By Darraneica

176K 12.9K 8.2K

A young, plus-size, African-American teen strives to live her life. Join her on her journey as she enrolls in... More

twenty-five (part 1)

twenty-five (part 2)

5K 427 633
By Darraneica

[part 2 of the chaos🩷]


No matter how far away I run from the drama and the negativity, it always finds me. It's like a boomerang. I throw it far away, and it returns to me. Summer said in her mind while looking around the room.

The ringing of her cell phone brought her back to reality. She looked down and realized Trinity was Facetiming her. Hesitantly, Summer sighed before answering the phone. She adjusted the camera, allowing it to show her face. Trinity was shown as she moved around. The loud noise caught her off-guard. She assumed her friend was partying. This was the norm for Trinity. She grew up around the partying lifestyle.

Trinity didn't say anything immediately. She just eyed Summer with her nose wrinkled.

"What?" Summer questioned her in curiosity. She fluffed her hair, hoping her friend couldn't see her bruise.

"It takes a bitch a long time to call me. I don't like that." Trinity pushed out. "What could you possibly be doing in that dorm of your—bitch, you're not in your dorm." Her eyes grew low in suspense. "Where are you?"

Summer cocked her head to the side. She pushed out, "It's such a long story."

"I got time." Trinity blurted. "Talk to me while I slurp down this drink." She held up the fruity alcoholic beverage that her mother concocted.

"Go somewhere quiet. I don't want to yell my business out." Summer coached her as she looked into the camera, trying to see who was around.

"Look, ma. It's Summer."

"Hey, Summer." Trinity's mom, Jalisa, greeted her softly. She looked okay with her micro braids. Jalisa wasn't the cutest, but Summer wouldn't say that out loud. She had a good heart, and she was a generous lady.

"Hey, Jalisa. How are you?"

"I'm fine," Jalisa answered with a smirk. "I'm trying to figure out why you didn't come with Trinity to the house. You know you're welcome here."

Summer shook her head without saying anything. When Jalisa wasn't working, she partied a lot and listened to her radio all day, playing it from the moment she woke up until she went to bed at night. Summer was accustomed to quietness. There was no way she could survive staying there.

"I didn't want to come to Jersey, at all..." Summer trailed off. "My dorm is peaceful."

Trinity pursed her lips at her friend, but she said nothing.

"If you want me to, I can get Trenton to come out there and pick you up. You can sleep in Trinity's bed."

Trenton was one of Jalisa's four kids. He was around twenty-five and still lived at home with his mom. Trenton did not take the college route. However, he was a professional truck driver. It was very seldom he was home.

" thank you." Summer shook her head lightly. She knew who Trenton was; he treated her like a little sister. She didn't feel awkward around him at all. However, she didn't want him to pick her up. "I'll just stay where I'm at. Maybe I can come out there around Christmas."

"Alright!" Jalisa shouted over the music. She nodded and added, "Trinity wants her phone back. I'll talk to you later."

Summer only nodded and patiently waited for her friend to leave the loud area. Trinity climbed the stairs and immediately went inside her room. She closed the door and said, "What's tea?"

"Girl..." Summer trailed off, afraid to tell her friend. "Rashad put his hands on me."


"Shh..." Summer hushed her. "Calm down, and let me talk."

Trinity lifted her chin, urging her to talk. Her mood became unsettled as she set her glass on her desk.

"So...he put his hands on me again." Summer glanced at the ceiling before adding, "And this time, he broke into my dorm and kicked my ass...literally." She moved her hair away from her face, showing her the bruise that sat on her temple.

Trinity's scowl didn't change. She didn't crack into a smile nor showed any happiness about her friend's downfall. "So, what are you going to do about it? You can't keep letting that nigga put his hands on you."

"I know. The police are looking for him." Summer's eyes were bugged in realization. "Man, I'm so embarrassed."

"Now, why are you embarrassed about this? Did he do it in front of Tatiana?"

"No, but I was on Facetime with Grant." Summer whispered. "He spewed out a lot of stuff like calling me fat and...." She halted from mentioning the STD because Summer forgot about Rashad mentioning it until now. She knew Grant heard him say the word chlamydia.

And you bringing this chlamydia stuff up like I don't have feelings. I didn't mean to give you that shit. It was a mistake.

"What else did he say?" Trinity urged.

Summer was so embarrassed about contracting an STD. She didn't bother to tell her best friend about it. Instead, she shook her head and said, "Girl, a lot of things. But I'm off him. I don't want to deal with Rashad ever again."

"You better not ever get back with him. If you do..." Trinity pointed at her friend. "I'm cutting you off—for good. Because I'm going to think you like being treated that way."

"It's over." Summer shrugged. "Jazz had to get him off me."

Trinity cocked her head without saying anything.

"Yeah, he kicked my chair over and started hitting me in my head. That's how I got the bruise and the busted lip. When Jazz walked in, she tackled him and got him off me."

"The lesbian, right?" Trinity questioned her.

Summer only nodded.

Trinity eyed her curiously. "What do y'all have going on? How do you know her?"

I'm trying to join Zeta Gamma Beta. Summer said to herself.

"The campus isn't as big as it seems." Summer voiced.

"Yeah, right." Trinity pushed out before pursing her lips. "Y'all messing around."

Summer lowered her eyes and said, "No. She's just a cool person."

"Then where are you? That room looks beautiful."

Summer looked around Dominique's gorgeous room and said, "I'm actually at Grant's house. He invited me over. The doctor feels I needed to be monitored because of my contusion, so he brought me here."

Trinity's mouth gaped as she stated at her bestie. She liked Grant but felt her friend was playing a dangerous game with him.

"Before you say anything crazy. Grant and I are just friends. Nothing is going on with us. We aren't having sex—"

"I know you aren't having sex because you're—"

Summer shook her head no, which resulted in Trinity sighing.

"I knew about him putting his hands on you the first time, but you left out a lot of information." Trinity shook her head, "Now, I'm just finding out that you done gave it up to—"

"Rashad." Summer informed her. "Him only—no one else."

"Yet." Trinity couldn't help but cackle behind her response. Summer didn't find it funny, so she halted while trying to get herself together. "I'm happy that you finally got some."

Summer didn't react positively because she wished she'd waited. If she had held off, she wouldn't have an STD diagnosis on her record.

"All I'm asking is that you don't let Grant play you. I mean, sex is good. I love sex, too. I'm a huge fan of dick, but don't let it make you dizzy." Trinity eyed her friend sternly and added, "Please don't become a side chick for Grant."

"I'm not."

Unbeknownst to Summer, Diane stood at the door listening. She was downstairs helping the women prepare the food for tomorrow's dinner. The woman noticed Summer was nowhere to be found, so she figured Summer was tucked away inside Dominique's room.

"Grant is rich and fine, but don't lose yourself because of it."

"I don't pay attention to all of that." Summer shrugged. "Sometimes I forget that he comes from wealth because he's cool and down to earth. And for the last time, Grant and I are not romantically involved. We're just friends."

"I trust you. I know you'll make the right decision." Trinity nodded.

Diane decided to knock on the door. Summer told her friend she would call her later to chat. As soon as the call ended, Summer noticed Diane walking inside. She wore a warm smirk.

"Hi." Summer greeted her.

"Hey. Why are you up here by yourself?" Diane questioned her.

"I took some time to answer a few calls and texts." Summer responded honestly.

"Alright...well..." The woman trailed off while clasping her hands. "I prepared the other guest room for you. Miriam put fresh sheets on the bed and restocked the fridge and snack drawer."

"Oh." Summer quipped, taken aback by the news. Dominque mentioned them sharing her bed, but Summer was delighted to hear she would have a room in the manor to herself. "Well, thank you."

"How about you come downstairs with me? I could use a hand in chopping up the vegetables. The other ladies are downstairs but they're no help. Miriam is doing the best she can."

Summer contemplated the offer. She would love to help. She was used to chopping onions, celery stalks, bell peppers, and garlic cloves. Diane was lovely to her, so she didn't say no. Summer left with her downstairs to help out.


The preparation was pretty easy, and it kept Summer busy. She helped chop the veggies and mince the herbs. Diane, Miriam, and Big Mama were moving around the kitchen. Summer assumed Sheila would be there, but she wasn't included. Instead, she decided to trail the men around the house, invading their personal space.

"That girl..." Sheila trailed off as she examined her nephew. "What is she to you?"

Braylon glanced at his brother, wanting to know. He held the chair in his arms as he waited for an answer. They were busy rearranging the furniture since Diane complained about not having enough chairs in the dining room. It was a last-minute decision.

Grant tossed his aunt a look before looking at her mute husband, who didn't bother to step in and silence her. He shrugged and said, "We're friends. We work together, and we're in college."

"Oh." Sheila quipped as she grabbed her flask from her breasts. She had large boobs, so she was able to conceal the silver vessel. She threw back the gin without adding anything to lessen the burn.

"Put the chair over here," Dominick instructed Braylon, placing his stiff hand across his son's back. He pointed at the end of the table and added, "Right over there. Don't mess the decoration up. I don't want to hear Di's mouth."

Grant eyed her with furrowed brows. Her drinking from a flask in the middle of the day was weird. However, this was Sheila. Many people knew she was a casual drinker. She liked her gin and wine.

"She's young." His auntie raised her brows. "I could've sworn something else was going on with you two." Sheila cackled lightly before saying, "It's just weird that you showed up with her instead of your girlfriend. This is Thanksgiving, you know."

Dominick heard Sheila speaking to his son. He knew she was trying to get in his business. Instead of letting it happen, he spoke up with authority.

"Sheila." He called out with a stern expression. "Stay out of Grant's business. If he said he's just friends with Summer, then it's just that. Nothing more." Dominick couldn't believe he'd said that. He felt it was more than what his son was proclaiming. However, it wasn't Sheila's place to interrogate his son.

Sheila eyed Dominick momentarily until her husband placed his hand on the small of her back. She glanced at her husband and nodded faintly while putting her flask away. She pushed out a scoff and said, "Well, pardon me. I thought I could be nosy." She voiced before adding, "You're a man, so...of course, you're going to agree with what he does."

Dominick shook his head no.

"Alright." Sheila threw her hands up and immediately touched the side of her head. "I need to lay down for a while. I'm getting a headache." She snapped her fingers and said, "Tim...aspirin. Quick."

The men in the room watched as Tim swiftly walked his wife out. Dominick pushed out a laugh while running his hand across his salt-and-pepper hair. He took a seat in one of the chairs.

"That woman is a handful." Dominick voiced. "And all she has to do is snap her fingers, and Tim goes running."

Grant was still stuck on how Sheila tried to interrogate him. He was a grown man and could do whatever he wanted. He didn't have to explain himself to her. Out of respect, he wanted to give her a simple answer, but she had to escalate the situation. He was thankful for Dominick stepping in.

What made the situation weird was Sheila's intense stares. Grant stood there and watched as she eyed his dad after he prevented her from asking more questions. The gaze was...different—as if she started to daydream. As soon as Tim touched her, she immediately came back to reality.

"Can she take aspirin if she's been drinking alcohol?" Braylon questioned his dad with a look of concern.

"I don't know." Dominick rasped. "That's not my problem. Tim is a doctor."

"I thought he was a nurse?" Braylon continued.

"Man, who knows, damn." Dominick frowned before cursing. "Come on, and let's get the rest of those chairs."

They left, leaving Grant by himself. He reached out to his girlfriend since he hadn't heard much from her. They talked earlier, but it was brief since her mom had her running around trying to prepare the house for tomorrow. He reached out through Facetime and waited for her to answer.

"Hey, handsome!" Annika greeted him sweetly with a smile on her face.

Grant took in her look and realized her hair was combed into a ponytail. She wore her prescribed glasses on her face. He knew she wore glasses but always opted for contacts because she liked them better.

"What's up?"

"I'm here with Margot." Annika cheesed while holding a glass of champagne in her hands. She looked relaxed and in a good mood. He was happy to see that.

"Margot is in town?"

Grant knew that Margot was one of Annika's cousins on her mother's side. She was a professional gymnast who spent a lot of her time training and competing. She'd won a few gold medals for participating in national championships. Margot was good. However, she was no Simone Biles.

"Yes. I barely see her because she lives in L.A." Annika momentarily put Margot, her cousin, on the camera and allowed her to wave at Grant. She eventually returned the camera to herself and said, "You know she's married to Markus—you met him two years ago. They're expecting a baby!"

"Really?" Grant raised his brows, uninterested in what Margot and her husband were doing. Just that quick, Annika was overwhelming him. "Congrats, that's cool."

"Thank you. I told her that she'll be married and pregnant next in due time," Margot interjected with a few cackles.

Annika laughed with her cousin as if it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. She clinked her glass against her cousins and exclaimed, "Hopefully, it'll be soon!"

Grant didn't find their exchanges to be funny. He touched his neck and said, "I see you're catching up with your cousin. Go ahead and do that. I'll call you back later before I go to bed."

"Alright. I love you." Annika looked at the camera and smiled, trying to stiffen her laugh.

"I love you too." He murmured and ended the call.

Grant felt relief when he realized she was no longer on the screen. Marriage and babies scared him. He wasn't ready for that kind of life yet. He enjoyed being a young college student. Grant wanted to enjoy his twenties. Rushing off to get married wasn't up for discussion.

He left the dining area and found himself peeking inside the kitchen. Grant noticed Summer was busy talking with the women. She had a smile on her face as she sipped on her water. He could tell she was in a deep conversation, judging from the concentration on her face and the smirk she wore while answering Diane's question. A grin crept on his face as he nodded in satisfaction. Summer was getting along with everyone. However, he noticed Dominique was missing. That was typical. She didn't stick around long enough to help with anything.

Grant didn't bother the women. He went outside using the backdoor and found himself bypassing the patio area. After walking down the steps, he went left and laid eyes on the giant hammock. Dominick had the canvas bed installed last year. A stand held it together. It was chilly and damp outside, but he didn't mind. Grant leaned over to check it out before getting on the canvas.

It doesn't seem wet. Grant said to himself.

When he eased on the hammock, he looked up at the sky. A few scattered clouds surrounded the area. The wind blew hard, causing a whistling noise to whirl around Grant's head. He ran his hand across his face while lying in deep thought.

After Thanksgiving break, Grant would be busy. He had a photoshoot for Revive to attend. After the photoshoot, he had to report to work at the law firm. Amid those tasks, he had evening practice to prepare for the upcoming basketball games. On top of these activities, Grant would have to make time for the student council election. So much was going on, but he knew he could handle it. His internship and student council election mattered the most to him. However, he would force himself to promote Revive and participate in the basketball games.

Grant knew he had no plans to take his basketball career seriously. He knew he should've put his foot down to his father while they were working out, but he couldn't. Dominick mentioned being proud of him, which made Grant feel good about himself. All he ever wanted to do was make his father happy.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

The feminine and gentle voice interrupted his thought process. Grant looked over and took in the sight of Summer. She stood there, covering her torso with a coat as she looked around the backyard.

"I was just laying here thinking," Grant responded calmly.

"Oh yeah?" She nodded and said, "This backyard is nice. A little small, but it's nice."

"Aw, man. It's small?"

"It is." She nodded again, not changing her mind. "The house takes up the most space—if that makes sense."

"It does...but we still got a sitting area and...a little court where we play ball."

"I see that." Summer smirked, eyeing the orange pansies. "And your mom has her garden area."

"She had some flowers planted. That's all. Not much can grow out here in this cold ass weather." Grant patted the canvas while moving over. "Come lay down."

Summer looked down at the canvas and shook her head. She had enough room to lie down, but she didn't trust it.

"Are you sure?"

Grant eyed her before saying, "Yeah. It's on the stand. It's firm."

"I don't know..." Summer trailed off. She wasn't the biggest girl in the world and wasn't thin and dainty. Summer feared the hammock would fall and fold them inside the canvas if she got on.

"Yo, you're good. I promise you. If it falls, then it'll be on me." Grant gave her words of assurance. He figured she was worried about breaking the hammock due to her size. "My dad got this hammock installed professionally. The pole is drilled into the ground. It's not going to move."

"Alright. I'll get on." Summer breathed out and slid on the hammock. She was wedged against Grant. He adjusted his body and decided to stretch his arm out. Summer laid against it, not knowing how to feel about their position.

"'s not too bad." Grant rasped while enjoying having her close to him. He could smell her light perfume and the soap she washed against her brown skin. Grant even sniffed out the hair products she had in her hair.

"I" She pushed out and followed it by a round of giggles. He loved it when she laughed.

"You thought we were going to fall and bust our asses, huh?"

Summer looked at the hammock, watching it rock back and forth lightly.

"I did." She glanced at him, loving how handsome his face was.

"Nah, we're good." He murmured before sighing.

"So...what are you out here thinking about?"

"...Life." He answered while placing his right hand behind his head. "After I leave here, I'm going to be busy."

"What's going to have your attention?" Summer questioned him nosily. "You might as well rant to me. We have nothing but time on our hands. I don't mind."

Grant nodded before speaking. "I have a photoshoot with Revive after leaving here, and you know I have an internship with a law firm. They want me there three times out of the week."

"Wait a minute." Summer smiled. "You have like an endorsement deal with Revive?"

Grant nodded.

"That's cool! Congratulations on your new deal and your internship. I hope the new job is law related?"

"It is." He answered with contentment. Grant would have the chance to work with high-profile lawyers. He would get to observe and learn from experienced legal professionals and network to expand his professional career.

"Well, your schedule is certainly full." She murmured.

"On top of that, I have to focus on basketball and the upcoming student council election." He added, "I got basketball practice to attend and...the games." Grant sighed in irritation.

"Why didn't you tell your dad you want to quit basketball?" Summer asked him in curiosity. "Just tell him so you won't stress yourself trying to maintain two careers. I don't think that's possible."

"It's not that easy..." Grant trailed off. "I was going to tell him during our workout session, but...he mentioned being proud of me after I told him I would change my campaign and just run for vice president."

"Oh, I see..."

"Yeah,'s the holidays. I just want to keep everything smooth." Grant excused himself.

"'ll have to tell him soon. Not right now but soon." She shot him a look and added, "When you're strong enough and ready to stand alone—without him."

Summer was straightforward, and Grant loved it. He liked how she tried to get him to be free and live his own life. Her liberating behavior encouraged him, and it made him feel secure.

"I'm not telling you this so you can rebel against your dad and disrespect him." Summer stated sternly. "I feel that we need our freedom to make our own decisions. I changed my major from nursing to pre-med because I'm going to do what I like. After all, it's my life and my career." She glanced at Grant and said, "I want you to think that way. Do what pleases you, or... you'll be unhappy."

"I understand." Grant grabbed her hand to inspect the tattoo on her wrist. He squinted his eyebrows and realized it was a scorpion. A grin crept on his face as he shook his head.

"A scorpion, huh?"

"Hey. This is my first tattoo. Do you like it?"

"I like it." He stated calmly. "You're proud to be a Scorpio?"

"Mmhm." Summer nodded.

"You believe in that shit?"

Summer looked from left to right before pushing out, "I mean...I'm not deep into it, but I know a little."

"I can't get with it." Grant shook his head. "I was taught not to play with zodiac signs. It's all dark magic."

"Well, I don't know about all that," Summer replied. "All I know is that I was born November the seventh, and I fall into the Scorpio category. I also know a few of the characteristics of the sign. That's it, that's all."

"I'm not messing with it." He continued while studying the side of Summer's head. He noticed the little pout she wore, so he grabbed her hand again and kissed the inside of her wrist before saying, "I like your tattoo. It looks good on you."

Summer lay there watching him press his lips against her hand. Her stomach flipped from the soft kisses he plastered against her skin. She noticed how he lowered his eyes as he stared at her.

"Grant..." Summer called out. Immediately, he let her hand go while eyeing her with concern.

"What's wrong?"

Summer wanted to clear the air with him. She knew he heard Rashad mention the STD. She didn't want Grant to think she was a nasty harlot who slept with men without protection. Summer assumed he was trying to test her willingness to sleep with him.

"I know you heard every single word Rashad said while we were on Facetime."

"I mean..." Grant trailed off. "I kind of did."

"Even the part about the umm...The S—"

"The STD, yeah." He nodded in confirmation.

"It's so embarrassing..." Summer pushed out above a whisper and looked off into the sky as she shook her head. Instantly, her eyes began to water as she thought about the situation. "I was a virgin for a long time and...then...I let him take my virginity, and he gives me chlamydia."

Grant didn't say anything because he didn't know how to respond. He knew that Summer had contracted it, but he wasn't sure if she was cured. Grant had no plans to bring it up because he knew she handled her business.

"We used a condom, still happened. I still got it." She pushed out in weariness. "I know you don't care to hear this, but...I just wanted to clear the air and let you know I don't get around. I had sex once, and this happened to me."

"I'm not judging you, Summer." Grant retorted. "As long as you get the medicine you need to cure it, you're good."

"I have the medicine. I've been taking it." She nodded. "It's working."

"Good." He glanced at her while using his thumb to catch her tears, "Don't be crying about this shit. All you can do is learn from it and move on. I don't blame you at all. I blame your ex. He's the one who gave it to you. I better not ever catch him." Grant stated with so much authority laced in his voice. "I know how that nigga looks, too."

Summer felt vulnerable. Being around Grant made her feel like she could breathe with ease. He didn't belittle her for contracting the STD from Rashad. Instead of pulling away, he encouraged her to learn from it and move on. She eased her watery eyes on him and said, "Thank you."

Grant looked down at her and noticed how she looked into his eyes passionately. He briefly bit down on his bottom lip before rubbing the side of her cheek with his thumb. He used the pads of his thumb to touch her cocoa skin until he neared her chin. Expertly, he moved in and kissed her on the lips. The smooch was soft yet powerful. It created a powerful sensation in the pits of their bellies.

The kiss grew intense as they continued to lock lips. Their eyes were closed while enjoying the cool breeze. Grant moved forward and adjusted his body as he leveraged on top of her. He explored Summer's mouth while listening to their lips and tongues connecting repetitively. Grant pulled away and made sure to kiss all over her face and neck. He wanted to take it further and sleep with her, but he knew right now wasn't the right time.

Dominick stepped outside to see if they wanted Chinese takeout for dinner. He came downstairs from the backyard and found them enwrapped in each other arms and making out. He shook his head while making his way up the stairs. Instead of bothering them, he left them there.

"Just friends, my ass..." Dominick said to himself.


Summer arose early in the morning. She lay in bed for fifteen minutes straight, trying to get herself together. The young woman wasn't exhausted, but her head still throbbed a little, which resulted in her popping a few painkillers to numb the aching sensation.

When Summer slid out of the giant canopy bed, she inspected the room. White bedding adorned the foundation, as Diane wanted everything in the room to match. The room wasn't lived in, but it had the basic furniture and a mini fridge filled with goodies.

Slowly, she walked over and opened the door to the fridge. There was Artesian and sparkling water, juice, gourmet crackers with cheeses, fruit cups, and yogurt. Summer grabbed a water bottle and wasted no time consuming the cold liquid.


Her iPhone buzzed on the dresser beside her. She caught her breath while leaning over to check the notification. Summer's eyes lowered in suspense while her pupils read another text from Rashad. He was still trying, and there wasn't much she could do but report his texts to the police and possibly change her number. His chase didn't excite her. Summer wanted him to leave her alone.

She was still puzzled about the text she received from an unknown number a few weeks ago. The person not only threatened her life, but they threatened Grant as well. Summer regretted not telling Grant yesterday but she didn't get the chance to. She got caught up in his alluring behavior and became entrapped by his charm.

Yesterday was a peaceful yet spontaneous day for Summer. She wasn't surprised that she and Grant ended up locking lips again. Nevertheless, the kiss put her in a sticky situation. Summer felt it was time for her and Grant to discuss their relationship and be completely honest about it. It was obvious they had feelings for each other—intense feelings. The magnet of attraction wasn't playing with them.

What made it difficult for Summer was her lack of words. She didn't know what she wanted to say to Grant. She didn't want to date anyone right now. Summer was still trying to recover from the emotional and physical trauma Rashad inflicted on her. Every time she tried slipping away in LaLa Land, her morals would punch her in the face. Becoming the other woman was prohibited. She couldn't devalue herself, and she didn't want to hurt Annika.

I keep saying I don't want to hurt her, and yet...I keep kissing her man. Summer said to herself before sighing. She grabbed her clothes from her luggage and immediately left the room to freshen up in the bathroom.

Summer showered for what seemed like hours and eventually left after realizing her fingers were wrinkled from being saturated in water. She dressed herself in casual clothing, wanting to be comfortable. Summer paired a cute top with a top-quality jacket that Christie purchased last year during her trip to Nevada. She paired it with loose-fitting jeans and slipped on her Doc Martens. It was the perfect time to wear them since the temperature dropped.

The bruise was fading, but it was still visible. Summer didn't let it stop her from combing her hair. She put a swoop in the front and held it together with bobby pins. The rest of her hair was pulled into a curly puff. Summer added a few accessories, such as diamond studs and a necklace. Her fashion ability stopped there, and she hoped everyone was on the same time as her. She lowkey doubted it since she was residing with rich people.

Summer looked stupefied when she realized The Robinsons were not dressed to impress. Everyone walked around in joggers and casual clothing. She breathed out in relief. No one was adorned in designer clothing—if they did, it wasn't visible.

"You look cute." Dominique voiced while nodding her head. Summer noticed her hair was braided to the back. She switched her hair just that quickly. Dominque wore an oversized shirt with Nas' face printed on the front. She paired it with some sweatpants and a pair of custom-made Nike sneakers. A few accessories adorn her body, completing the comfy yet stylish look she was going for.

"No, you." Summer returned the compliment.

They continued conversing while discussing their clothing pieces and where they purchased them. Summer learned that Dominique did a lot of shopping at thrift stores, and most of her clothes were custom and tailored-made for her.

Summer met with Grant and noticed his attire was similar to Dominique's. However, he didn't parade around with a rapper's face plastered in front of his shirt. As he neared Summer, she caught a whiff of his scent. Grant smelled great—very pleasant to the nose. That resulted in her inspecting him from head to toe, cautiously checking the giant out. He was such a clean man, and his appearance proved that.

"This weather is a joke." Dominick voiced while drawing the curtains back. "I think it's going to rain again. It's not supposed to, but...I guess God has other plans. I'm glad I went ahead and deep-fried that turkey."

"Do you want me to make sure the generators have enough gas in them?" Braylon questioned his father while adjusting his hoodie. He kept it simple while putting his Crocs in sport mode.

Dominick touched his salt-and-pepper beard and answered, "Yeah...make sure the windows are up in the vehicles, too."

"Oh...Summer." Braylon called out before leaving the living room area. She looked his way, waiting for him to continue. Even Dominick had his attention. "I got some more drawings. I hope you can look at them before you leave."

Summer gave him a soft smile and immediately nodded. "I'll try to look at them. Whenever you have time, you can show me."

Braylon nodded and pushed out, "Alright."

Dominick could see the adoration and enthusiasm in his son's face. He didn't initiate conversations with acquaintances. That wasn't his thing. Dominick could see the captivating trance his son was in as he spoke to Summer. He liked her. Dominick knew his son well.

"What in the world..." He trailed off.

Summer watched as Braylon walked off to complete the tasks as instructed. Dominick laid his eyes on her and narrowed them before speaking to her. He took a seat on the couch across from where she was settled. She was in the middle of texting Jazz, who still seemed worried about her.

"How do you like it out here?" Dominick questioned Summer. He hadn't had time to have a conversation with her. He figured now would be the right time.

"It's cool." Summer shrugged with a subtle grin on her face. She knew Dominick but was still a little intimidated by him. "Your house is nice and...I love the guest room."

Dominick nodded as he thought about his next question. He felt something was up with Summer after witnessing her smooching with Grant. Seeing that confirmed his theory of Summer being the other woman.

"That's nice." Dominick nodded. "We're going to figure something out with your schedule. Amelia will soon return to the print shop." He voiced, "Remember she was about to go on maternity leave when you were hired."

Summer remembered seeing Amelia and her swollen belly. She nodded her head, and Dominick took that as a yes.

"She's due back next week. I'm not sure how your schedule will change, but I'll let you know."

Summer nodded her head. She figured Dominick planned to cut her hours. Amelia was his permanent employee, so he felt the need to put her first. Summer, on the other hand, didn't like it. However, she didn't bother to protest against him. She figured it wouldn't make a difference.

I'll just have to find another job. Summer said to herself while looking off.

"It's clear that your relationship with Grant has...grown." Dominick continued with a stern look.

Summer's head tilted from left to right as she tried to find the proper response. She didn't know if Dominick was implying something or not. However, she remained respectful.

"He's a great friend—a great person overall." Summer nodded while continuing to speak. "When I was in trouble, he came to my rescue and helped me. I really appreciate him."

"Hm." Dominick hummed with a soft nod. "Grant is a great person with a bright future ahead of him." He ran his finger across his eyebrow while looking off. "He's in college, playing with the NCAA. Grant's grades are up, and he's maintaining his physical health. I want it to stay that way...with no distractions."

Grant had been hit by Cupid several times. He was walking around the manor with hearts for eyes. Braylon wasn't too far behind him. However, Grant's relationship with Summer was far more severe. Dominick knew that after witnessing them making out on the hammock. He hoped Grant wouldn't throw his career and education away for Summer. Dominick was also worried about Grant and Braylon's relationship. There was a possibility it could deteriorate over a woman.

"I understand he has his education and career to consider." Summer responded. She knew he was referring to her being a distraction. "I don't try to get in his way when it comes to college and...his goals. I'm trying to do the same thing."

"We see eye to eye." Dominick voiced. "I like that. As long as you understand."

Summer didn't get to say anything because someone walked inside, interrupting their conversation. She looked over at the young male dressed in a sweater with pants. He seemed formal as he adjusted the glasses on his face. Summer realized it was DJ, Dominick's older son.

"Hey. What's going on in here?" DJ questioned everyone while brushing off his long-sleeved shirt. He placed his eyes on Summer and squinted before saying, "I've met you before. Your name is...Autumn, right?"

"Close,'s Summer," Summer replied with a light cackle.

"My bad. It's been a long day." DJ voiced with a half grin. "I had to deliver a baby."

"A baby?" Diane reiterated while walking inside the room with a folder in her hands. Her phone was glued to her ear as she eyed her son in concern.

"One of my patients." DJ clarified. "The baby decided to come two weeks early, but it's fine with me."

"A nice Thanksgiving present." Diane cheesed before returning her attention to the paperwork. Dominick frowned at her, but he didn't say anything. Diane was always in work mode—no matter what.

"It took you long enough to get here." Dominick voiced. "We spoke on the phone about half an hour ago."

"I had to pick up your parents." DJ voiced while pointing towards two elders who walked inside the room.

"That's not how you talk to people." The older man spoke with a deep and commanding voice. Summer looked over at him, taking in the color of his skin. He was dark and beautiful. The hair on his head was white, and he was dressed in formal clothing. There was a woman with him who looked stunning. Her hair was straightened to perfection as she wore a casual top with trousers and fancy loafers.

"DJ always walks in here without speaking. He's just doing something different today," Dominick objected while meeting the man halfway. Summer watched as the older man removed his hat from his head and hugged Dominick. Eventually, Dominick went to hug the woman.

"And who do we have here?" The elder questioned Summer. "Are you a grandchild of mine?"

Summer laughed softly and tried to speak, but Dominick took over.

"This is Summer, Grant's friend. She's here to celebrate Thanksgiving with us." Dominick glanced at Summer and added, "These are my parents—Ed and the beautiful Miss. Kate."

"Nice to meet you." Miss Kate greeted her warmly.

"Nice to meet you, too," Summer responded softly, a little overwhelmed by the attention. However, it was nice to meet more of Grant's relatives. She looked closely and realized Ed resembled Big Mama. He had to be her child.

"Grant's friend, huh? So, you're Summer. Big Mama talks about you a lot." Ed spoke up, which snatched Dominick and Summer's attention. Summer was surprised by the news. She couldn't believe Big Mama had been talking about her.

"She does?" Summer asked, afraid to know more.

"It's all good things. She said you're sweet." Miss. Kate agreed with a smirk.

"My mom has good instincts," Ed informed Summer while touching his chest. "If she likes you, then I'll trust her judgment. Consider yourself part of the family."


A few members from both sides of Grant's parents' family arrived at the manor to join the rest of The Robinson clan for Thanksgiving. A few aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and in-laws were in attendance. They took pictures with each other and met Summer, who seemed a little overwhelmed as before. She stayed back and allowed everyone to chat while she watched and took in the view. It didn't bother her since Grant stayed around to ensure she was safe and not feeling swallowed in the sea of his relatives.

They kept themselves busy while the women oversaw and prepped the food. Board games were sprawled over the living room table while everyone spoke over each other and laughed away. Summer escaped the loudness and found herself in the kitchen with Big Mama. She helped move the food inside the warmers to ensure they would stay hot enough to enjoy.

"Chloé should be on her way. She said she would be here." Sheila stated in a hurried speech. She seemed sober, but Summer noticed she was throwing back swigs of gin from her vessel.

"Did you call her?" Diane asked her sister.

"Of course I did," Sheila responded before sighing. "I just hope she didn't get caught in traffic. It's raining out there." She touched her forehead and added, "She has the baby with her, too."

Summer became intrigued by the situation. She stood there watching Diane and Sheila conversing. They were in the middle of a light debate when the doorbell rang. Miriam answered it and noticed Chloé standing outside with a car seat. As soon as she saw them, she ushered them in and gave Chloé a cup of tea to warm her up.

"Oh, look at you." Diane cooed to the baby, who sat in the car seat. A few of the family members surrounded the car seat and took in the sight of the baby. They watched as Chloé removed the infant from the seat and pulled off the baby's hat, mittens, and coat. Summer realized it was a baby girl who looked around six months. Sheila immediately grabbed the baby from her daughter and showed the infant off to everyone in the house.

"This is Cadee," Sheila informed the people while bouncing the baby, who curiously looked around. She had a beige complexion. Fiery red curls grew from her head. She was a gorgeous ginger baby.

Sheila made sure everyone got a chance to see her except Summer. That wasn't the shocking part. Sheila walked around, boasting about her granddaughter's appearance.

"Remember Keyon?" Sheila questioned her sister. "The one Chloé used to bring around? The black and ugly one?" She closed her eyes briefly before saying, "I'm so glad Chloé didn't get pregnant by him. If she did, this baby would've been ugly."

Oh, she's a hateful woman with a nasty spirit. Summer said to herself as she rolled her eyes hard. She might be worse than Christie.

Sheila allowed her sisters, Diane and Gem, to hold baby Cadee and immediately snatched her up. Chloé didn't say much because she was relieved from not being on baby duty. She kicked it with Dominique, and Dominque was able to introduce her to Summer.

Chloé was cool and had a decent appearance. Summer thought she was the opposite of her mom. The only thing Summer didn't like was her voice. Chloé talked in a monotonous manner that bored her.

"I stay away from that shit. Far away." Chloé cursed while running her fingers through her short hair. "I'm breastfeeding, too."

"Not me." Dominique stuck her tongue out and wiggled it. "I'm twenty-four. I can have a drink." She glanced at Summer and asked, "You want some?"

Summer looked at the bottle of alcohol Dominique held in her hand and shook her head, turning it down.

"Alright. Suit yourself." Dominque mumbled.

The conversation carried on until dinner was served. Summer washed her hands and was able to land a seat beside Grant and Dominque. Chloé sat beside Dominique, and Braylon was immediately thrown to her left. The rest of the family sat in their seats, filling every chair. Summer was surprised with how Diane was able to get every guest a seat at the table.

Miriam served the food before them. This was different for Summer. Back in Jersey, her mom and grandmother cooked, and they made their plates and took a seat inside the kitchen or living room. They didn't pray or eat together. Grant's family was family-oriented, and Summer caught on when she visited Big Mama's house. She loved how close and loving his family was. They joined hands and bowed their heads to pray over the feast before digging into the food.

The spread was everything Summer imagined. There was deep-fried turkey, cornbread dressing, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and more. The dessert table in the kitchen was filled with cakes, pies, and other desserts brought by family members.

Summer's plate wasn't full, but she managed to get something on it. She had a fried turkey wing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, greens, and cornbread dressing. She was pouring homemade gravy over her mountain of potatoes when one of the family members tried to snatch the gravy bowl out of her hand.

"Yo, let her finish pouring the gravy." Grant lectured his cousin, David. He had to be around twenty-one. Dominique frowned at the guy because he called himself reaching over the food. Summer held a subtle expression. She didn't expect Grant to come to her rescue so quickly.

The people around the table looked over and immediately continued filling their plates. They weren't worried about Grant correcting David. He pulled back with a sigh and waited for Summer to return the bowl to its rightful place.

There was light chatter and the sound of utensils hitting against plates as everyone consumed their food. Summer seemed content with her meal. She enjoyed how everything was filled with flavor and veggies. All of her food was good, the plate lacked nothing. She was a massive fan of the deep-fried turkey; it was well-seasoned and filled with moisture. The outside was crispy and delectable. The mac and cheese was gooey with a baked topping, which she liked. Summer was also a fan of the dressing. She wasn't used to eating it but knew about the dish. Summer loved the sauteed celery, onions, and bell peppers in it.

After the meal, everyone put away their plates and went for the dessert. Summer moved around without Grant. She liked her freedom and felt somewhat comfortable with the family. Summer inspected the sweets, contemplating which one she would try.

"Miss. Kate made the cookies," Dominique informed her. "When I tell you, she makes the best cookies—she makes the best cookies." She leaned over and said, "She brought chocolate chip, sugar, and gingerbread."

Summer grabbed a slice of caramel cake, two sugar cookies, and a sweet potato pie. She knew she wouldn't eat all of the desserts in one sitting. Summer figured she could eat little by little and put the rest away.

The caramel cake didn't stand a chance against her. She sat there enjoying the sweet taste of it. The icing tasted like sugar, butter, and cream. Her fork pressed against the soft-baked, four-layered cake. It was light and fluffy.

"Mm." Summer hummed as she closed her eyes briefly. She was told Big Mama baked the cake. Summer wasn't surprised it tasted good. The elder was known for being able to make great dishes with her hands.

I could live with this woman. Summer said in her mind. She was a huge fan of Big Mama's cooking.

In the midst of enjoying it, she was bombarded by Chloé. The woman walked over with a stern expression as she carried Cadee in her arms. Her phone was in her hands, so Summer assumed she was either about to take an important call or about to argue with whoever was on her line.

"Summer, can you please hold her while I go outside and take this call?" Chloé requested politely. "I would take her with me, but the weather is crazy. I can't risk her getting sick."

"Are you sure it's okay?" Summer responded with a mouth filled with cake. Sheila didn't care for her and she didn't want any drama with the woman.

"Yeah." Chloé nodded with her monotone voice. "Girl, this is my baby. You can hold her."

"Well, sure..." Summer responded with calmness. She sat her plate on the table while trying to swallow her food down. Chloé put the tot in her arms, and she tried her best to hold her tightly. Cadee sat there staring at Summer with suspension. Her big brown eyes pinpointed to her, and she immediately broke into a big, gummy smile.

"Oh, hi. You're so cute." Summer talked to the baby while adjusting her, ensuring she was comfortable. She played with Cadee until the room was filled with the guests. Sheila didn't say anything to her because she was too busy getting drunk. The adults carried a loud conversation until things went left.

Summer looked up at Sheila dancing around the room. She had a seductive rhythm going on as she danced to Beyoncé. Everyone cheered her on until she started unbuttoning her blouse. Diane stood in front of her husband, who looked confused by the entire situation. She rocked her hips while pulling her blouse open, exposing her bra for everyone to see.

"Oh, Lord." Miss. Kate called out while looking off. The other elders didn't find her act funny. They sat in silence while holding puzzled expressions. A few men enjoyed it because Sheila gave them a free show. She had a beautiful figure that was slim, curvy, and ample in the right places.

Oh, she does not have morals. Summer said in her mind as she thought about when Grant told her to hang around a little longer. Her mouth was agape as she held the baby in her arms. Chloé returned a few moments ago but didn't attempt to get Cadee. Summer figured she was enjoying her break.

Diane had enough of her sister's behavior. When Sheila dropped it low on the floor, exposing the tramp stamp on her lower back, she moved over and interrupted her sister's dance by turning off the music. Sheila stood up slowly and placed her attention on her sister.

"You've done enough," Diane spoke softly. "Sit down and take a break."

With a somber expression, Sheila looked her sister in the eyes and said, "I haven't done enough, yet."

Diane shared the same illustration as her. She didn't back down until Chloé walked over.

"Auntie is right. You're drunk." Chloé interjected. "You need to sit down and drink some water. You've already embarrassed yourself." She turned to focus on her dad, who was standing there watching. "And you should've made her sit down. She's your wife."

"Sheila doesn't listen," Tim responded, feeling a hint of embarrassment. He wasn't expecting his daughter to put the heat on him.

"She'll listen to me." Chloé turned to look at her mom and said, "If you don't sit down right now, I'll never come back to the house, and you won't be able to see Cadee until I'm ready for you to see her."

Sheila moved her head around as she cackled lightly. She pointed at her daughter before pushing out, "That was smooth, Chloé. Very smooth."

She took a seat but didn't stop her yapping. The people in the room were annoyed by Sheila. Most knew her, but a few didn't since she didn't come around. Sheila looked at her sister and realized she was speaking with Dominick. He ran his hands across her shoulders as she talked to him. Her body language was stern, which meant she was complaining.

Sheila lowered her eyes and immediately snatched her glass from the table. She poured more whiskey inside the tumbler and gulped it down. After finishing the strong drink, she slammed the glass on the table, shattering it. Everyone looked over at her while realizing she was belted over laughing. Her shrills made Summer's skin crawl. She felt a tap on her shoulder and realized it was Grant. He stood back and decided to watch the scene unfold.

Chloé held a scowl as she stomped over and ordered her mom to stop. Sheila's cackles halted as she held her hand up.

"I just have to tell everyone this, and then I'll shut up for the rest of the night."

"No, you just need to go to the room and sleep that liquor off." Chloé retorted. "Mom," She whispered while leaning over. "You're drunk—sloppy drunk."

"I've met everyone in this house, and you all don't really know me." Sheila touched her chest as she began her sermon. Chloé sighed and decided to push away. She tried to save her mom from embarrassing herself, but it was too late.

"I am...a lot of things." Sheila yapped with a slur. "I am a wife, a mother, an honest person." She smirked while touching the side of her face. "A very honest person."

Diane didn't seem nervous or upset. She stood there with a subtle look because she didn't know how the event went from everyone laughing and sharing stories to Sheila becoming drunk and going on one of her rants. She ruined everyone's evening.

"That woman over there isn't honest with you all." Sheila pointed at her sister, Diane. "She's my baby sister, and I love her, but...she's not who you think she is."

"Sheila." Gem, Diane and Sheila's middle sister said, "Maybe it's time for you to go in the room and sleep that alcohol off. Like Chloé said."

"Diane is from Philadelphia. She grew up in the same rundown building Gem and I grew up in. She's from the same project as us." Sheila spilled, ignoring her sister. "Before moving out of Philly, she worked at a small clothing boutique. She wants everyone to think she never had a job so she can appear as this...princess or Queen who never had to lift a finger."

Grant grew upset with Sheila talking about his mom. Summer, on the other hand, was getting an earful of the tea.

"The truth is...she's a fraud."

"Now, this is going too far," Diane spoke up. "You're obviously drunk."

"See what I mean." Sheila pointed out, "She doesn't want the truth to come out. She likes being wife residing in a mansion with cooks and cleaners waiting on her. The perfect woman with the perfect life."

"Stop it. Stop it now." Diane raised her voice, growing upset. "You're making everything up."

"Oh, am I?" Sheila challenged her as they went back and forth. "Baby, my facts are straight. Diane, you are not to be trusted."

"What is she referring to?" Dominique muttered in a low tone.

Diane stood there in silence. Dominick grabbed her hand, trying to pull her back, but she stayed still, unable to move.

"I dated Dominick before you," Sheila admitted in honesty. "I brought him to the house to meet our family, and somehow, you ended up with him."

"Oh shit." Dominique cursed softly, not prepared.

The room was already quiet, but it grew hushed when Sheila exposed Diane. Summer's eyes widened with shock as she sat there trying to recover from the secondhand embarrassment of Sheila's drunken behavior. Grant did not react. He was speechless.

Dominick didn't seem shocked about Sheila putting out their dirty laundry. He figured she was preparing herself to air it out. It didn't bother him because he realized he made the right decision picking Diane. In his opinion, Sheila was nothing but a bitter, old drunk who couldn't let the past go.

Diane neared her sister and said calmly, "I need you to get out of my house—right now."

"You heard we broke up and immediately got with him!" Sheila shouted in an emotional tone. "You did that to me."

Dominick went for Sheila, but he changed his mind after seeing Diane. She was beautiful, and he immediately became intrigued after she mentioned playing ball in school. They had something in common. Around that time, she was in her junior year of college. Dominick was on his way to becoming a pro athlete. He chased Diane—she didn't chase him. Dominick was the one who kept coming to her job with flowers and inviting her out on dates.

"Tim, get your wife, and please leave my house." Diane demanded as her heart fluttered from the stares. She was sure the people in the room were surprised by the news.

Summer watched as Tim grabbed his wife and pulled her out of the living room. He went ahead and packed their things, prepping to leave. Chloé thanked Summer for watching her baby and immediately left with her. She didn't want to be around due to her mother's behavior. Sheila and Tim left without announcing it. It was clear Diane wanted nothing to do with them at the moment.

The room was quiet and awkward. It stayed that way until Miriam announced she would collect the dishes to be washed and put away. The people in the room began to clear out, and Diane was content with that. However, Dominick's brother appeared later with his son. Grant was surprised to see his cousin, Prime. He had no plans to speak or put his hands on the dude. Grant figured he would let him make it. After all, they were family.

Summer met Vance. Overall, he was cool and loud. He wore plain clothes with a cap on his head. Glasses rested on his face, and he had a deep voice similar to Morgan Freeman's.

"Boy, you're looking just like my brother." Vance stated as he checked out his nephew. "Look at tall are you, Gee?"

Gee. Summer said to herself.

"I'm about..." Grant trailed off while glancing at the ceiling. "6'8"."

"6'8"?" Vance retorted with widened eyes. "You're ready for the NBA, huh?"

Grant only leaned his head from left to right, which signaled as unsure.

"You might as well get ready." His uncle continued while holding on to his jiggling keys. "It's almost that time."

"Let him know," Dominick interjected.

Vance laughed at his brother's comment and repeated, "It's almost time, boy."

"How much food do you want on your plate?" Big Mama questioned her grandson. "Gem is in there fixing plates, so I need to know."

"I need about four plates, mama," Vance answered. "Judy wants a plate. You know she's not feeling too good. She didn't get a chance to cook."

"Mmhm. I'll have to come over there and see her." Big Mama replied. "Come on in here and pick out your desserts."

Vance left with Big Mama. Soon, Dominick left the room as well. Things were still awkward for him, so he didn't speak much. Everyone left Grant and Summer in the room by themselves. There was silent until Summer felt the need to speak up.

"Grant...we really need to talk." Summer announced as she eyed him. "Maybe not right now, but soon."

Grant only nodded. He figured she wanted to talk about them kissing on the hammock. He honestly didn't have much to say about it. It happened, and that was it.

"Well..." Summer breathed out. "It's getting late. I'm going to go and take a shower. Hopefully, I can catch Dominque. She's supposed to be going out tonight."

Grant eased his eyes on her suspiciously. "Are you going out with her?"

She blinked a few times and shook her head no. Dominique was going to hang out with her friends. Besides, she didn't invite her. She was stuck inside the manor with the rest of The Robinson clan.

"I think she's going out with her friends." Summer murmured. "But anyway. I'm going to go and get comfortable."

Grant nodded while placing his eyes on hers. He cleared his throat before pushing out, "Maybe we can watch a movie together...and talk."

Summer eyed him back and eventually plastered a smile on her face. She nodded faintly while saying, "I'd like that."

Summer left to shower, but she didn't get the chance to make it up the stairs. As soon as she climbed a few steps, she heard commotion. She paused momentarily, trying to listen in, and realized Grant was yelling with his thunderous voice. She slowly descended the stairs and noticed Grant and Prime throwing punches. They were in the hallway fighting until Grant grabbed Prime and slammed him against the wall, knocking the decoration on the floor. DJ, Dominick, and Vance grabbed them both and pulled them away.

"Bitch ass nigga. You tried to sneak me." Grant voiced with anger. He held a scowl on his face while standing there with his fists balled. "That's what we're doing?"

Prime tried to punch him in the face as soon as he walked in the hallway. Immediately, Grant went into defense and threw a punch at his cousin, catching him multiple times. They went at it for a few minutes until Grant's aunt noticed them fighting.

Prime yelled out something inaudible while being escorted out of the house by his dad. Dominick walked his son to the living area to ensure he was fine. He fussed about Grant fighting as he allowed Miriam to examine his face. Summer eased inside the room and stood there in concern.

"You just can't keep your hands to yourself." Dominick fussed at his son.

"That nigga hit me first." Grant voiced with anger. "He's lucky I didn't break his fucking neck."

"Now, Grant." Miriam pushed out sternly.

Grant stayed quiet while letting Miriam check for bruises and swellings. He didn't want it to be done, but Dominick wanted to baby him. If he didn't allow it, his father would nag about it.

The security alarm alerted everyone that someone was outside the house. Diane decided to check it out since Vance was outside with Prime. She noticed him lecturing his son about his behavior. However, there was someone else there.

"Annika?" Diane called out. "What are you doing here?"

It was getting late, and Diane had no idea Annika would be coming over. She held an uncertain look while waiting for the young woman to reply to her question.

"It's Thanksgiving," Annika answered with a smile. She stood there dressed in all brown attire with boots. Her bag matched her outfit, and she wore her hair in a long ponytail. "Grant was supposed to come to my house later, but I wanted to surprise him."

"Oh...I see." Diane shot Vance a look before saying, "He's in the house. Come on."

Diane escorted Annika to the living room area. When she crossed the threshold, she called out to her son, who was speaking with Summer. She was busy pressing an ice pack against his face.

"Grant...Annika is here to see you."

Summer's eyes reverted towards Annika, who wore anger and hurt on her face. She stood there looking back and forth between Grant and Summer. Her eyes widened as her mouth agape from the scenery. Suddenly, she focused on Summer.



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