The Living Wind in the Forest...

By Little_Coffee_Shop

742 419 57

Animals long ago respected one another. Were equal and fair to one another. Even humans, when they were like... More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Author's note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 19

15 8 2
By Little_Coffee_Shop

"Wait!" Rain cried. He leaped into the bush. "No!"

Snow shot after him. Twig lay on the ground, his eyes shut as blood oozed out as Rain stood over him, snarling.

"Take him away!" Snow called. She raised her hackles and peeled her lips back. "Haven't you done enough?"

"Me? The great and wonderful Luna?" Vengeance mocked. "Let me think–no."

Vengeance leaped, bowling into Snow. "I know what you did," he whispered maliciously. "You'll regret it." He released her, pushing into the bushes and into the camp.

"Snow!" Rain howled. He was clawing at a wolf who was tearing at the Nursery. "The pups!"

WIth a howl, Snow sank her claws into the hind legs of the attacker and dragged off. With a cry of pain, he fled. Snow spun around, but no one was left.

"That's what they wanted, to destroy our camp?" Daisy said, her eyes dull.

Snow looked around, no one was hurt. Only the camp. "I'm afraid so." The nursery was torn down. Her den collapsed, and Frost, Hail, and Snowflake's den was in ruins. The only things that remained was Daisy's nook, the prey den, and Moon's log.

"It's not too bad," Rain sounded unconvinced. "We can sleep outside, like old times," he added. "Some of us do that already."

Moon was pressing moss onto Twig's wound, and blood pooled around his paws.

"Oh, Great Mother," Daisy gasped. "He might be blind."

Moon looked at her mournfully.

"Snow, do you want us to start rebuilding?" Hail said uncomfortably, with Drizzle by her side.

Snow shook her head. "Look after your pups. Snake and Icicle will do it. We should sleep first."

Hail nodded and herded the pups to the center of the camp, and curled up on the side. Petal and Daisy carried Twig to the left of the pups, and curled up, so the weakest of the pack was in the middle. Snow settled down with the rest of the pack, forming a barrier. This was how they slept.

Snow fell asleep as soon as her head hit the floor.


"Snow. It's almost sunhigh," Moon said, his paw on Snow's shoulder.

Snow closed her eyes. Why? She shook her head and called Snake and Icicle. "We need to rebuild the barrier around the gorge first, so no one falls," she told them. "First salvage the parts you can fix, and I'll get more branches."

Snow sighed and trudged through the camp and into the forest, tugging pieces of pine branches that were dry and would probably be hard to weave. She spat out the branch on the ground and headed back for more. That was how she spent her morning.




Snow pushed at the barrier with her shoulder, but it didn't budge. She nodded approvingly. "Good job, now go get some food and after that, help Hail and Rain rebuild the dens," she orders. Snake and Icicle bowed their heads with gratitude and hurried away to pick their prey.

"Ow!" a shrill voice howled. "There's a thorn in my paw!"

"Poor you, let's get you to Moon," Drizzle's voice sounded, and she appeared into view with Pebble's scruff in her mouth, who was flailing around, wailing. As Drizzle dusked into Moon's log, she rolled her eyes at Snow and puffed out a breath through her nose. Snow smiled back.

Snow ducked into the nursery, relieved to find it finished, with the roof and ground padded with moss, and Snowflake tumbling with the rest of the pups.

"What a pawful you've got there!" Snow commented. Snowflake nodded, panting.

"Lion never runs out of energy, and Holly is always up to something with River, Sky, and Storm," she said.

Snow smiled, "I'm here to make you some nests, so the pup's will have to calm down," she said.

Snowflake nodded. "I'll take them to the river, and I'll bring Daisy," she decided.

"The river! We're going to the river!" the pups howled.

"I know the best place there to play moss-ball!" Storm howled. The pups tumbled over each other, rushing to get out first.

"The last pup to get to Pebble is a rotten mouse!" River yapped, his short legs tearing up the ground with excitement.

Snowflake sighed, and went off to find Daisy. 

Sorry for the short chapter guys, I wanted to upload. And the next chapter will be more exciting! Oh, and one more thing, I'm going to edit every chapter at the end of this month. Just as a heads up. I'll tell you when.

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