girl. You helped me. Now, let me return the favour.''

You felt a surge of panic rising within you as you realized the danger of your situation. The bustling streets of Aequor seemed to fade into the background as you focused all your attention on the man before you. Foolish girl, you thought to yourself. Mingi was right. You were naive, so helplessly naive.

Just as you felt desperation begin to consume you, a voice cut through the air, momentarily catching the man off guard.

"Let her go."

You sighed out of relief as you saw Hongjoong's figure coming into view. You could see his eyes blazing with anger, and as the beggar glanced over at him, his grip on your wrist faltered for a moment. Before the old man could react, Hongjoong quickly closed the distance between the two of you, his hand grabbing the man's wrist and wrenching it away from you.

''Didn't you hear me the first time, fucker?'' Hongjoong asked, his voice low and dangerous. The beggar recoiled slightly. For a moment, there was a tense standoff between them. ''Get out of here before a blow a hole through that shithead of yours.''

You could faintly see the two guns strapped to his hip, a silent warning for the man's possible fate.

Then, with a snarl of frustration, the beggar slowly stood up. He muttered something that you couldn't seem to hear, and before he disappeared into the crowd, he shot you a venomous glare. It was only when he was fully out of your sight that you allowed yourself to breathe, sudden tears pricking at your eyes as you realized the situation. It could've ended a lot worse, and you didn't want to imagine what would've happened if Hongjoong hadn't stepped in, or anyone else for that matter. You hated that you felt so powerless in that moment, so vulnerable. It took someone else to save you, and you absolutely hated it. It made you feel weak, like a young child who was too bright for the world.

It was only when Hongjoong turned to you that you snapped back into reality, quickly blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall.

''Are you alright?'' He asked, his voice soft but filled with genuine concern, a stark contrast to how he had spoken previously.

You looked up at him and pressed your lips into a thin line, nodding as you swallowed down the panic, ''Of course! It happens sometimes, nothing that I'm not used to.''

Except you weren't. You had often been sent to the poorer cities of the Western Rim, but never did you have an encounter like that. Most people listened to you or simply ignored you. This encounter served as a grim reminder; a look into the dark truth of the world that you had never seen before. You wondered what else you were wrong about.

Hongjoong looked at you with contemplating eyes, though ultimately let it go, ''Very well, then. Just keep in mind to not approach anyone. The people here only know how to deceive. One fateful mistake and it can cost you your life, though I'm sure you're well aware of that now.''

You only nodded, struggling to find the strength to form words.

''Let's get going then,'' Hongjoong said before shooting you another worried glance. ''We're almost there.''

Joining the other two, you felt an embarrassment creeping up on you as you looked at Mingi. Much like Hongjoong, he only shot you a concerned look, only asking if you were alright. Inside, you knew you weren't, but you didn't want to burden him and thus you plastered on a weak smile, assuring him you were fine. When you looked at San, he only seemed to scoff at you. You realized right then and there that he had been right all along. You weren't ready to face the real world.

For the remainder of the walk, Mingi insisted on staying close to you. Despite his attempts at starting small talk, you couldn't refrain yourself from drifting off, thinking back to the grim encounter with the man. It felt like a slap to your face as you were met with the true colours of the world. Some people didn't want kindness or gratitude. They were devoid of it, and somehow, you theorized that it wasn't Aequor to blame for it. The Empire tried to uphold its glory, but many knew only the stark reality of it. A reality wherein people were often rendered powerless to have a say in their lives. Only the higher-ups lived comfortably, easing their way into life with the help of the expenses of their riches. Those who struggled to even pay for daily meals often resort to the darker ways, and in a way, you couldn't find it in your heart to blame them. Often, it was out of their control, and unless the Empire would take on to change things entirely, it would remain as it was.

It was only when Hongjoong led you through a dark alleyway that you garnered your attention back to the present. Aequor had always looked shady, but wherever Hongjoong was taking you seemed to take the cake. It looked exactly like the place where you'd get robbed on the spot, or even worse, and without even realizing it, you walked closer to Mingi, finding comfort in his presence.

''Captain,'' you heard San call out from the back, though Hongjoong continued on walking, ''are you sure you're going the right way?''

If even San seemed to question it, then the matters must have been extremely severe.

''Positively,'' Hongjoong simply replied.

The street went on for a while until a small building came into view. It was surrounded by other structures, and had it not been for Hongjoong, you would've surely missed it. Looking up, you could see a small sign that hung from the second floor, the wooden board slightly. On it read The Silent Watcher, and you wondered what kind of shop it was.

''Alright, before we enter,'' Hongjoong said, stopping in front of the wooden door to turn around and face the rest, ''let me do the talking. I'm not sure how she'll react when she sees us, so it's best for you to just keep quiet.''

''Wait, you're still in conflict with her?'' San asked as he crossed his arms. ''I thought that you solved it a while ago.''

''In a sense,'' Hongjoong said, ''just do as told. I'm sure she'll help us either way.''

With a confused glance, you followed Hongjoong into the shop. An old bell softly chimed as the door opened before hearing the heavy thud of it closing. The interior seemed much larger than what the outside gave away. You couldn't help but stare in awe as you took in your surroundings. Everywhere you could see antique cabinets, shelves filled with peculiar artefacts, and mysterious objects displayed in glass cases and the air was heavy with the scent of ancient dust and the faint aroma of herbs.

You remained near the doorway with Mingi and San as Hongjoong made his way up to the wooden counter where a woman was busy arranging things on the shelf behind her. From what you could see, she had long blonde hair cascaded in loose waves down her back, adorned with intricate braids and beads and trinkets reminiscent of the sea. Her clothing seemed to resemble a rogue's, though she looked neat and quite pretty.

''Welcome to The Silent Watcher,'' she said, her voice deep and warm, and as she turned around, you caught a glimpse of her blue eyes, sharp and observant. ''Just let me know if you need anything...''

Her voice suddenly trailed off as she was met with Hongjoong. Immediately, an annoyed expression adorned her face.

''How dare you show yourself here, Kim Hongjoong?''







BYE! <333


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