Lament (Sebastian Sallow)

De EllaSallow

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In the year 1900, Penelope Silverthorn returns to Hogwarts after eight years of leaving only to find herself... Mais

Lament (Sebastian Sallow)
Chapter 1: Floor -4
Chapter 2: Professor Sallow
Chapter 3: Luna, The Dog
Chapter 4: Percy
Chapter 5: P.S (P.S)
Chapter 6: Sebastian's Journal
Chapter 7: Pen, Get It?
Chapter 8: We're All Parentless
Chapter 9: Cecil's Red Flags
Chapter 10: Professor Sallow's Distraction
Chapter 11: Sebastian's Grudge
Chapter 12: A Summer Fling
Chapter 13: A Drunken Owl
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Drunk
Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law
Chapter 16: Prewett's Legacy
Chapter 17: Coach Sallow
Chapter 18: Time For A Proper Welcome Back
Chapter 19: The Rabid Fiancée
Chapter 20: At What Cost?
Chapter 21: The Undercroft
Chapter 21 1/2: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 22: Missed Me, Britain?
Chapter 23: Poppy's Reflection
Chapter 24: Matching Rings
Chapter 25: Sebastian's (Dis)Respect
Chapter 26: Professor Sallow's Office
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 2
Chapter 28: Did Merlin Do This Too? *
Chapter 29: Dreams Show Signs *
Chapter 30: Sebastian's Nemesis
Chapter 31: Professor Sallow's Outburst
Chapter 32: Restricted Section, Restricted Things *
Chapter 33: Sebastian's Jealousy

Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 1

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De EllaSallow

Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 1

"Now I know I have met an angel,
in person,
darling, you look perfect tonight."
Ed Sheeran

May 28, 1892

"I am tired." Eighteen year old, Penelope Silverthorn, confessed abruptly inside the magical barrier, "I have to live my life."

Penelope was tired. Who wouldn't be? Being in a position of getting thrown into a magical castle, way behind education, and yet, expected to be in control of never-ending battles and quests? For two years?

The vintage enchanted portraits remained unmoved; their expressions impassive as they countered her truth with a reminder of her so called, "fate".

"You chose this decision, child," Percival Rackham, a keeper, pin-pointed at her, "You wielded upon black traces of magic in this repository."

The words hung like a harsh reminder of the choice Penelope made last minute in the fifth year. The consequences she now faced for an abrupt ending.

"That doesn't mean I'm bound to it forever. I'm no longer a child, and I shall not keep risking myself to endless trials and sacrifices." Penelope argued.

There was a moment of discussion between the Ancient Magic witch and The Keepers. The conversation was unfair. Four against one, but Penelope Silverthorn's Slytherin traits peaked with her words.

"I could stop these trials once I step foot into that American Ministry!" Penelope pointed out, "Now who would care for your trials now? Who would—"

"And leave the life you have behind here?" Niamh Fitzgerald questioned out of the blue.

Penelope bit the inside of her lip, reflecting on the question.

Yes, the life she had. The life after Hogwarts. The life with her friends. The life with Sebastian Sallow, the man she loves deeply — the man was enough reasoning to stop her from leaving. She couldn't do that to him. Not when she knew he wouldn't be able to escape to America with her from his ten-year barrier of leaving the region.


"If you choose to leave for America, Penelope, you must understand the gravity of your choices," They said in solemn, "You will be deemed a traitor—"

"Traitor?" Penelope scoffed, "Because I won't do trials, but be a powerful witch and still live a normal life somewhere else that isn't here?"

The Keepers remained unmoved, their expression emotionless as they stood a stance.

"If you choose to leave, you will not be welcomed back. It is a reckless way out of your destined magic," Charles Rookwood told, "You will be cast out, branded as a traitor—"

Charles Rookwood. Rookwood. Penelope wanted to chuckle at the irony of a Rookwood having a say in all this. How fucking ironic.

"I am not a puppet. Eleazar Fig made a promise to me to declare an answer to his findings, which I did. I was not promised life-going trials to prove a point," Penelope said louder, "I will graduate soon."

"And we would know where you are. As we remind you, these are the consequences of your—"

"Ugh," Penelope groaned with disrespect at The Keepers before beginning to click her uniform out of the blue tracing setting.


Penelope ignored the call-outs of The Keepers. They were just portraits always.

But Penelope Silverthorn struggled after those last few days.

If she left for America, she'd be free from the shackles of trials and difficult quests as she aged; But she would leave everything behind.

"No, I'm not leaving," Penelope whispered to herself.

If she stayed in the Hogwarts Region, the trials would continue. She'll constantly be rung up with trial after trial to prove to The Keepers that the traces of magic she injected into herself were safe. And she'll have Sebastian, and Poppy and Imelda, and Ominis and —

But Sebastian Sallow hated seeing Penelope doing trials. Their arguments lately had been brutal upon the situation. Penelope would tell him she had no choice, and Sebastian would get mad that she never had time for him anymore.

Things were doomed. Penelope couldn't even tell Sebastian what had happened inside The Map Chamber that day because they were fighting, again. Last night's fight was the worst. And if she were destined to stay and live that life here, he would leave her eventually.

"What am I going to do?" Penelope cried to herself.


"Miss Silverthorn?"

Twenty six year old Penelope Silverthorn lost the memory in a blink of an eye and adjusted her view on her scribbled parchment; the quill's ink bleeding through it as she cleared her throat.

"Are you alright?" Percy Dumbledore asked across that library desk in a low whisper. The teenager had taken notice of the lures of Ancient Magic that glowed over her fingers from her depressive thoughts.

Penelope pressed her lips, wiping away the dirty ink with her wand, and nodded, "Hm? Yeah, yeah...I apologize. I haven't slept well—"

"Have you gotten hallucinations again, Miss Silverthorn? Have you been drinking—"

"No." Penelope rubbed her temples.

The woman hadn't slept at all. There was no need to take that Tranquart vial because she wasn't sleeping. Not after what happened with Professor Sallow the previous day. She spent the remaining time after that session to be eaten with heat and guilt.

She needed to apologize.

"No, Percy." Penelope said more in a light tone, "I just...I'm a bit sleep-deprived. The stress of the case is getting to me." She lied. Well, half-lied, the case was stressful, but so was the professor.

Percy gave her an understanding nod, "Right. I completely understand. Perhaps, we can cut short this morning's research block and gather until we go down The Map Chamber again?"

Penelope shuffled in the library chair, still rubbing her head, and just gave multiple nods to the man in front of her, "Yeah, that's fine. Thanks."

As both friends gathered inside the Hogwarts Library that early morning, Percy Dumbledore sensed an off aura from the woman and tried to keep a positive vibe in the meantime.

"Would you be attending the Quidditch game this evening before the dance, Miss Silverthorn?" Percy asked, putting away the books back in the bookcases.

Penelope followed along, placing them back with her wand, and sighed, "I didn't even know there was another game, if I were honest. I don't think so."

The idea of having to witness a Quidditch game, but becoming attentive to the coach that guided the players all evening didn't sound like the best plan. She was already afraid to look at Sebastian Sallow in the eye.

"I suppose after the easy win you gave the Slytherin team last match, I wouldn't blame you." Percy chuckled.

Penelope stopped in her tracks and blinked; a tint of pink grew to her cheeks from the catch. Of course, she had forgotten Percy Dumbledore also saw portions of Ancient Magic others couldn't see sometimes.

"I-what? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You know, sometimes having the ability to see certain aspects of magic is scary, but then I see something like what you did in the game the other week and I'm glad I have it." Percy joked. "Good game."

"You must've tell no one." Penelope closed her eyes.

"I was not planning to, Miss Silverthorn." Percy smiled with a bow, "I am guilty to say, I would do the same to my students one day in the future."

Within the small talk, an owl swooped from the wooden ceilings of the library before a paper plopped down onto Penelope's shoulder, making her flinch at the sight.

"Ow," She groaned, taking the folded parchment between her fingers and beginning to open it, "Who would send such letter early—"


I know a written apology is not enough.

May we speak?

I'm in the courtyard —

Penelope did not finish reading the letter. The childish handwriting was enough of a burden to her and just reading the note sent her into a spiral. But the entire conversation in that Faculty Tower was miscommunicated and chaotic. She also needed to put an end to it.

"Go on then," The husky voice lingered on Penelope's head. "Go onto your next victim, Miss Silverthorn. Go lecture Rogers too."

Penelope Silverthorn wanted to crumble up that parchment paper in her hand from Sebastian's voice tormenting her thoughts, proving her point.

For fucks sake, Sebastian Sallow. What have you done to me?

Penelope Silverthorn made sure to take her time on her arrival. She was hoping that from the impatient personality Joshua Rogers held within himself, by the time she got there, he'd be gone. That maybe, she could've avoided him more. He'll leave. Maybe —

Joshua Rogers sat lazily over the concrete of the enchanted water fountain a little outside the entrance of the Flying Class Lawn. You could see a few quidditch students get an early practice with their jerseys on around the laws before breakfast time.

Penelope shivered, and she couldn't tell if it was from the sight of the American man yards away, or if the cold late-October weather was finally settling and transitioning into winter soon.

Joshua's body stood up immediately at the sight of the woman who glowed within her walk, "Pen—"

"You have two minutes, Josh," Penelope said between her teeth, cuddling over the green knitted sweater she wore on herself while crossing her arms.

Joshua sighed, "I'm sorry."

"For?" Penelope raised her brows, becoming purposely oblivious to the apology. She wanted context and Joshua sure knew that.

Joshua ran his fingers through his shiny black hair and closed his eyes. He was almost forcing himself to prove his wrongs. Forcing himself to be at fault, — like if it was the most difficult thing to do as a man.

"Look, things might've....things might've gotten out of hand."

"They did." Penelope said bluntly.

Joshua Rogers just stared down at the uncaring witch. The man used to enjoy stirring her up. Growing her attitude. He enjoyed it, a lot, but something about Sebastian fucking Sallow being the cause of this made him not want to see Penelope upset.

"He was pushing it, Pen," Joshua admitted breathlessly, pointing at her, "and you know that! It wasn't any of his fucking business to inter—"

"Josh." Penelope raised her hand at him for a stop.

"He thinks he's the shit in this damn castle and then has the audacity to—"

"Joshua!" Penelope warned again, and Joshua shut his mouth, holding in every ounce over his jaw as he attempted to respect the lady.

Joshua placed his hands inside his pant pocket, looking down and clenching his jaw, as once again, struggling to be at fault.

"I shouldn't have pointed fingers or spoken to you that way. It was disrespectful of me." Joshua sighed with his eyes closed.

"Very disrespectful." Penelope corrected.

Joshua opened his eyes, squinting at her as he sighed again and shook his head, "I thought you said Sebastian Sallow was just a little Hogwarts boyfriend from the past?"

Penelope's stomach did a little loop at the first mention of Sebastian Sallow's name that morning. Just hearing his name now made her feel something. It was bizarre.

Penelope swallowed at the questioning, "He was."

Joshua scoffed, "Then why is chicken-head saying he's been inside of you more than I have?!"

Penelope glitched at the reminder of the words. If only he knew that he was almost inside of her not even twenty four hours ago inside that office.

"That's not true, right?" Joshua stared down at her with innocent eyes.

Again, Penelope stood there with arms crossed in mute. Only the sounds of the far-away student players batting were heard in nature.

Joshua chuckled loudly, licking his lips and looking to the side in a cocky matter from the silence, "I mean, come on, Pen..."

"I honestly don't see why an answer would matter. This is the least to worry about at these times." Penelope excused.

"Did you sleep with him more than me?!" Joshua said a little louder. You could see a few older students turn their heads at the commotion.

Penelope looked at the commotion then looked at the blue-eyed man in disbelief as she scoffed, "Keep it down. You'll scare the students and embarrass ourselves—"

"We slept with each other a handful of times the last four years, Pen. It wouldn't make sense what he said. He said it very confidently—"

"Stop it." Penelope now raised her voice higher, wanting to stop the bickering of the man, and turned her hand into a fist from the annoyance.

Joshua Rogers gave a very light groan of frustration from her actions, but gave out a loud huff and maintained a quiet demeanor as he listened.

"Please, understand that I dated him in the past, Josh. We were at Hogwarts and when you date someone, you obviously—"

"You were students!" Joshua shrieked at her, "Do you know that in the 1890s, if you were caught, you'll be automatically wed—"

"It's the bloody past, Josh! Let it go, okay?! It was my past, my life!" Penelope nearly yelled, "Care to remind you, you and I are not labeled to anything. You have zero right to intervene with my past and my situation. Understand that." She humbled him.

Joshua Roger stood there with a defeated expression. He wanted to say so much more, but he knew he had reached Penelope's limit. He had known her for four years at this point. When she was done, she was done. Unbothered.

Joshua looked up at Penelope with his eyes, trying to find a way to seem convincing in winning her back just by his eyes.

"Am I in the past?"

Penelope wanted to roll her eyes, but uncrossed her arms and gave out a sigh of stress, "What's your point right now, Rogers?"

Joshua let go of his softening stare and raised his brows, "Ugh, nothing...look, I am just sorry, alright? You know I'm shit at apologies. I don't like to be wrong. This is...very hard."

And embarrassing, Penelope thought to herself.

There was an ambiance of silence between the two work partners. Joshua became nervous that Penelope would walk away and not care. She was like that. Penelope just wanted to get it over with.


"Okay?" Joshua mimicked her.

Penelope could barely stare at him as she kept speaking in a low tone, "I forgive you."

You could see the shift change on the man's face from the unexpected forgiveness. You'll think he won the lottery by having Penelope Silverthorn forgive something she shouldn't have in the first place.

"Really?" Joshua adjusted himself, getting much closer to Penelope and placing his hands on her arms for comfort, "You've forgiven me, Pen?"

It was difficult for Penelope. Would she have forgiven him in another lifetime? No, of course not. Not even in this one. But if she expected Sebastian Sallow to forgive her, she had to learn how to forgive others. Right?

Penelope wanted to snatch her arms from his touch, but shrugged. "Yes."

A whitening smile conjured on Joshua and he inched a lot closer, "Fuck yes. Can I kiss you now?"

Penelope planted a face of disgust toward the American man. There was also a look of confusion if she thought he was joking or not on what he dared to ask.

"No??" Penelope scoffed, detaching herself from him and stepping a few feet back.


Penelope stared in disbelief at the annoyed sex-deprived man. It almost seems like a comedic scenario to see the intentions he truly had. It bothered her that Sebastian was right. He always has been.

"Merlin, Josh," Penelope threw her arms up, "If you seek intimacy so much, go bed a witch somewhere! You are not mine to control. You never were. That's how we agreed."

It was a saddening agreement, but both adults had always been that way. Not wanting relationships, but also needing someone there. It was disappointing.

"But this pot of a castle is full of students!" Joshua's tone of voice cracked a little from his complaint, "And the professors are almost twice our age—"

"Then go to Hogsmeade or something. It's a big region, Josh. You have plenty of time to explore it. Trust me." Penelope wasn't even looking at him anymore.

"Well, where's the fun in that if I have," Joshua stepped closer again, " right here."

Penelope's brows furrowed at the unease tension and stepped back more and more with a frown, "You really think I'm going to be turned on in times like these?! Are you serious?"

How ironic of her to say. How ironic.

"You used to be in the past," Joshua murmured.

"Well, it's no longer the past." Penelope spat.

Joshua wanted to argue. To tell her more, but the man just blinked a few times and nodded, not wanting to drive her into a state of annoyance. (In which he already had). He needed to give her space before plotting again.

"Alright, alright," Joshua nodded, and turned to the side, "Well, at the end of thought, you never really forgive people. That's how you are. I suppose I should be lucky."

Penelope said nothing.

Joshua sighed at the muted witch, "Baby steps. Right. I'll see you later?"

Penelope forced a half smile and nodded.

Penelope Silverthorn didn't find herself back inside that castle until breakfast time. She feared that if she had walked within those entrances, she'd find Joshua Rogers along the way, and the least she wanted was to speak more with him after the embarrassment the previous day.

The sleeves of her knitted sweater were passed her hands from how cold it turned out to be outdoors. She could've guaranteed her cheeks and nose were rosy from it.

"Ah, Miss...Silverthorn!"

Penelope stared up for a few seconds, confronting Percy Dumbledore again at the entrance of the Great Hall. There was a stack of papers in his hands while the other held a wand to pass them onto the students.

And besides Percy, of course, stood the familiar stance of a freckled face and brown hairs; Sebastian Sallow.

Penelope became thankful to Mother Nature for producing enough coldness that morning to cover her face with redness already. If not, the sight of the professor himself would've made her red and with no excuse.

The eye contact was minimal. Very minimal. Guilt became Penelope's best friend overnight and to even glance at Sebastian made her feel sick. He didn't deserve any of this.

"Uh, P-Percy," Penelope kept her stare on the young man, "We meet again, I see." She joked.

Don't look at the man beside him, Pen — but it'll be unprofessional. Don't look — wait, yes, look. You had to be brave and show yourself. Introduce yourself. That's it.

Sebastian Sallow stood there, eyes on Penelope. He wasn't even ashamed to stare. He was single. Single. The word became chaos in his head. — The man had every power to commit to anything and not worry about anything.

"Pen." Sebastian greeted for the first time with the nickname.

Only a clear eye would notice how Penelope's throat wiggled a little from the new introductory name. You could see her eyes struggle to connect with his as she nodded back.


Sebastian breathed slowly through his nose, as if, hearing his name come out of her mouth naturally made him produce a feeling of strange vulnerability. Weak. Over his own name.

Percy Dumbledore was a bystander. It wasn't intentional, but it was obvious. You could notice it in the eyes. In the postures. He wondered, but minded his business between the two adults.

Percy smiled with a nod, "Ah, yes! We were actually quite looking for you," he raised his hand to refer to her, "You did mention at the library that you'll be somewhere along breakfast this morning,"

Penelope nodded.

"Professor Sallow and I actually just came from checking over the affected students in the Hospital Wing." Percy pointed at himself and then at Sebastian.

Penelope's smile remained fixed as her attention was solely on Percy. Her gaze was avoiding the other witness beside them, but it was for good causes. Merlin knew what such eye contact could do for the two estranged lovers now. It was dangerous.

"They're stable, if we may say," Percy glanced briefly at Sebastian, but took notice that the professor wasn't going to speak and continued, "Nurse Blainey is keeping a close eye on them, but they are doing well, along with the new affected ones."

"That's, that's something," Penelope wondered knowing it wasn't good nor bad news, "I suppose the monitoring and vials are going well."

"Correct. It should be a green light until we rediscover the Map Chamber again." Percy agreed.

"Right, right." Penelope said.

Sebastian Sallow stood uncomfortably beside Percy, his eyes only darting on Penelope as he tried to think clearer and professional. Right, professional.

"Oh!" Percy flicked his wand, handing Penelope a flyer, stating the Halloween Dance for the night, "We hope for your attendance."

Penelope's brows raised at the sight of the decorative flyers that had flying bats and spiders in three-dimensional forms from the invitation.

"Oh, thanks," Penelope squinted, "But I-I don't think—"

"It's Halloween, Miss Silverthorn." Percy nudged at her, encouraging the invitation further, "Festive. Once a year. Don't you think, Professor Sallow?"

Penelope glared at the professor who was being used as a reference back-up for Percy and Sebastian cleared his throat.

"Hmmh, agreed." Sebastian nodded, and smiled, "Nothing like a nostalgic night."

Nostalgic night.

Penelope held herself together to not reflect on the things that she and Sebastian committed on celebration nights. Sometimes she wondered how they were so active at such age. So in love.

Before anything else could be said, the bell for breakfast rang and all adults departed their ways that morning.

Penelope Silverthorn placed the flyer flatly onto the small office desk inside the faculty bedroom and sighed.

Spook You Way Into
Halloween Horror Night

Halloween dances sounded fun — fun ten years ago. Penelope's head was so overwhelmed lately that the excitement and nostalgia of attending such a dance wasn't there anymore. Her body was stressed.

Penelope couldn't bear it. She couldn't bear having a long unsolved case on her records. She couldn't bear getting decent sleep without taking a vial. She couldn't bear being inside this castle and seeing Sebastian Sallow. She couldn't bear the abandonment she gave him.

It was hitting her all at once. And it ached. Like a plague.

"Luna," Penelope wiggled her legs, feeling the white dog lick her fingers and detecting strong emotion, "I'm fine."

The pet wagged her tail, using her nose to caress Penelope's hand and bring it over its fur to distract the worrying witch.

Penelope gave a sigh and petted the dog with a hug, "I'm not fine."

Hoot. Hoot.

The sound of the owl above the bed's headboard echoed down the bedroom, getting Penelope's attention.

"Merlin," Penelope huffed out, "I predict Josh hasn't—"


A little bird told me you don't want to go to the dance.

You are not allowed to say that. It's forbidden.

Meet me in the Greenhouse.

Like old times.


P.S, P.S (Poppy)

Penelope sat on the edge of that bed rethinking the letter. Clearly, the worst she could've done was let down Poppy Sweeting and ignore the letter — but as if leaving her best friend behind eight years ago wasn't enough.

"Why is the guilt becoming worse?" Penelope breathed out at her own negative thoughts.

Penelope Silverthorn walked slowly, not wanting to bump into the students who ran past her inside the Central Hall; their costumes becoming creative as compared to her years at Hogwarts.

"Miss S!" A student waved out.

Penelope turned to the student. There was a fuzz of confusion at the sight of the costume.

The fifth year girl wore a braid behind her hair and her face was covered in false streaks of blood. The black gear she wore seemed to be conjured in a fitted size, matching the same style of...

"Do you want to guess what I am this Halloween?"

Penelope blinked, " Auror—"

"I'm you!"

Penelope almost lost her breath at the commentary.

"I...w-what?" She was more in disbelief than happy.

"Yeah! Did I ace it? I should've ripped my outfit more, but I copied the portrait of you in The Daily Prophet ten years ago! I'm Penelope Silverthorn this Halloween." The girl smiled confidently.

Penelope was speechless.

"It's not because you're scary looking, but Professor Sallow said if we can't dress in a costume, we can dress as heroic figures!"

Professor Sallow.

Something sank within Penelope Silverthorn, taking truth that she was a hero to many. It was only more pressure that she couldn't fail anything. Not a case, not a quest, not anything. She was the hero. Always.

When Penelope entered the green globe filled with greenery and plants, she furrowed while entering Professor Garlick's classroom and seeing the project.

"Oh, Merlin!" Poppy Sweeting's voice squealed, "You made it."

Poppy Sweeting was dressed as a bee. Yes, a bee. It felt like an easy go-to costume, but there were real bees circulating over her small head like a crown while the wings she wore flapped around magical dust at each movement and glowed.

"" Penelope parted her lips, looking at her best friend dressed for the night.

"Ah! Pen!" Maribel Garlick waved, her young face giving a bright white smile as she cut up a few flowers from her gardens, "It's so nice to see you."

Penelope waved lazily, giving off a smile back, "Hi, Miss Garlick. I hope you're well."

"I am! Thank you!"

Poppy petted Luna beside Penelope for a minute before raising her small posture and confronting her.

"Now, what's this about not attending the dance, Pen?" Poppy placed her hands on her hips, and the bees over her head disappeared.

Penelope pressed her lips, looking down and sighing at the mention, "Poppy, I didn't come back for celebrations and vacation. There's a lot of weight—"

"Oh, please!" Poppy scoffed, "It's only one night! A few hours! It's alright. You've done so much for this case, as you should. You deserve a break."

Poppy was right, Penelope Silverthorn indeed needed a break, but also sleep.


"Pen..." Poppy mimicked her tone, and stepped a few steps back, gliding next to the Herbology professor in the far corner, "Luckily, Garlick and I stitched up a few ideas last minute."

"Ideas?" Penelope tilted her head.

"Hmm," Poppy nodded rapidly, "Just one. A bright one." She smiled.

"You're joking." Penelope let out, looking up at her reflection in the mirror of the herbology wall.

The white gown flowed down Penelope's body like a towel. It was adorned with delicate lace and shimmering corset as she spectated the gaze of an Angel.

"Ah," Poppy Sweeting smiled happily at her invention, alongside Maribel Garlick, "You look so lovely, Pen." She walked up to Penelope, "A gorgeous angel."

Penelope kept looking at herself from the reflection. There was a denial about her looks and herself in general. Insecurities came and left, and lately, the feeling of beauty had fallen away during her stay at Hogwarts. Her focus wasn't to look pretty — it was to save students.

Although the costume and light makeup seemed to cover the mask of tiredness within Penelope Silverthorn, there wasn't an ounce of confidence anymore. The tired eyes and white face from dehydration began to get to her.

"Oh, look at you," Maribel Garlick placed her hands on her mouth from the looks, "It seems like you two didn't seem to grow up! I feel like time never left seeing you two together in costumes!"

Poppy and Penelope smiled at each other from the compliment.

"Are you not joining, Miss Garlick?" Penelope asked.

"I joined the dances every other year. This year is not." The redhead smiled.

As both girls prepared a leave, they confronted each other inside the greenhouse and laughed at the small talk being made.

"I feel a bit tight, don't you think?" Penelope squinted, wanting to adjust the corset in her body.

"Oh, please, you look wonderful." Poppy complimented. "And very pretty."

Penelope smiled and stared at Poppy, placing her hands on her shoulders and looking at the bees above her head.

"And you look very...bee-utiful." Penelope forced out in a very uncomfortable manner, wanting to regret her joking words, but she had an opportunity and said it.

Poppy Sweeting's brown eyes blinked twice at her friend's corny line and scoffed, almost in offense.

"Ew! You're a Slytherin and said something so....Hufflepuff?" Poppy gagged dramatically.

Penelope gagged along, laughing. "I know!" and she wrapped her hands on Poppy. "Don't ever let me say shit like that ever again."


Penelope turned down at her dog, Luna, who was now dressed as a bat. The black wings moved at every tap the dog made with its paws in those hallways as they departed.

"Come on, my little bat." Penelope smiled down.

The Great Hall was transformed into a magical wonderland for Halloween. Strings of spiderweb lights adorned the floating ceiling, casting an orange autumn glow over the space. A few tables stood aside, their edges draped in black and orange cloth for the theme.

Just how it's always been. It's like nothing changed.

Penelope Silverthorn witnessed the chaos of the students around her, some dancing, some gossiping and some staring at her presence.


"She looks so pretty!"

"Is she a bride?"

"No, you wit! She has wings, can't you bloody see?"

Penelope's eyes lingered a little throughout the darkening area. She didn't understand why her heart was yearning for a familiar figure. How her eyes mazed the area to find him. Just him.


Penelope flinched and stepped back, alongside Poppy as a person jumped in front of them and scared them unexpectedly.


"What—Garreth?!" The tone came out of Penelope in a gasp at the presence of the ginger man in front of them.

Garreth Weasley stood, almost above them due to his height; his head was wavered with a mask full of false hairs sticking out. His outfit had the color wheel of an orange hue and the Gryffindor logo stamped in the middle of his costume.

"That's my name." Garreth smiled in confidence.

"What are you doing here?" Penelope asked.

Garreth placed his hands on his hips, almost mirroring the same attitude Poppy had earlier, and looked at Penelope as if she had lost a few cells of common sense.

"What am I doing here? Merlin, Penny!" Garreth said in a dramatic offense, "Do you forget my aunt runs this castle?"

Penelope closed her eyes, feeling too dumb to even question the attire, and nodded. "Oh, bad."

"Are you a lion?" Poppy giggled at Garreth's appearance.

Garreth smiled, "Ding, ding. Correct."

"A Gryffindor lion," Penelope said at the realization, "How convenient. How ironic, Weasley."

Garreth bowed at her, "Have to represent the best and only." He then glared at the woman and smiled, "You look great, Penny. It's been a while, angel?"

Penelope looked down at herself, and agreed along. "Thank it obvious?"

"No, not really." Garreth poked her wings in sarcasm.

Penelope smiled, feeling a huge wave of nostalgia at the exchange of conversation between her two childhood friends. The laughs, the jokes, and the patterns of conversation. It seemed like her stress world was non-existent in the moment.

The laughers faltered as Penelope's gaze swept across the crowded Great Hall, her eyes finally crossing on a familiar face amidst the crowd of students in between.

And then, there he was.

Sebastian Sallow leaned casually against the grazing table, his costume lending him an air of attractiveness as he looked over his students before him with a smile on his face.

The heavy clothing fabric draped around his frame, the sleeves rolled up to reveal his forearms while his oversized white t-shirt peeked on the purposely undone buttons, and gave him a dirty look.

A pirate. He was just missing the best accessory of all; his hat.

Time stood still for Professor Sallow that night when his attention was captured by the sight of a glowing white witch costume entering the room. For a moment, time didn't exist for him. Not at all.

But his heart quickened in his chest, the stare suffusing his body as he drank in the sight of just her. The way the white fabric hugged her body on that lace, accentuating her figure — it drew his gaze like a moth to a flame.

It became a struggle for Sebastian Sallow to have self-control. Every fiber of his being seemed to pulse with a mixture of desire and longing; it was too intoxicating and embarrassing. If he went hard just looking at her on a normal day, imagine right now?

The man would be dizzy all night.

Penelope Silverthorn's neck and cheeks burn with a sense of nerves. For an Ancient Magic witch, the emotions became difficult to control as she stared at the professor from afar.

The moment was cut short when dressed-up students twirled around, both adults losing sight of each other as the open area became crowded.

With a sigh, Sebastian closed his eyes, doing his best to avoid another stare. Merlin knew what would've happened if it kept going.

"Pretty costume."

Penelope gave a small gasp at the off compliment near her ear and she turned to the side, eyeing the figure who spoke.

"Oh, Josh," Penelope said to him, "Thank look...uh, great yourself."

Joshua Rogers stood beside her, a dark cloak waving over his tall height as the blue in his irises looked brighter than usual and his face seemed paler.

"Be careful," Joshua whispered closely, and tickled his parted lips in her neck "I bite."

Penelope rolled her eyes, keeping a distance between her and Joshua, knowing that the false blood over his costume would potentially stain the whiteness of her clothing.

"Of course, you're a vampire." Penelope took notice.

Joshua's smile faded at the unfazed witch and elbowed her, "What? Not surprised? Are you afraid I'll once again leave marks on your body—"

"Have you seen Luna?" Penelope looked around the crowd, wanting to shift the flirting of the man.

Joshua adjusted his fangs on his teeth, but shrugged, "I saw her moping around a few students by the candy table."

Penelope looked around, "Oh..."

"You look good in white." Joshua complimented again, "And that's not me flirting, it's just the truth. I'm quite jealous." He joked.

"Jealous? You're too full of yourself to be jealous, Josh, but thank you!" Penelope rolled her eyes, "Now, would you excuse me, I need to find my dog." She curved away.

"After you, gorgeous."

Penelope found herself navigating through those bustling crowds of students, her eyes observing the room in the hope of finding her dog, Luna.


"Have you students seen Luna?"

"No, Miss S."

"I saw her by the treat table, but she might've stumbled outside too, maybe!"

Penelope sighed, standing in a corner of the Great Hall, her heart rising as she avoided using Ancient Magic to track her dog. It'll be too chaotic and attention-seeking. She knew her dog.

"Ergh," Penelope said in stress, her white wings flowing as she took a long walk toward the opposite side of the room and neared an exit door.

A rush of cold air greeted Penelope when she stepped outside, but from the sweaty temperature that built inside the crowded Great Hall, the autumn night seemed to feel soothing.

"Luna?" Penelope called out.

There were only a handful of students in the gardens. Considering it was cold and the festive dance had just started, the guests were limited to the outdoors.

"Miss Silverthorn! I saw your dog eating off the treat table a few minutes ago." A seventh year student called out to her from the fountain.

Penelope turned breathless at the student and closed her eyes, feeling relief at the spotted dog. It was nice to know it was inside better than outside.

"Thank you."

Penelope did not enter back into the Great Hall right away. Instead, her body clicked where she had walked. She was further into the gardens, coming on edge with the brick railings to prevent a fall as she looked at the night sky.

Who knew how long she stood there, but the cold air began to make her shiver. She could've easily gone back inside, but it was peaceful. It made her thoughts drift, allowing herself a tranquillity.

Penelope Silverthorn should've questioned why the night felt peaceful. Too peaceful. Even her body felt peaceful. But she was too lost in the night.


Penelope's pulse quickened at the voice and it took her a good few seconds to grow the courage to actually confront the person that spoke out to her in those gardens.

Sebastian Sallow did promise himself that he was going to avoid gazing at Penelope Silverthorn. It wasn't an oath, but promises were broken. It was difficult when all his eyes focused on that night was that bloody white fabric.

When he saw Penelope walk out of those Great Hall doors, and then heard the commotion of looking for Luna, he stood still — in hopes of finding the dog, but there was an urge inside himself that wanted to follow. And he did.

It was challenging to approach Penelope Silverthorn. Sebastian had actually been standing behind her for a few minutes before speaking.

When he walked on those rocky floors and took sight of the woman in a white dress on the edge of the gardens, he had to reflect himself if he had been dreaming or his head became fogged with "What Ifs".

Perhaps, if she didn't wear those wings; if the white dress flowed longer...

It looked like a bride. Something that could have been. It was an illusion in his eyes for just a second. A bride in front of him. A bride that he did see. A bride that was supposed to be. A future that could've been.

"Sebastian," Penelope said in the presence, but her elbows still rested on the railings as she kept looking down the highlands from afar.

Penelope didn't bother to question why he had been there, nor if he followed her out. She no longer cared. If anything, it was odd that he'd show up just when her mind thought of him. And for once, she was glad. He was here.

Sebastian kept his steps steady, biting the inside of his lips as he looked down and stood beside her on that railing. He tried copying her as he also leaned his elbows on the railing.

"I heard you were on a look out for Luna." Sebastian brought up, his brown eyes staring at the moon.

The nerves inside Penelope were killing her, but she gave a nod and pretended like everything was fine.

"Oh, yeah. I was told she was sighted munching on the sweets tables," Penelope smiled, "Quite a cheeky dog."

Sebastian chuckled and looked down. "I could imagine. You don't have a tracking charm on her?" He asked.

Penelope still hadn't turned to the man. She was scared. "No, not really. There was no need to. There hasn't been an occasion where I've needed it. Luna usually finds her way back."

Sebastian gave a small nod, "She does, doesn't she?" but the way he said his words was quite on the spot.

Penelope kept her eyes on the nature. The cold air now froze her up, but she was thankful that because of it, Sebastian wouldn't see her flushed face.

"Say, remember when we bought her a tracking collar from Brood and Peck in the sixth year and she ended up eating it?" Sebastian recalled a memory.

Penelope reflected on the old memory. Luna had been only a few weeks old and the couple were testing out ways to get her trained. You could say the first few months were tough, especially with a dog that grew double its size per day.

Penelope smiled, "I do. We were tracking Luna from her esophagus for a few days before she threw it up." She giggled.

Both of them laugh at the nostalgic feel. The topic of their dog sent them into a deep dive of their memories, not only with Luna, but with themselves too.

And this ached Penelope Silverthorn even more.

To take taken such a pet from him too. It pained her.

Penelope clenched her mouth, closing her eyes before re-opening them and turning to the man beside her.

The cold wind tousled his brown hair, causing the baby hairs to dance around under the moonlight; the side profile remained perfectly structured with the sprinkle of freckles and dirt from the costume.

Time seemed to have softened the edges of their pasts. It only left echoes between them, but right now it felt at peace. Just remembering a memory made them feel relief. Only one memory.

"Sebastian?" Penelope said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sebastian turned.

There was an expression of vulnerability in his gaze. Yeah, he feared looking at her would make him weak, but there was an understanding of what she was about to tell him.

"You look good tonight." Penelope complimented, pointing at his attire in honesty.

It seemed like the words that came out of Penelope to Sebastian were too good to be true. He was in a state of denial that she was complimenting him.

"Oh," Sebastian looked down at his heavy gear, "Thank you, really."

Penelope smiled, but she was aching with regret. How could she lose someone like him? Why did she do it?

"You," Sebastian raised his right arm, opening his palm to gesture at Penelope, "You look..."

There was a moment of pause on the man. It wasn't bad, but he was breathless looking at Penelope. What could he even say? It was indescribable.

Penelope sighed, "I understand." She spoke in sarcasm, waiting for the worst. "I look scary, don't I?"

Sebastian chuckled to the side, and shook his head, denying it, "No, no, you're not scary."

There was a deep breath that came from Sebastian, hoping that his eyes on her weren't too lusty as he gave a breath of the compliment.

"As if you descended from heaven, truly," Sebastian let out, "No pun intended."

Penelope was speechless and looked down, but she knew he only said that to compliment the angel costume she wore. It would only make sense to say that.

"You look beautiful tonight, Pen." Sebastian confessed, "I can't help myself to say that. It's my honesty."

Sebastian's truth caught Penelope off guard. The sincerity in his whispery tone made her feel things she hadn't felt in years. Eight years, especially.

The weight of guilt settled heavily on Penelope's shoulders as Sebastian's words went over her. It was a reminder of the choices she had made, the pain she had caused, and the years she had spent wondering if she would ever find her way back to him.


"Thank you, Sebastian." Penelope gave in a whisper, looking down at her hands.

"You're welcome."

You could hear the sounds of bugs chirping in the distance beneath the greenery and the air made a funky noise from how heavy it started becoming.

Penelope stopped the fighting from her fingers and stared up at Sebastian Sallow once and for all.

Sebastian had already been staring.

Her lips parted, "Sebastian, I'm sorry."

Sebastian's throat moved slightly at the unplanned apology and he tilted his head slightly, almost confused, "W-What?--"

"I'm sorry for leaving eight years ago." The words were weighted on Penelope as she spoke in honesty, debriefing her truth, "I'm sorry—"

"Pen..." Sebastian cut in, not being prepared for this moment.

"I am so sorry, Sebastian," Penelope panicked, "I am so sorry—"

Sebastian reacted quickly when he began to take notice that Penelope's emotions began to crack. How her body was starting to become weak as she kept babbling out apologies.

Something didn't connect in the night



Out of a sudden, a loud and painful buzzing noise overtook Penelope Silverthorn in those gardens making her sink to her knees as her hands covered her ears and closed her eyes.



Before Sebastian Sallow could reach to grab Penelope from the pain, the buzzing noise began to travel upon his own ears and then travel over the students in the gardens. It got everyone.

"Pen," Sebastian struggled, but put his pain aside to help her.

"The Map Chamber," Penelope whispered, struggling to stand up, "It's open."

You could hear the uncomfortable shouts of the students inside the dance before the entire Halloween Night became a true Horror Night.


Yes, this chapter is split into two parts. No, I'm not holding the smut back from you all, we are closer than you think.

Thanks for the love and support of this book. 💚

Also, shoutout to @rosellasallow I really loved her Halloween chapter in her story Evermore and got inspired by such event. Check it out.

See you soon, x.

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